How to get the current Vi mode in IPython - ipython

I'm writing a Powerline theme for IPython and I'd like to show the Vi mode in the prompt. That will be useful but is it possible? Does IPython provide a method? I couldn't find it.
This is what I want (now the INSERT segment is hard coded):

Since IPython has switched to prompt_toolkit it does not, indeed, respect .inputrc, there are plane to do so but prompt_toolkit (PTK) author need to find time (or funds to work on it...).
PTK have a vi input mode which is not perfect (Bug reports and PR welcome), and can be enable in IPython. Better than just give you the answer, here is how to find it yourself. run ipython with --help-all option, grep for vi, and keep a couple of lines after (-A2) and after before (-B2):
$ ipython --help-all | grep vi -B2 -A2
Default: 'emacs'
Shortcut style to use at the prompt. 'vi' or 'emacs'.
So there you go, you can start IPython with --TerminalInteractiveShell.editing_mode='vi', or set the configuration option in the IPython configuration file c.TerminalInteractiveShell.editing_mode='vi'.
You can also find all configuration options in the online IPython documentation.


IPython: run script starting from a specific line

I am writing my script interactively with IPython. This is what I currently do:
write a chunk of code,
run in ipython with "run -i".
make changes and repeat 2 until I think it is OK .
comment out the entire previous chunk.
write new chunk of code that is based on the previous one.
go back to step 2.
Is there more efficient way? Can I start a script from a specific line while using all the variables in current namespace?
Use ipdb ("pip install ipdb" on the command line to install it).
Suppose you want to run script "" from line 18 to 23.
You'll want to start like this:
Now, let's jump to line 18 (i.e., ignore all the lines before the 18th):
ipdb> j 18
Next, we set a breakpoint at line 23 (we don't want to go further):
ipdb> b 23
Finally, let's execute:
ipdb> c
Job done :)
I'd personally also use the ipython notebook, but you call also use you favorite text editor and always copy out the chunk of code you want to run and use the magic command %paste to run that chunk in the ipython shell. It will take care of indentation for you.
Use the magic of %edit (first use) and %ed -p (after the first use) and it will invoke your $EDITOR from inside of ipython. Upon exiting from the editor ipython will run the script (unless you called %ed -x). That is by far the fastest way I found to work in CLI-ipython. The notebooks are nice, but I like having a real editor for code.
(Based on lev's answer)
From the interactive shell:
%run -i -d
should then enter the debugger, and proceed with:
j <line_number>
EDIT: unfortunately, this seems to sort of break ipython's magic %debug command.
An IPython Notebook allows you to interactively run scripts line by line. It comes with IPython, just run:
ipython notebook
from the terminal to launch it. Its a web interface to IPython, where you can save the notebooks to *.py files by clicking save as in the settings.
Here's some more info from this video.
For something fast as well as flexible use
It is similar to the Jupyter notebook based on your browsers (as pointed out by #agonti and #magellan88, but presumably much faster. It also has emacs style keybindings.
I use ipdb, ipython, comupled with tmux and vim and get almost IDE like features and much faster.

Running an IPython/Jupyter notebook non-interactively

Does anyone know if it is possible to run an IPython/Jupyter notebook non-interactively from the command line and have the resulting .ipynb file saved with the results of the run. If it isn't already possible, how hard would it be to implement with phantomJS, something to turn the kernel on and off, and something to turn the web server on and off?
To be more specific, let's assume I already have a notebook original.ipynb and I want to rerun all cells in that notebook and save the results in a new notebook new.ipynb, but do this with one single command on the command line without requiring interaction either in the browser or to close the kernel or web server, and assuming no kernel or web server is already running.
example command:
$ ipython notebook run original.ipynb --output=new.ipynb
Yes it is possible, and easy, it will (mostly) be in IPython core for 2.0, I would suggest looking at those examples for now.
$ jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute original.ipynb --output=new.ipynb
It is now in Jupyter NbConvert. NbConvert comes with a bunch of Preprocessors that are disabled by default, two of them (ClearOutputPreprocessor and ExecutePreprocessor) are of interest. You can either enabled them in your (local|global) config file(s) via c.<PreprocessorName>.enabled=True (Uppercase that's python), or on the command line with --ExecutePreprocessor.enabled=True keep the rest of the command as usual.
The --ExecutePreprocessor.enabled=True has convenient --execute alias that can be used on recent version of NbConvert. It can be combine with --inplace if desired
For example, convert to html after running the notebook headless :
$ jupyter nbconvert --to=html --execute RunMe.ipynb
converting to PDF after stripping outputs
$ ipython nbconvert --to=pdf --ClearOutputPreprocessor.enabled=True RunMe.ipynb
This (of course) does work with non-python kernels by spawning a <insert-your-language-here> kernel, if you set --profile=<your fav profile>. The conversion can be really long as it needs to rerun the notebook. You can do notebook to notebook conversion with the --to=notebook option.
There are various other options (timeout, allow errors, ...) that might need to be set/unset depending on use case. See documentation and of course jupyter nbconvert --help, --help-all, or nbconvert online documentation for more information.
Until this functionality becomes part of the core, I put together a little command-line app that does just what you want. It's called runipy and you can install it with pip install runipy. The source and readme are on github.
Run and replace original .ipynb file:
jupyter nbconvert --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=-1 --to notebook --inplace --execute original.ipynb
To cover some features such as parallel workers, input parameters, e-mail sending or S3 input/output... you can install jupyter-runner
pip install jupyter-runner
Readme on github:
One more way is to use papermill, it has Command Line Interface
Usage example: (you need to specify output path for execution results to be stored)
papermill your_notebook.ipynb logs/yourlog.out.ipynb
You also can specify required params if you wish with -p flag for each param:
papermill your_notebook.ipynb logs/yourlog.out.ipynb -p env "prod" -p tests "e2e"
one more related to papermill reply -
You can just run the iPython-Notebook-server via command line:
ipython notebook --pylab inline
This will start the server in non-interactive mode and all output is printed below the code. You can then save the .ipynb-File which includes Code & Output.

emacsclient window focus

How do I consistently control window focus after running emacsclient?
Currently, focus depends on if I already have an emacs server running. When emacsclient invokes an alternative editor, focus is shifted to the new emacs window. When emacsclient connects to an existing emacs server, focus is not shifted (ie. it stays on my putty client).
I would like to consistently focus on the emacs window, since I usually go to emacs after opening a file.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Version Info
emacs: 21.4.1
emacsclient: 21.4
client os: Windows XP Service Pack 3
x server: Exceed
Relevant section of my .bash_profile
# a wrapper is needed to sandwich multiple command line arguments in bash
# 2>/dev/null hides
# "emacsclient: can't find socket; have you started the server?"
emacs_wrapper () {
if [ 0 -eq $# ]
emacsclient -n -a emacs ~/notes.txt 2>/dev/null &
emacsclient -n -a emacs $* &
alias x="emacs_wrapper"
Also, at the end of my .emacs I have
My current workaround is a simple autohotkey script, which focuses on my first Exceed window
If WinExist("ahk_class EXCEEDW:MWCLIENT0")
As a side note, it seems my redirection to /dev/null confused the syntax-highlighter :(
How about:
emacsclient -e "(select-frame-set-input-focus (selected-frame))"
works for me on emacs 23.1
To unfocus (lower-frame) might be useful.
Would the "--create-frame" option to emacsclient work for you? You'd get a new frame for each file you opened this way, but at least it would be focused (I think).
For some unknown reason, the issue fixed itself. Opening files now consistently changes focus to the emacs frame with the corresponding file. I'm honestly unsure what changed the behavior, but I'm happy.
Thanks to everyone for their comments and suggestions!

Commands from .bashrc not available in Emacs

I have some aliases and functions defined in ~/.bashrc.
I start emacs from a terminal window using emacs -nw
When I execute M-x shell-command, the aliases and functions from ~/.bashrc are not available, but give a "command not found".
I've googled quite a bit but all the posts I come across say, if I understand them correctly, that ~/.bashrc is the place where this should work (rather than ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile).
What am I missing?
Aliases are available only in interactive shell - a snapshot from bash man page:
Aliases are not expanded when the
shell is not interactive, unless the
expand_aliases shell option is set
using shopt
(see the description of shopt under SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS below).
If you start Emacs from an interactive shell (in which .bashrc, etc. have executed), then the commands from your .bashrc should be available for both shell-command and shell, at least that's how it works for me.
But yeah as the other answer says, there is not real way to get a .bashrc environment in emacs. There are some documentation about a .emacs_bash file, but that never worked for me.
Okay misread your question here. If you are looking for functions and aliases instead of commands by changing paths in .bashrc, the non-interactiveness is the problem. I guess you can change the default argument to shell-command (take a look at explicit-bash-args) to make bash interactive, but that probably has unintended consequences.
The accepted answer correctly states that "aliases are available only in interactive shell".
This means that in order to load (rightly located indeed) aliases from ~/.bashrc, an interactive shell would have to be launched with Emacs's M-x shell-command (M-!).
To achieve this, add -i (interactive) switch to the M-x shell-command with:
(setq shell-command-switch "-ic")
Side Note, not Emacs related:
On some operating systems users would need to add the line source ~/.bashrc to ~/.bash_profile (or similar), since ~/.bashrc is not always auto-read by a system.

How do I get the "Command Buffer" in Solaris 10?

When working on a linx CShell u get the option to press the up / down arrows to select the last command/s typed or the Command Buffer. This even works on Windows.
However this is not functional when working on Solaris, to which i recently switched. I am guessing that the shell is also a CShell.
Please tell me what key combination is required to have this feature on Solaris ?
The default shell in Solaris has command history, but you can also use Bash instead, it's more user friendly. Just type 'bash' (no quotes) at the command line. You can also edit /etc/passwd to make bash your default shell.
The "official" default shell for Solaris is actually sh, the original Bourne shell (see Chapter 10 of the Advanced User Guide for Solaris for more info). If you'd like to change it to csh or tcsh—and you're not root (it's generally considered bad practice to use anything but sh as root's default)—just issue passwd -e /path/to/shell_of_your_choice <loginname>. I'm guessing this would probably look like passwd -e /bin/csh <loginname>, but you'd probably want to make sure it exists, first.
It may be that it's the Korn shell in which case try <ESC>k.
bash at least will allow you to switch modes with "set -o vi" or "set -o emacs".
Maybe you can use the !! command, to repeat the previous one.
Use "echo $SHELL" to see what your login shell is. If it's ksh or bash, try "set -o emacs". If that works, you'll be able to use ^P to go back a command. ^R lets you search for a command, ^F and ^B to move around within the command.
If you can´t change your default shell, or you just want to try out one that works, you can kick off any other shell from your command line. I recommend you tcsh, which will have good command line editing and history using the arrow keys. Type /bin/tcsh at your prompt to try it out. You can use the earlier responses to change your default shell if you like tcsh. Make sure your have the following in your $HOME/.cshrc file:
set filec
set history=1000 # or some other large number
set autologout=0 # if you are logging in remotely under your account.
I hope this helps.
You enable history temporarily if you use BASH by typing
which will enable up and down keys and store 1000 commands. After termal disconnetion all history will be gone.
This works on solaris 10.
For permanent solution add these lines to ~/.bashrc