How can I redirect to external url? I've tried with Navigation module, but it seems to work only for local routes. Is there a way to do it natively, without js ports?
I.e. window.location.href =;
Edit: I somehow missed Navigation.load function. As suggested below, it will help with redirects.
Since a tag can be always used with specified href, I'd rather try to find a solution which would avoid using redirection from update function.
a [ href "" ] [ text "Google link" ]
But in case it's necessary to implement the logic similar to window.location.href = "";, elm-lang/navigation provides load function (and a couple of other useful ones for forcing page loads) which does, what you're expecting.
It takes a url and returns a command load : String -> Cmd msg, so it's going to look like this:
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
RedirectToGoogle ->
( model, load "" )
I have a list of IDs in Power Query and would like to call and API to return some information about each. As there is no direct API that allows me to pull the information for my entire list, I have to call the API for each row in my table.
The API requires a dynamic access token, which I already have a function that takes care of (GetToken()).
I have followed this guide. The guide adds a custom column for which I have written the following code:
Text.Combine({"", [id]}), [Headers=[Authorization="Bearer "& GetToken()]]))
When I close the editor, I get this classic error:
"Expression.Error: The 'Authorization' header is only supported when connecting anonymously. These headers can be used with all authentication types: Accept, Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, Cache-Control, Content-Type, If-Modified-Since, Prefer, Range, Referer
I have previously mitigated this in the Data Source Settings by setting the Permission to "Anonymous". However, I can not find this query in those settings, so I don't know where to change this.
I have unsuccessfully been looking for a way to parse a parameter to Web.Content, that tells the query to do this with Anonymous settings, but it does not seem to exist.
I have tried this variation as well, but I get the same error
Any thoughts on what I can do?
The answer for this post works, with a small addition. After implementing the answer, the error still occurred. It was resolved by creating a blank query with a fixed id number instead of parsing the column as an argument to the function. This allowed me to go to "Data source settings" and change the permission for the query to Anonymous, which also fixed the problem for the function and the custom column.
Source =
[Headers=[Authorization="Bearer "& GetToken()]])),
Also, be sure to not have the curly brackets that are in the original code of the question.
If you have a list of IDs you can make a custom function that uses appropriate constructors for RelativePath like David suggests. Here is a function you can paste into a blank query, which you can specify using Invoke Custom Function on your list of IDs:
Source = (ID as text) =>
Headers=[Authorization="Bearer "& GetToken()] ,
Make sure your ID column is in text format - or change the custom function above to:
Source = (ID as number) =>
Headers=[Authorization="Bearer "& GetToken()] ,
I'm fairly sure this problem arises because of the way you're constructing your URL using Text.Combine. Can you rewrite your query to use the RelativePath header
I am new to Scala/Play Framework.
Currently, I am trying to call a Scala function from my html page: test.scala.html and pass the hash parameters to the Scala function.
I added the following lines to routes:
GET /hello controllers.Application.test
POST /hello controllers.Application.hello
In my test.scala.html I have:
#params = { window.location.hash }
#helper.form(action = routes.Application.hello) {
And my hello function is defined as:
def hello() = Action {
Ok("Hello !")
I am completely confused by the concept of routing and # so I am not too sure which part I did right and which part I did wrong. Please point out my mistakes.
Thanks in advance.
If the function is returning an action, not content to be displayed formatted inside view (HTML), you may want to route request to this action, from a link click or a form submit, to url configured in routing (aka /hello).
To add a parameter you need to either add it as url query string (e.g. for a link → /hello?p=1), or with an input/field for a form (e.g. <input type="text" name="p" value="1" />).
You can use reverse routing to get URL to call configured action. For example for a form POST to hello: <form action="#routes.MyController.hello()" method="POST">.... In this case you will need to look at form mapping, to extract parameters from request.
1) Concept of routing
The main purpose of this routing is simply to translate each incoming HTTP request to an Action in any of your Controller. By Reverse Routing its simply let you use the right part, controllers.Application.hello, in your HTML/Controller/else.
So, for your 2 URLs above, it's likely to say that if there is a request /hello with method GET then it will go to Application controller and test method. If you don't understand the role of each Routing method, please read this documentation..
2) the magic # character
# is a character that you can use in your HTML file if you need to use the Scala code or variables. It's like you can combine PHP code in your HTML file, if you're a PHP developer.
Here is the full-documentation of what you can do with this # character.
3) pass the hash to the controller
To this specific case the simplest way would be passing the value trough a form:
#helper.form(action = routes.Application.hello) {
#helper.inputText(myForm("username"), 'id -> "username", 'size -> 30, 'value -> 'value here' )
However, if you're a new Play developer, then I'm afraid you need to read about Form Submission and Form Helper in Play Framework..
I have worked some time now with ExtJS and never had a problem with submitting form. But now there is a form that is not making the POST call to the php file. And is returning me failure.
onSaveBtn : function() {
var formPanel = this.getComponent('planillaForm');
if (formPanel.getForm().isValid()) {
var vals = formPanel.getValues();
var msg = String.format(
this.el.mask(msg, 'x-mask-loading');
url : 'sistema/planilla/setPlanilla.php',
scope : this,
success : this.onFormSaveSuccess,
failure : this.onFormSaveFailure
else {
I have always worked with this "template" for Form submitting and it have never failed. I dont know what is happening but he never makes the POST and it jumps to the failure function "onFormSaveFailure". I have changed the url and nothing. I dont know what to do and I am kinda in a hurry. Please help.
There could be one of many things going on. You will need to debug it further. These are the steps I would do :
Make sure the URL is valid. I would use fiddler (or a similar program) to look at my request. Make sure the URL I am trying to submit to is valid. The likely problem there is that you are using a relative path for your url, it uses the current url as the context.
Make sure the php file is getting hit (break point, print statement...).
Make sure the php file is not crashing, exceptions thrown from the server side would result in the failure function getting called.
Make sure the php file is returning something that indicates success. If the returning JSON string has {success : false} the request would be considered to be fail.
the this.onFormSaveFailure function takes in 2 parameters : "form" and "action", the "action" object has a "failureType", use a javascript debugger to look at the value of that.
I want to call another internal url from my scalatra 'controller'. I can't do a simple redirect, as there's some security settings that mean a user has access only to the first url.
Is there a way to do this?
get("/foo") {
servletContext.getRequestDispatcher("/bar").forward(request, response)
The get() method is defined as (similar to POST, et al):
def get(transformers : org.scalatra.RouteTransformer*)(action : => scala.Any) : org.scalatra.Route
Depends on what you mean by internal redirect, I presume you just want to execute another route's action. You have a few options of what you can do. This seems to be working for me:
val canonicalEndpoint = get("/first/route") {
//do things in here
Then you could subsequently do:
get("/second/route")( canonicalEndpoint.action )
And I think you would get your desired response.
I like saving the whole Route response of the get() as you may also want to use that with scalatra's url() function in routing.
I am developing a website using zend framework.
i have a search form with get method. when the user clicks submit button the query string appears in the url after ? mark. but i want it to be zend like url.
is it possible?
As well as the JS approach you can do a redirect back to the preferred URL you want. I.e. let the form submit via GET, then redirect to the ZF routing style.
This is, however, overkill unless you have a really good reason to want to create neat URLs for your search queries. Generally speaking a search form should send a GET query that can be bookmarked. And there's nothing wrong with ?param=val style parameters in a URL :-)
ZF URLs are a little odd in that they force URL parameters to be part of the main URL. I.e. rather than¶m2=val
This isn't always what you want, but seems to be the way frameworks are going with URL parameters
There is no obvious solution. The form generated by zf will be a standard html one. When submitted from the browser using GET it will result in a request like
Only solution to get a "zendlike url" (one with / instead of ? or &), would be to hack the form submission using javascript. For example you can listen for onSubmit, abort the submission and instead redirect browser to a translated url. I personally don't believe this solution is worth the added complexity, but it should perform what you're looking for.
After raging against this for a day-and-a-half, and doing my best to figure out the right way to do this fairly simple this, I gave up and did the following. I still can't believe there's not a better way.
The use case that necessitates this is a simple record listing, with a form up top for adding some filters (via GET), maybe some column sorting, and Zend_Paginate thrown in for good measure. I ran into issues using the Url view helper in my pagination partial, but I suspect with even just sorting and a filter-form, Zend_View_Helper_Url would still fall down.
But I digress. My solution was to add a method to my base controller class that merges any raw query-string parameters with the existing zend-style slashy-params, and redirects (but only if necessary). The method can be called in any action that doesn't have to handle POSTs.
Hopefully someone will find this useful. Or even better, find a better way:
* Translate standard URL parameters (?foo=bar&baz=bork) to zend-style
* param (foo/bar/baz/bork). Query-string style
* values override existing route-params.
public function mergeQueryString(){
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()){
throw new Exception("mergeQueryString only works on GET requests.");
$q = $this->getRequest()->getQuery();
$p = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
if (empty($q)) {
//there's nothing to do.
$action = $p['action'];
$controller = $p['controller'];
$module = $p['module'];
$params = array_merge($p,$q);