Swift Response template without additional casting - swift

Do somebody know how to achieve Template on Response but without extra casting? Now if I do so Xcode returns me error that I can't override T dynamically. But I really believe I on right way but missed something. No?
Now it's looks like: func didReciveResponse(request: Request, response: Response<Any>)
enum Response<T> {
case success(response: T)
case failured(error: Error)
func pseudoResponse() {
let time: Timeinterval = 3
// somehow cast T (compiler shows error that I can't do this)
let response = .success<Timeinterval>(time)
didReciveResponse(.time, response)
// delegate method
func didReciveResponse(request: Request, response: Response) {
switch request {
case .time:
switch response {
// response without additional casting (as?)
case .success(let value): time = value

As the compiler cannot infer the generic type you have to annotate the type in this case
func pseudoResponse() {
let time: TimeInterval = 3.0
let response : Response<TimeInterval> = .success(response: time)
didReciveResponse(request: .time, response: response)
and you have to specify the Response type in the delegate method
func didReciveResponse(request: Request, response: Response<TimeInterval>) { ...
However if you want to make didReciveResponse (actually didReceiveResponse) also generic you need to write
func didReciveResponse<T>(request: Request, response: Response<T>) {


Parsing Alamofire JSON

I am building an app that will work with Plaid. Plaid provides a nice little LinkKit that I need to use to grab my link_token. I provide that link_token to authenticate to a bank. I have written a request using Alamofire to send the .post to get the new link_token when someone would want to add another account. My issue is when I decode the JSON to a struct that I have built I cant seem to use that stored link_token value.
Code to retrieve link_token
let parameters = PlaidAPIKeys(client_id: K.plaidCreds.client_id,
secret: K.plaidCreds.secret,
client_name: K.plaidCreds.client_name,
language: K.plaidCreds.language,
country_codes: [K.plaidCreds.country_codes],
user: [K.plaidCreds.client_user_id: K.plaidCreds.unique_user_id],
products: [K.plaidCreds.products])
func getLinkToken() {
let linkTokenRequest = AF.request(K.plaidCreds.plaidLinkTokenURL,
method: .post,
parameters: parameters,
encoder: JSONParameterEncoder.default).responseDecodable(of: GeneratedLinkToken.self) { response in
Struct I have built:
struct GeneratedLinkToken: Decodable {
let expiration: String
let linkToken: String
let requestID: String
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case expiration = "expiration"
case linkToken = "link_token"
case requestID = "request_id"
I have tested by calling the function getLinkToken() when pressing my add account or dummy button, I do get the data back that I am needing. Why wouldnt I be able to access GeneratedLinkToken.linkToken directly after the request?
You aren't able to access linkToken property like this: GeneratedLinkToken.linkToken, because linkToken is as instance property(read here)
If you want to get an instance after your request, you can do it like this:
func getLinkToken(completion: #escaping ((GeneratedLinkToken) -> Void)) {
let linkTokenRequest = AF.request(K.plaidCreds.plaidLinkTokenURL,
method: .post,
parameters: parameters,
encoder: JSONParameterEncoder.default).responseDecodable(of: GeneratedLinkToken.self) { response in
// if response is an object of type GeneratedLinkToken
switch response.result {
case .success(let object):
case .failure(let error):
// hanlde error
Later you can call as:
getLinkToken { linkObject in
print("My tokne: \(linkObject.linkToken)")
I added completion(read here) to your method, since the request executing async, you can take a look at this Q/A: read here. I also suggest you, pass parameters as a parameter to this function, not declare it globally.

Swift Combine: Cannot refactor repetitive code

My API returns this format, where data can contain all kinds of responses.
status: // http status
error?: // error handle
data?: // your response data
meta?: // meta data, eg. pagination
debug?: // debuging infos
I have made a Codable Response type with a generic for the optional data, of which we do not know the type.
struct MyResponse<T: Codable>: Codable {
let status: Int
let error: String?
let data: T?
let meta: Paging?
let debug: String?
I am now trying to write API convenience methods as concisely as possible. So I have a function to return a generic publisher that I can use for all these responses, i.e. one that pre-parses the response and catches any errors upfront.
First, I get a dataTaskPublisher that processes the parameter inputs, if any. Endpoint is just a convenience String enum for my endpoints, Method is similar. MyRequest returns a URLRequest with some necessary headers etc.
Notice the way I define the parameters: params: [String:T]. This is standard JSON so it could be strings, numbers etc.
It seems this T is the problem somehow..
static fileprivate func publisher<T: Encodable>(
_ path: Endpoint,
method: Method,
params: [String:T] = [:]) throws
-> URLSession.DataTaskPublisher
let url = API.baseURL.appendingPathComponent(path.rawValue)
var request = API.MyRequest(url: url)
if method == .POST && params.count > 0 {
request.httpMethod = method.rawValue
do {
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(params)
request.httpBody = data
return URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: request)
catch let err {
throw MyError.encoding(description: String(describing: err))
return URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: request)
Next, I am parsing the response.
static func myPublisher<T: Encodable, R: Decodable>(
_ path: Endpoint,
method: Method = .GET,
params: [String:T] = [:])
-> AnyPublisher<MyResponse<R>, MyError>
do {
return try publisher(path, method: method, params: params)
.mapError { MyError.network(description: "\($0)")}
.decode(type: MyResponse<R>.self, decoder: self.agent.decoder)
.mapError { MyError.encoding(description: "\($0)")} //(2)
.tryMap {
if $0.status > 204 {
throw MyError.network(description: "\($0.status): \($0.error!)")
else {
return $0 // returns a MyResponse
.mapError { $0 as! MyError }
catch let err {
return Fail<MyResponse<R>,MyError>(error: err as? MyError ??
MyError.undefined(description: "\(err)"))
Now I can write an endpoint method easily. Here are two examples.
static func documents() -> AnyPublisher<[Document], MyError> {
return myPublisher(.documents)
.mapError { MyError.network(description: $0.errorDescription) }
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.eraseToAnyPublisher() as AnyPublisher<[Document], MyError>
static func user() -> AnyPublisher<User, MyError> {
return myPublisher(.user)
.mapError { MyError.network(description: $0.errorDescription) }
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.eraseToAnyPublisher() as AnyPublisher<User, MyError>
All this is working well. Please note that each time, I have to specify my exact return type twice. I think I can live with that.
I should be able to simplify this so that I do not have to repeat the same three operators (map, mapError, receive) in exactly the same way each time.
But when I insert .map(\.data!) at the location //(1) above I get the error Generic parameter T could not be inferred. at the location //(2).
This is really confusing. Why does the generic type in the input parameters play any role here? This must be related to the call to the .decode operator just above, where the generic in question is called R, not T.
Can you explain this? How can I refactor these operators upstream?
This code has a number of small problems. You're right that one is [String: T]. That means that for a given set of parameters, all the values must be of the same type. That's not "JSON." This will accept a [String: String] or a [String: Int], but you can't have both Int and String values in the same dictionary if you do it this way. And it will also accept [String: Document], and it doesn't seem like you really want that.
I'd recommend switching this to just Encodable, which would allow you to pass structs if that were convenient, or Dictionaries if that were convenient:
func publisher<Params: Encodable>(
_ path: Endpoint,
method: Method,
params: Params?) throws
-> URLSession.DataTaskPublisher
func myPublisher<Params: Encodable, R: Decodable>(
_ path: Endpoint,
method: Method = .GET,
params: Params?)
-> AnyPublisher<MyResponse<R>, MyError>
Then modify your params.count to check for nil instead.
Note that I didn't make params = nil a default parameter. That's because this would recreate a second problem you have. T (and Params) can't be inferred in the default case. For = [:], what is T? Swift has to know, even though it's empty. So instead of a default, you use an overload:
func myPublisher<R: Decodable>(
_ path: Endpoint,
method: Method = .GET)
-> AnyPublisher<MyResponse<R>, MyError> {
let params: String? = nil // This should be `Never?`, see https://twitter.com/cocoaphony/status/1184470123899478017
return myPublisher(path, method: method, params: params)
Now, when you don't pass any parameters, Params automatically becomes String.
So now your code is fine, and you don't need the as at the end
func documents() -> AnyPublisher<[Document], MyError> {
.mapError { MyError.network(description: $0.errorDescription) }
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.eraseToAnyPublisher() // <== Removed `as ...`
Now, that .map(\.data!) makes me sad. If you get back corrupt data from the server, the app will crash. There are lots of good reasons to crash apps; bad server data is never one of them. But fixing that isn't really related to this question (and is a little bit complicated because Failure types other than Error make things hard currently), so I'll leave it for now. My general recommendation is to use Error as your Failure type, and allow unexpected errors to just bubble up rather than wrapping them in an .undefined case. If you need some catch-all "other" anyway, you might as well do that with types ("is") rather than an extra enum case (which just moves the "is" to a switch). At the very least, I would move the Error->MyError mapping as late as possible, which will make handling this much easier.
One more tweak to make later things a little more general, I suspect MyResponse only needs to be Decodable, not Encodable (the rest of this works either way, but it makes it a little more flexible):
struct MyResponse<T: Decodable>: Decodable { ... }
And to your original question of how to make this reusable, you can now pull out a generic function:
func fetch<DataType, Params>(_: DataType.Type,
from endpoint: Endpoint,
method: Method = .GET,
params: Params?) -> AnyPublisher<DataType, MyError>
where DataType: Decodable, Params: Encodable
myPublisher(endpoint, method: method, params: params)
.mapError { MyError.network(description: $0.errorDescription) }
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
// Overload to handle no parameters
func fetch<DataType>(_ dataType: DataType.Type,
from endpoint: Endpoint,
method: Method = .GET) -> AnyPublisher<DataType, MyError>
where DataType: Decodable
fetch(dataType, from: endpoint, method: method, params: nil as String?)
func documents() -> AnyPublisher<[Document], MyError> {
fetch([Document].self, from: .documents)

Alamofire and PromiseKit returning a Promise<[T]>

I used Alamofire and PromiseKit as separate Cocoapod installs. I can retrieve the JSON data using Alamofire, but I am receiving the error below when configuring PromiseKit. The error below appears in the line where 'fulfill, reject' are in.
Error message: Contextual closure type '(Resolver<_>) -> Void' expects 1 argument, but 2 were used in closure body
I am using Xcode 9.2 and IOS 11.2 inside of the Simulator. Thank you for your advice in advance!
func wantToReturnAnArrayOfActor() -> Promise<[Actor]> {
return Promise { fulfill, reject in
Alamofire.request(ApiUrl.url.rawValue).responseJSON { (response) in
case .success(let responseString): print("my response string = \(responseString)")
let actorResponse = ActorApiResponse(JSONString: "\(responseString)")//converts all of the data into the ActorApiResponse model class
return when(fulfilled: actorResponse)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("actorResponse = \(String(describing: actorResponse))")
case .failure(let error): print("alamofire error = \(error)")
Should it rather be like this,
func wantToReturnAnArrayOfActor() -> Promise<[Actor]> {
return Promise() { resolver in
Alamofire.request(ApiUrl.url.rawValue).responseJSON { (response) in
case .success(let responseObject):
let actorResponse = ActorApiResponse(jsonObject: responseObject)
let actors = actorResponse.getActors()
case .failure(let error):
The initializer closure for Promise takes in single argument, which is of type Resolver, which is what your error says. Then, you would want to resolve your promise with result which is of type [Actor] when the promise execution is finished or then reject with error if error occurred during the execution.
Few points to note here:
Alamofire.request(_).responseJSON returns json object not json string.
If your ActorApiResponse is the object which transforms the json to [Actor], you should have proper method to convert json object to actual data type ie. [Actor].
You could have your ActorApiResponse something like this,
struct ActorApiResponse {
init(jsonObject: Any) {
func getActors() -> [Actor] {
// calculate and return actors
return []
Then, you can call it from else where,
wantToReturnAnArrayOfActor().done {
// do something with [Actor here]
// You can also chain the multiple promise using .then instead of using done
}.catch { error in
print("Error occurred \(error)")

Best way to handle errors from async closures in Swift 2?

I'm using a lot of async network request (btw any network request in iOS need to by async) and I'm finding way to better handle errors from Apple's dataTaskWithRequest which not supports throws.
I have code like that:
func sendRequest(someData: MyCustomClass?, completion: (response: NSData?) -> ()) {
let request = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "http://google.com")!)
if someData == nil {
// throw my custom error
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request) {
data, response, error in
// here I want to handle Apple's error
I need to parse my possible custom errors and handle possible connection errors from dataTaskWithRequest. Swift 2 introduced throws, but you can't throw from Apple's closure because they have no throw support and running async.
I see only way to add to my completion block NSError returning, but as I know using NSError is old-style Objective-C way. ErrorType can be used only with throws (afaik).
What's the best and most modern method to handle error when using Apple network closures? There is no way no use throws in any async network functions as I understand?
there are many ways you can solve this, but i would recommend using a completion block which expects a Result Enum. this would probably be the most 'Swift' way.
the result enum has exactly two states, success and error, which a big advantage to the usual two optional return values (data and error) which lead to 4 possible states.
enum Result<T> {
case Success(T)
case Error(String, Int)
Using the result enum in a completion block finishes the puzzle.
let InvalidURLCode = 999
let NoDataCode = 998
func getFrom(urlString: String, completion:Result<NSData> -> Void) {
// make sure the URL is valid, if not return custom error
guard let url = NSURL(string: urlString) else { return completion(.Error("Invalid URL", InvalidURLCode)) }
let request = NSURLRequest(URL: url)
NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request) { data, response, error in
// if error returned, extract message and code then pass as Result enum
guard error == nil else { return completion(.Error(error!.localizedDescription, error!.code)) }
// if no data is returned, return custom error
guard let data = data else { return completion(.Error("No data returned", NoDataCode)) }
// return success
because the return value is a enum, you should switch off of it.
getFrom("http://www.google.com") { result in
switch result {
case .Success(let data):
// handle successful data response here
let responseString = String(data:data, encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding)
print("got data: \(responseString)");
case .Error(let msg, let code):
// handle error here
print("Error [\(code)]: \(msg)")
another solution would be to pass two completion blocks, one for success and one for error. something along the lines of:
func getFrom(urlString: String, successHandler:NSData -> Void, errorHandler:(String, Int) -> Void)
It's very similar to Casey's answer,
but with Swift 5, now we have Result (generic enumeration) implementation in standard library,
//Don't add this code to your project, this has already been implemented
//in standard library.
public enum Result<Success, Failure: Error> {
case success(Success), failure(Failure)
It's very easy to use,
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (result: Result<(response: URLResponse, data: Data), Error>) in
switch result {
case let .success(success):
handleResponse(success.response, data: success.data)
case let .error(error):
There's an elegant approach utilising a JavaScript-like Promise library or a Scala-like "Future and Promise" library.
Using Scala-style futures and promises, it may look as follows:
Your original function
func sendRequest(someData: MyCustomClass?, completion: (response: NSData?) -> ())
may be implemented as shown below. It also shows, how to create a promise, return early with a failed future and how to fulfill/reject a promise:
func sendRequest(someData: MyCustomClass) -> Future<NSData> {
guard let url = ... else {
return Future.failure(MySessionError.InvalidURL) // bail out early with a completed future
let request = ... // setup request
let promise = Promise<NSData>()
NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request) { data, response, error in
guard let error = error else {
promise.reject(error) // Client error
// The following assertions should be true, unless error != nil
assert(data != nil)
assert(response != nil)
// We expect HTTP protocol:
guard let response = response! as NSHTTPURLResponse else {
promise.reject(MySessionError.ProtocolError) // signal that we expected HTTP.
// Check status code:
guard myValidStatusCodeArray.contains(response.statusCode) else {
let message: String? = ... // convert the response data to a string, if any and if possible
promise.reject(MySessionError.InvalidStatusCode(statusCode: response.statusCode, message: message ?? ""))
// Check MIME type if given:
if let mimeType = response.MIMEType {
guard myValidMIMETypesArray.contains(mimeType) else {
promise.reject(MySessionError.MIMETypeNotAccepted(mimeType: mimeType))
} else {
// If we require a MIMEType - reject the promise.
// transform data to some other object if desired, can be done in a later, too.
return promise.future!
You might expect a JSON as response - if the request succeeds.
Now, you could use it as follows:
sendRequest(myObject).map { data in
return try NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(data, options: [])
.map { object in
// the object returned from the step above, unless it failed.
// Now, "process" the object:
// You may throw an error if something goes wrong:
if failed {
throw MyError.Failed
.onFailure { error in
// We reach here IFF an error occurred in any of the
// previous tasks.
// error is of type ErrorType.
print("Error: \(error)")

Generic perform Request, using Generics

I would like to make a perform request function in swift using Generics. I want to make the call and switch on my enum Result based on what I get back. However, I don't understand the : 'cannot invoke performRequest with an argument list of type (NSURLRequest, (Result<__>) -> ())' Why can't I have an unnamed parameter here? I have also tried something like the following : r<MyStruct> --- but I then get an expected expression error. Any help explaining the above Result<_> error would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
enum Result<A> {
case Value
case Error
func performRequest<A>(request:NSURLRequest, callback:(Result<A>) -> ()) {
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request) { (data, response, error) -> Void in
callback(parseResponse(data, response: response, error: error))
class SampleClass {
let request = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "www.google.com")!)
init() {
performRequest(request) { r in -------- errors out
switch r {
case .Value:
case .Error:
The problem is that when you use performRequest, you have not given the compiler enough information about the generic parameter you intend to use. The critical part that is missing is that parseResponse needs to return a Result that is parameterised in the same way as the callback. However, in the snippet you provided, parseResponse is not generic.
I believe this will do what you intend. In this scenario, I've parameterised the Result with String, but you can substitute any other type.
// multi-purpose (generic) Result type
enum Result<A>
case Value(A) // because you parameterised the enum, you might as well take advantage of the type
case Error
// this is a custom parser, you may substitute your own that returns a different type
func parseString( data:NSData?, response:NSURLResponse?, error:NSError? ) -> Result<String> {
if let _ = error {
return Result.Error
return Result.Value("Success")
// this function is completely generic, but the parser and callback need to be compatible
func performRequest<A>( request:NSURLRequest,
parser:( NSData?, NSURLResponse?, NSError? ) -> Result<A>,
callback:( Result<A> ) -> Void ) {
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request) {
( data, response, error ) -> Void in
callback( parser( data, response, error ) )
let request = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "www.google.com")!)
// actual invocation, now I need to pass in a concrete parser and callback with a specific type
performRequest( request, parser: parseString ) { // parseString returns a Result<String>
r in
switch r {
case .Value( let value ):
// because I passed in a parser that returns a Result<String>, I know that "value" is a String here
print( "Succeeded with value: \(value)" )
case .Error:
print( "an error occurred" )