How do I ignore first element in Groupby in Scala /Spark? - scala

I am using Spark2, Zeppelin and Scala to show the top 10 occurrences of words in a data set.
My code:"value").count().sort(desc("count")), 10)
How do I ignore 'cat' and have the plot start from 'hat' i.e. show 2nd through last elements?
I tried:"value").count().sort(desc("count")).slice(2,4), 10)
but this gives:
error: value slice is not a member of org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[org.apache.spark.sql.Row]

it's not straight forward to drop the first row in a dataframe (see also Drop first row of Spark DataFrame). But you can do it using window-functions:
val df = Seq(
"cat", "cat", "cat", "hat", "hat", "bat"
val dfGrouped = df
| cat| 3|
| hat| 2|
| bat| 1|
val dfWithoutFirstRow = dfGrouped
.withColumn("rank", dense_rank().over(Window.partitionBy().orderBy($"count".desc)))
.where($"rank" =!= 1).drop($"rank") // this filters "cat"
| hat| 2|
| bat| 1|

First row can be removed in such way:
val filteredValue = dfGrouped.first.get(0)
val result = dfGrouped.filter(s"value!='$filteredValue'")


Maximum of some specific columns in a spark scala dataframe

I have a dataframe like this.
| M| c2| c3| d1|
| 1|2_1|4_3|1_2|
| 2|3_4|4_5|1_2|
I have to transform this df should look like below. Here, c_max = max(c2,c3) after splitting with, all the columns (c2 and c3) have to be splitted with _ and then getting the max.
In the actual scenario, I have 50 columns ie, c2,c3....c50 and need to take the max from this.
| M| c2| c3| d1|c_Max |
| 1|2_1|4_3|1_2| 4 |
| 2|3_4|4_5|1_2| 5 |
Here is one way using expr and build-in array functions for Spark >= 2.4.0:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{expr, array_max, array}
val df = Seq(
(1, "2_1", "3_4", "1_2"),
(2, "3_4", "4_5", "1_2")
).toDF("M", "c2", "c3", "d1")
// get max c for each c column
val c_cols = df.columns.filter(_.startsWith("c")).map{ c =>
expr(s"array_max(cast(split(${c}, '_') as array<int>))")
df.withColumn("max_c", array_max(array(c_cols:_*))).show
| M| c2| c3| d1|max_c|
| 1|2_1|3_4|1_2| 4|
| 2|3_4|4_5|1_2| 5|
For older versions use the next code:
val c_cols = df.columns.filter(_.startsWith("c")).map{ c =>
val c_ar = split(col(c), "_").cast("array<int>")
when(c_ar.getItem(0) > c_ar.getItem(1), c_ar.getItem(0)).otherwise(c_ar.getItem(1))
df.withColumn("max_c", greatest(c_cols:_*)).show
Use greatest function:
val df = Seq((1, "2_1", "3_4", "1_2"),(2, "3_4", "4_5", "1_2"),
).toDF("M", "c2", "c3", "d1")
// get all `c` columns and split by `_` to get the values after the underscore
val c_cols = df.columns.filter(_.startsWith("c"))
c => Seq(split(col(c), "_").getItem(0).cast("int"),
split(col(c), "_").getItem(1).cast("int")
// apply greatest func
val c_max = greatest(c_cols: _*)
// add new column
df.withColumn("c_Max", c_max).show()
| M| c2| c3| d1|c_Max|
| 1|2_1|3_4|1_2| 4|
| 2|3_4|4_5|1_2| 5|
In spark >= 2.4.0, you can use the array_max function and get some code that would work even with columns containing more than 2 values. The idea is to start by concatenating all the columns (concat column). For that, I use concat_ws on an array of all the columns I want to concat, that I obtain with array( :_*). Then I split the resulting string to get a big array of strings containing all the values of all the columns. I cast it to an array of ints and I call array_max on it.
val cols = (2 to 50).map("c"+_)
val result = df
.withColumn("concat", concat_ws("_", array( :_*)))
.withColumn("array_of_ints", split('concat, "_").cast(ArrayType(IntegerType)))
.withColumn("c_max", array_max('array_of_ints))
.drop("concat", "array_of_ints")
In spark < 2.4, you can define array_max yourself like this:
val array_max = udf((s : Seq[Int]) => s.max)
The previous code does not need to be modified. Note however that UDFs can be slower than predefined spark SQL functions.

Pass Array[seq[String]] to UDF in spark scala

I am new to UDF in spark. I have also read the answer here
Problem statement: I'm trying to find pattern matching from a dataframe col.
Ex: Dataframe
val df = Seq((1, Some("z")), (2, Some("abs,abc,dfg")),
(3,Some("a,b,c,d,e,f,abs,abc,dfg"))).toDF("id", "text")
| id| text|
| 1| z|
| 2| abs,abc,dfg|
| 3|a,b,c,d,e,f,abs,a...|
//returns 2 as abs exits in 2nd row and 3rd row
Now I want to do this pattern matching for every row in column $text and add new column called count.
| id| text|count|
| 1| z| 1|
| 2| abs,abc,dfg| 2|
| 3|a,b,c,d,e,f,abs,a...| 1|
I tried to define a udf passing $text column as Array[Seq[String]. But I am not able to get what I intended.
What I tried so far:
val txt ="text") //convert column to Array[Seq[String]
val valsum = udf((txt:Array[Seq[String],pattern:String)=> {txt.count(_ == pattern) } )
df.withColumn("newCol", valsum( lit(txt) ,df(text)) )).show()
Any help would be appreciated
You will have to know all the elements of text column which can be done using collect_list by grouping all the rows of your dataframe as one. Then just check if element in text column in the collected array and count them as in the following code.
import sqlContext.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions._
val df = Seq((1, Some("z")), (2, Some("abs,abc,dfg")),(3,Some("a,b,c,d,e,f,abs,abc,dfg"))).toDF("id", "text")
val valsum = udf((txt: String, array : mutable.WrappedArray[String])=> array.filter(element => element.contains(txt)).size)
df.withColumn("grouping", lit("g"))
.withColumn("array", collect_list("text").over(Window.partitionBy("grouping")))
.withColumn("count", valsum($"text", $"array"))
.drop("grouping", "array")
You should have following output
|id |text |count|
|1 |z |1 |
|2 |abs,abc,dfg |2 |
|3 |a,b,c,d,e,f,abs,abc,dfg|1 |
I hope this is helpful.

How to pivot dataset?

I use Spark 2.1.
I have some data in a Spark Dataframe, which looks like below:
**ID** **type** **val**
1 t1 v1
1 t11 v11
2 t2 v2
I want to pivot up this data using either spark Scala (preferably) or Spark SQL so that final output should look like below:
**ID** **t1** **t11** **t2**
1 v1 v11
2 v2
You can use groupBy.pivot:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.first
| ID| t1|t11| t2|
| 1| v1|v11| |
| 2| | | v2|
Note: depending on the actual data, i.e. how many values there are for each combination of ID and type, you might choose a different aggregation function.
Here's one way to do it:
val df = Seq(
(1, "T1", "v1"),
(1, "T11", "v11"),
(2, "T2", "v2")
"id", "type", "val"
).as[(Int, String, String)]
val df2 = df.groupBy("id").pivot("type").agg(concat_ws(",", collect_list("val")))
| id| T1|T11| T2|
| 1| v1|v11| |
| 2| | | v2|
Note that if there are different vals associated with a given type, they will be grouped (comma-delimited) under the type in df2.
This one should work
val seq = Seq((123,"2016-01-01","1"),(123,"2016-01-02","2"),(123,"2016-01-03","3"))
val seq = Seq((1,"t1","v1"),(1,"t11","v11"),(2,"t2","v2"))
val df = seq.toDF("id","type","val")
val pivotedDF = df.groupBy("id").pivot("type").agg(first("val"))
| id| t1| t11| t2|
| 1| v1| v11|null|
| 2|null|null| v2|

Split 1 column into 3 columns in spark scala

I have a dataframe in Spark using scala that has a column that I need split.
| a.b.c|
| d.e.f|
I need this column split out to look like this:
| a| b| c|
| d| e| f|
I'm using Spark 2.0.0
import sparkObject.spark.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.split
df.withColumn("_tmp", split($"columnToSplit", "\\.")).select(
The important point to note here is that the sparkObject is the SparkSession object you might have already initialized. So, the (1) import statement has to be compulsorily put inline within the code, not before the class definition.
To do this programmatically, you can create a sequence of expressions with (0 until 3).map(i => col("temp").getItem(i).as(s"col$i")) (assume you need 3 columns as result) and then apply it to select with : _* syntax:
df.withColumn("temp", split(col("columnToSplit"), "\\.")).select(
(0 until 3).map(i => col("temp").getItem(i).as(s"col$i")): _*
| a| b| c|
| d| e| f|
To keep all columns:
df.withColumn("temp", split(col("columnToSplit"), "\\.")).select(
col("*") +: (0 until 3).map(i => col("temp").getItem(i).as(s"col$i")): _*
|columnToSplit| temp|col0|col1|col2|
| a.b.c|[a, b, c]| a| b| c|
| d.e.f|[d, e, f]| d| e| f|
If you are using pyspark, use a list comprehension to replace the map in scala:
df = spark.createDataFrame([['a.b.c'], ['d.e.f']], ['columnToSplit'])
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, split
(df.withColumn('temp', split('columnToSplit', '\\.'))
.select(*(col('temp').getItem(i).alias(f'col{i}') for i in range(3))
| a| b| c|
| d| e| f|
A solution which avoids the select part. This is helpful when you just want to append the new columns:
case class Message(others: String, text: String)
val r1 = Message("foo1", "a.b.c")
val r2 = Message("foo2", "d.e.f")
val records = Seq(r1, r2)
val df = spark.createDataFrame(records)
df.withColumn("col1", split(col("text"), "\\.").getItem(0))
.withColumn("col2", split(col("text"), "\\.").getItem(1))
.withColumn("col3", split(col("text"), "\\.").getItem(2))
|others|text |col1|col2|col3|
|foo1 |a.b.c|a |b |c |
|foo2 |d.e.f|d |e |f |
Update: I highly recommend to use Psidom's implementation to avoid splitting three times.
This appends columns to the original DataFrame and doesn't use select, and only splits once using a temporary column:
import spark.implicits._
df.withColumn("_tmp", split($"columnToSplit", "\\."))
.withColumn("col1", $"_tmp".getItem(0))
.withColumn("col2", $"_tmp".getItem(1))
.withColumn("col3", $"_tmp".getItem(2))
This expands on Psidom's answer and shows how to do the split dynamically, without hardcoding the number of columns. This answer runs a query to calculate the number of columns.
val df = Seq(
.withColumn("letters", split(col("my_str"), "\\."))
val numCols = df
.withColumn("letters_size", size($"letters"))
(0 until numCols).map(i => $"letters".getItem(i).as(s"col$i")): _*
We can write using for with yield in Scala :-
If your number of columns exceeds just add it to desired column and play with it. :)
val aDF = Seq("Deepak.Singh.Delhi").toDF("name")
val desiredColumn = Seq("name","Lname","City")
val colsize = desiredColumn.size
val columList = for (i <- 0 until colsize) yield split(col("name"),".").getItem(i).alias(desiredColumn(i)) _ *).show(false)
|name |Lname |city |
|Deepak|Singh |Delhi|
If you don't need name column then, drop the column and just use withColumn.
Without using the select statement.
Lets assume we have a dataframe having a set of columns and we want to split a column having column name as name
import spark.implicits._
val columns = Seq("name","age","address")
val data = Seq(("Amit.Mehta", 25, "1 Main st, Newark, NJ, 92537"),
("Rituraj.Mehta", 28,"3456 Walnut st, Newark, NJ, 94732"))
var dfFromData = spark.createDataFrame(data).toDF(columns:_*)
val newDF =>{
val nameSplit = f.getAs[String](0).split("\\.").map(_.trim)
val finalDF = newDF.toDF("First Name","Last Name", "Age","Address")

Spark: Add column to dataframe conditionally

I am trying to take my input data:
4 blah 2
2 3
56 foo 3
And add a column to the end based on whether B is empty or not:
4 blah 2 1
2 3 0
56 foo 3 1
I can do this easily by registering the input dataframe as a temp table, then typing up a SQL query.
But I'd really like to know how to do this with just Scala methods and not having to type out a SQL query within Scala.
I've tried .withColumn, but I can't get that to do what I want.
Try withColumn with the function when as follows:
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._ // for `toDF` and $""
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ // for `when`
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq((4, "blah", 2), (2, "", 3), (56, "foo", 3), (100, null, 5)))
.toDF("A", "B", "C")
val newDf = df.withColumn("D", when($"B".isNull or $"B" === "", 0).otherwise(1)) shows
| A| B| C| D|
| 4|blah| 2| 1|
| 2| | 3| 0|
| 56| foo| 3| 1|
|100|null| 5| 0|
I added the (100, null, 5) row for testing the isNull case.
I tried this code with Spark 1.6.0 but as commented in the code of when, it works on the versions after 1.4.0.
My bad, I had missed one part of the question.
Best, cleanest way is to use a UDF.
Explanation within the code.
// create some example data...BY DataFrame
// note, third record has an empty string
case class Stuff(a:String,b:Int)
val d= sc.parallelize(Seq( ("a",1),("b",2),
("",3) ,("d",4)).map { x => Stuff(x._1,x._2) }).toDF
// now the good stuff.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
// function that returns 0 is string empty
val func = udf( (s:String) => if(s.isEmpty) 0 else 1 )
// create new dataframe with added column named "notempty"
val r = $"a", $"b", func($"a").as("notempty") )
| a| b|notempty|
| a| 1| 1111|
| b| 2| 1111|
| | 3| 0|
| d| 4| 1111|
How about something like this?
val newDF = df.filter($"B" === "").take(1) match {
case Array() => df
case _ => df.withColumn("D", $"B" === "")
Using take(1) should have a minimal hit