How to edit user-config.jam for Boost and gcc in Windows 10? - boost-python

I'm trying to install Boost Python. The OS is Windows 10. The compiler is gcc. How do you edit the user-config.jam file?
Please give any suggestion :)

I am using gcc on Windows 7. My user-config.jam simply looks like this:
using gcc ;
using python : 3.6 : "C:/Program Files/Python36" : "C:/Program Files/Python36/include" : "C:/Program Files/Python36/libs" ;
The rest are comment lines.


Why does VS Code C++ say path not specified?

Looking for help with this error message.
After installing the C++ extension for VS Code, installing MinGW-64, and setting the environment path variable, creating a simple hello world program I am getting the following peculiar error:
C:\Users\oscar\Documents\Labs>cd "C:/Program Files/mingw-w64/x86_64-8.1.0-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0/mingw64/binc/Users/oscar/OneDrive/Documents/test/" && g++ helloworld.cpp -o helloworld && "C:/Program Files/mingw-w64/x86_64-8.1.0-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0/mingw64/binc/Users/oscar/OneDrive/Documents/test/"helloworld
The system cannot find the path specified.
g++ version shows 8.1.0 and
using CodeRunner extension to run the code in the terminal
Fixed by uninstalling and reinstalling everything

How to downgrade the gcc compiler?

I have to run a code. The code includes mex files. For building that code, it required gcc version of 4.4.
Following is the description of system
Windows 10
Visual Studio 2012
Matlab 2017a
And gcc version of my system is:
$gcc --version
gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 7.4.0
I do not know how to downgrade it. I have tried so many steps, but no use.
You'll need to install it first - Please use a previous question on the subject here:
Next - choose to use it on Matlab via :
mex -setup
#mano Here's my output of the mex -setup

Which include path is used by g++ of Redhat Developer Toolset 7?

I am running Redhat Developer Toolset 7 on Centos 7. Centos 7 has gcc 4.8.2 installed by default and the include path for that compiler is:
Devtoolset 7 provides g++ 7.3.1 and that compiler is found at:
I'm using VS Code with the cpptools extension to develop the code. I may need to specify the browse path for system header files to cpptools.
What is the include path for devtoolset 7? I.e. where are the g++ 7.3.1 header files found (or are the 4.8.2 header files used)?
The include paths are shown by:
cpp -v

"C++ compiler" when compiling mongo-cxx-driver legacy using scons

I'm getting a C++ compiler error when compiling the CPP legacy driver.
I'm compiling with:
scons --64 --cxx=/usr/local/bin/gcc -cc=/usr/local/bin/gcc --prefix=/opt/mongo install
The config.log states: cannot open shared object file does exists in /usr/local/lib which is in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
When I execute the compilation command for conftest_o.cpp file, from the config.log it compiles with no issues.
~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile seems fine.
OS: RedHat 6.6 64bit
GCC: 4.9.2
mongodb CPP legacy driver version: 1.0.5
Boost : 1.57
Python: 2.6.6
scons: 2.3.6
Thanks for your help.
Update : solved the problem using
--propagate-shell-environment flag when running scons.
Apparently scons does not pass shell environment variables to child processes.
Thanks for your help

cygwin gcc 4.7+ in Eclipse CDT updating from 3.4

I've followed the steps on the Cygwin wiki for updating my version of gcc. Now I have two installations of gcc in Cygwin: 3.4 in /bin and 4.7 in /usr/local/bin. Now, in Eclipse the only way to use it seems to be changing the invocation command from g++ to C:/cygwin/usr/local/bin/g++, and this has to be done for all projects. Is there any way to make Eclipse CDT use this by default? I have changed the Path environment variable, and typing g++ --version in a command line gives 4.7, but building a project in Eclipse with --version still gives 3.4