How do I get the "Command Buffer" in Solaris 10? - solaris

When working on a linx CShell u get the option to press the up / down arrows to select the last command/s typed or the Command Buffer. This even works on Windows.
However this is not functional when working on Solaris, to which i recently switched. I am guessing that the shell is also a CShell.
Please tell me what key combination is required to have this feature on Solaris ?

The default shell in Solaris has command history, but you can also use Bash instead, it's more user friendly. Just type 'bash' (no quotes) at the command line. You can also edit /etc/passwd to make bash your default shell.

The "official" default shell for Solaris is actually sh, the original Bourne shell (see Chapter 10 of the Advanced User Guide for Solaris for more info). If you'd like to change it to csh or tcsh—and you're not root (it's generally considered bad practice to use anything but sh as root's default)—just issue passwd -e /path/to/shell_of_your_choice <loginname>. I'm guessing this would probably look like passwd -e /bin/csh <loginname>, but you'd probably want to make sure it exists, first.

It may be that it's the Korn shell in which case try <ESC>k.
bash at least will allow you to switch modes with "set -o vi" or "set -o emacs".

Maybe you can use the !! command, to repeat the previous one.

Use "echo $SHELL" to see what your login shell is. If it's ksh or bash, try "set -o emacs". If that works, you'll be able to use ^P to go back a command. ^R lets you search for a command, ^F and ^B to move around within the command.

If you can´t change your default shell, or you just want to try out one that works, you can kick off any other shell from your command line. I recommend you tcsh, which will have good command line editing and history using the arrow keys. Type /bin/tcsh at your prompt to try it out. You can use the earlier responses to change your default shell if you like tcsh. Make sure your have the following in your $HOME/.cshrc file:
set filec
set history=1000 # or some other large number
set autologout=0 # if you are logging in remotely under your account.
I hope this helps.

You enable history temporarily if you use BASH by typing
which will enable up and down keys and store 1000 commands. After termal disconnetion all history will be gone.
This works on solaris 10.
For permanent solution add these lines to ~/.bashrc


How do I get Perl to run an alias I've defined in BASH?

I have a script that opens up different files at the same time.
My problem here is that when I run system() on the alias I've defined in bash which points to /home/user1/Software/nc, perl tells me that it can't execute the alias because there is no file/directory at the current location.
I know that the alias works because when I invoke it directly in a shell, it opens fine.
Funny enough, I can do system("firefox") within my script fine, but not the alias. How do I use this alias in this script without it breaking?
Perl won't run bash, it will execute the command directly. You can call
bash -c your_command
instead of calling the command itself in Perl.
As it is, this doesn't load your aliases. You need to open an interactive shell, as in #MortezaLSC's answer. There supposedly is a way of loading aliases correctly in a non-interactive shell, but I can't figure it out.
But why don't you just use the command you have aliased to directly in perl? The only reason I could see not to do this, is if your alias is going to change in the future, but you will still want to run whatever command it points to. This seems weird and dangerous to say the least.
Aliases are designed to reduce the typing you do if you invoke commands with the same options etc all the time. They're not all-purpose macros for bash. Bash has functions for doing more complicated stuff, but why would you want to call non-trivial bash code from a perl script? It doesn't seem like you really need this here. Keep the complexity, and the potential for modification and failure, in one place (the perl script).
See a couple of answers to similar questions:
If you're smart, you made it so your alias is only defined for interactive shells, so you'll have to launch bash and specify that you want an interactive shell using -i.
system('bash', '-i', '-c', 'shell command');
Is it working?
system 'bash -i -c "your alias parameter"';

Command to clear the Git Bash screen, including output buffer

Is there any command in Git, that clear the screen. for example in window command line after execute a lot of code, if you type cls, then it will clear all the previous code. so i want the same type of functionality in Git. so can anybody will tell me the command name.
Actually you are looking for a Unix user environment command
or you can use the keyboard shortcut
To clear entire command history in Git Bash.
history -c
try using reset command, it will absolutely clean your screen but you will still have access to previous commands
Neither clear nor history -c does the work actually.
Scroll up, all commands will be visible.
If you are in Windows 10, and using mintty 2.7.9 (or above ?) for git bash,
use Alt + F8 ... this will work.
Best of luck.
Happy coding.
Reference: here (Perhaps it didn't work for Windows 7)
Neither clear nor history -c was clearing the history permanently.
All commands will be visible when scrolled up.
So, I solved the issue by:
In my instance the path for bash history was:
I removed the file by the following commands:
rm ~/.bash_history
After that, I restarted the terminal. the commands were gone.
search for more shortcuts in: here
Another option is modify (or create in your user folder) your .bash_profile and add this:
alias cls='clear';
With this you can clear the bash with a 'Windows' command.
At the moment I use
(in one line) and it sort of works (git version
Most times clr, clear and cls doesn't work use ctrl c to continue writing commands
use clear only without git command
" clear "

Is there any way to automatically save command history to a file in cmd.exe, similar to bash's bash_history?

I am aware that one can do
doskey /history
to save the command history at a particular point in time, but I wonder if there's a way to proactively save command history to a file, as the commands are being issued.
Once a command prompt is closed, the history is lost, so it's easy to accidentally close a command prompt when one is done.
I'd like to be able to say something like:
log Commands.log
and then issue my commands, and have the commands be saved to Commands.log.
You could create a doskey macro to remap the EXIT command, as follows:
doskey exit=doskey/history$g$gc:\temp\commands.log$texit $1 $2
This would append the contents of your command history into a file named "c:\temp\commands.log" each time you exit the prompt by typing "exit".
CAUTION: I haven't tested potential side effects of using this with EXIT's "/B exitCode" parameters, but there shouldn't be any since you're capturing the parameters with "$1 $2" anyway.
This doesn't do exactly what you're looking for, but it does capture your command history as long as you exit using EXIT (vs. just closing the window).
More info and samples on DOSKEY macros are here:
I know it is late but I can see two alternatives.
Firt clink or something more complete that include cmder
Each time you will open cmd it will be clink and it works great
As Novy has already said, try Clink; but also use the following link so it also works in admin mode.
run cmd with clink as administrator in windows to save your command history permanently

How can I modify command line in Ubuntu 10.04?

I am using a vpn service from certain server. I was given with a root account, and when I connect with a root account, the command line looks like below.
Then I used useradd to add an account called 'temp'
When I connected to the server with temp, then the command line only has a single character.
The user information is not shown, neither the path. Also, note that, in root's command line I can use tab to automatically complete the filename, however 'temp's command line inserts tab space, when I press tab. It is very inconvenient.
I am using Ubuntu 10.04. How can I resolve this issue?
I usually edit ~/.bashrc. Being root, you might want to change the system-wide preferences, at /etc/bash.bashrc. Personally, I changed some lines in ~/.bashrc to look like:-
# If this is an xterm set the title to user#host:dir
case "$TERM" in
## PS1="\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u#\h: \w\a\]$PS1" # default
PS1="\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\h: \W\a\]$PS1" # How I like it
use prompt to set the prompt.... (man prompt...)
it depends on what shell you run each one has it's own tricks, but you can make it looks as you wish.
It is likely that the default shell for root is set to /bin/sh, which does not provide many of the features that you may used to if you use a shell like bash. To check if this is the case, run the following command:
cat /etc/passwd | grep ^root
The last component of the line that this command outputs will be your shell (which, as stated previously, I'm guessing is /bin/sh). If this is not the shell you want (it probably isn't), then edit /etc/passwd (using nano or whatever editor you're most comfortable with) and change your shell to something more palatable, like /bin/bash. After doing this, you'll need to log out and then log back in.

edit commandline with $EDITOR in tcsh

Today's Daily Vim says this:
Assuming you're using the bash shell, the following can be helpful when composing long command lines.
Start typing on the command line and then type Ctrl-x Ctrl-e, it should drop you into your system's default editor (hopefully Vim) and allow you to edit the command line from there. Once finished, save the command line, and bash will run the command.
Is there any way to do this in tcsh?
A little explanation for the uninitiated.
bindkey -v
puts you in vi-mode (oh yeah!)
and hitting v from there would take you to $EDITOR -- and all is good with the world from there on.
Hmmm... IIRC, tcsh uses a command called bindkey. Try bindkey -v at the command line. Then hit escape followed by v. It's been a while since I used tcsh so the details are a bit fuzzy. When in doubt, Google it.