Alamofire and PromiseKit returning a Promise<[T]> - swift

I used Alamofire and PromiseKit as separate Cocoapod installs. I can retrieve the JSON data using Alamofire, but I am receiving the error below when configuring PromiseKit. The error below appears in the line where 'fulfill, reject' are in.
Error message: Contextual closure type '(Resolver<_>) -> Void' expects 1 argument, but 2 were used in closure body
I am using Xcode 9.2 and IOS 11.2 inside of the Simulator. Thank you for your advice in advance!
func wantToReturnAnArrayOfActor() -> Promise<[Actor]> {
return Promise { fulfill, reject in
Alamofire.request(ApiUrl.url.rawValue).responseJSON { (response) in
case .success(let responseString): print("my response string = \(responseString)")
let actorResponse = ActorApiResponse(JSONString: "\(responseString)")//converts all of the data into the ActorApiResponse model class
return when(fulfilled: actorResponse)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("actorResponse = \(String(describing: actorResponse))")
case .failure(let error): print("alamofire error = \(error)")

Should it rather be like this,
func wantToReturnAnArrayOfActor() -> Promise<[Actor]> {
return Promise() { resolver in
Alamofire.request(ApiUrl.url.rawValue).responseJSON { (response) in
case .success(let responseObject):
let actorResponse = ActorApiResponse(jsonObject: responseObject)
let actors = actorResponse.getActors()
case .failure(let error):
The initializer closure for Promise takes in single argument, which is of type Resolver, which is what your error says. Then, you would want to resolve your promise with result which is of type [Actor] when the promise execution is finished or then reject with error if error occurred during the execution.
Few points to note here:
Alamofire.request(_).responseJSON returns json object not json string.
If your ActorApiResponse is the object which transforms the json to [Actor], you should have proper method to convert json object to actual data type ie. [Actor].
You could have your ActorApiResponse something like this,
struct ActorApiResponse {
init(jsonObject: Any) {
func getActors() -> [Actor] {
// calculate and return actors
return []
Then, you can call it from else where,
wantToReturnAnArrayOfActor().done {
// do something with [Actor here]
// You can also chain the multiple promise using .then instead of using done
}.catch { error in
print("Error occurred \(error)")


Swift Combine framework setFailureType error operator

For scientific reasons I've created a Publisher and a Subscriber so I can dive into Combine.
The Publisher has been converted from a never failing to the failing one.
enum IntegerError: String, Error {
case miltupleOf2 = "We are sorry but the number is a multiple of 2, therefore cannot be used in the process"
let integerPublisher = [1,3,3,3,3,3,5,6,7,7].publisher
.setFailureType(to: IntegerError.self)
let subscribtion = integerPublisher
.tryMap { intValue in
if intValue.isMultiple(of: 2) {
throw IntegerError.miltupleOf2
} else {
return intValue
.sink { completion in
switch completion {
case .finished:
case .failure(let error):
if let error = error as? IntegerError {
} else {
} receiveValue: { value in
My question is: when using sink, the error type is Error. Why is it not the custom IntegerError that I've used within the .setFailureType modifier?
The need of casting my error to the type that I specified earlier seems a little redundant.
Thank you.
The reason for this is quite straightforward. tryMap returns a Publishers.TryMap<Upstream, Output>, which is a specific kind of publisher with Failure == Error:
typealias Failure = Error
So as soon as you use tryMap, that undoes what setFailureType did.
The reason why Publishers.TryMap has Error as its Failure type is because in Swift, you can't specify what specific type of error a closure can throw (unlike Java for example). Once you mark a closure as throws, like tryMap has done with its transform parameter:
func tryMap<T>(_ transform: #escaping (Self.Output) throws -> T) -> Publishers.TryMap<Self, T>
any Error can be thrown inside the transform closure. You can try changing throw IntegerError.miltupleOf2 to throwing another type of error. Your code will still compile.
Hypothetically, if Swift allowed you to specify what type of error you are allowed to throw in the closure, then tryMap could have been declared as (fake syntax):
func tryMap<T, E: Error>(_ transform: #escaping (Self.Output) throws E -> T) -> Publishers.TryMap<Self, T, E>
and you wouldn't even need setFailureType.
As a workaround, you can use mapError to cast the error to your desired type:
let subscribtion = integerPublisher
.tryMap { intValue -> Int in
if intValue.isMultiple(of: 2) {
throw IntegerError.miltupleOf2
} else {
return intValue
}.mapError { $0 as! IntegerError }
.sink { completion in
switch completion {
case .finished:
case .failure(let error):
} receiveValue: { value in
You need to reassure the compiler that you haven't thrown any other type of errors in tryMap.

Get an array through a closure. Swift

I am studying networking (Alamofire).
And in his pet project on Viper architecture.
I am making a get request and getting a to-do list from a local server.
The data is returned to me successfully.
But I just can't figure out how to get them and transfer them to Interactor...
I want my fetchToDos method to return an array. But I keep making mistakes.
func fetchToDos() -> [ToDo]? { // <- My mistake is clearly here
let request = Session.default.request("http://localhost:3003/")
request.responseDecodable(of: ToDos.self) { (response) in
switch response.result {
case .success(let tasks):
print("SUCCESS to FETCH JSON: \(tasks)")
case .failure(let error):
print("FAILED to FETCH JSON: \(error.localizedDescription)")
you are using an asynchronous function, and so one way to get something out
of it when it is finished, is to use a completion handler, something like this:
(note you need to do the error checking etc...before you can use this for real)
class ToDoNetworking {
func fetchToDos(completion: #escaping ([ToDo] -> Void)) { // <- try this
let request = Session.default.request("http://localhost:3003/")
request.responseDecodable(of: [ToDos].self) { (response) in
switch response.result {
case .success(let tasks):
print("SUCCESS to FETCH JSON: \(tasks)")
completion(tasks) // <-- assuming tasks is [ToDo]
case .failure(let error):
print("FAILED to FETCH JSON: \(error.localizedDescription)")
What is the type of data being returned by the network call? If it's an array of ToDo objects and your ToDo object supports Codable, then it's likely you want:
request.responseDecodable(of: [ToDo].self)
you pass in the type of object that you want to decode, which it sounds like, is an array of ToDo objects, hence [ToDo].self.

Variable 'theData' used before being initialized, How should I fix

I am trying to Apollo framework and a graphql api to obtain the data then return it. Once I have the data in another swift file, I want to call on certain parts of the data and assign it to a variable. The errors I get is variable used before it is initialized. and if try to return the variable from within the closure I get "Unexpected Non-Void Return Value In Void Function ". I heard of ways to get around that error but I don't completely understand it and how it works with my code. If you need more code or context you can message me and I can share my GitHub repo. Sorry if the code is bad, please don't roast me. I am still a beginner.
import Foundation
import Apollo
struct AniListAPI {
let aniListUrl = ""
func ObtainData(AnimeID: Int)-> QueryQuery.Data{
var theData: QueryQuery.Data
let theInfo = QueryQuery(id: AnimeID)
GraphClient.fetch(query: theInfo) { result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
print("A big No no happened \(error)")
case .success(let GraphQLResult):
guard let Info = else {return}
theData = Info
return theData
Unexpected Non-Void Return Value In Void Function.
The reason you're getting this warning is because you can't return value from inside the closure. Use closure instead of returning value.
func ObtainData(AnimeID: Int, completion: #escaping (Data) -> Void) {
var TheData: QueryQuery.Data
let TheInfo = QueryQuery(id: AnimeID)
GraphClient.fetch(query: TheInfo) { result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
print("A big no no happened retard \(error)")
case .success(let GraphQLResult):
guard let Info = else {return}
TheData = Info
and call it like..
ObtainData(AnimeID: 123) { (anyData) in
print (anyData)
// continue your logic

Getting error when trying to use Result type with delegate

Im tring to make a network call and instead of using callback I try to use delegate instead.using Result type where .Sucsess is T: Decodable and .failure is Error. passing my model in the .Sucsess is working but when trying to pass an error I get a compile error "Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred" what am I missing ?
protocol NetworkServiceDelegate: class {
func decodableResponce<T: Decodable>(_ result: Result<T, NetworkError>)
let dataTask:URLSessionTask = session.dataTask(with: url) { (dataOrNil, responceOrNil, errOrNil) in
if let error = errOrNil {
switch error {
case URLError.networkConnectionLost,URLError.notConnectedToInternet:
print("no network connection")
case URLError.cannotFindHost, URLError.notConnectedToInternet:
print("cant find the host, could be to busy, try again in a little while")
case URLError.cancelled:
// if cancelled with the cancelled method the complition is still called
print("dont bother the user, we're doing what they want")
print("error = \(error.localizedDescription)")
guard let httpResponce:HTTPURLResponse = responceOrNil as? HTTPURLResponse
print("not an http responce")
guard let dataResponse = dataOrNil,
errOrNil == nil else {
print(errOrNil?.localizedDescription ?? "Response Error")
return }
//here dataResponse received from a network request
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let modelArray = try decoder.decode([Movie].self, from:
dataResponse) //Decode JSON Response Data
DispatchQueue.main.async {
} catch let parsingError {
print("Error", parsingError)
print("http status = \(httpResponce.statusCode)")
this line generates the error, it dosnt metter if I pass my enum that cumfirms to Error or trying to pass the error from the dataTask
Well, you have two problems, having to do with the question "what type is this?" Swift is very strict about types, so you need to get clear about that.
.networkConnectionLost is not an Error. It is an error code. You need to pass an Error object to a Result when you want to package up the error. For example, URLError(URLError.networkConnectionLost) is an Error.
The phrase Result<T, NetworkError> makes no sense. Result is already a generic. Your job is to resolve the generic that it already is. You do that by specifying the type.
So for example, you might declare:
func decodableResponce(_ result: Result<Decodable, Error>)
It is then possible to say (as tests):
or (assuming Movie is Decodable):
That proves we have our types right, and you can proceed to build up your actual code around that example code.

Best way to handle errors from async closures in Swift 2?

I'm using a lot of async network request (btw any network request in iOS need to by async) and I'm finding way to better handle errors from Apple's dataTaskWithRequest which not supports throws.
I have code like that:
func sendRequest(someData: MyCustomClass?, completion: (response: NSData?) -> ()) {
let request = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "")!)
if someData == nil {
// throw my custom error
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request) {
data, response, error in
// here I want to handle Apple's error
I need to parse my possible custom errors and handle possible connection errors from dataTaskWithRequest. Swift 2 introduced throws, but you can't throw from Apple's closure because they have no throw support and running async.
I see only way to add to my completion block NSError returning, but as I know using NSError is old-style Objective-C way. ErrorType can be used only with throws (afaik).
What's the best and most modern method to handle error when using Apple network closures? There is no way no use throws in any async network functions as I understand?
there are many ways you can solve this, but i would recommend using a completion block which expects a Result Enum. this would probably be the most 'Swift' way.
the result enum has exactly two states, success and error, which a big advantage to the usual two optional return values (data and error) which lead to 4 possible states.
enum Result<T> {
case Success(T)
case Error(String, Int)
Using the result enum in a completion block finishes the puzzle.
let InvalidURLCode = 999
let NoDataCode = 998
func getFrom(urlString: String, completion:Result<NSData> -> Void) {
// make sure the URL is valid, if not return custom error
guard let url = NSURL(string: urlString) else { return completion(.Error("Invalid URL", InvalidURLCode)) }
let request = NSURLRequest(URL: url)
NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request) { data, response, error in
// if error returned, extract message and code then pass as Result enum
guard error == nil else { return completion(.Error(error!.localizedDescription, error!.code)) }
// if no data is returned, return custom error
guard let data = data else { return completion(.Error("No data returned", NoDataCode)) }
// return success
because the return value is a enum, you should switch off of it.
getFrom("") { result in
switch result {
case .Success(let data):
// handle successful data response here
let responseString = String(data:data, encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding)
print("got data: \(responseString)");
case .Error(let msg, let code):
// handle error here
print("Error [\(code)]: \(msg)")
another solution would be to pass two completion blocks, one for success and one for error. something along the lines of:
func getFrom(urlString: String, successHandler:NSData -> Void, errorHandler:(String, Int) -> Void)
It's very similar to Casey's answer,
but with Swift 5, now we have Result (generic enumeration) implementation in standard library,
//Don't add this code to your project, this has already been implemented
//in standard library.
public enum Result<Success, Failure: Error> {
case success(Success), failure(Failure)
It's very easy to use,
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (result: Result<(response: URLResponse, data: Data), Error>) in
switch result {
case let .success(success):
handleResponse(success.response, data:
case let .error(error):
There's an elegant approach utilising a JavaScript-like Promise library or a Scala-like "Future and Promise" library.
Using Scala-style futures and promises, it may look as follows:
Your original function
func sendRequest(someData: MyCustomClass?, completion: (response: NSData?) -> ())
may be implemented as shown below. It also shows, how to create a promise, return early with a failed future and how to fulfill/reject a promise:
func sendRequest(someData: MyCustomClass) -> Future<NSData> {
guard let url = ... else {
return Future.failure(MySessionError.InvalidURL) // bail out early with a completed future
let request = ... // setup request
let promise = Promise<NSData>()
NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request) { data, response, error in
guard let error = error else {
promise.reject(error) // Client error
// The following assertions should be true, unless error != nil
assert(data != nil)
assert(response != nil)
// We expect HTTP protocol:
guard let response = response! as NSHTTPURLResponse else {
promise.reject(MySessionError.ProtocolError) // signal that we expected HTTP.
// Check status code:
guard myValidStatusCodeArray.contains(response.statusCode) else {
let message: String? = ... // convert the response data to a string, if any and if possible
promise.reject(MySessionError.InvalidStatusCode(statusCode: response.statusCode, message: message ?? ""))
// Check MIME type if given:
if let mimeType = response.MIMEType {
guard myValidMIMETypesArray.contains(mimeType) else {
promise.reject(MySessionError.MIMETypeNotAccepted(mimeType: mimeType))
} else {
// If we require a MIMEType - reject the promise.
// transform data to some other object if desired, can be done in a later, too.
return promise.future!
You might expect a JSON as response - if the request succeeds.
Now, you could use it as follows:
sendRequest(myObject).map { data in
return try NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(data, options: [])
.map { object in
// the object returned from the step above, unless it failed.
// Now, "process" the object:
// You may throw an error if something goes wrong:
if failed {
throw MyError.Failed
.onFailure { error in
// We reach here IFF an error occurred in any of the
// previous tasks.
// error is of type ErrorType.
print("Error: \(error)")