How to run a quartz trigger in my local server in clustered environment - quartz-scheduler

multiple servers are running on same database with same file.
but there is a requirement (for debugging purpose) where i want to trigger my jobs (created from my server) specifically on my server.
i tried changing org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName but it didn't work, jobs are still triggering on random machines.
Is there any way by which i can trigger job on my server which were configured by my server.
**my quartz properties**
org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName = myLocalInstance
org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId = AUTO
** all other server instance Quartz properties **
org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName = commonInstance
org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId = AUTO


How to setup High available active-passive postgresql which has scheduled job running on server

I am new to postgresql, I went through the Postgres documentation which provides details for the active passive server setup.
What I want is the scheduler in spring boot should run only on server which is pointing to active mode, and in passive mode the schedular should not run.
As soon as active goes down and passive takes over as new active, then jobs should start running on new server.
I just have 2 jobs , one runs each 5 mins and one runs everyday at 1AM.
Need help in achieving this

Configuring Quartz Jobs to run on specific machine

I am using quartz 2.2.0. I want to configure IP address with each job and want to check that each job runs on the machine configured to it.
I can check it manually while starting the job on server startup, but do we have any configuration parameter to configure the job like this? so that I can reduce coding.

Automatically handling job and trigger changes in using AdoJobStore

I am writing a application using AdoJobStore to allow automated report scheduling.
In my scenario, users will define custom reports to be scheduled in one application which will add the required jobs and triggers to the database (using the AdoJobStore routines).
A separate application then reads these settings from the database (also using the AdoJobStore routines) and emails the reports as necessary.
Is there a way to get the quartz scheduler to automatically start scheduling new jobs and triggers that have been added to the database after the scheduler last started, or will I need to write a routine that periodically checks for database changes, and if found restart the Quartz scheduler instance?
You can handle all of this directly with Quartz.Net. Here's one way to do it:
Set up a Quartz.Net server as a windows service. The distribution comes with a Windows Service implementation, or you can build your own. Enable remoting on the quartz server.
From the application where users will configure their reports and schedules, connect to the Quartz.Net server using the Quartz.Net library and directly schedule the jobs and triggers as necessary.
You'll probably want to store the user's report configuration elsewhere in case the user wants to look at it later or change/copy it. Store this data somewhere else other than Quartz.Net. If the user changes the stored report configuration, connect again to the Quartz.Net server and update/reschedule the jobs using the Quartz.Net library. Alternatively, you could create a job that runs on the Quartz.Net server and periodically checks whether there have been any report configuration changes.
You'll have to create the actual jobs that will generate your reports in a generic enough fashion so that any report can be built by passing in data to job via the JobDataMap, instead of having to create a job for each report.

Quartz scheduler in cluster environment

I am using
SchedulerFactory schedulerFactory = new StdSchedulerFactory();
scheduler = schedulerFactory.getScheduler();
Trigger asapTrigger = getAsapTrigger();
JobDetail asapJob = getAsapJobDetails();
scheduler.scheduleJob(asapJob, asapTrigger);
This is working but when I go for cluster environment, 2 threads are running for the same job.
I am using annotations not properties file. I want to run only one thread. Can someone help on this. How to configure?
my code almost look like :
You have to configure Quartz to run in a clustered environment. Clustering currently only works with the JDBC jobstore, and works by having each node of the cluster to share the same database.
Set the org.quartz.jobStore.isClustered property to true if you have multiple instances of Quartz that use the same set of database tables. This property is used to turn on the clustering features.
Set the org.quartz.jobStore.clusterCheckinInterval property (milliseconds) which is the frequency at which this instance checks in with the other instances of the cluster.
Set the org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId to AUTO so that each node in the cluster will have a unique instanceId.
Please note that each instance in the cluster should use the same copy of the file. Furthermore if you use clustering on separate machines ensure that their clocks are synchronized.
For more information check the official documentation which contains a sample properties file for a clustered scheduler.

Spring and Quartz integration in cluster mode is not overwritting existing jobs

I am using Spring 3 and Quartz 1.8.5 to schedule jobs in a clustered mode. I have placed, overwriteExistingJobs=true in the Spring's scheduler configuration.
There is a requirement for me to create dynamic jobs programmatically apart from the jobs which are part of the configuration using Quartz jobs. Everything works fine till i re-start the server. At this point , there is a problem with overwriteExistingJobs=true.
Say, if i have a dynamic job created to execute every two minutes. And, i stop the server and start it after ten minutes, the job executes five times as soon as the server starts. But, if there is a job which is part of the spring configuration , like the one given in spring documentation , it is over-written when the server re-starts.
My observation has been that for jobs which are configured in the spring configuration file and added to the org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean, the
PREV_FIRE_TIME in QRTZ_TRIGGERS table gets updated to '-1' but for dynamically created jobs it is not over-written.
The fix is as follows:
a) I have CronTriggers associated with dynamic jobs so what i did was to provide the mis-fire instruction.
JobDetail jobDetail = new JobDetail(job.getDescription(), job.getName(),job.getClass());
CronTrigger crTrigger = new CronTrigger( "cronTrigger", job.getName(), cronExpression);
scheduler.scheduleJob(jobDetail, crTrigger);
b)The mis-fire threshold was pretty high (6000000). So, what i did was to reduce the misfire threshold and it worked like a charm.