MONGODB - Add duplicate field with different value - mongodb

Is there a way to write a script that updates a document by adding a duplicate field with a different value? I cannot use set as that replaces the existing value. I cannot use push as the field is in an object, not an array. I even tried creating the new field with a different name and renaming it which also replaces the existing field.

You cannot have duplicate fields in a Mongo record. A Mongo collection is a collection of documents, otherwise known as objects. You cannot have a duplicate field in an object and Mongo is no different.

MongoDB (and any other database that I have come across so far) is built around the idea that individual fields are identifiable so they can be filtered by, grouped by, sorted by, etc... That also explains why MongoDB does not provide support for the scenario you're facing. That being said, MongoDB can be used as a dumb datastore for arbitrary JSON data. And the JSON specification does not say anything about duplicate field names which is probably why you can actually store such a document in MongoDB in the first place.
Anyway, there is no way to achieve what you want without loading the entire document, changing it (by adding the duplicate field(s)) and then replacing the whole document. That, however, will work.
I personally cannot think of a reasonable scenario where this sort of document could make sense, though. So I would strongly suggest you revisit your document structure.


Can an ordered array inside a document with MongoDB be guaranteed safe to maintain order in production [duplicate]

Simple question, do arrays keep their order when stored in MongoDB?
yep MongoDB keeps the order of the array.. just like Javascript engines..
Yes, in fact from a quick google search on the subject, it seems that it's rather difficult to re-order them:
I realise this is an old question, but the Mongo docs do now specify that all document properties retain their order as they are inserted. This naturally extends to arrays, too.
Document Field Order
MongoDB preserves the order of the document fields following write operations except for the following cases:
The _id field is always the first field in the document.
Updates that include renaming of field names may result in the reordering of fields in the document.
Changed in version 2.6: Starting in version 2.6, MongoDB actively attempts to preserve the field order in a document. Before version 2.6, MongoDB did not actively preserve the order of the fields in a document.

Is using custom _id in meteor risky?

I planned to create a document with an _id before inserting it into the DB.
I wanted to generate this _id using Meteor.uuid() (which theoretically always return a unique id) but I felt on this following git issue
Thanks, good catch. The reason that this wasn't documented is that
we'd eventually like to move away from string _ids to native binary
Mongo _ids. Since it's used in an example though, I think we should go
ahead and document it and cross that bridge later. I'll do this
It seems to be a difference between a string id and a binary mongo one. Back to my question, is there a good reason I should then avoid using my custom _id ?
When you create a Mongo.Collection you have the option to select the way Meteor handles creating _id for documents which do not have and _id already. You can read more about it here.
The key point to take away is if it does not already have an _id. You are free to use whatever custom _id field you want. At this point this is no longer a Meteor question, but a Mongo question. Read up on the pros and cons of manually setting the _id field in Mongo.
Back to your question, with respect to Meteor there is no reason to avoid creating your own _id fields. If the custom _id you want to use uniquely identify's that document, then you are good to go.
And don't worry about Meteor.uuid(). It's no longer documented, so I'd imagine it will eventually disappear.
MongoDB ObjectID are guaranteed unique by the algorithm, so are totally conflict-safe. You could have the same safeness only actually having somewhere a sort of incremental counter shared by all your application servers and persisted, so actually reimplementing what already on you db server.
From my POV you should choose between accepting a little risk and generating a random large ID, or using MongoDB to bring them to you in advance.
With the latter I mean you could implement your custom ID generation as an empty save on your collection, that you could later user within the actual document save: you'll pay the price of an additional database roundtrip but if your function involve moving files I'm sure it would be negligible.
My personal advice is the latter solution.

In MongoDB, how likely is it two documents in different collections in the same database will have the same Id?

According to the MongoDB documentation, the _id field (if not specified) is automatically assigned a 12 byte ObjectId.
It says a unique index is created on this field on the creation of a collection, but what I want to know is how likely is it that two documents in different collections but still in the same database instance will have the same ID, if that can even happen?
I want my application to be able to retrieve a document using just the _id field without knowing which collection it is in, but if I cannot guarantee uniqueness based on the way MongoDB generates one, I may need to look for a different way of generating Id's.
Short Answer for your question is : Yes that's possible.
below post on similar topic helps you in understanding better:
Possibility of duplicate Mongo ObjectId's being generated in two different collections?
You are not required to use a BSON ObjectId for the id field. You could use a hash of a timestamp and some random number or a field with extremely high cardinality (an US SSN for example) in order to make it close to impossible that two objects in the world will share the same id
The _id_index requires the idto be unique per collection. Much like in an RDBMS, where two objects in two tables may very likely have the same primary key when it's an auto incremented integer.
You can not retrieve a document solely by it's _id. Any driver I am aware of requires you to explicitly name the collection.
My 2 cents: The only thing you could do is to manually iterate over the existing collections and query for the _id you are looking for. Which is... ...inefficient, to put it polite. I'd rather semantically distinguish the documents in question by an additional field than by the collection they belong to. And remember, mongoDB uses dynamic schemas, so there is no reason to separate documents which semantically belong together but have a different set of fields. I'd guess there is something seriously, dramatically wrong with you schema. Please elaborate so that we can help you with that.

Listing fields in a mongodb object

I am developing a system where items can be shared with other users via an access key. I'm storing the access keys as fields within a shareinfo object (embedded within the item's document), as shown below:
<nth key>: <permissions object - may be complex and large>
When an item is accessed I check shareinfo.key and find if its valid or not.
Currently, to list the keys I am loading (in Java) the entire shareinfo object in memory and running keySet() on it to retrieve and return the keys while the rest of the data is wasted.
Here's the problem: I want to get the list of keys (i.e. object field names) without the accompanying data (because in some cases the permissions object is noticeably large).
I could not find any query in the mongodb docs for such a query. I want to know whether it's possible or not? Or is there an optimized way to load the list of field names into the application without the accompanying field values?
I had the same issue when trying to understand the structure of an existing mongodb database using the mongodb shell. Then I found that I can use the JavaScript function Object.keys() to retrieve an array of the object fields. (Tested with MongoDb 2.4.2)
MongoDB has a schema-less design, which means that any document could have different fields contained within it from any other document. To get an exhaustive list of all the fields for all the documents, you would need to traverse all the documents in the collection and enumerate each field. For any reasonably sized collection this is going to be an extremely expensive operation.
There are a couple of helpers that make this more simple: Variety and schema.js . They both allow you to limit the documents inspected, and they report on coverage as well. Both amount to doing a map/reduce on the collections, but are at least simpler than having to write one yourself.
If you are just looking for top-level fields across all documents (don't care about sub-fields and all the details statistics provided by variety)
Here is the one-liner
db.things.aggregate([{$project: {arrayofkeyvalue: {$objectToArray: "$$ROOT"}}}, {$unwind:"$arrayofkeyvalue"}, {$group:{_id:null, allkeys:{$addToSet:"$arrayofkeyvalue.k"}}}])

MongoDB embedded documents vs. referencing by unique ObjectIds for a system user profile

I'd like to code a web app where most of the sections are dependent on the user profile (for example different to-do lists per person etc) and I'd love to use MongoDB. I was thinking of creating about 10 embedabble documents for the main profile document and keep everything related to one user inside his own document.
I don't see a clear way of using foreign keys for mongodb, the only way would be to create a field to_do_id with the type of ObjectId for example, but they would be totally unrelated internally, just happen to have the same Ids I'd have to query for.
Is there a limit on the number of embedded document types inside a top level document that could degrade performance?
How do you guys solve the issue of having a central profile document that most of the documents have to relate to in presenting a view per person?
Do you use semi foreign keys inside MongoDb and have fields with ObjectId types that would have some other document's unique Id instead of embedding them?
I cannot feel what approach should be taken when. Thank you very much!
There is no special limit with respect to performance. The larger the document, though, the longer it takes to transmit over the wire. The whole document is always retrieved.
I do it with references. You can choose between simple manual references and the database DBRef as per this page:
The link above documents how to have references in a document in a semi-foreign key way. The DBRef might be good for what you are trying to do, but the simple manual reference is very efficient.
I am not sure a general rule of thumb exists for which reference approach is best. Since I use Java or Groovy mostly, I like the fact that I get a DBRef object returned. I can check for this datatype and use that to decide how to handle the reference in a generic way.
So I tend to use a simple manual reference for references to different documents in the same collection, and a DBRef for references across collections.
I hope that helps.