Why do async calculations slow down the program? - scala

I'm reading Akka cookbook and found it interesting to improve the function performance in one sample.
I have the next client object:
object HelloAkkaActorSystem extends App {
implicit val timeout = Timeout(50 seconds)
val actorSystem = ActorSystem("HelloAkka")
val actor = actorSystem.actorOf(Props[FibonacciActor])
// asking for result from actor
val future = (actor ? 6).mapTo[Int]
val st = System.nanoTime()
val fiboacciNumber = Await.result(future, 60 seconds)
println("Elapsed time: " + (System.nanoTime() - st) / math.pow(10, 6))
And two implementations of actor class.
class FibonacciActor extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case num : Int =>
val fibonacciNumber = fib(num)
sender ! fibonacciNumber
def fib( n : Int) : Int = n match {
case 0 | 1 => n
case _ => fib( n-1 ) + fib( n-2 )
class FibonacciActor extends Actor {
override def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case num : Int =>
val fibonacciNumber = fib(num)
val s = sender()
fibonacciNumber.onComplete {
case Success(x) => s ! x
case Failure(e) => s ! -1
def fib( n : Int) : Future[Int] = n match {
case 0 | 1 => Future{ n }
case _ =>
fib( n-1 ).flatMap(n_1 =>
fib( n-2 ).map(n_2 =>
n_1 + n_2))
At my machine First variant executed in 0.12 ms, Second in 360 ms. So the Second is 300 times slower. Using htop I found that First variant use 1 core against all 4 in second case.
Is it so because too many async tasks generated? And how to speed up fib(n: Int) method?

Firstly, your benchmark results there are not likely to have any reflection on reality. The JVM is probably spending more time JITing your code that actually running it in that example. Here's a good SO post on creating a microbenchmark:
How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java?
Generally, in Java, you need to do things about 10000 times over as a warmup just to ensure all the JIT compiling has happened (because the JVM will analyse your code as you run it, and when it works out that a method is called a lot, it stops the world, and compiles it to machine code instead of executing it. In the above benchmark, very little of the code will have been compiled to machine code, it will be mostly interpretted, which means it will run really slow, plus some of it may be detected as hotspots and so you get this stop the world, compile, start again, which makes it run even slower. That's why you should be running it in a loop thousands of times over to ensure all that is done, before you actually start timing anything.
Secondly, to answer your question, in your example there, you are dispatching each execution of fib (not the whole operation, but each iteration of executing fib), a method that is only going to take a few nanoseconds to run, to a thread pool. The overhead of dispatching something to a thread pool is several microseconds, and the thing you're sending the thread pool to do is only taking a few nanoseconds to execute, so you're paying 1000x the cost of your operation to do it "asynchronously". You should only dispatch computationally expensive operations to a thread pool, for example operations that will take seconds to run, it makes no sense to dispatch very small operations to a thread pool.


Await for a Sequence of Futures with timeout without failing on TimeoutException

I have a sequence of scala Futures of same type.
I want, after some limited time, to get a result for the entire sequence while some futures may have succeeded, some may have failed and some haven't completed yet, the non completed futures should be considered failed.
I don't want to use Await each future sequentially.
I did look at this question: Scala waiting for sequence of futures
and try to use the solution from there, namely:
private def lift[T](futures: Seq[Future[T]])(implicit ex: ExecutionContext) =
futures.map(_.map { Success(_) }.recover { case t => Failure(t) })
def waitAll[T](futures: Seq[Future[T]])(implicit ex: ExecutionContext) =
futures: Seq[Future[MyObject]] = ...
val segments = Await.result(waitAll(futures), waitTimeoutMillis millis)
but I'm still getting a TimeoutException, I guess because some of the futures haven't completed yet.
and that answer also states,
Now Future.sequence(lifted) will be completed when every future is completed, and will represent successes and failures using Try.
But I want my Future to be completed after the timeout has passed, not when every future in the sequence has completed. What else can I do?
If I used raw Future (rather than some IO monad which has this functionality build-in, or without some Akka utils for exactly that) I would hack together utility like:
// make each separate future timeout
object FutureTimeout {
// separate EC for waiting
private val timeoutEC: ExecutorContext = ...
private def timeout[T](delay: Long): Future[T] = Future {
blocking {
throw new Exception("Timeout")
def apply[T](fut: Future[T], delat: Long)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext
): Future[T] = Future.firstCompletedOf(Seq(
and then
.map(FutureTimeout(_, delay))
.recover { case e => Failure(e) }
Since each future would terminate at most after delay we would be able to collect them into one result right after that.
You have to remember though that no matter how would you trigger a timeout you would have no guarantee that the timeouted Future stops executing. It could run on and on on some thread somewhere, it's just that you wouldn't wait for the result. firstCompletedOf just makes this race more explicit.
Some other utilities (like e.g. Cats Effect IO) allow you to cancel computations (which is used in e.g. races like this one) but you still have to remember that JVM cannot arbitrarily "kill" a running thread, so that cancellation would happen after one stage of computation is completed and before the next one is started (so e.g. between .maps or .flatMaps).
If you aren't afraid of adding external deps there are other (and more reliable, as Thread.sleep is just a temporary ugly hack) ways of timing out a Future, like Akka utils. See also other questions like this.
Here is solution using monix
import monix.eval.Task
import monix.execution.Scheduler
val timeoutScheduler = Scheduler.singleThread("timeout") //it's safe to use single thread here because timeout tasks are very fast
def sequenceDiscardTimeouts[T](tasks: Task[T]*): Task[Seq[T]] = {
.map(t =>
t.map(Success.apply) // Map to success so we can collect the value
.executeOn(timeoutScheduler) //This is needed to run timesouts in dedicated scheduler that won't be blocked by "blocking"/io work if you have any
.onErrorRecoverWith { ex =>
Task.pure(Failure(ex)) //It's assumed that any error is a timeout. It's possible to "catch" just timeout exception here
.map { res =>
res.collect { case Success(r) => r }
Testing code
implicit val mainScheduler = Scheduler.fixedPool(name = "main", poolSize = 10)
def slowTask(msg: String) = {
Task.sleep(Random.nextLong(1000).millis) //Sleep here to emulate a slow task
.map { _ =>
val app = sequenceDiscardTimeouts(
val started: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()
println(s"Done in ${System.currentTimeMillis() - started} millis")
This will print an output different for each run but it should look like following
Done in 564 millis
Please note the usage of two separate schedulers. This is to ensure that timeouts will fire even if the main scheduler is busy with business logic. You can test it by reducing poolSize for main scheduler.

How to terminate the function when it takes too many time in Scala?

Recently, I am learning the Scala language. Today I come out a question, that is,
how to terminate a function when it takes too many time.
For example:
object HelloWorld {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("Hello, World")
// How to terminate the sum() function
// when the time that it takes greater than 2 second?
val t0 = System.nanoTime : Double
val total: BigInt = sum(1000000000)
val t1 = System.nanoTime : Double
println("Elapsed time " + (t1 - t0) / 1000000.0 + " msecs")
//Given that sum() is written by others and I cannot change it.
def sum(k: Int): BigInt = {
var total: BigInt = 0
for (i <- 1 to k) {
total += i
The above scala code takes about 70s.
Use Future(s) !
val resultFuture : Future[ReturnType] = Future.apply {
val resultMaybeCut = Await.result(resultFuture, DurationOfChoice)
For the record, Await.result(awaitable: Awaitable[T], atMost: Duration) :
throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted while waiting
throws TimeoutException if after waiting for the specified time awaitable is still not ready
throws IllegalArgumentException if atMost is Duration.Undefined
Warning (thanks #markusthoemmes):
Doing this doesn't interrupt the underlying future computation, it just let you easily timeout on it ! (which may or may not be a problem).
If I'm to believe Kill or timeout a Future in Scala 2.10 there's no super simple way to actually stop the underlying computation, so you may want to refer to the other solutions posted here !
The computation as it is now blocks your main thread. That is the thread your program is running in. You don't have control to execute anything on that thread until your computation is finished.
You can run the computation in a seperate Thread and kill that Thread from your main thread once you think it's taking too long.
Note: As you're a Scala beginner: Threads are usually not the way to go in Scala, but in this case the abstractions provided by Scala (namely Futures) are not low level enough for what you're trying to achieve. Please don't consider the low-level Thread way as something you should be doing every day.
Threads are not strictly required for this if you have a tight loop and just want to exit if the condition is not met before a certain timeout:
def sum(k: Int, timeoutMillis: Long): BigInt = {
val timeoutMillis = System.currentTimeMillis + timeoutMillis
var total: BigInt = 0
for (i <- 1 to k) {
total += i
if (timeoutMillis < System.currentTimeMillis)
throw new RuntimeException("Timed out")

Akka: The order of responses

My demo app is simple. Here is an actor:
class CounterActor extends Actor {
#volatile private[this] var counter = 0
def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case Count(id) ⇒ sender ! self ? Increment(id)
case Increment(id) ⇒ sender ! {
counter += 1
println(s"req_id=$id, counter=$counter")
The main app:
sealed trait ActorMessage
case class Count(id: Int = 0) extends ActorMessage
case class Increment(id: Int) extends ActorMessage
object CountingApp extends App {
// Get incremented counter
val future0 = counter ? Count(1)
val future1 = counter ? Count(2)
val future2 = counter ? Count(3)
val future3 = counter ? Count(4)
val future4 = counter ? Count(5)
// Handle response
// Bye!
My handler:
def handleResponse(future: Future[Any]): Unit = {
future.onComplete {
case Success(f) => f.asInstanceOf[Future[Any]].onComplete {
case x => x match {
case Success(n) => println(s" -> $n")
case Failure(t) => println(s" -> ${t.getMessage}")
case Failure(t) => println(t.getMessage)
If I run the app I'll see the next output:
req_id=1, counter=1
req_id=2, counter=2
req_id=3, counter=3
req_id=4, counter=4
req_id=5, counter=5
-> 4
-> 1
-> 5
-> 3
-> 2
The order of handled responses is random. Is it normal behaviour? If no, how can I make it ordered?
Do I need volatile var in the actor?
Also, I'm looking for some more convenient logic for handleResponse, because matching here is very ambiguous...
normal behavior?
Yes, this is absolutely normal behavior.
Your Actor is receiving the Count increments in the order you sent them but the Futures are being completed via submission to an underlying thread pool. It is that indeterminate ordering of Future-thread binding that is resulting in the out of order println executions.
how can I make it ordered?
If you want ordered execution of Futures then that is synonymous with synchronous programming, i.e. no concurrency at all.
do I need volatile?
The state of an Actor is only accessible within an Actor itself. That is why users of the Actor never get an actual Actor object, they only get an ActorRef, e.g. val actorRef = actorSystem actorOf Props[Actor] . This is partially to ensure that users of Actors never have the ability to change an Actor's state except through messaging. From the docs:
The good news is that Akka actors conceptually each have their own
light-weight thread, which is completely shielded from the rest of the
system. This means that instead of having to synchronize access using
locks you can just write your actor code without worrying about
concurrency at all.
Therefore, you don't need volatile.
more convenient logic
For more convenient logic I would recommend Agents, which are a kind of typed Actor with a simpler message framework. From the docs:
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import akka.agent.Agent
val agent = Agent(5)
val result = agent()
val result = agent.get
agent send 7
agent send (_ + 1)
Reads are synchronous but instantaneous. Writes are asynch. This means any time you do a read you don't have to worry about Futures because the internal value returns immediately. But definitely read the docs because there are more complicated tricks you can play with the queueing logic.
Real trouble in your approach is not asynchronous nature but overcomplicated logic.
And despite pretty answer from Ramon which I +1d, yes there is way to ensure order in some parts of akka. As we can read from the doc there is message ordering per sender–receiver pair guarantee.
It means that for each one-way channel of two actors there is guarantee, that messages will be delivered in order they been sent.
But there is no such guarantee for Future task accomplishment order which you are using to handle answers. And sending Future from ask as message to original sender is way strange.
Thing you can do:
redefine your Increment as
case class Increment(id: Int, requester: ActorRef) extends ActorMessage
so handler could know original requester
modify CounterActor's receive as
def receive: Receive = {
case Count(id) ⇒ self ! Increment(id, sender)
case Increment(id, snd) ⇒ snd ! {
counter += 1
println(s"req_id=$id, counter=$counter")
simplify your handleResponse to
def handleResponse(future: Future[Any]): Unit = {
future.onComplete {
case Success(n: Int) => println(s" -> $n")
case Failure(t) => println(t.getMessage)
Now you can probably see that messages are received back in the same order.
I said probably because handling still occures in Future.onComplete so we need another actor to ensure the order.
Lets define additional message
case object StartCounting
And actor itself:
class SenderActor extends Actor {
val counter = system.actorOf(Props[CounterActor])
def receive: Actor.Receive = {
case n: Int => println(s" -> $n")
case StartCounting =>
counter ! Count(1)
counter ! Count(2)
counter ! Count(3)
counter ! Count(4)
counter ! Count(5)
In your main you can now just write
val sender = system.actorOf(Props[SenderActor])
sender ! StartCounting
And throw away that handleResponse method.
Now you definitely should see your message handling in the right order.
We've implemented whole logic without single ask, and that's good.
So magic rule is: leave handling responses to actors, get only final results from them via ask.
Note there is also forward method but this creates proxy actor so message ordering will be broken again.

Incremental processing in an akka actor

I have actors that need to do very long-running and computationally expensive work, but the computation itself can be done incrementally. So while the complete computation itself takes hours to complete, the intermediate results are actually extremely useful, and I'd like to be able to respond to any requests of them. This is the pseudo code of what I want to do:
var intermediateResult = ...
loop {
while (mailbox.isEmpty && computationNotFinished)
intermediateResult = computationStep(intermediateResult)
receive {
case GetCurrentResult => sender ! intermediateResult
...other messages...
The best way to do this is very close to what you are doing already:
case class Continue(todo: ToDo)
class Worker extends Actor {
var state: IntermediateState = _
def receive = {
case Work(x) =>
val (next, todo) = calc(state, x)
state = next
self ! Continue(todo)
case Continue(todo) if todo.isEmpty => // done
case Continue(todo) =>
val (next, rest) = calc(state, todo)
state = next
self ! Continue(rest)
def calc(state: IntermediateState, todo: ToDo): (IntermediateState, ToDo)
EDIT: more background
When an actor sends messages to itself, Akka’s internal processing will basically run those within a while loop; the number of messages processed in one go is determined by the actor’s dispatcher’s throughput setting (defaults to 5), after this amount of processing the thread will be returned to the pool and the continuation be enqueued to the dispatcher as a new task. Hence there are two tunables in the above solution:
process multiple steps for a single message (if processing steps are REALLY small)
increase throughput setting for increased throughput and decreased fairness
The original problem seems to have hundreds of such actors running, presumably on common hardware which does not have hundreds of CPUs, so the throughput setting should probably be set such that each batch takes no longer than ca. 10ms.
Performance Assessment
Let’s play a bit with Fibonacci:
Welcome to Scala version 2.10.0-RC1 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_07).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
scala> def fib(x1: BigInt, x2: BigInt, steps: Int): (BigInt, BigInt) = if(steps>0) fib(x2, x1+x2, steps-1) else (x1, x2)
fib: (x1: BigInt, x2: BigInt, steps: Int)(BigInt, BigInt)
scala> def time(code: =>Unit) { val start = System.currentTimeMillis; code; println("code took " + (System.currentTimeMillis - start) + "ms") }
time: (code: => Unit)Unit
scala> time(fib(1, 1, 1000))
code took 1ms
scala> time(fib(1, 1, 1000))
code took 1ms
scala> time(fib(1, 1, 10000))
code took 5ms
scala> time(fib(1, 1, 100000))
code took 455ms
scala> time(fib(1, 1, 1000000))
code took 17172ms
Which means that in a presumably quite optimized loop, fib_100000 takes half a second. Now let’s play a bit with actors:
scala> case class Cont(steps: Int, batch: Int)
defined class Cont
scala> val me = inbox()
me: akka.actor.ActorDSL.Inbox = akka.actor.dsl.Inbox$Inbox#32c0fe13
scala> val a = actor(new Act {
var s: (BigInt, BigInt) = _
become {
case Cont(x, y) if y < 0 => s = (1, 1); self ! Cont(x, -y)
case Cont(x, y) if x > 0 => s = fib(s._1, s._2, y); self ! Cont(x - 1, y)
case _: Cont => me.receiver ! s
a: akka.actor.ActorRef = Actor[akka://repl/user/$c]
scala> time{a ! Cont(1000, -1); me.receive(10 seconds)}
code took 4ms
scala> time{a ! Cont(10000, -1); me.receive(10 seconds)}
code took 27ms
scala> time{a ! Cont(100000, -1); me.receive(10 seconds)}
code took 632ms
scala> time{a ! Cont(1000000, -1); me.receive(30 seconds)}
code took 17936ms
This is already interesting: given long enough time per step (with the huge BigInts behind the scenes in the last line), actors don’t much extra. Now let’s see what happens when doing smaller calculations in a more batched way:
scala> time{a ! Cont(10000, -10); me.receive(30 seconds)}
code took 462ms
This is pretty close to the result for the direct variant above.
Sending messages to self is NOT expensive for almost all applications, just keep the actual processing step slightly larger than a few hundred nanoseconds.
I assume from your comment to Roland Kuhn answer that you have some work which can be considered as recursive, at least in blocks. If this is not the case, I don't think there could be any clean solution to handle your problem and you will have to deal with complicated pattern matching blocks.
If my assumptions are correct, I would schedule the computation asynchronously and let the actor be free to answer other messages. The key point is to use Future monadic capabilities and having a simple receive block. You would have to handle three messages (startComputation, changeState, getState)
You will end up having the following receive:
def receive {
case StartComputation(myData) =>expensiveStuff(myData)
case ChangeState(newstate) = this.state = newstate
case GetState => sender ! this.state
And then you can leverage the map method on Future, by defining your own recursive map:
def mapRecursive[A](f:Future[A], handler: A => A, exitConditions: A => Boolean):Future[A] = {
f.flatMap { a=>
if (exitConditions(a))
else {
val newFuture = f.flatMap{ a=> Future(handler(a))}
Once you have this tool, everything is easier. If you look to the following example :
def main(args:Array[String]){
val baseFuture:Future[Int] = Promise.successful(64)
val newFuture:Future[Int] = mapRecursive(baseFuture,
(a:Int) => {
val result = a/2
println("Additional step done: the current a is " + result)
}, (a:Int) => (a<=1))
val one = Await.result(newFuture,Duration.Inf)
println("Computation finished, result = " + one)
Its output is:
Additional step done: the current a is 32
Additional step done: the current a is 16
Additional step done: the current a is 8
Additional step done: the current a is 4
Additional step done: the current a is 2
Additional step done: the current a is 1
Computation finished, result = 1
You understand you can do the same, inside your expensiveStuffmethod
def expensiveStuff(myData:MyData):Future[MyData]= {
val firstResult = Promise.successful(myData)
val handler : MyData => MyData = (myData) => {
val result = myData.copy(myData.value/2)
self ! ChangeState(result)
val exitCondition : MyData => Boolean = (myData:MyData) => myData.value==1
If you don't want to block the Actor, which processes messages from its mailbox in a thread-safe and synchronous manner, the only thing you can do is to get the computation executed on a different thread. This is exactly an high performance non blocking receive.
However, you were right in saying that the approach I propose pays a high performance penalty. Every step is done on a different future, which might be not necessary at all. You can therefore recurse the handler to obtain a single-threaded or multiple-threaded execution. There is no magic formula after all:
If you want to schedule asynchronously and minimize the cost, all the work should be done by a single thread
This however could prevent other work to start, because if all the threads on a thread pool are taken, the futures will queue. You might therefore want to break the operation into multiple futures so that even at full usage some new work can be scheduled before old work has been completed.
def recurseFuture[A](entryFuture: Future[A], handler: A => A, exitCondition: A => Boolean, maxNestedRecursion: Long = Long.MaxValue): Future[A] = {
def recurse(a:A, handler: A => A, exitCondition: A => Boolean, maxNestedRecursion: Long, currentStep: Long): Future[A] = {
if (exitCondition(a))
if (currentStep==maxNestedRecursion)
Promise.successful(handler(a)).flatMap(a => recurse(a,handler,exitCondition,maxNestedRecursion,0))
entryFuture.flatMap { a => recurse(a,handler,exitCondition,maxNestedRecursion,0) }
I have enhanced for testing purposes my handler method:
val handler: Int => Int = (a: Int) => {
val result = a / 2
println("Additional step done: the current a is " + result + " on thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName)
Approach 1: Recurse the handler on itself so to get all execute on a single thread.
println("Starting strategy with all the steps on the same thread")
val deepestRecursion: Future[Int] = recurseFuture(baseFuture,handler, exitCondition)
Await.result(deepestRecursion, Duration.Inf)
println("Completed strategy with all the steps on the same thread")
Approach 2: Recurse for a limited depth the handler on itself
println("Starting strategy with the steps grouped by three")
val threeStepsInSameFuture: Future[Int] = recurseFuture(baseFuture,handler, exitCondition,3)
val threeStepsInSameFuture2: Future[Int] = recurseFuture(baseFuture,handler, exitCondition,4)
Await.result(threeStepsInSameFuture, Duration.Inf)
Await.result(threeStepsInSameFuture2, Duration.Inf)
println("Completed strategy with all the steps grouped by three")
You should not use Actors to make long running computations as these will block the threads that are supposed to run the Actors code.
I would try to go with a design that uses a separate Thread/ThreadPool for the computations and use AtomicReferences to store/query the intermediate results in the lines of the following pseudo code:
val cancelled = new AtomicBoolean(false)
val intermediateResult = new AtomicReference[IntermediateResult]()
object WorkerThread extends Thread {
override def run {
while(!cancelled.get) {
loop {
react {
case StartComputation => WorkerThread.start()
case CancelComputation => cancelled.set(true)
case GetCurrentResult => sender ! intermediateResult.get
This is a classic concurrency problem. You want want several routines/actors (or whatever you want to call them). Code is mostly correct Go, with obscenely long variable names for context. The first routine handles queries and intermediate results:
func serveIntermediateResults(
computationChannel chan *IntermediateResult,
queryChannel chan chan<-*IntermediateResult) {
var latestIntermediateResult *IntermediateResult // initial result
for {
select {
// an update arrives
case latestIntermediateResult, notClosed := <-computationChannel:
if !notClosed {
// the computation has finished, stop checking
computationChannel = nil
// a query arrived
case queryResponseChannel, notClosed := <-queryChannel:
if !notClosed {
// no more queries, so we're done
// respond with the latest result
In your long computation, you update your intermediate result wherever appropriate:
func longComputation(intermediateResultChannel chan *IntermediateResult) {
for notFinished {
// lots of stuff
Finally to ask for the current result, you have a wrapper to make this nice:
func getCurrentResult() *IntermediateResult {
responseChannel := make(chan *IntermediateResult)
// queryChannel was given to the intermediate result server routine earlier
return <-responseChannel

Simple Scala actor question

I'm sure this is a very simple question, but embarrassed to say I can't get my head around it:
I have a list of values in Scala.
I would like to use use actors to make some (external) calls with each value, in parallel.
I would like to wait until all values have been processed, and then proceed.
There's no shared values being modified.
Could anyone advise?
There's an actor-using class in Scala that's made precisely for this kind of problem: Futures. This problem would be solved like this:
// This assigns futures that will execute in parallel
// In the example, the computation is performed by the "process" function
val tasks = list map (value => scala.actors.Futures.future { process(value) })
// The result of a future may be extracted with the apply() method, which
// will block if the result is not ready.
// Since we do want to block until all results are ready, we can call apply()
// directly instead of using a method such as Futures.awaitAll()
val results = tasks map (future => future.apply())
There you go. Just that.
Create workers and ask them for futures using !!; then read off the results (which will be calculated and come in in parallel as they're ready; you can then use them). For example:
object Example {
import scala.actors._
class Worker extends Actor {
def act() { Actor.loop { react {
case s: String => reply(s.length)
case _ => exit()
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val arguments = args.toList
val workers = arguments.map(_ => (new Worker).start)
val futures = for ((w,a) <- workers zip arguments) yield w !! a
val results = futures.map(f => f() match {
case i: Int => i
case _ => throw new Exception("Whoops--didn't expect to get that!")
workers.foreach(_ ! None)
This does a very inexpensive computation--calculating the length of a string--but you can put something expensive there to make sure it really does happen in parallel (the last thing that case of the act block should be to reply with the answer). Note that we also include a case for the worker to shut itself down, and when we're all done, we tell the workers to shut down. (In this case, any non-string shuts down the worker.)
And we can try this out to make sure it works:
scala> Example.main(Array("This","is","a","test"))
List(4, 2, 1, 4)