TYPO3 8 with extbase: remove FileReference - typo3

This seems simple enough but I seem to be too stupid to do it. I have added a field to fe_users called "cv" for uploading a pdf file. In my FrontendUser Model it looks like this:
* #var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference
* #cascade remove
protected $cv;
Uploading a file works like a charm, I used the script from https://github.com/helhum/upload_example in parts.
The only problem is deleting such a file, or rather, removing the connection between sys_file and the user. After submitting a form and checking a checkbox, I tried to do this:
$user->setEdited(new \DateTime());
After a page reload if I take a look at the backend, the cv File is still attached to the user (but "edited" was correctly set to the current datetime). I do not understand this, how can I set the FileReference Value to null?

Make sure to check your Model. FileReferences are stored in an M:N relation. So you must use the folling declaration in your Model:
* cv
* #var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage<\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference>
* #cascade remove
protected $cv = null;
with an initialization in the __constructor:
public function __construct()
$this->cv = new \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage();
Now you have your FileReference in an ObjectStorage. To clear all FileReferences you can set cv to new \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage():
$user->removeCv(new \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage());
$user->setEdited(new \DateTime());


Typo3 accessing an existing table to consume data of it

I tried to integrate an existing table to my extension. The problem is that the content of the table isn't taken over. I created a new model with the name of the existing table and named the properties according to the existing column names. I also implemented the corresponding getters and setters of the properties.
The name of the existing table is tx_institutsseminarverwaltung_domain_model_event.
What is my failure in this case? Just want to access the data of an existing table from another extension.
Thanks in advance.
I tried this:
* Protected Variable objectManager wird mit NULL initialisiert.
* #var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagerInterface
* #inject
protected $objectManager = NULL;
and listAction():
* action list
* #return void
public function listAction() {
echo "test";
$theRepository = $this->objectManager->get('\TYPO3\institutsseminarverwaltung\Domain\Repository\EventRepository');
$yourRecords = $theRepository->findAll();
$this->view->assign('events', $yourRecords);
But no results returned.
You should use the repository linked to this table. Something like this :
$theRepository = $this->objectManager->get(\Your\VendorName\Domain\Repository\TheRepository::class);
$yourRecords = $theRepository->findAll();
How are you trying to "consume" or access the data from the other table in your extension?
Do you have a repository for the existing table (maybe there is already an existing repository, that you can reuse)?
See german typo3 board mapping existing tables and SO thread TYPO3 / How to make repository from existing table fe_users?
solution is:
$querySettings = $this->objectManager->get('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Persistence\\Generic\\Typo3QuerySettings');
$theRepository = $this->objectManager->get('TYPO3\\institutsseminarverwaltung\\Domain\\Repository\\EventRepository');
$yourRecords = $theRepository->findAll();
$this->view->assign('events', $yourRecords);

TYPO3 delete reference files with object

I have TYPO3 version 7.6.18. Tell me please how make auto deleting all reference files when I repository->remove($object) ?
You can add #cascade remove to your domain model property's docblock to have it removed on removal of the entity.
Here's a snippet of the blog_example extension used in Extbase's functional tests:
* The posts of this blog
* #var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage<\ExtbaseTeam\BlogExample\Domain\Model\Post>
* #lazy
* #cascade remove
protected $posts = null;

Extend tx_news with 1 field without extension_builder

I try to extend the tx_news extension with the field imageright.
For that I found this tutorial: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/news/2.2.1/Main/Tutorial/ExtendingNews/Index.html
The first step is to use extension_builder to add the field. As I already have a extension in where I want to implement the extension I do not want to use the extension_builder (also I tried it with a new extension and extend the news-model did not work - I have no clue how to do it right). However this are the steps I did:
In my extension my_template I added the folders and file: Classes/Domain/Model/News.php:
class MyTemplate_Domain_Model_News extends Tx_News_Domain_Model_News {
* #var bool
protected $imageright;
* Returns the imageright
* #return bool $imageright
public function getImageright() {
return $this->imageright;
* Sets the sort
* #param bool $imageright
* #return void
public function setImageright($imageright)
$this->imageright = $imageright;
Created the field imageright as tinyint in the table tx_news_domain_model_news (and added it to the SQL file)
I knew I have to create a TCA file in /Configuration/TCA/, but I have no clue how this should look like or what name it needs to have. I think this is the last step I need to make this working.
Also note the extension my_template was just a template, so before my changes there where no Classes and no TCA files.
Solution is to use this tutorial: http://www.lukasjakob.com/extend-a-typo3-extbase-model-with-custom-field/

Fileupload TYPO3 getting null on findAll()

Hi have a backend module extension to upload files. Im using helhum fileupload for reference. File upload is successful. But the file filed of table updates the uid of sys_file_reference instead of no of files. Why it happens?
<f:form.upload property="file" />
my reference is this Where can I set the table name and no_files in my table and sys_file reference
The property "file" I assume is an 1:1 relation which is why the UID of the file reference is what gets written in to the field.
Had the property been a M:N or 1:N table you would see the number of files, as you expect - and Extbase would need to know you want an ObjectStorage containing FileReference objects on your property.
Regarding the subject, if your Repository returns NULL when you do findAll, this is almost always because of storage page restrictions. To overcome it, override either createQuery and manipulate QuerySettings on the query before it gets returned, setting respectStoragePageUids(false).
I got the solution for my problem. my model was
* Sets the file
* #param \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference $file
* #return void
public function setFile(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference $file = NULL)
$this->file = $file;
I removed the type from argument list .Now its working fine.My updated code is below
* Sets the file
* #param \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference $file
* #return void
public function setFile($file = NULL)
$this->file = $file;

An error occurred while trying to call Controller->createAction()

I am trying to create something with extbase, but the error-message I get is not very helpful. I took the blog_example extension as a guide. A (maybe) important difference is: I don't have a database table because I want to write a custom domain repository that connects to an external servive through REST.
The actual error message (displayed above the plugin, not as an exception message):
An error occurred while trying to call Tx_MyExt_Controller_SubscriptionController->createAction()
Stripped down to the important parts.
class Tx_MyExt_Controller_SubscriptionController extends Tx_Extbase_MVC_Controller_ActionController
* #var Tx_MyExt_Domain_Repository_SubscriberRepository
protected $subscriberRepository;
* #return void
public function initializeAction()
$this->subscriberRepository = t3lib_div::makeInstance('Tx_MyExt_Domain_Repository_SubscriberRepository');
* #param Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Subscriber $subscriber
* #dontvalidate $subscriber
* #return string The rendered view
public function newAction(Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Subscriber $subscriber = null)
$this->view->assign('subscriber', $subscriber);
* #param Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Subscriber $subscriber
* #return string The rendered view
public function createAction(Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Subscriber $subscriber)
{ }
class Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Subscriber extends Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractEntity
* #var string
* #dontvalidate
protected $email = '';
* #param string $email
* #return void
public function setEmail($email)
$this->email = $email;
* #return string
public function getEmail()
return $this->email;
<f:form action="create" controller="Subscription" objectName="Subscriber" object="{subscriber}" method="post">
<f:form.textfield property="email"></f:form.textfield>
<f:form.submit value="submit"></f:form.submit>
Adding $subscriber = null removes the message. But $subscriber is null then
A var_dump($this->request->getArguments()); displays the form's fields
There is an index action, and it is also the first action defined in ext_localconf.php
The hints and solutions I found aren't working for me, so I hope someone can guide me into the right direction.
I've got the same bug.
If you pass an Model as argument to an method, it will also validate the model fields.
I've had this annotation on my model property:
* #var \string
* #validate NotEmpty
It validates the "#validate" annotation.
The field in the database was empty so i got the error message
An error occurred while trying to call ...
It would be good if there was a better error message.
You need to customize the validation annotation or verify that the property is not empty in the database
Hope it helps somebody
In addtion: check any Validations in your Model and your TCA. If a field is marked as #validate NotEmpty in your Model and is not marked appropriately in the TCA, a record can be saved ignoring the #validate settings in the Model. This can happen if you change the Model and/or TCA after creating records.
An example:
Field 'textfield' is set to not validate, both in the TCA and the Model. You create a new record and save it without filling in the field 'textfield' (you can, it is not set to validate). You then change the Model setting 'textfield' to #validate NotEmpty and then try to show the record on the FE, you will get the error.
The solution for that example:
Simply remove the validation in your Model OR check validations in the TCA and Model so that they work together.
A German blog post covers this solution: http://www.constantinmedia.com/2014/04/typo3-extbase-an-error-occurred-while-trying-to-call-anyaction/
just override the template method getErrorFlashMessage in yout controller to provide a custom error message...
* A template method for displaying custom error flash messages, or to
* display no flash message at all on errors. Override this to customize
* the flash message in your action controller.
* #return string|boolean The flash message or FALSE if no flash message should be set
* #api
protected function getErrorFlashMessage() {
return 'An error occurred while trying to call ' . get_class($this) . '->' . $this->actionMethodName . '()';
classic case of "start over from scratch and it works, and if you compare it you have the same code, though".
I updated the code in the question, maybe it helps someone.