Spring and Quartz integration in cluster mode is not overwritting existing jobs - quartz-scheduler

I am using Spring 3 and Quartz 1.8.5 to schedule jobs in a clustered mode. I have placed, overwriteExistingJobs=true in the Spring's scheduler configuration.
There is a requirement for me to create dynamic jobs programmatically apart from the jobs which are part of the configuration using Quartz jobs. Everything works fine till i re-start the server. At this point , there is a problem with overwriteExistingJobs=true.
Say, if i have a dynamic job created to execute every two minutes. And, i stop the server and start it after ten minutes, the job executes five times as soon as the server starts. But, if there is a job which is part of the spring configuration , like the one given in spring documentation , it is over-written when the server re-starts.
My observation has been that for jobs which are configured in the spring configuration file and added to the org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean, the
PREV_FIRE_TIME in QRTZ_TRIGGERS table gets updated to '-1' but for dynamically created jobs it is not over-written.

The fix is as follows:
a) I have CronTriggers associated with dynamic jobs so what i did was to provide the mis-fire instruction.
JobDetail jobDetail = new JobDetail(job.getDescription(), job.getName(),job.getClass());
CronTrigger crTrigger = new CronTrigger( "cronTrigger", job.getName(), cronExpression);
scheduler.scheduleJob(jobDetail, crTrigger);
b)The mis-fire threshold was pretty high (6000000). So, what i did was to reduce the misfire threshold and it worked like a charm.


Spring Batch can not obtain job lock via DB (postgres)

I have several instances of "orchestrator" microservice that runs on different nodes and executes Spring Batch jobs. Only one instance has to be "active" and conduct the job at a time. The jobs are scheduled twice a day via #Scheduled annotation with cron expression.
So, mocriservice tries to execute jobs with a single identifying JobParameter that is a LocalDateTime.now() truncated to seconds to compensate time difference between OpenShift nodes my instances run on.
Underlying DB is Postgres 12, which transaction isolation level is set to repeatable read.
The problem seems imossible to me, but it happens and reproduces always. Job execution fails on each microservice instance with DuplicateKeyException on composite PK, which is (not suprisingly) job name and identifying parameter's hash.
The question is how is it possible and what am I missing? Any ideas?
Sorry for such a late answer. There were no problem at all, locks work correctly regardless transaction isolation level. We have two OpenShift clusters - active and inactive. Jobs were running on "inactive" nodes that are called so just because no client traffic routed to them. As it turned out, production support had no access to "inactive" nodes logs :)

Spring batch jobOperator - how are multiple concurrent instances of a job from the same XML file controlled?

When we run multiple concurrent jobs with different parameters, how can we control (stop, restart) the appropriate jobs? Our internal code provides the jobExecution object, but under the covers The jobOperator uses the job name to get the job instance.
In our case all of the jobs are from "do-stuff.xml" (okay, it's sanitized and not very original). After looking at the spring-batch source code, our concern is that if there is more then one job running and we stop a job it will take the most recently submitted job and stop it.
The JobOperator will allow you to fetch all running executions of the job using getRunningExecutions(String jobName). You should be able to iterate over that list to find the one you want. Then, just call stop(long executionId) on the one you want.
Alternatively, we've also implemented listeners (both at step and chunk level) to check an outage status table. When we want to implement a system-wide outage, we add the outage there and have our listener throw an exception to bring our jobs down. once the outage is lifted, all "failed" executions may be restarted.

How to load balance jobs using spring batch when different nodes has different times?

We have so many batch jobs to handle.
Now problem is we have 7 different nodes which has same application deployed(We use JBoss AS 7.1.1. as a application server) and We use Spring batch using quartz scheduler to schedule jobs.And it works just fine.
But 1 of our nodes is diff time then others (e.g. Suppose we have 3 nodes A,B,C so when there's a 12:00:00 in C there's a 11:58:00 in A and B) and all these nodes are been maintained by client.
So when any trigger fires(we use cron trigger) job run on single node only.
Now specific time(take 12:00) we need to fire more than one job, then all of them runs on a single node as all of them were timed out earlier the other nodes(As 12:00 o'clock happened in C before A and B).
I was wondering do we have any such mechanism where we take reference of any centralized time to time out all batch processes(like do not time out batch process when there's 12 O'clock on C but run batch job when there's a 12 O'clock in DB)..?
Thanks in advance :).
Spring Batch provides facilities to launch jobs via messages in the spring-batch-integration module. I'd recommend managing the scheduling from a central point and having it send messages to the servers to be picked up based on the server's availability to run the job. This would also address the issue of time synchronization as the scheduling piece would be handled in a central point.
Ask your client to synchronize servers using NTP. All of your servers should have same time PERIOD. You will have bunch of other problems if you allow your servers stay out of synch with each other.

how to load/boostrap ongoing jobs with a quartz jdbcStore

I am working to migrate from Quartz 1.6 to 2.1 and use a JDBCJobStore. Previously, the the jobs were loaded via an xml file when the webapp started. The scheduler is now running using the JDBCJobStore but I don't understand how to add the jobs to the database which need to run on an ongoing basis (not one-off jobs).
My first thought is to create a servlet which runs on startup which adds the jobs to the database. But my concern is that this will be executed every time I need to restart the app and the jobs will get duplicated.
The Jobs wont disappear from the database when you do a restart. So within your servlet, when it starts up before adding any jobs check to see if they already exist. When you create your jobs you can give them identities. Using the identities and some quartz methods you check if they already exist.
It sounds like the memory based scheduler is a better fit for these fixed jobs. You can create more than one scheduler, one memory, one JDBC if that makes sense for your application.

Quartz Scheduler using database

I am using Quartz to schedule cron jobs in my web application. i am using a oracle Databse to store jobs and related info. When i add the jobs in the Database, i need to re-start the server/application (tomcat server) for these new jobs to get scheduled. How can i add jobs in the database and make them work without restarting the server.
I assume you mean you are using JDBCJobStore? In that case it is not ideal to make direct changes in the database tables storing the job data. However, I suppose you could set up a separate job that runs every X minutes / hours, checks whether there are new jobs in the database (that need to be scheduled), and schedule them as usual.
Add jobs via the Scheduler API.