Akka: The order of responses - scala

My demo app is simple. Here is an actor:
class CounterActor extends Actor {
#volatile private[this] var counter = 0
def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case Count(id) ⇒ sender ! self ? Increment(id)
case Increment(id) ⇒ sender ! {
counter += 1
println(s"req_id=$id, counter=$counter")
The main app:
sealed trait ActorMessage
case class Count(id: Int = 0) extends ActorMessage
case class Increment(id: Int) extends ActorMessage
object CountingApp extends App {
// Get incremented counter
val future0 = counter ? Count(1)
val future1 = counter ? Count(2)
val future2 = counter ? Count(3)
val future3 = counter ? Count(4)
val future4 = counter ? Count(5)
// Handle response
// Bye!
My handler:
def handleResponse(future: Future[Any]): Unit = {
future.onComplete {
case Success(f) => f.asInstanceOf[Future[Any]].onComplete {
case x => x match {
case Success(n) => println(s" -> $n")
case Failure(t) => println(s" -> ${t.getMessage}")
case Failure(t) => println(t.getMessage)
If I run the app I'll see the next output:
req_id=1, counter=1
req_id=2, counter=2
req_id=3, counter=3
req_id=4, counter=4
req_id=5, counter=5
-> 4
-> 1
-> 5
-> 3
-> 2
The order of handled responses is random. Is it normal behaviour? If no, how can I make it ordered?
Do I need volatile var in the actor?
Also, I'm looking for some more convenient logic for handleResponse, because matching here is very ambiguous...

normal behavior?
Yes, this is absolutely normal behavior.
Your Actor is receiving the Count increments in the order you sent them but the Futures are being completed via submission to an underlying thread pool. It is that indeterminate ordering of Future-thread binding that is resulting in the out of order println executions.
how can I make it ordered?
If you want ordered execution of Futures then that is synonymous with synchronous programming, i.e. no concurrency at all.
do I need volatile?
The state of an Actor is only accessible within an Actor itself. That is why users of the Actor never get an actual Actor object, they only get an ActorRef, e.g. val actorRef = actorSystem actorOf Props[Actor] . This is partially to ensure that users of Actors never have the ability to change an Actor's state except through messaging. From the docs:
The good news is that Akka actors conceptually each have their own
light-weight thread, which is completely shielded from the rest of the
system. This means that instead of having to synchronize access using
locks you can just write your actor code without worrying about
concurrency at all.
Therefore, you don't need volatile.
more convenient logic
For more convenient logic I would recommend Agents, which are a kind of typed Actor with a simpler message framework. From the docs:
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import akka.agent.Agent
val agent = Agent(5)
val result = agent()
val result = agent.get
agent send 7
agent send (_ + 1)
Reads are synchronous but instantaneous. Writes are asynch. This means any time you do a read you don't have to worry about Futures because the internal value returns immediately. But definitely read the docs because there are more complicated tricks you can play with the queueing logic.

Real trouble in your approach is not asynchronous nature but overcomplicated logic.
And despite pretty answer from Ramon which I +1d, yes there is way to ensure order in some parts of akka. As we can read from the doc there is message ordering per sender–receiver pair guarantee.
It means that for each one-way channel of two actors there is guarantee, that messages will be delivered in order they been sent.
But there is no such guarantee for Future task accomplishment order which you are using to handle answers. And sending Future from ask as message to original sender is way strange.
Thing you can do:
redefine your Increment as
case class Increment(id: Int, requester: ActorRef) extends ActorMessage
so handler could know original requester
modify CounterActor's receive as
def receive: Receive = {
case Count(id) ⇒ self ! Increment(id, sender)
case Increment(id, snd) ⇒ snd ! {
counter += 1
println(s"req_id=$id, counter=$counter")
simplify your handleResponse to
def handleResponse(future: Future[Any]): Unit = {
future.onComplete {
case Success(n: Int) => println(s" -> $n")
case Failure(t) => println(t.getMessage)
Now you can probably see that messages are received back in the same order.
I said probably because handling still occures in Future.onComplete so we need another actor to ensure the order.
Lets define additional message
case object StartCounting
And actor itself:
class SenderActor extends Actor {
val counter = system.actorOf(Props[CounterActor])
def receive: Actor.Receive = {
case n: Int => println(s" -> $n")
case StartCounting =>
counter ! Count(1)
counter ! Count(2)
counter ! Count(3)
counter ! Count(4)
counter ! Count(5)
In your main you can now just write
val sender = system.actorOf(Props[SenderActor])
sender ! StartCounting
And throw away that handleResponse method.
Now you definitely should see your message handling in the right order.
We've implemented whole logic without single ask, and that's good.
So magic rule is: leave handling responses to actors, get only final results from them via ask.
Note there is also forward method but this creates proxy actor so message ordering will be broken again.


Checking message query by actor in between calculations in scala/akka

I have an actor, that when he receives one message he starts to do come calculations in a loop, and he does them for some time (like 100 times he does the same). Now I need him to react to other mesages that may come ASAP. The best way would be to add some instruction in his loop like "if there is a message in queue react and then return here" but I haven't seen such functionality.
I thought that actor could send message to himself instead of doing a loop, then such messages would be queued at the end and he would react to other ones in between, but I've heard that communication is bad (much more time consuming than calculations) and don't know if communication with self counts as such.
My question is what do you think about such solution and do you have anyother ideas how to handle communication inbetween calculations?
Time-consuming computation should not be done in the main receive method as it reduces responsiveness of the system. Put the computation in a blocking
Future or Task or other asynchronous object, and send a message to the actor when the computation completes. The actor can continue to process messages ASAP while the computation continues on a different thread.
This gets more complicated if the actor needs to modify the computation while it is running (in response to messages) but the solution depends on what the computation is and what kind of modification is needed, so it isn't really possible to give a general answer.
In general in Akka you want to limit the amount of work done "per unit" where a unit in this case:
an actor processing a message
work done in a Future/Task or a callback of the same
Overlong work units can easily limit the responsiveness of the entire system by consuming a thread. For tasks which aren't consuming CPU but are blocked waiting for I/O, those can be executed in a different thread pool, but for doing some CPU-consuming work, that doesn't really help.
So the broad approach, if you're doing a loop, is to suspend the loop's state into a message and send it to yourself. It introduces a small performance hit (the latency of constructing the message, sending it to yourself (a guaranteed-to-be local send), and destructuring it is likely going to be on the order of microseconds when the system is otherwise idle), but can improve overall system latency.
For example, imagine we have an actor which will calculate the nth fibonacci number. I'm implementing this using Akka Typed, but the broad principle applies in Classic:
object Fibonacci {
sealed trait Command
case class SumOfFirstN(n: Int, replyTo: ActorRef[Option[Long]]) extends Command
private object Internal {
case class Iterate(i: Int, a: Int, b: Int) extends Command
val initialIterate = Iterate(1, 0, 1)
case class State(waiting: SortedMap[Int, Set[ActorRef[Option[Long]]]]) {
def behavior: Behavior[Command] =
Behaviors.receive { (context, msg) =>
msg match {
case SumOfFirstN(n, replyTo) =>
if (n < 1) {
replyTo ! None
} else {
if (waiting.isEmpty) {
context.self ! Internal.initialIterate
val nextWaiting =
waiting.updated(n, waiting.get(n).fold(Set(replyTo))(_.incl(replyTo))
copy(waiting = nextWaiting).behavior
case Internal.Iterate(i, a, b) =>
// the ith fibonacci number is b, the (i-1)th is a
if (waiting.rangeFrom(i).isEmpty) {
// Nobody waiting for this run to complete
if (waiting.nonEmpty) {
context.self ! Internal.initialIterate
} else {
var nextWaiting = waiting
var nextA = a
var nextB = b
(1 to 10).foreach { x =>
val next = nextA + nextB
nextWaiting.get(x + i).foreach { waiters =>
waiters.foreach(_ ! Some(next))
nextWaiting = nextWaiting.removed(x + i)
nextA = nextB
nextB = next
context.self ! Internal.Iterate(i + 10, nextA, nextB)
copy(waiting = nextWaiting)
Note that multiple requests (if sufficiently temporally close) for the same number will only be computed once, and temporally close requests for intermediate results will result in no extra computation.
An option is to delegate the task, using for eg:Future, and use a separate ExecutionContext with a fixed-pool-size (configurable in application.conf) equal to the number of CPUs (or cores) so that the computations are done efficiently using the available cores. As mentioned by #Tim, you could notify the main actor once the computation is complete.
Another option is to make another actor behind a router do the computation while restricting the number of routees to the number of CPUs.
A simplistic sample:
object DelegatingSystem extends App {
val sys = ActorSystem("DelegatingSystem")
case class TimeConsuming(i: Int)
case object Other
class Worker extends Actor with ActorLogging {
override def receive: Receive = {
case message =>
log.info(s"$self computed long $message")
class Delegator extends Actor with ActorLogging {
//Set the number of routees to be equal to #of cpus
val router: ActorRef = context.actorOf(RoundRobinPool(2).props(Props[Worker]))
override def receive: Receive = {
case message:TimeConsuming => router ! message
case _ =>
log.info("process other messages")
val delegator = sys.actorOf(Props[Delegator])
delegator ! TimeConsuming(1)
delegator ! Other
delegator ! TimeConsuming(2)
delegator ! Other
delegator ! TimeConsuming(3)
delegator ! Other
delegator ! TimeConsuming(4)

How do I call context become outside of a Future from Ask messages?

I have a parent akka actor named buildingCoordinator which creates childs name elevator_X. For now I am creating only one elevator. The buildingCoordinator sends a sequence of messages and wait for responses in order to move an elevator. The sequence is this: sends ? RequestElevatorState -> receive ElevatorState -> sends ? MoveRequest -> receives MoveRequestSuccess -> changes the state. As you can see I am using the ask pattern. After the movement is successes the buildingCoordinator changes its state using context.become.
The problem that I am running is that the elevator is receiving MoveRequest(1,4) for the same floor twice, sometimes three times. I do remove the floor when I call context.become. However I remove inside the last map. I think it is because I am using context.become inside a future and I should use it outside. But I am having trouble implementing it.
case class BuildingCoordinator(actorName: String,
numberOfFloors: Int,
numberOfElevators: Int,
elevatorControlSystem: ElevatorControlSystem)
extends Actor with ActorLogging {
import context.dispatcher
implicit val timeout = Timeout(4 seconds)
val elevators = createElevators(numberOfElevators)
override def receive: Receive = operational(Map[Int, Queue[Int]](), Map[Int, Queue[Int]]())
def operational(stopsRequests: Map[Int, Queue[Int]], pickUpRequests: Map[Int, Queue[Int]]): Receive = {
case msg#MoveElevator(elevatorId) =>
println(s"[BuildingCoordinator] received $msg")
val elevatorActor: ActorSelection = context.actorSelection(s"/user/$actorName/elevator_$elevatorId")
val newState = (elevatorActor ? RequestElevatorState(elevatorId))
.flatMap { state =>
val nextStop = elevatorControlSystem.findNextStop(stopsRequests.get(elevatorId).get, state.currentFloor, state.direction)
elevatorActor ? MoveRequest(elevatorId, nextStop)
.flatMap(moveRequestSuccess => elevatorActor ? MakeMove(elevatorId, moveRequestSuccess.targetFloor))
.map { makeMoveSuccess =>
println(s"[BuildingCoordinator] Elevator ${makeMoveSuccess.elevatorId} arrived at floor [${makeMoveSuccess.floor}]")
// removeStopRequest
val stopsRequestsElevator = stopsRequests.get(elevatorId).getOrElse(Queue[Int]())
val newStopsRequestsElevator = stopsRequestsElevator.filterNot(_ == makeMoveSuccess.floor)
val newStopsRequests = stopsRequests + (elevatorId -> newStopsRequestsElevator)
val pickUpRequestsElevator = pickUpRequests.get(elevatorId).getOrElse(Queue[Int]())
val newPickUpRequestsElevator = {
if (pickUpRequestsElevator.contains(makeMoveSuccess.floor)) {
pickUpRequestsElevator.filterNot(_ == makeMoveSuccess.floor)
} else {
val newPickUpRequests = pickUpRequests + (elevatorId -> newPickUpRequestsElevator)
// I THINK I SHOULD NOT CALL context.become HERE
// context.become(operational(newStopsRequests, newPickUpRequests))
val dropOffFloor = BuildingUtil.generateRandomFloor(numberOfFloors, makeMoveSuccess.floor, makeMoveSuccess.direction)
context.self ! DropOffRequest(makeMoveSuccess.elevatorId, dropOffFloor)
(newStopsRequests, newPickUpRequests)
// context.become(operational(newState.flatMap(state => (state._1, state._2))))
Other thing that might be nasty here is this big chain of map and flatMap. This was my way to implement, however I think it might exist one way better.
You can't and you should not call context.become or anyhow change actor state outside Receive method and outside Receive method invoke thread (which is Akka distpatcher thread), like in your example. Eg:
def receive: Receive = {
// This is a bug, because context is not and is not supposed to be thread safe.
case message: Message => Future(context.become(anotherReceive))
What you should do - send message to self after async operation finished and change the state receive after. If in a mean time you don't want to handle incoming messages - you can stash them. See for more details: https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/typed/stash.html
High level example, technical details omitted:
case OperationFinished(calculations: Map[Any, Any])
class AsyncActor extends Actor with Stash {
def operation: Future[Map[Any, Any]] = ...//some implementation of heavy async operation
def receiveStartAsync(calculations: Map[Any, Any]): Receive = {
case StartAsyncOperation =>
//Start async operation and inform yourself that it is finished
operation.map(OperationFinished.apply) pipeTo self
def receiveWaitAsyncOperation: Receive = {
case OperationFinished =>
case _ => stash()
I like your response #Ivan Kurchenko.
But, according to: Akka Stash docs
When unstashing the buffered messages by calling unstashAll the messages will be processed sequentially in the order they were added and all are processed unless an exception is thrown. The actor is unresponsive to other new messages until unstashAll is completed. That is another reason for keeping the number of stashed messages low. Actors that hog the message processing thread for too long can result in starvation of other actors.
Meaning that under load, for example, the unstashAll operation will cause all other Actors to be in starvation.
According to the same doc:
That can be mitigated by using the StashBuffer.unstash with numberOfMessages parameter and then send a message to context.self before continuing unstashing more. That means that other new messages may arrive in-between and those must be stashed to keep the original order of messages. It becomes more complicated, so better keep the number of stashed messages low.
Bottom line: you should keep the stashed message count low. It might be not suitable for load operation.

akka Actor selection without race condition

I have a futures pool , and each future works with the same akka Actor System - some Actors in system should be global, some are used only in one future.
val longFutures = for (i <- 0 until 2 ) yield Future {
val p:Page = PhantomExecutor(isDebug=true)
Await.result( p.open("http://www.stackoverflow.com/") ,timeout = 10.seconds)
PhantomExecutor tryes to use one shared global actor (simple increment counter) using system.actorSelection
def selectActor[T <: Actor : ClassTag](system:ActorSystem,name:String) = {
val timeout = Timeout(0.1 seconds)
val myFutureStuff = system.actorSelection("akka://"+system.name+"/user/"+name)
val aid:ActorIdentity = Await.result(myFutureStuff.ask(Identify(1))(timeout).mapTo[ActorIdentity],
0.1 seconds)
aid.ref match {
case Some(cacher) =>
case None =>
But in concurrent environment this approach does not work because of race condition.
I know only one solution for this problem - create global actors before splitting to futures. But this means that I can't encapsulate alot of hidden work from top library user.
You're right in that making sure the global actors are initialized first is the right approach. Can't you tie them to a companion object and reference them from there so you know they will only ever be initialized one time? If you really can't go with such an approach then you could try something like this to lookup or create the actor. It is similar to your code but it include logic to go back through the lookup/create logic (recursively) if the race condition is hit (only up to a max number of times):
def findOrCreateActor[T <: Actor : ClassTag](system:ActorSystem, name:String, maxAttempts:Int = 5):ActorRef = {
import system.dispatcher
val timeout = 0.1 seconds
def doFindOrCreate(depth:Int = 0):ActorRef = {
if (depth >= maxAttempts)
throw new RuntimeException(s"Can not create actor with name $name and reached max attempts of $maxAttempts")
val selection = system.actorSelection(s"/user/$name")
val fut = selection.resolveOne(timeout).map(Some(_)).recover{
case ex:ActorNotFound => None
val refOpt = Await.result(fut, timeout)
refOpt match {
case Some(ref) => ref
case None => util.Try(system.actorOf(Props[T],name)).getOrElse(doFindOrCreate(depth + 1))
Now the retry logic would fire for any exception when creating the actor, so you might want to further specify that (probably via another recover combinator) to only recurse when it gets an InvalidActorNameException, but you get the idea.
You may want to consider creating a manager actor that would take care about creating "counter" actors. This way you would ensure that counter actor creation requests are serialized.
object CounterManagerActor {
case class SelectActorRequest(name : String)
case class SelectActorResponse(name : String, actorRef : ActorRef)
class CounterManagerActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case SelectActorRequest(name) => {
sender() ! SelectActorResponse(name, selectActor(name))
private def selectActor(name : String) = {
// a slightly modified version of the original selectActor() method

Multiple Future calls in an Actor's receive method

I'm trying to make two external calls (to a Redis database) inside an Actor's receive method. Both calls return a Future and I need the result of the first Future inside the second.
I'm wrapping both calls inside a Redis transaction to avoid anyone else from modifying the value in the database while I'm reading it.
The internal state of the actor is updated based on the value of the second Future.
Here is what my current code looks like which I is incorrect because I'm updating the internal state of the actor inside a Future.onComplete callback.
I cannot use the PipeTo pattern because I need both both Future have to be in a transaction.
If I use Await for the first Future then my receive method will block.
Any idea how to fix this ?
My second question is related to how I'm using Futures. Is this usage of Futures below correct? Is there a better way of dealing with multiple Futures in general? Imagine if there were 3 or 4 Future each depending on the previous one.
import akka.actor.{Props, ActorLogging, Actor}
import akka.util.ByteString
import redis.RedisClient
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
object GetSubscriptionsDemo extends App {
val akkaSystem = akka.actor.ActorSystem("redis-demo")
val actor = akkaSystem.actorOf(Props(new SimpleRedisActor("localhost", "dummyzset")), name = "simpleactor")
actor ! UpdateState
case object UpdateState
class SimpleRedisActor(ip: String, key: String) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
//mutable state that is updated on a periodic basis
var mutableState: Set[String] = Set.empty
//required by Future
implicit val ctx = context dispatcher
var rClient = RedisClient(ip)(context.system)
def receive = {
case UpdateState => {
log.info("Start of UpdateState ...")
val tran = rClient.transaction()
val zf: Future[Long] = tran.zcard(key) //FIRST Future
zf.onComplete {
case Success(z) => {
//SECOND Future, depends on result of FIRST Future
val rf: Future[Seq[ByteString]] = tran.zrange(key, z - 1, z)
rf.onComplete {
case Success(x) => {
//convert ByteString to UTF8 String
val v = x.map(_.utf8String)
log.info(s"Updating state with $v ")
//update actor's internal state inside callback for a Future
mutableState ++ v
case Failure(e) => {
log.warning("ZRANGE future failed ...", e)
case Failure(f) => log.warning("ZCARD future failed ...", f)
The compiles but when I run it gets struck.
2014-08-07 INFO [redis-demo-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3] a.e.s.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started
2014-08-07 04:38:35.106UTC INFO [redis-demo-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3] e.c.s.e.a.g.SimpleRedisActor - Start of UpdateState ...
2014-08-07 04:38:35.134UTC INFO [redis-demo-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-8] r.a.RedisClientActor - Connect to localhost/
2014-08-07 04:38:35.172UTC INFO [redis-demo-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4] r.a.RedisClientActor - Connected to localhost/
In order to use pipeTo pattern I'll need access to the tran and the FIRST Future (zf) in the actor where I'm piping the Future to because the SECOND Future depends on the value (z) of FIRST.
//SECOND Future, depends on result of FIRST Future
val rf: Future[Seq[ByteString]] = tran.zrange(key, z - 1, z)
Without knowing too much about the redis client you are using, I can offer an alternate solution that should be cleaner and won't have issues with closing over mutable state. The idea is to use a master/worker kind of situation, where the master (the SimpleRedisActor) receives the request to do the work and then delegates off to a worker that performs the work and responds with the state to update. That solution would look something like this:
object SimpleRedisActor{
case object UpdateState
def props(ip:String, key:String) = Props(classOf[SimpleRedisActor], ip, key)
class SimpleRedisActor(ip: String, key: String) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
import SimpleRedisActor._
import SimpleRedisWorker._
//mutable state that is updated on a periodic basis
var mutableState: Set[String] = Set.empty
val rClient = RedisClient(ip)(context.system)
def receive = {
case UpdateState =>
log.info("Start of UpdateState ...")
val worker = context.actorOf(SimpleRedisWorker.props)
worker ! DoWork(rClient, key)
case WorkResult(result) =>
mutableState ++ result
case FailedWorkResult(ex) =>
log.error("Worker got failed work result", ex)
object SimpleRedisWorker{
case class DoWork(client:RedisClient, key:String)
case class WorkResult(result:Seq[String])
case class FailedWorkResult(ex:Throwable)
def props = Props[SimpleRedisWorker]
class SimpleRedisWorker extends Actor{
import SimpleRedisWorker._
import akka.pattern.pipe
import context._
def receive = {
case DoWork(client, key) =>
val trans = client.transaction()
trans.zcard(key) pipeTo self
become(waitingForZCard(sender, trans, key) orElse failureHandler(sender, trans))
def waitingForZCard(orig:ActorRef, trans:RedisTransaction, key:String):Receive = {
case l:Long =>
trans.zrange(key, l -1, l) pipeTo self
become(waitingForZRange(orig, trans) orElse failureHandler(orig, trans))
def waitingForZRange(orig:ActorRef, trans:RedisTransaction):Receive = {
case s:Seq[ByteString] =>
orig ! WorkResult(s.map(_.utf8String))
def failureHandler(orig:ActorRef, trans:RedisTransaction):Receive = {
case Status.Failure(ex) =>
orig ! FailedWorkResult(ex)
def finishAndStop(trans:RedisTransaction) {
context stop self
The worker starts the transaction and then makes calls into redis and ultimately completes the transaction before stopping itself. When it calls redis, it gets the future and pipes back to itself for the continuation of the processing, changing the receive method between as a mechanism of showing progressing through its states. In a model like this (which I suppose is somewhat similar to the error kernal pattern), the master owns and protects the state, delegating the "risky" work off to a child who can figure out what the change for the state should be, but the changing is still owned by the master.
Now again, I have no idea about the capabilities of the redis client you are using and if it is safe enough to even do this kind of stuff, but that's not really the point. The point was to show a safer structure for doing something like this that involves futures and state that needs to be changed safely.
Using the callback to mutate internal state is not a good idea, excerpt from the akka docs:
When using future callbacks, such as onComplete, onSuccess, and onFailure, inside actors you need to carefully avoid closing over the containing actor’s reference, i.e. do not call methods or access mutable state on the enclosing actor from within the callback.
Why do you worry about pipeTo and transactions?
Not sure how redis transactions work, but I would guess that the transaction does not encompass the onComplete callback on the second future anyways.
I would put the state into a separate actor which you pipe the future too. This way you have a separate mailbox, and the ordering there will be the same as the ordering of the messages that came in to modify the state. Also if any read requests come in, they will also be put in the correct order.
Edit to respond to edited question: Ok, so you don't want to pipe the first future, that makes sense, and should be no problem as the first callback is harmless. The callback of the second future is the problem, as it manipulates the state. But this future can be pipe without the need for access to the transaction.
So basically my suggestion is:
val firstFuture = tran.zcard
firstFuture.onComplete {
val secondFuture = tran.zrange
secondFuture pipeTo stateActor
With stateActor containing the mutable state.

Ask an actor and let him respond when he reaches a particular state in Akka 2

I'm quite new to Akka so my question may seem simple:
I have an actor called workerA that uses FSM and can thus be either in those two states Finishedand Computing:
sealed trait State
case object Finished extends State
case object Computing extends State
sealed trait Data
case object Uninitialized extends Data
case class Todo(target: ActorRef, queue: immutable.Seq[Any]) extends Data
When workerA receives GetResponse it should answer if and if only it is in state Finished.
What is the proper way of doing this? I know we should avoid to be blocking in this paradigm but here it is only the top actor which is concerned.
I'm not necessarily sure you even need FSM here. FSM is a really good tool for when you have many states and many possible (and possibly complicated) state transitions between those states. In your case, if I understand correctly, you basically have two states; gathering data and finished. It also seems that there is only a single state transition, going from gathering -> finished. If I have this all correct, then I'm going to suggest that you simply use become to solve your problem.
I have some code below to show a trivial example of what I'm describing. The basic idea is that the main actor farms some work off to some workers and then waits for the results. If anyone asks for the results while the work is being done, the actor stashes that request until the work is done. When done, the actor will reply back to anyone that has asked for the results. The code is as follows:
case object GetResults
case class Results(ints:List[Int])
case object DoWork
class MainActor extends Actor with Stash{
import context._
override def preStart = {
val a = actorOf(Props[WorkerA], "worker-a")
val b = actorOf(Props[WorkerB], "worker-b")
a ! DoWork
b ! DoWork
def receive = gathering(Nil, 2)
def gathering(ints:List[Int], count:Int):Receive = {
case GetResults => stash()
case Results(i) =>
val results = i ::: ints
val newCount = count - 1
if (newCount == 0){
child("worker-a") foreach (stop(_))
child("worker-b") foreach (stop(_))
become(gathering(results, newCount))
def finished(results:List[Int]):Receive = {
case GetResults => sender ! results
class WorkerA extends Actor{
def receive = {
case DoWork =>
//Only sleeping to simulate work. Not a good idea in real code
Thread sleep 3000
val ints = for(i <- 2 until 100 by 2) yield i
sender ! Results(ints.toList)
class WorkerB extends Actor{
def receive = {
case DoWork =>
//Only sleeping to simulate work. Not a good idea in real code
Thread sleep 2000
val ints = for(i <- 1 until 100 by 2) yield i
sender ! Results(ints.toList)
Then you could test it as follows:
val mainActor = system.actorOf(Props[MainActor])
val fut = mainActor ? GetResults
fut onComplete (println(_))
You can pattern match on FSM states:
// insert pattern matching stuff instead of ...
class MyActor extends Actor with FSM[State, Message] {
startWith(Finished, WaitMessage(null))
when(Finished) {
case Event(Todo(... =>
// work
goto(Computing) using Todo(...)
case Event(GetResponse(... =>
// reply: sender ! msg // or similar
/* the rest is optional. You can use onTransition below to send yourself a message to report status of the job: */
when(Busy) {
case Event(Finished(... =>
// reply to someone: sender ! msg // or similar
onTransition {
case Finished -> Computing =>
// I prefer to run stuff here in a future, and then send a message to myself to signal the end of the job:
self ! Finished(data)
An Edit to more specifically address the question:
class MyActor extends Actor with FSM[State, Message] {
startWith(Finished, WaitMessage(null))
when(Finished) {
case Event(Todo(... =>
// work
goto(Computing) using Todo(...)
case Event(GetResponse(... =>
// reply: sender ! msg // or similar