Deploy + desktop application + TFS 2017 - deployment

I have a winForm application. I want to install it on the server every time the CI/CD happens. Later, after I install it(i don't know how to automate installation as well.), I want to run UI tests on it. What task should I add to my release management?
I only found web deployment when I researched. Since, mine is a desktop application, I need different build/release task. I could do it from vs2017(by right click project + publish)
I want similar one from TFS 2017.

You can try to build with the publish profile. See Publish profile.
In TFS using VS Build step with the MSBuild Arguments something like below:
/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:PackageAsSingleFile=true /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:PackageLocation="$(Build.StagingDirectory)\\" /p:PublishProfile="YourPbulishProfile"
You can reference this article : Using Web Deploy in Visual Studio Team Services Release Management
To run coded UI tests from TFS.
Firstly, you need to run your agent as an interactive process. Regarding how to deploy an agent on windows, please refer to this link.
Secondly, add your coded UI tests project into TFS version control.
Last, create a build definition to use Visual Studio Test Agent Deployment task and Run Functional Tests task to run the tests.
Reference below articles:
Continuous integration, test, and deployment tutorial
Deploy a Desktop App from TFS to VM for Coded UI Test.

I found a way to publish my desktop application on to the server. below is the article which explains the build tasks needed.
Click here


Is it possible to run Desktop application in CICD?

I am automating functional test cases of a application where major part of it is Web UI but at some steps I have a desktop application in Main Frames ,which I automated using TestStack.White. I am able to run these test case in Visual Studio on my computer.
We have planned to put these automated test cases in CICD pipeline in VSTS.
Will I able to run test step where desktop application is involve in CICD pipeline?If yes do how can I do it?
Please suggest.
You can run UI test through Visual Studio Test task (check Test mix contains UI tests option).
Microsoft Hosted agents are pre-configured for UI test for both web apps and desktop apps.
For Self-hosted agent, you need to run it as an interactive process with auto-logon enabled (When configuring agents, select 'No' when prompted to run as a service)
More information: UI testing considerations

VSTest-Task not running .NET Core 2.1 xUnit-Tests from Test-plan

I'm trying to create a release pipeline in VSTS that runs my xUnit-tests as specified in a Test Plan.
Long story short: I can't get it to work.
What I'm using:
Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS)
Visual Studio Test task (v2.*)
Test project targeting .NET Core 2.1
xunit 2.4 with xunit.runner.visualstudio 2.4
In Azure DevOps I defined a Test Plan that contains a Test Suite which contains a Test that has an Associated Automation which points to my xUnit test.
I had to use the REST API to link the test code to the Test as described here.
I can select that Test in the visual designer for the VSTest task.
When I run the release pipeline the VSTest task fails with the following error message:
DiscoveryMessage : System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to find tests for D:\a\r1\a\Foo.Tests.dll. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" and framework version settings are appropriate. Rerun with /diag option to diagnose further.
The path to the Foo.Tests.dll is correct, all required files are copied as well.
I explicitly specified the framework version in a .runsettings file (as the option Other console options doesn't work when using the Test plan option).
Specified the path to custom test adapters
used Visual Studio 2017 and Installed by Tools Installer options
Added a .NET Core Tool installer to install the correct .NET Core SDK
...and any other combination of settings I could think of.
The error message is still the same.
Any ideas what I might be missing? Your help would be greatly appreciated at this point!
After several more hours we stumbled across a web page that stated that you don't have to copy the binaries of your test project as input for the VSTest task but PUBLISH it instead. That never came to mind as vstest.console.exe runs smoothly when you point it at the binaries on a local machine.
UPDATE: We had to add a Publish Artifact task at the end of our Build Pipeline and make the Release Pipeline pick up the published artifact.

MSDeploy/web deploy/publish using Gulp in Visual Studio Code

I've switched to using Visual Studio Code and and am missing the ability to right-click and publish files.
I read here that a task runner can be used to build/deploy files...
Publish Web Deploy using VS Code
That answer only mentions Grunt and I cannot find any articles on how to do this with Gulp which I am already using. I've got as far as finding an article on how to hook up Gulp and MSbuild which I assume must be the first step.
However, I'm unsure about the deployment step as I don't know what the "publish" button in standard VS does. It seems to be using something called MSDeploy or "web deploy" and requires a bunch of publish settings, so presumably this can be done from gulp?
I know I must sound a bit clueless but I'm not really a Microsoft guy I'm a front-ender, just happen to be working with other people's .net projects occasionally. Any help would really be appreciated.
WebDeploy is the technology that VisualStudio uses for web deployments. WebDeploy uses MSDeploy behind the scenes. MSDeploy is capable of far more than just web app deployments. We use it for deploying Windows Services, Scheduled Tasks and SQL databases as well.
Here are details on you to use the MSDeploy commandline. The sync command is used most commonly for deployments.
You can use the gulp-mswebdeploy-package plugin to create a web deploy package as part of you gulp build task. you can the use the msdeploy command line to deploy the site.

How to integrate NUnit tests into a TFS 2010 build

What is the best way to integrate nunit tests into TFS 2010? Is it via generic tests or is there a better approach to running them?
Ideally I'd like to have the granularity of one generic test per test assembly and have a way to surface the results in the TFS build report.
As of now (Oct 2011), the easiest way is probably via the NUnit activity that can be found in the Community TFS Build Extensions.
You can run nunit tests from command line and therefore you can automate these tests via your (Workflow) build template.
Since there aren't a lot of custom build activities available for TFS 2010 yet, you could write your own to make sure that it integrates better with the TFS Build Report.
Here you can find some information about writing a custom build activity.
Another approach would be to create unit tests via Visual Studio. These tests will be automatically run when performing a build.
Ian Battersby wrote a great tutorial how to set up NUnit tests for Visual Studio 2010.
Basically, you need to:
download his build workflow template and set to your build definition
install NUnit and NUnitTFS in your tfs machine
add paths to installed directories in build process parameters
set Configurations to Build setting in build process parameters
change your NUnitTfs.exe.config with your collection name

Deploy web applications and windows services using TFS 2010

Just went from TFS 2008 to 2010 at a client site and now wondering what happened to the TFSBuild.proj files from the TeamBuildTypes folder. I've already got the builds and drops working and now I need to get the old deployments working again. We used to do this with AfterBuild targets in the TFSBuild.proj. That mechanism seems to have moved or disappeared in 2010.
Can anyone point me to an article or describe how the deployment options have changed in 2010?
Specifically, I need to support running psexec to install and enable Windows Services on remote deployment targets and I need to deploy some web sites / web services to remote IIS nodes as part of the automated builds.
EDIT: Just found this: I'm more than a little taken back by the breaking changes between 2008 and 2010. I'm gonna need advice on how to deploy remote sites and services in the new default build process template mechanism.
Check out Vishal Joshi's PDC talk on Deploying Web Applications with VS 2010 and MSDeploy. On his blog, you'll also find tips on building MSDeploy packages with MSBuild. You can run psexec from your MSBuild script or, potentially, from a customized build process template. With TFS 2010, you can use MSBuild and Windows Workflow to solve your build automation problems.
Alternatively, you can use the "Upgrade" build process template and continue using your TFSBuild.proj file. This is the default behavior for upgraded build definitions for backwards compatibility. In that case, your build is still primarily driven by MSBuild with just a thin workflow to allocate an agent and run MSBuild.
Another option is to use TFS 2010 Build Agent on the server that you deploy to. This is how Visual Studio Lab Management deploys.
I have written a blog post about this: Continuous deployment with TFS 2010 Build Agent