I am quite new to NetLogo and here is what I am stuck here for weeks.
What I want to do is to make agents to be in group of 4 for 2 teams.
My plan is to make a function hold 4 turtles id,
to assign-groupmates [a1 a2 a3 a4]
and assign them to team 1
assign-groupmates [a1 a2 a3 a4] =team1[]
if team1 > 4
assign-groupmates [a1 a2 a3 a4] =team2[]
What I done is:
to assign-groupmates [ f g h i]
let A who random f
let B who random g
let C who random h
let D who random i
ifelse f != g, g != h, h != i, i != g
[ set group-id 1
cohere ]
[assign-groupmates [W X Y Z]
set group-id 2]
How can I find the turtles-id and how can i send them through parameter?
the turtles-id I used is who random.
Thank you.
There are many different ways to accomplish what you want, but let me start with a piece of general advice:
Don't use who numbers if you can avoid it.
They have some legitimate uses, but those are few and far between. They are error prone, they lead to ugly code, and they tend to make you think the wrong way about the problem you are trying to solve.
NetLogo lets you store direct references to agents, for example:
ask turtles [ set friend one-of other turtles ]
In general, use that instead.
In your case, though, you should probably not be storing individual references to agents. Since you are dealing with groups of agents, you should be working with agentsets instead.
Here is one suggestion: make a global list of agentsets called groups. In addition to that, have each agent store a reference to the agentset that constitute its group. Here is one way to accomplish that:
globals [ groups ]
turtles-own [ my-group ]
to setup
let number-of-groups 2
let turtles-per-group 4
create-turtles turtles-per-group * number-of-groups
set groups [] ; empty list
repeat number-of-groups [
let new-group n-of turtles-per-group turtles with [
not is-agentset? my-group
ask new-group [ set my-group new-group ]
set groups lput new-group groups
print (word "First group: " sort first groups)
print (word "Second group: " sort last groups)
; each turtle can easily access other members of its group:
ask turtles [ show sort other my-group ]
This code has the advantage of being very flexible. If you ever want more than two groups, or more than four turtles per group, it's a very easy change.
Another piece of general advice: if you ever find yourself using multiple variables like a1, a2, a3, etc., you are probably doing something wrong. You should be using lists and/or agentsets instead.
The following might be a basic programming question for Netlogo.
I'd like to write generic reporters that I can supply arguments for what they should report on. Suppose the following program:
turtles-own [
to setup
create-turtles 10
to go
ask turtles [
set houses houses + random 2
set cars cars + random 5
I can write a reporter on the mean of houses as such:
to-report mean-houses
report mean [ houses ] of turtles
But I'd like to have a generic reporter that I can also use to report the mean of cars, like so:
to-report means [ param ]
report mean [ param ] of turtles
However this does not work as intended:
repeat 15 [go]
show means houses
> ERROR: You can't use HOUSES in an observer context, because HOUSES is turtle-only.*
How can I have Netlogo evealuate param in the context of turtles in such an instance? I am familiar with how to do this in R (e.g., via tidy evaluation masking with {{ x }}, or the earlier quoting mechanism), but unfamiliar with how to translate this to Netlogo.
As the error states, you are trying to pass a turtle-only variable (houses) to a procedure that is being used in observer context which doesn't work because Netlogo will try passing the variable to the procedure before actually running the procedure.
Instead, you could use the following code. With this example, you first use the "of"-primitive to extract the houses/cars variables as a list. Only then do you pass them to the "means"-procedure, which is being run by the observer.
to-report means [ param ]
report mean param
show means [houses] of turtles
show means [cars] of turtles
The NetLogo Way
<reporter> [ <expression> ] of <agentset>
Note: I use "agents" below, since this answer applies to any NetLogo agent, be it turtles, turtle breeds, patches, or links.
Rather than passing an agent variable (or expression) to a procedure and then somehow make the agents make a list and then act on the list, NetLogo makes it easy to first make the list from an expression evaluated individually by every agent in an agentset, so you can pass that list to some reporter. The syntax (as you know) is:
;; return list of <expression>
;; calculated by each member of agentset
[ expression ] of agentset
So, if this is your reporter:
to-report gini [ samples ]
;; samples will be sorted here, don't pre-sort!
;; best guess -- please correct if wrong
;; source:
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient#Calculation
let n length samples
let indexes (range 1 (n + 1))
let s1 2 * sum (map [[i y] -> i * y] indexes sort samples)
let s2 n * sum samples
let G (s1 / s2) - ((n + 1) / n)
report G
Then you might calculate the gini for your various measures like this:
print gini [ measure-1 ] of turtles
print gini [ measure-2 ] of turtles
print gini [ measure-3 ] of turtles
Which makes sense, since gini is a function that takes a set of samples. And this lets you easily use other sub-populations or breeds or whatever.
"Abbreviated" Syntax
I am about to lead you "down the garden path," so if you like what you've seen so far, you can stop here. If you want a little chuckle, read on.
Perhaps the above is just too verbose for you, and you really, really, want to get rid of "of turtles?" (even though you might later want to apply the generic function even more generically to sub-populations?)
Well, you could. We could write it using an "anonymous reporter":
print gini [-> houses ]
And then gini might look like this:
to-report gini [ sample-expression ]
let samples sort [ run-result sample-expression ] of turtles
;;; ... the rest of your gini function here
report G
OK, but you've embedded "of turtles" in your function. But what if later you want to evaluate this function for some sub-population or perhaps use patches instead of turtles?
You might fix that by taking the agentset as an input, as well.
to-report gini [ anon-reporter source ]
let samples [ run-result anon-reporter ] of source
;; etc
and then write:
print gini [-> measure-1 ] turtles
print gini [-> measure-2 ] turtles
print gini [-> measure-3 ] turtles
Ugh, a bit awkward. Let's add a little syntax candy:
to-report of_ [ agents ] report agents end
NOW we can write:
print gini [-> measure-1 ] of_ turtles
print gini [-> measure-2 ] of_ turtles
print gini [-> measure-3 ] of_ turtles
Oh, Dear. That looks rather familiar, doesn't it? But rather more verbose than when we started.
So now we are back to:
print gini [ measure-1 ] of turtles
You can use runresult, provided you are happy to pass the procedure's argument as a string:
to-report means [varname]
report mean [runresult varname] of turtles
Trying it in the Command Center:
observer> setup
observer> repeat 15 [go]
observer> show means "houses"
observer: 7.4
I was wondering if there is an efficient method for selecting subsets of agents that satisfy some conditions on their properties in one shot (i.e., a multi-set of agents). I will try to explain with an example.
Let us suppose that we have three families of turtles, let's say A, B and C.
The turtles share some similar variables, such as p1, p2.
I want to efficiently determine the agent-sets A1, B1 and C1, with A1 \in A, B1 \in B, and C1 \in C, and that undergo some conditions on their variables, for example, p1 of A = p1 of B and p2 of B = p2 of C (of course this should be checked and verified for all the sets in parallel). My final goal is to determine the total number of agent combinations that satisfy the conditions on their variables (the cardinality of the multiset).
I know that I can do that with a series of nested "ask" command, with something like the following code:
;;I'm omitting for simplicity the case where A1, B1 or C1 are empty-sets.
let counter 0
let A1 A with [some condition on A]
ask A1 [
let myp1 [p1] of self
let B1 B with [p1 = myp1]
ask B1 [
let myp2 [p2] of self
let C1 C with [p2 = myp2]
set counter counter + count C1
;;at the end counter will contain the number of possible agent combinations
I was wondering if there is a more intelligent way to do that without the need to "unroll" the selection through a series of nested ask commands.
I don't believe the code you have outlined will work anything like you think it will. In NetLogo, ask loops through all the turtles/patches (in random order) and each one follows the instructions. So each of the A1s will create B1s and each of those will count C1s. So you will end up with two layers of double counting.
But I think all you want to do is count a common condition. If so, look at this example:
breed [typeAs typeA]
[ var1
breed [typeBs typeB]
[ var1
to testme
create-typeAs 10
[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set var1 one-of ["A" "B"]
set var2 one-of ["C" "D"]
set color red
create-typeBs 10
[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set var1 one-of ["A" "B"]
set var3 one-of ["E" "F"]
set color blue
type "Number of As with value A is " print count typeAs with [var1 = "A"]
type "Number of Bs with value A is " print count typeBs with [var1 = "A"]
; combine and count the condition in the combined agentset
let both-types (turtle-set typeAs typeBs)
type "together there are: " print count both-types with [var1 = "A"]
Very basic question, I can't see why my foreach code doesn't do anything (no error message but no effect whatsoever). So my turtles have a 3-dimensionnal variable (intention) that is preset to [0 0 0]. My final problem is much more complex than this, but in simple terms I am now trying to get every dimension of this vector to change to one, that is [1 1 1].
I have created a procedure called change-intention that uses foreach to produce this, to no effect:
to change-intention
ask turtles [
(foreach intention [ x -> set x 1])
I have tried this on the observer & turtle command line as well as on individual turtles' to no results nor errors..
Several problems. The first is that lists are not mutable - if you want to change the value in a list, you have to create a new list with that value. The second is that you can't use set to do that, you have to use replace-item.
The code is self contained - open a new model and try it out, changing the call in the testme procedure to different implementations. The procedure change-intention1 is the way you are currently thinking about it (my interpretation anyway). The procedure change-interpretation2 is the way to implement your approach, replacing each item and creating the new list (addressing the problems identified).
However, a better way to do this is with the map procedure instead of foreach because all the values are changed at once rather than looping through the list and dealing with each. Of course, that may not be so easy to implement in your real model.
turtles-own [intention]
to testme
create-turtles 1
[ set intention [0 0 0]
ask turtles [ type "before call:" print intention ]
ask turtles [ type "after call:" print intention ]
to change-intention1
ask turtles
[ foreach intention
[ x ->
print "here"
set intention 1
to change-intention2
ask turtles
[ foreach intention
[ x ->
let pp position x intention
type "here:" print pp
set intention replace-item pp intention 1
to change-intention3
ask turtles
[ set intention map [ x -> 1 ] intention
my model is a network of agents connected to each other with links.
I try to create a agentset from the neighbors of an agents and their neigbors and so on (I need this to assign different values to it).
However when I create a let with the agentset in it. the agents asked to make this agentset all have their own, this is so far so good. But when I want the original agent to ask him his second line neighbors he just returns an agentset from one of this neighbors instead of the combined agentsets of all his second line neighbors
I want the neighbors to store their own neighbors into a agentset with all the neighbors from the different agents in that set.
I cant ask the let agentset to simple do turtleset current-agentset new-agentset since in a let you cant ask to let variable. So a code which would normally be set second-neighbors (turtle-set second-neighbors other-nieghbors doesnt work since I cant ask second-neighbors already in a let
I also cant make this a global or somethins since it is agent specific.
the code I have so far looks like this
ask companies [
let this-company self
let b link-neighbors
ask b [ let c link-neighbors with [self != this-company]
ask c [ let d link-neighbors with [not member? self b]
ask this-company [
set iburen b
set iiburen c
set iiiburen d
so what I want is that all the agents in the agentset c report their link-neighbors like they do now. But also store these link-neighbors into a new agentset which has all the link-neighbors of all the agents in c. like a simple i i + 1. but than with turtle-set (what I have) (what is new from the next agent asked)
the same goes for d
If I run the model now agents report different agentset almost every tick. They just pick one agentset from any of these agents instead of combining them all togother.
Here is what I think you need:
extensions [ nw ]
breed [ companies company ]
companies-own [
buren ; a list of agentsets, with one item for each "level" of neighbors
to setup
; create a random network and lay it out:
create-companies 20 [ create-links-with n-of 3 other companies ]
repeat 30 [ layout-spring turtles links 0.2 5 1 ]
let num-levels 3
ask companies [
let all-neighbors other nw:turtles-in-radius num-levels
set buren (list) ; initialize to empty list
foreach range num-levels [ i ->
let neighbors-at-this-level all-neighbors with [
nw:distance-to myself = i + 1
set buren lput neighbors-at-this-level buren
; demonstrate how to access the levels (sorted only for display purposes)
ask one-of companies [
show sort item 0 buren ; first level neighbors
show sort item 1 buren ; second level neighbors
show sort item 2 buren ; third level neighbors
This might not be the most efficient code possible, because it goes through the list of all neighbors once for each level, but unless you have a humongous network, you should not notice.
If you really wanted to use variables like iburen, iiburen and iiiburen, you could always alias the items of the list:
set iburen item 0 buren
set iiburen item 1 buren
set iiiburen item 2 buren
...but I don't recommend it. Having your agentsets in a list should encourage you to think of your levels in a more general way.
In my code all turtles own n-features represented by a n-tuple (a1,a2,...,an). where each ai can take values 0 or 1.
I have created some links between turtles. If two turtles share k-features (coordinate-wise matching) and there is a link between them then we call the link as k-link.
How can I find for each k (between 0 to n) how many k-links are there in total?
You don't tell us much about how you have structured your code, so I'm going to assume that your n-tuples are implemented as lists (which would make the most sense in NetLogo).
Here is a full example:
turtles-own [ a ]
links-own [ k ]
globals [ n ]
to setup
set n 5
crt 10 [ ; create turtles with random feature lists
set a n-values n [ random 2 ]
ask turtles [ ; make a full network
create-links-with other turtles
ask links [ ; calculate k for all links
set k k-of-feature-lists ([a] of end1) ([a] of end2)
foreach n-values (n + 1) [ ? ] [ ; display number of k-links
show (word ? "-links: " count links with [ k = ? ])
to-report k-of-feature-lists [ a1 a2 ]
report length filter [?] (map = a1 a2)
Apart from k-of-feature-lists, this is fairly trivial code. What k-of-feature-lists does is to:
transform two lists of features into a single list of booleans containing a true value if the corresponding element is equal in both feature lists and false if it is not. This is accomplished using map and the concise task syntax for =;
filter the list of booleans to keep only the true values;
report the length of that filtered list, which is equal to the number of features that where the same in a1 and a2;
There are plenty of other ways to do that (some more efficient) but this one is nice and concise.