Logrotate files in multiple sub directories to backup location in same folder structure - logrotate

Im trying to use logrotate with very little experience, Currently working i have the files rotating, compressing and renaming into the same folder. Now i need instead of dropping the files in the same place, i need to have them dropped in another location. They also need to have the same folder structure and if it isn't there than it needs to create the new folder. All the compressed files need to be added and not override the existing files
I'm thinking that the olddir will drop them into a destination folder but not sure on how to have it drop it in the corresponding folder or create it if its not already there.
Example source
Example Destination to drop .gz files into
(needs to create opt/archive/device3 and put rotated file in here)

Didn't end up finding a way to move with logrotate but came up with script to do the same sort of thing. pretty simplistic and wont work for more than 1 level deep of subfolders.
for i in $(find $source -maxdepth 2 -type f -name "*.gz")
#removing /opt/log/host from string
dd="$( echo "$i" | sed -e 's#^/opt/log/host/##' )"
#removing everything after the first /
ff=$( echo "$dd" | cut -f1 -d"/" )
#setting the correct destination string
#create new folders if they do not exist
mkdir -p -- "$destination$ff"
#move files
mv $i $ee


moving files to different folders from 1

I have 200,000 files I want to send to different folders based on key words in the file name
in English if a file name has (shtf or prepper or prepping or survival) in the name send(move) it to folder shtf
if a file has (cookbook or gluten or recipe) move to food folder
*cookbook* *GLUTEN* *RECIPE*
(file name)
more shtf tips.epub move to folder shtf
ifshtfbeready.epub move to folder shtf
oldworldcookbook.epub move to folder food
i'm old retired ibmer small basic sas dos commands or ????
Here is a bash command, you may be able to adapt it into dos etc. I'm posting this because others may it useful as well.
find . | grep -E "(cookbook|gluten|recipe)" | while read name; do mv $name directory; done;
Where directory is the name of the directory you want to move the file. You can replace . with whatever starting directory you want, of course.
You can use wildcard in the source filename list and use a directory as the target to move multiple files with one command.
move c:\dir1\*cookbook*.* c:\food
move c:\dir1\*gluten*.* c:\food

What order does find(1) list files in?

On extfs, if there are only file-creations and no -deletions in a directory, I expect that find . -type f would list the files either in their chronological order of creation (or mtime), or if not, at least in their reverse chronological order... depending on how a directory's contents are traversed.
But that isn't the behavior I'm seeing.
The following code, eg, creates a fresh set of directories and files:
#!/bin/bash -u
for i in a/ a/{1,2,3,4,5} b/ b/{1,2,3,4,5}; do
if echo "$i" | egrep -q "/$"; then
echo "Creating dir $i"
mkdir -p "$i"
echo "Creating file $i"
touch "$i"
sleep 0.500
Output of the above snippet:
Creating dir a/
Creating file a/1
Creating file a/2
Creating file a/3
Creating file a/4
Creating file a/5
Creating dir b/
Creating file b/1
Creating file b/2
Creating file b/3
Creating file b/4
Creating file b/5
However, find lists files in somewhat random order. For example, a/2 doesn't follows a/1, and b/2 doesn't follow b/1:
$ find . -type f
./a/2 <----
./b/2 <----
Any idea why this should happen?
My main problem is: I have a very large volume storing 100s of 1000s of files. I need to traverse these files and directories in the order of their creation/modification (mtime) and pipe each file to another process for further processing. But I don't necessarily want to first create a temporary list of this large set of files and then sort it based on mtime before piping it to my process.
find lists objects in the order that they are reported by the underlying filesystem implementation. You can tell ls to show you this "raw" order by passing it the -f option.
The order could be anything at all -- alphabetical, by mtime, by atime, by length of name, by permissions, or something completely different. The ordering can even vary from one listing to the next.
It's common for filesystems to report in an order that reflects the filesystem's strategy for allocating directory slots to files. If this is some sort of hash-based strategy based on filename then the order can appear nonsensical. This is what happens with widely-used Linux and BSD filesystem implementations. Since you mention extfs this is probably what causes the ordering you're seeing.
So, if you need the output from find to be ordered in a particular way then you'll have to create that order yourself. Maybe based on something like:
find . -type f -exec ls -ltr --time-style=+%s {} \; | sort -n -k6

Folders not showing up in Bucket storage

So my problem is that a have a few files not showing up in gcsfuse when mounted. I see them in the online console and if I 'ls' with gsutils.
Also, if If I manually create the folder in the bucket, i then can see the files inside it, but I need to create it first. Any suggestions?
If I mount mybucket with gcsfuse and do 'ls' it only returns dir1/ok.txt.
Then I'll create the folder dir2 inside dir1 at the root of the mounting point, and suddenly 'lafu.txt' shows up.
By default, gcsfuse won't show a directory "implicitly" defined by a file with a slash in its name. For example if your bucket contains an object named dir/foo.txt, you won't be able to find it unless there is also an object nameddir/.
You can work around this by setting the --implicit-dirs flag, but there are good reasons why this is not the default. See the documentation for more information.
Google Cloud Storage doesn't have folders. The various interfaces use different tricks to pretend that folders exist, but ultimately there's just an object whose name contains a bunch of slashes. For example, "pictures/january/0001.jpg" is the full name of a single object.
If you need to be sure that a "folder" exists, put an object inside it.
#Brandon Yarbrough suggests creating needed directory entries in the GCS bucket. This avoids the performance penalty described by #jacobsa.
Here is a bash script for doing so:
# 1. Mount $BUCKET_NAME at $MOUNT_PT
# 2. Run this script
DEL_OUTFILE=${3:-y} # Set to y or n
echo "Reading objects in $BUCKET_NAME"
gsutil ls -r gs://$BUCKET_NAME/** | while read BUCKET_OBJ
dirname "$BUCKET_OBJ"
done | sort -u > $OUTFILE
echo "Processing directories found"
cat $OUTFILE | while read DIR_NAME
LOCAL_DIR=`echo "$DIR_NAME" | sed "s=gs://$BUCKET_NAME/==" | sed "s=gs://$BUCKET_NAME=="`
#echo $LOCAL_DIR
if ! [ -d "$TARG_DIR" ]
echo "Creating $TARG_DIR"
mkdir -p "$TARG_DIR"
if [ $DEL_OUTFILE = "y" ]
echo "Process complete"
I wrote this script, and have shared it at https://github.com/mherzog01/util/blob/main/sh/mk_bucket_dirs.sh.
This script assumes that you have mounted a GCS bucket locally on a Linux (or similar) system. The script first specifies the GCS bucket and location where the bucket is mounted. It then identifies all "directories" in the GCS bucket which are not visible locally, and creates them.
This (for me) fixed the issue with folders (and associated objects) not showing up in the mounted folder structure.

Solaris copy files from multiple directories into a single directory

I have a need to regularly copy files from a specific set of source sub directories (100's of them) into a 'flat" directory structure, i.e. i want all the files from the multiple source directories in a single destination directory. I can't seem to find a way of copying that can look into the source sub directories & copy the files that doesn't re-create the sub-directory folder structure in the destination directory.
Any help appreciated.
find $sourcedir -type f -print | while read file; do cp $file $destdir; done
or (prevent overwrites)
find $sourcedir -type f -print | while read file; do base=$(basename $file); test -f $destdir/$base || cp $file $destdir; done
Note this will not work if any of the names of the files or subdirectories in $sourcedir contain spaces.

File movement issue on NFS file system on Unix box

Currently there are 4.5 million files in a single directory on an NFS file system. As a result any read or write operation on that directory is causing a huge delay.
In order to over come this problem, all the files in that directory will be moved onto different directories based on the year of its creation.
Apparently, the find command that we are using with the -ctime option is not working because of the huge file volume.
We tried listing the files based on the year of creation and then feed the list to a script that will move them in a for loop. But even this failed as ls -lrt went for a hang.
Is there any other way to tackle this problem?
Please help.
Script contents:
1) filelist.sh
ls -tlr|awk '{print $8,$9,$6,$7}'|grep ^2011|awk '{print $2,$1,$3,$4}' 1>>inboundstore_$1.txt 2>>Error_$1.log
ls -tlr|awk '{print $8,$9,$6,$7}'|grep ^2011|wc -l 1>>count_$1.log
2) filemove.sh
INPUT_FILE=$1 ##text file which has the list of files from the previous script
FINAL_LOCATION=$2 ##destination directory
if [ -r $INPUT_FILE ]
for file in `cat $INPUT_FILE`
echo "TIME OF FILE COPY OF [$file] IS : `date`" >> xyz/IBSCopyTime.log
echo "$INPUT_FILE does not exist"
Use the readdir iterator.