moving files to different folders from 1 - command

I have 200,000 files I want to send to different folders based on key words in the file name
in English if a file name has (shtf or prepper or prepping or survival) in the name send(move) it to folder shtf
if a file has (cookbook or gluten or recipe) move to food folder
*cookbook* *GLUTEN* *RECIPE*
(file name)
more shtf tips.epub move to folder shtf
ifshtfbeready.epub move to folder shtf
oldworldcookbook.epub move to folder food
i'm old retired ibmer small basic sas dos commands or ????

Here is a bash command, you may be able to adapt it into dos etc. I'm posting this because others may it useful as well.
find . | grep -E "(cookbook|gluten|recipe)" | while read name; do mv $name directory; done;
Where directory is the name of the directory you want to move the file. You can replace . with whatever starting directory you want, of course.

You can use wildcard in the source filename list and use a directory as the target to move multiple files with one command.
move c:\dir1\*cookbook*.* c:\food
move c:\dir1\*gluten*.* c:\food


.gitignore all except one specific file (via a full/fuller file path)

The Goal:
How to use .gitignore to exclude all folders & files except PowerShell $Profile?
The answer should help expand the current exception file list to more files in other subfolders. If possible, reduce wildcards to minimum, and use as specific as possible (full/fuller file path). Why? For instance, Book1.xlsx may exist in multiple subfolders but I want to be able to choose only the specific desired subfolders.
Thanks in advance!
Current status:
On Windows 10 (not Linux Distros):
git init initiated on top level directory C:\. [Please don't suggest to start from other subfolders. Just remain with C:\, as I will include more files to the exception list]
C:\.gitignore containing the below:
# Ignore All
# Exception List [eg. PowerShell's $Profile (please use FULL/FULLER FILE PATH, if possible)]
With the above codes, git status successfully returned only .gitignore as 1 untracked file. Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 remained missing from untrack listing.
I've tried alternative ways (wildcard, partial subfolder name with pattern, etc) but all failed to return the fuller file path PowerShell $Profile.

Logrotate files in multiple sub directories to backup location in same folder structure

Im trying to use logrotate with very little experience, Currently working i have the files rotating, compressing and renaming into the same folder. Now i need instead of dropping the files in the same place, i need to have them dropped in another location. They also need to have the same folder structure and if it isn't there than it needs to create the new folder. All the compressed files need to be added and not override the existing files
I'm thinking that the olddir will drop them into a destination folder but not sure on how to have it drop it in the corresponding folder or create it if its not already there.
Example source
Example Destination to drop .gz files into
(needs to create opt/archive/device3 and put rotated file in here)
Didn't end up finding a way to move with logrotate but came up with script to do the same sort of thing. pretty simplistic and wont work for more than 1 level deep of subfolders.
for i in $(find $source -maxdepth 2 -type f -name "*.gz")
#removing /opt/log/host from string
dd="$( echo "$i" | sed -e 's#^/opt/log/host/##' )"
#removing everything after the first /
ff=$( echo "$dd" | cut -f1 -d"/" )
#setting the correct destination string
#create new folders if they do not exist
mkdir -p -- "$destination$ff"
#move files
mv $i $ee

Cygwin or Gnuwin - Find .txt files named* copy & paste to specific directory

Okay so I want to know how I would go about doing this, using grep to locate .txt files named "cocacola1", "cocacola2", "cocacola3" & then copying them to another directory. So searching for files named "cocacola" &/even if it contains other characters within the file name to then copy them to another directory/location.
You can just use unix find. Assuming the files you're searching for are in 'source' and you want to copy to 'destination':
find source -name '*cocacola*' -exec cp {} destination \;
I put the wildcard '*' before and after cocacola since you said other characters might exist in the file name.

Winrar CommandLine & Powershell : Exclude Full Directory Path Structure

Suppose I have a directory structure like
I want to rar archive the abc folder so that the structure of rar is:
When I try using powershell to archive, winrar replicates the full path inside the archive, like:
I dont want the full path to be created inside the archive
Here's the script:
What am I doing wrong?
Use the command line:
Rar.exe a -r -ep1 Test.rar "C:\Users\Desktop\abc"
Rar.exe is the console version of WinRAR stored in same directory as WinRAR.exe. You can use this command line also with WinRAR.exe if you want to see the compression process in a graphic window.
a is the command and means add files to archive.
-r is a switch to recursively add all files and subdirectories including empty subdirectories to the archive.
-ep1 is another switch which results in execluding base directory.
For this command line the base directory is "C:\Users\Desktop\" and therefore the created archive Test.rar contains only abc and all files and subdirectories in directory abc which is what you want.
One more hint: Using the command line
Rar.exe a -r -ep1 Test.rar "C:\Users\Desktop\abc\"
results in adding all files and subdirectories of directory abc to the archive, but without directory name abc being also stored in the archive. The backslash at end makes this difference.
In other words: On using switch -ep1 everything up to last backslash in file/directory specification is not added to the archive.
For more information about available switches see the text file Rar.txt in the program files directory of WinRAR.

I want to prompt a user for the first 5 characters of a file then have it search for the files

I'm trying to write a script that will prompt the user for the first 5 charters of a file name then have it search the directories for any files that start with that. Then I want it to check to see if a folder is created with the file names and if not create one then move the files there. But if there is a directory for it already then to just move the files too the folder.
Break it down step by step:
"prompt the user for the first 5 characters of a file name" -- you can use the shell read command to get the data. Try a simple shell script:
read foo
echo "foo = $foo"
"if a folder is created with the file names" -- you can use find to see if a file exists. for example:
find . -name abcde\*
"But if there is a directory for it already then to just move the files too the folder." -- the command mkdir takes a -p option so that, if the directory already exists, it won't do anything.