Cannot see folders sub folders and files in Vs - visual-studio-code

I just started using Visual Studio Code Version 1.15.1 and for some reason, after closing all the folders in the navigation explorer side bar, I cannot get it back to display the folder structure and files in the project, even after closing and reopening. The files and folders are available and I can see them fine in OSX Sierra. Also the VS code window title shows the name of the project.

You can get it back by right clicking on the sidebar "Explorer" header, and selecting "Folders". See the gif here:
This has confused several people so we've decided to remove the ability to hide the "Folders" view. Continuing discussion on the general UI is here:


Visual Studio Code Wordpress directories not opening and disappearing

I'm new to VSC but have a very strange problem. I connect to the FTP with no problem but some of the directories aren't showing as dropdown folders but instead with '[DIR]' next to them. Even stranger, when I click them they are crossed out and then disappear when I click off.
Top level folders appear correctly but anything further down the hierarchy has the same problem.
Here is an example of what I mean
Has anyone experienced this?

any idea why the visual studio code project directory ui displays differently for this scenario?

I'm working on a React project in Visual Studio Code. For some reason, the subdirectory structure that I just added displays subdirs via slashes () instead of rendering the subdirs in a treeview:
Any idea why VS Code would do this? Other subdir structures in the project display as normal treeviews as expected
Probably because those folders are empty and contain empty folders also
Try adding files to them it won't display that way anymore
NB: There's no big deal with that display
Now if you want it to display normally:
Select Preferences,then Settings. Then Search for "compact folders" and uncheck the checkbox

How can I disable problems for virtual files in VSCode?

I am working on a .Net Core application and I keep running into this problem where I get all sorts of random issues appearing in the Problems window in VSCode for "__virtual" files. There are no problems in the actual razor page (.cshtml) and everything is working how we would expect. Is there a way in VSCode to mass ignore all problems from __virtual files?
This started to happen to me after the latest update of Visual Studio Code.
My solution was to configure file association for .razor__virtual.html files into text
Open visual studio code
Click Settings icon in the left bottom and click Settings
In the search box, search for Files: Associations (Copy-paste this)
Click [Add Item] button and enter **/*.razor__virtual.html for key, text for value.
It should look like this,

How to make VS Code retain old project folders in sidebar like sublime?

In sublime, when I drag a new folder into the editor, it gets added at the bottom of the list in the sidebar, but in VS Code, the old project is removed from the list on only the current project is active.
Is there any way to make VS Code sidebar hold the old projects as sublime did? (PS: I am new to VS Code)
Here is a comparison of Sublime sidebar and VS Code sidebar.
EDIT: I have tried the VS Code Insiders edition, The add to workspace option kind of works, but is not the exact solution of what I was looking for. Because even if you add multiple folders to the workspace, the next time you drag and drop a folder in VS Code, The workspace will get replaced with the new folder which you opened. I want that old folder to remain in the sidebar, and the newer folder to open below it like in sublime (see the image for reference).
Use Insiders version of vscode. There was introduces a feature called multi-root workspace. In nutshell: you can open multiple folders in 1 vscode window (drag-n-drop supported too).

Can I do this with a custom Visual Studio Code Extension?

I would like to have an additional feature in Visual Studio Code - essentially the "Scope to This" from the full Visual Studio Solution Explorer.
It is basically a context menu (right click) entry in the File Explorer of Visual Studio Code - which then should limit which files and folders are displayed.
Is such a thing possible with a Visual Studio Code Extension?
I never built an extension for VS Code before and would like to know if this is even possible or if I would just waste my time.
According to the API docs, there is no way to filter visible files in the Explorer like it can usually be done with the files.exclude setting. However, it is possible to open another folder with the workspace.openFolder complex command. This will probably also close all opened editors, and forget about the original workspace root path.
Your extension would need to remember the initial root path and opened editors to undo this "Scope to This" menu, and reopening everything every time could cause quite some lag.
You can't customize the normal explorer view.
However, you can do something like this with custom views. It allows you to create a new explorer view that can list what you want and behave as you want.
For an example implementation, check the vscode-code-outline.
If you can add a context menu entry separately too.