Seekable of Flv with ExoPlayer - flv

When I use Exoplayer to play flv video, in default , I can't seek the progress.
Look at
public boolean isSeekable() {
return false;
Change this method and return true, then I can seek the progress.
Why Google make it unseekable in default?


Flutter - Stop audio playback from recorded video in the background

Essentially the app is like snapchat. I take pics and reset back to camera mode, the issue comes when I record video and reset, it goes back to camera mode but the audio form the video keeps playing in the background. The functions are somwhat exactly like the camera doc, with a few addition to reset the camera.
I added this:
_reset() {
if (mounted)
setState(() {
if (this._didCapture) {
this._didCapture = false;
this._isRecording = false;
this._isPosting = false;
this._file = File('');
this._fileType = null;
this._videoController = null;
this._videoPlayerListener = null;
It works just fine but the audio in the background is still on. Also wondering if the video/picture is saved on the phone, which I don't want to...
i had been looking for a similar answer, but i didn´t find it. You could try to stop it adding this to your function:
that´s what i did in my app

Playing the same sound rapidly from a single audiosource vs multiple audiosources

Ok let me try and explain...
I am making a card game where it plays a sound effect when a card is added to a pile, but during the setup cards are rapidly added to different piles and it breaks if I use a single Audiosource
If I play it from a single audiosource it seems not to play them all or if it is it's playing them all at once.
If I do it by having an audiosource on each pile and use that instance of it and hear the different effects played.
I am in the middle of rewriting the game as the first time was a dry run and didn't know what I was going to need and is a bit rough and came across this while trying to streamline the in game audio by having a GameAudioManager singleton to handle the audio.
Is there a reason for this and a solution?
Sound Effect is a MP3 and 3kb
Delay between effects is 0.01f
Choice is yours actually...
Want them to play sequentially ? one audio source is enough and add pending clips to a queue and dequeue them as the currently playing one finishes.
Want them to play individually, separately as the event happens, regardless of whether another card was just added and its effect was still playing, then you use multiple audio sources.
Here's a starting point for a manager that plays audios individually as they're requested.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GameAudioManager : MonoBehaviour
// your singleton pattern here, so assuming you now have an instance.
public static GameAudioManager Instance;
// List holds available sources that we can use to play an audio clip.
List<AudioSource> availableSources = new List<AudioSource>();
// Immediately plays a clip, if a cached audio source available, uses it, if none, create new.
public static void AudioPlayOneShot(AudioClip clip, float volume, float pitch, bool loop)
Instance.StartCoroutine(Instance.StartPlayingOneShot(clip, volume, pitch, loop);
private IEnumerator StartPlayingOneShot(AudioClip clip, float volume, float pitch, bool loop)
AudioSource audioSource = GetAudioSource();
audioSource.playOnAwake = false;
audioSource.clip = clip;
audioSource.volume = volume;
audioSource.pitch = pitch;
audioSource.loop = loop;
while (audioSource.isPlaying)
yield return null;
// Whenever this clip stops, add it back to available cache.
private void CacheAudioSource(AudioSource audioSource)
audioSource.clip = null;
audioSource.playOnAwake = false;
/// <summary>
/// Gets an audio source from cached list or creates a new one if none available.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private AudioSource GetAudioSource()
if (availableSources == null || availableSources.Count == 0)
return this.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
AudioSource fromCache = availableSources[0];
return fromCache;
Use like
GameAudioManager.AudioPlayOneShot(yourClip, yourVolume, yourPitch, loop);
The reason it wasn't working was that a AudioSource can only have one instance of itself playing so if it is playing already it is unable to start the new play.
The solution is to either instantiate them as needed or have it on each item and be able to play it from those individual AudioSources.
Hope this helps anyone else coming across this.

Can't stop audio playback on iOS with Codename One

My Codename One app features audio playback in the background when the user taps the screen. The audio I use is an mp3. Here is how I use the Media playback :
public static void playSound(boolean stop) {
sound.reset(); // The input stream needs to go back to the beginning
Media myClip = MediaManager.createMedia(sound, "audio/mp3", () -> {
// If there is no order to stop playback, we keep playing when it has completed (looping)
if (!stop) {;
} else {
So hen the user taps the screen components change and I pass true to playSound method. On Android the current playback stops not on iOS with an iPhone 4.
Please note that when the app gets minimized (center button pressed) the playback stops (even if I don't call cleanup() on the Media which I do on Android to stop the playback when the app is minimized).
How can I stop the playback on iPhone ?
Any help appreciated,
#Shai pointed me to the right direction so here is the code finally used :
Media myClip = null;
public static void playSound(boolean stop) {
sound.reset(); // The input stream needs to go back to the beginning
* If the media is playing we don't create it
* otherwise we would have several media in the wild
* that could not be stopped
if (myClip == null || !myClip.isPlaying()) {
myClip = MediaManager.createMedia(sound, "audio/mp3", () -> {
// If there is no order to stop playback, we keep playing when it has completed (looping)
if (!stop) {;
} else {

html5 audio tag playing audio when it is load audio

i have html5 audio player like play, pause, stop buttons.
function onUpdate()
var isPlaying = (!getAudioElement().paused);
document.getElementById("playerplay").style.display = (isPlaying)?"none":"block";
document.getElementById("playerpause").style.display = (isPlaying)?"block":"none";
function getAudioElement()
return document.getElementById("id_audio_element");
function play() {
function pause() {
function stop() {
And audio tag:
<audio id="id_audio_element" onended="onUpdate();load();"><source src="105.ogg" type="audio/ogg"></audio>
it works all on browsers perfectly, exept iPhone and iPad's Safari and Chrome. When I call load() , audio starts playing, although I don't call play().
Anybody has a solution? Thanks!
If the source is not changing, there is no need to call load(). If it is changing, try calling pause() after it loads.

About AMR audio file playing issue on different devices

I have got a quite strange problem here.
I am developing an IM software and need to play audio files recorded by another client on Android.
The same audio file I've got can be played with AVAudioPlayer on 3GS(IOS 4.2.1) device and simulator 4.2.
But when I tried by play it on iPhone4(iOS 4.3.3), the function "play" always return NO.
I also tried with two iPhone devices, the audio files recorded by iPhone client can be played on both 3GS and iPhone4.
So I asked the Android developers about the record parameters they've used. They said that the "AudioEncoder" used by them was "DEFAULT". There are also some other parameters as following:
**private AudioEncoder() {}
public static final int DEFAULT = 0;
/** AMR (Narrowband) audio codec */
public static final int AMR_NB = 1;
/** #hide AMR (Wideband) audio codec */
public static final int AMR_WB = 2;
/** #hide AAC audio codec */
public static final int AAC = 3;
/** #hide enhanced AAC audio codec */
public static final int AAC_PLUS = 4;
/** #hide enhanced AAC plus audio codec */
public static final int EAAC_PLUS = 5;**
Does anybody know what's the matter?
I've solved the issue.
Over iOS4.3 or later, the AMR format is no longer supported. If you want to play or record one, you have to use some other tools(which I use opencore-amr library) to transform the format.