Dot product of symbolic vector - matlab

I am trying to take the dot product of a symbolic vector and another vector. I did the following:
>> rac = sym('rac',[3 1])
rac =
>> i = [1;0;0]
i =
>> dot(rac,i)
ans =
However my desired outcome is rac1. Why is it not behaving like I want it to? And how do I achieve this output?

You need to specify that your symbolic vector is real:
rac = sym('rac', [3 1], 'real');
dot(rac, [1; 0; 0])
ans =


Passing the numeric matrix to symbolic function

I have created a function containing symbolic expressions. The expressions make use of a symbolic matrix. I want to solve the function passing the numeric matrix which replaces the symbolic matrix and provides a numeric answer. I can't seem to understand how to pass the numeric matrix.
function example
R= sym('R',[3 3])
r_b= R([1 2], [3])
R_bar= R([1 2], [1 2])
R_til=R([2 3],[2 3])
syms alpha_bar beta_bar
a_bar= [1;alpha_bar]
b_bar= [beta_bar;1]
P= sym(R_bar*a_bar)
Q= sym(R_til*b_bar)
syms E_a E_b
u_bar= [1; 0]
v_bar= [0;1]
W = sym(E_a*u_bar)
X= sym(E_b*v_bar)
C= sym(P==W)
D= sym(Q==X)
[alpha_bar_, E_a_] = solve(P==W,[alpha_bar,E_a])
[beta_bar_, E_b_] = solve(Q==X,[beta_bar,E_b])
a_bar= [1;alpha_bar_]
delta= (a_bar)'*r_b
gamma_b = delta/E_b_
gamma_a= delta/E_a_
a= [a_bar;0]-(gamma_b*[0;b_bar])
b= [0;b_bar]-gamma_a*[a_bar;0]
My R is R = [1 1 0; 1 3 2; 0 2 3].

Substitute symbolic variables with vectors

Consider the script
syms a b;
f = a.*b;
a = [1 2];
b = [0 2];
This yields a vector as output ([0, 4]), but the intended output is a scalar (4), given the element-wise multiplication that should be performed.
How can I properly utilize vectors when substituting symbolic functions?
I believe you're making two mistakes. The first is that you're overwriting your symbolic variables with double arrays, so you're not actually calling subs for a symbolic object:
>> syms a;
>> class(a)
ans =
>> a = [1 2];
>> class(a)
ans =
The second is that preventing this will still give a wrong answer:
>> syms a b;
>> f = a.*b
f =
>> subs(f,{a,b},{[1, 2], [0,2]})
ans =
0 4
That's because, as you see in the printed version of f, the symbolic engine treats a and b as scalars.
So to do what you probably want to do you need to define your syms to be 2-element arrays:
> a = sym('a',[1 2])
a =
[ a1, a2]
>> b = sym('b',[1 2])
b =
[ b1, b2]
>> f = a.*b
f =
[ a1*b1, a2*b2]
>> subs(f,[a,b],[[1,2],[0,2]])
ans =
0 4
But anyway, as you can see, the result is still an array since .* (or symbolic *) is elementwise multiplication. In order to get a scalar product, use sym/dot:
>> dot(a,b)
ans =
b1*conj(a1) + b2*conj(a2)
>> subs(dot(a,b),[a,b],[[1,2],[0,2]])
ans =

Summation in Matlab without for/while loop

How Do i solve this summation in MATLAB without using for/while loop?
Here C is a vector(1*N matrix), n=length(c) and x is scalar.
Or can i Create a matrix with all element equal to x but with increasing power, like x, x^2,x^3....?
There are several ways:
result = polyval(fliplr([0 c]), x);
result = sum(c.*x.^(1:numel(c)));
result = sum(c.*cumprod(repmat(x, 1, numel(c))));
As an example, for
c = [3 4 -5 2 3];
x = 9;
any of the above gives
result =
>> c(1)*x^1+c(2)*x^2+c(3)*x^3+c(4)*x^4+c(5)*x^5
ans =

Quantiles in Matlab

Would there be a function in matlab, or an easy way, to generate the quantile groups to which each data point belongs to?
x = [4 0.5 3 5 1.2];
q = quantile(x, 3);
ans =
1.0250 3.0000 4.2500
So I would like to see the following:
result = [2 1 2 3 1]; % The quantile groups
In other words, I am looking for the equivalent of this thread in matlab
You can go through all n quantiles in a loop and use logical indexing to find the quantile
n = 3;
q = quantile(x,n);
y = ones(size(x));
for k=2:n
y(x>=q(k)) = k;
Depending on how you define "quantile group", you could use:
If "quantile group" means how many values in q are less than x:
result = sum(bsxfun(#gt, x(:).', q(:)));
If "quantile group" means how many values in q are less than or equal to x:
result = sum(bsxfun(#ge, x(:).', q(:)));
If "quantile group" means index of the value in q which is closest to each value in x:
[~, result] = min(abs(bsxfun(#minus, x(:).', q(:))));
None of these returns the result given in your example, though: the first gives [2 0 1 3 1], the second [2 0 2 3 1], the third [3 1 2 3 1].

Saving different 'graycoprops' properties values on a matrix [MATLAB]

I've a picture. I create the co-occurrence matrix (graycomatrix) to extract different properties (contrast, correlation) etc on it (graycoprops)
x = []
for a lot of pictures, do the same:
imgB = imread('currentLoopImage.jpg')
contrast = graycoprops(graycomatrix(rgb2gray(imgB)), 'Contrast')
correlation = graycoprops(graycomatrix(rgb2gray(imgB)), 'Correlation')
energy = graycoprops(graycomatrix(rgb2gray(imgB)), 'Energy')
homogeneity = graycoprops(graycomatrix(rgb2gray(imgB)), 'Homogeneity')
x = [x;contrast;correlation;energy;homogeneity]
The thing is that I need to save all the values on that matrix X, but I get the following error:
CAT arguments are not consistent in structure field names.
As this is the output I get from each type:
homogeneity =
Homogeneity: 0.8587
There are different types, so I can't save them on the X matrix.
The output matrix X, should save only the numbers, and ignore that "Homogenity"
Can someone tell me who can I do this?
From the graycoprops() example:
>> GLCM = [0 1 2 3;1 1 2 3;1 0 2 0;0 0 0 3];
>> stats = graycoprops(GLCM)
stats =
Contrast: 2.8947
Correlation: 0.0783
Energy: 0.1191
Homogeneity: 0.5658
Then just do:
>> x = struct2array(stats)
ans =
2.8947 0.0783 0.1191 0.5658
Also note that you can include all your images in an m x n x p matrix and process them all at once, instead of using the for loop. For example:
>> GLCM(:,:,2) = GLCM;
>> cell2mat(struct2cell(stats))
ans =
2.8947 2.8947
0.0783 0.0783
0.1191 0.1191
0.5658 0.5658