An error occurred while trying to call Controller->createAction() - typo3

I am trying to create something with extbase, but the error-message I get is not very helpful. I took the blog_example extension as a guide. A (maybe) important difference is: I don't have a database table because I want to write a custom domain repository that connects to an external servive through REST.
The actual error message (displayed above the plugin, not as an exception message):
An error occurred while trying to call Tx_MyExt_Controller_SubscriptionController->createAction()
Stripped down to the important parts.
class Tx_MyExt_Controller_SubscriptionController extends Tx_Extbase_MVC_Controller_ActionController
* #var Tx_MyExt_Domain_Repository_SubscriberRepository
protected $subscriberRepository;
* #return void
public function initializeAction()
$this->subscriberRepository = t3lib_div::makeInstance('Tx_MyExt_Domain_Repository_SubscriberRepository');
* #param Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Subscriber $subscriber
* #dontvalidate $subscriber
* #return string The rendered view
public function newAction(Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Subscriber $subscriber = null)
$this->view->assign('subscriber', $subscriber);
* #param Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Subscriber $subscriber
* #return string The rendered view
public function createAction(Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Subscriber $subscriber)
{ }
class Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Subscriber extends Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractEntity
* #var string
* #dontvalidate
protected $email = '';
* #param string $email
* #return void
public function setEmail($email)
$this->email = $email;
* #return string
public function getEmail()
return $this->email;
<f:form action="create" controller="Subscription" objectName="Subscriber" object="{subscriber}" method="post">
<f:form.textfield property="email"></f:form.textfield>
<f:form.submit value="submit"></f:form.submit>
Adding $subscriber = null removes the message. But $subscriber is null then
A var_dump($this->request->getArguments()); displays the form's fields
There is an index action, and it is also the first action defined in ext_localconf.php
The hints and solutions I found aren't working for me, so I hope someone can guide me into the right direction.

I've got the same bug.
If you pass an Model as argument to an method, it will also validate the model fields.
I've had this annotation on my model property:
* #var \string
* #validate NotEmpty
It validates the "#validate" annotation.
The field in the database was empty so i got the error message
An error occurred while trying to call ...
It would be good if there was a better error message.
You need to customize the validation annotation or verify that the property is not empty in the database
Hope it helps somebody

In addtion: check any Validations in your Model and your TCA. If a field is marked as #validate NotEmpty in your Model and is not marked appropriately in the TCA, a record can be saved ignoring the #validate settings in the Model. This can happen if you change the Model and/or TCA after creating records.
An example:
Field 'textfield' is set to not validate, both in the TCA and the Model. You create a new record and save it without filling in the field 'textfield' (you can, it is not set to validate). You then change the Model setting 'textfield' to #validate NotEmpty and then try to show the record on the FE, you will get the error.
The solution for that example:
Simply remove the validation in your Model OR check validations in the TCA and Model so that they work together.
A German blog post covers this solution:

just override the template method getErrorFlashMessage in yout controller to provide a custom error message...
* A template method for displaying custom error flash messages, or to
* display no flash message at all on errors. Override this to customize
* the flash message in your action controller.
* #return string|boolean The flash message or FALSE if no flash message should be set
* #api
protected function getErrorFlashMessage() {
return 'An error occurred while trying to call ' . get_class($this) . '->' . $this->actionMethodName . '()';

classic case of "start over from scratch and it works, and if you compare it you have the same code, though".
I updated the code in the question, maybe it helps someone.


TYPO3 tx_form conditional skip steps

I using TYPO3 8 LTS and i want to extend the form.
Right now I am trying to add a condition in my form that skips all other steps and runs my finishers. In the documentation it is written that you have to use the afterInitializeCurrentPage function:
* #param FormRuntime $formRuntime
* #param CompositeRenderableInterface $currentPage
* #param null|CompositeRenderableInterface $lastPage
* #param mixed $requestArguments submitted value of the element *before post processing*
* #return CompositeRenderableInterface
public function afterInitializeCurrentPage(
FormRuntime $formRuntime,
CompositeRenderableInterface $currentPage,
CompositeRenderableInterface $lastPage = null,
array $requestArguments = []
): CompositeRenderableInterface {
if ($requestArguments['personalized'] === '0') {
// code here ...
return $currentPage;
My problem is i do not know how i execute the finishers out of this function..
i hope someone can give me a hint or something else..
next problem is if i use the afterInitializeCurrentPage method i get an exception for other forms in my site:
Argument 2 passed to VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::afterInitializeCurrentPage() must implement interface TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\CompositeRenderableInterface, null given, called in [..]/typo3/sysext/form/Classes/Domain/Runtime/FormRuntime.php on line 254
Many Thanks!
You can call the finisher Class Like below.
You need to add below line in ext_localconf.php file. like this
= \VENDOR\YourNamespace\Hooks\YourClass::class;
After added this function like below on path Classes/Hooks/YourClass.php.
namespace \VENDOR\YourNamespace\Hooks;
class YourClass
* #param \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Runtime\FormRuntime $formRuntime
* #param \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\CompositeRenderableInterface $currentPage
* #param null|\TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\CompositeRenderableInterface $lastPage
* #param mixed $elementValue submitted value of the element *before post processing*
* #return \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\CompositeRenderableInterface
public function afterInitializeCurrentPage(\TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Runtime\FormRuntime $formRuntime, \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\CompositeRenderableInterface $currentPage, \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\CompositeRenderableInterface $lastPage = null, array $requestArguments = []): CompositeRenderableInterface
return $currentPage;

TYPO3 extension: Prevent record to be saved if the user enters the wrong value

I want to implement an eval in TYPO3 for a specific field in a TCA that prevents the record to be saved in the backend if the BE user enters a restricted value (like if doesn't enter anything or the input contains specific characters). So far i can only change the value in the eval function if it's not allowed, but i want the record NOT to be saved if the BE user clicks on 'save' while the field has restricted value. Is this even possible via an eval?
Edit: A cheap way to do this would be setting $value to NULL in the eval function if the input is of a restricted value, but that's definitely not the elegant way to do things as it throws an SQL error that might confuse the BE user.
So i basically need a way to prevent TYPO3 to persist the repository... Or to set the record back to the state it was in before the BE user clicked on 'save'...
Edit2: This is what i have... Nothing to exciting, just an IPv4 evaluation. But again, it changes only the value to something else, it DOESN'T prevent the creation or editing of the record if the input was not an IPv4.
namespace Cjk\Icingaconfgen\Evaluation;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\FlashMessage;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\FlashMessageService;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
* Class for field value validation/evaluation to be used in 'eval' of TCA
class IPv4Evaluation
* #param string $value
* #param string $is_in
* #param bool $set
* #return string
public function evaluateFieldValue($value, $is_in, &$set)
if (!filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)){
$value = 'Fehlerhafte Eingabe (IPv4)';
/** #var FlashMessage $message */
$message = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Messaging\\FlashMessage',
'Fehlerhafte Eingabe: .conf Datei wird nicht erstellt/editiert. Neue services können nicht hinzugefügt oder editiert werden.',
/** #var $flashMessageService FlashMessageService */
$flashMessageService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FlashMessageService::class);
return $value;
So basically, and correct me if i'm wrong, the eval happens BETWEEN the input of the BE user (right after he clicks on the save button) and the persisting of the record. So there has to be a way to prevent the persisting of the new data, not only to change it at will.
I hope this makes my question more clear now, i don't know what else to write to explain it.
I show you a example of a validation in TCA. If validation failed record can't saved.
File myextension/Classes/Validation/Validator/MinReferencesValidator.php
namespace Vendor\Myextension\Validation\Validator;
* Validator for min references
class MinReferencesValidator extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Validation\Validator\AbstractValidator {
* #var array
protected $supportedOptions = [
'min' => [0, 'The minimum references to accept', 'integer'],
* The given value is valid if it contains more then min items
* #param mixed $value The value that should be validated
* #return void
public function isValid($value) {
if (!is_object($value)) {
), 1489870657);
$minimum = $this->options['min'];
$countItems = count($value);
if ($countItems < $minimum) {
'LLL:EXT: myextension/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:validator_min_references',
), 1489872300, [$minimum]);
File myextension/Classes/Domain/Model/Youritem.php
* Image of supplier (image reference)
* #var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage<\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference>
* #validate NotEmpty, \Vendor\Yourextension\Validation\Validator\MinReferencesValidator(min=1)
protected $images;

Invalid text representation: 7 ERROR: invalid input syntax for uuid: "test"

I'm using Symfony 3.2 with doctrine and postgresql.
I've created an entity with a uuid as primary key.
My entity definition:
* Booking
* #ORM\Table(name="booking")
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="AppBundle\Repository\BookingRepository")
* #ORM\EntityListeners({"AppBundle\EventListener\BookingListener"})
class Booking {
* #var string
* #ORM\Column(type="guid")
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="UUID")
private $id;
In my controller I have a show action like this:
* #Route("booking/{id}", name="booking_show")
* #Method({"GET"})
public function showAction(Request $request, Booking $booking) {
Everything seems to work fine, but when I try to load a route putting an wrong value as an ID (i.e. /booking/hello123), I receive a:
SQLSTATE[22P02]: Invalid text representation: 7 ERROR: invalid input syntax for uuid: "hello123"
Instead I would expect a 404.
Is there a way to capture this exception and redirect to a 404 page?
You can make use of Route Requirements - you can specify what conditions your parameter need to match to "qualify" to a certain route. This requirement is a regex, so all you need to do is to write a regex for an UUID
* #Route("booking/{id}", name="booking_show", requirements={"id": "[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}"})
* #Method({"GET"})
public function showAction(Request $request, Booking $booking) {
NOTE: Regex used above is just first result I found in Google for UUID regex, I didn't verify if it works
In the end if your id does not match regex, it does not match route and you should get 404.
you need to change the showaction
* #Route("booking/{id}", name="booking_show")
* #Method({"GET"})
public function showAction(Request $request,$bookingID) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$booking = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Entity')->find(bookingID);
$this->createNotFoundException('No entity found with id :'.$bookingID);

How to input a calculated value after form validation in zf2

I’m developing a form in zf2 and I want to calculate a value based upon user input and set it in a field after the form has validated. In the form, there is a firstName field and a lastName field; and I want to use the validated input to calculate a value to populate in a fullName field.
I assume I want to set the value something like this, but haven’t found the right code for setting the "element" that gets sent to the database:
public function addAction()
$objectManager = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager');
$form = new AddMemberForm($objectManager);
$member = new Member();
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid()) {
// develop full name string and populate the field
$calculatedName = $_POST['firstName'] . " " . $_POST['lastName'];
$member->setValue('memberFullName', $calculatedName);
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('admin-members');
return array('form' => $form);
Doctrine's built-in Lifecycle Callbacks are perfectly fits for handling such requirement and I strongly recommend to use them.
You just need to correctly annotate the entity.
For example:
* Member Entity
namespace YourNamespace\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Doctrine\ORM\Event\LifecycleEventArgs;
* #ORM\Table(name="members")
* #ORM\Entity
* #ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks
class Member
// After all of your entity properies, getters and setters... Put the method below
* Calculate full name on pre persist.
* #ORM\PrePersist
* #return void
public function onPrePersist(LifecycleEventArgs $args)
$this->memberFullName = $this->getFirstName().' '.$this->getLastName();
With this way, memberFullName property of the entity will be automatically populated using first and last names on entity level just before persisting.
Now you can remove the lines below from your action:
// Remove this lines
$calculatedName = $_POST['firstName'] . " " . $_POST['lastName'];
$member->setValue('memberFullName', $calculatedName);
Foozy’s excellent answer provides a solution that works for an add action, and the response to my comment directed me to the following solution that works for both add and edit actions:
* Member Entity
namespace YourNamespace\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Doctrine\ORM\Event\PreFlushEventArgs;
* #ORM\Table(name="members")
* #ORM\Entity
class Member
// After all of your entity properies, getters and setters... Put the method below
* Calculate full name on pre flush.
* #ORM\PreFlush
* #return void
public function onPreFlush(PreFlushEventArgs $args)
$this->memberFullName = $this->getFirstName().' '.$this->getLastName();

How to handle entity update (PUT request) in REST API using FOSRestBundle

I am prototyping a REST API in Symfony2 with FOSRestBundle using JMSSerializerBundle for entity serialization. With GET request I can use the ParamConverter functionality of SensioFrameworkExtraBundle to get an instance of an entity based on the id request parameter and when creating a new entity with POST request I can use the FOSRestBundle body converter to create a new instance of the entity based on the request data. But when I want to update an existing entity, using the FOSRestBundle converter gives an entity without id (even when the id is sent with the request data) so if I persist it, it will create a new entity. And using SensioFrameworkExtraBundle converter gives me the original entity without the new data so I would have to manually get the data from the request and call all the setter methods to update the entity data.
So my question is, what is the preferred way to handle this situation? Feels like there should be some way to handle this using the (de)serialization of the request data. Am I missing something related to the ParamConverter or JMS serializer that would handle this situation? I do realize that there are many ways to do this kind of things and none of them are right for every use case, just looking for something that fits this kind of rapid prototyping you can do by using the ParamConverter and minimal code required to be written in the controllers/services.
Here is an example of a controller with the GET and POST actions as described above:
namespace My\ExampleBundle\Controller;
use My\ExampleBundle\Entity\Entity;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationListInterface;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\ParamConverter;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations as Rest;
use FOS\RestBundle\View\View;
class EntityController extends Controller
* #Route("/{id}", requirements={"id" = "\d+"})
* #ParamConverter("entity", class="MyExampleBundle:Entity")
* #Method("GET")
* #Rest\View()
public function getAction(Entity $entity)
return $entity;
* #Route("/")
* #ParamConverter("entity", converter="fos_rest.request_body")
* #Method("POST")
* #Rest\View(statusCode=201)
public function createAction(Entity $entity, ConstraintViolationListInterface $validationErrors)
// Handle validation errors
if (count($validationErrors) > 0) {
return View::create(
['errors' => $validationErrors],
return $this->get('my.entity.repository')->save($entity);
And in config.yml I have the following configuration for FOSRestBundle:
param_fetcher_listener: true
enabled: true
validate: true
json: fos_rest.decoder.jsontoform
- { path: ^/api/, priorities: ['json'], prefer_extension: false }
- { path: ^/, priorities: ['html'], prefer_extension: false }
view_response_listener: force
If you are using PUT, according to REST, you should use a route for the update with the id of the entity in question in the route itself like /entity/{entity}. FOSRestBundle does it that way too.
In your case this should be something like:
* #Route("/{entityId}", requirements={"entityId" = "\d+"})
* #ParamConverter("entity", converter="fos_rest.request_body")
* #Method("PUT")
* #Rest\View(statusCode=201)
public function putAction($entityId, Entity $entity, ConstraintViolationListInterface $validationErrors)
EDIT: It would actually be even better to have two entities injected. One being the current database state and one being the sent data from the client. You can achieve this with two ParamConverter-annotations:
* #Route("/{id}", requirements={"id" = "\d+"})
* #ParamConverter("entity")
* #ParamConverter("entityNew", converter="fos_rest.request_body")
* #Method("PUT")
* #Rest\View(statusCode=201)
public function putAction(Entity $entity, Entity $entityNew, ConstraintViolationListInterface $validationErrors)
This will load the current db state into $entity and the uploaded data into $entityNew. Now you can merge the data as you see fit.
If it's fine for you to just overwrite the data without merging/checking, then use the first option. But keep in mind that this would allow creating a new entity if the client sends a not yet used id if you do not prevent that.
Seems one way would be to use Symfony Form component (with SimpleThingsFormSerializerBundle) as described in
Quote from SimpleThingsFormSerializerBundle README:
Additionally all the current serializer components share a common flaw: They cannot deserialize (update) into existing object graphs. Updating object graphs is a problem the Form component already solves (perfectly!).
I also had a problem with the processing of PUT requests using JMS serializer. First of all I would like to automate the processing of queries using the serializer. The put request may not contain the complete data. Part of the data must be map on entity. You can use my simple solution:
* #Route(path="/edit",name="your_route_name", methods={"PUT"})
* This parameter is using for creating a current fields of request
* #RequestParam(
* name="id",
* requirements="\d+",
* nullable=false,
* allowBlank=true,
* strict=true,
* )
* #RequestParam(
* name="some_field",
* requirements="\d{13}",
* nullable=true,
* allowBlank=true,
* strict=true,
* )
* #RequestParam(
* name="some_another_field",
* requirements="\d{13}",
* nullable=true,
* allowBlank=true,
* strict=true,
* )
* #param Request $request
* #param ParamFetcher $paramFetcher
* #return Response
public function editAction(Request $request, ParamFetcher $paramFetcher)
//validate parameters
/** #var EntityManager $em */
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$yourEntity = $em->getRepository('YourBundle:SomeEntity')->find($paramFetcher->get('id'));
//get request params (param fetcher has all params, but we need only params from request)
$data = $request->request->all();
$this->mapDataOnEntity($data, $yourEntity, ['some_serialized_group','another_group']);
return new JsonResponse();
Method mapDataOnEntity you can locate in some trait or in you intermediate controller class. Here is his implementation of this method:
* #param array $data
* #param object $targetEntity
* #param array $serializationGroups
public function mapDataOnEntity($data, $targetEntity, $serializationGroups = [])
/** #var object $source */
$sourceEntity = $this->get('jms_serializer')
$this->fillProperties($data, $targetEntity, $sourceEntity);
* #param array $params
* #param object $targetEntity
* #param object $sourceEntity
protected function fillProperties($params, $targetEntity, $sourceEntity)
$propertyAccessor = new PropertyAccessor();
/** #var PropertyMetadata[] $propertyMetadata */
$propertyMetadata = $this->get('jms_serializer.metadata_factory')
foreach ($propertyMetadata as $realPropertyName => $data) {
$serializedPropertyName = $data->serializedName ?: $this->fromCamelCase($realPropertyName);
if (array_key_exists($serializedPropertyName, $params)) {
$newValue = $propertyAccessor->getValue($sourceEntity, $realPropertyName);
$propertyAccessor->setValue($targetEntity, $realPropertyName, $newValue);
* #param string $input
* #return string
protected function fromCamelCase($input)
preg_match_all('!([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(?=$|[A-Z][a-z0-9])|[A-Za-z][a-z0-9]+)!', $input, $matches);
$ret = $matches[0];
foreach ($ret as &$match) {
$match = $match == strtoupper($match) ? strtolower($match) : lcfirst($match);
return implode('_', $ret);
The best way is using JMSSerializerBundle
The problem is JMSSerializer initializes with the default ObjectConstructor for deserialization (setting the fields that are not in the request as null, and making that merge method will also persist null properties to database). So you need to switch this one with the DoctrineObjectConstructor.
alias: jms_serializer.doctrine_object_constructor
public: false
Then just deserialize and persist the entity, and it will be filled with the missing fields. When you save to database only the attributes that have changed will be updated on the database:
$foo = $this->get('jms_serializer')->deserialize(
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
Credits to: Symfony2 Doctrine2 De-Serialize and Merge Entity issue
I'm having the same issue as you described, I just do the entity merging manually:
public function patchMembersAction($memberId, Member $memberPatch)
return $this->members->updateMember($memberId, $memberPatch);
This calls method that does the validation, and then manually calls all the required setter methods. Anyway, I'm wondering about writing my own param converter for such cases.
Another resource which helped me a lot is A step by step tutorial which filled in the blanks I had after the resource in the previous comment. Good luck!