Flutter - Stop audio playback from recorded video in the background - flutter

Essentially the app is like snapchat. I take pics and reset back to camera mode, the issue comes when I record video and reset, it goes back to camera mode but the audio form the video keeps playing in the background. The functions are somwhat exactly like the camera doc, with a few addition to reset the camera.
I added this:
_reset() {
if (mounted)
setState(() {
if (this._didCapture) {
this._didCapture = false;
this._isRecording = false;
this._isPosting = false;
this._file = File('');
this._fileType = null;
this._videoController = null;
this._videoPlayerListener = null;
It works just fine but the audio in the background is still on. Also wondering if the video/picture is saved on the phone, which I don't want to...

i had been looking for a similar answer, but i didn´t find it. You could try to stop it adding this to your function:
that´s what i did in my app


Unity 3D Main Camera Orthographic doesn't work after build

I'm newbie with Unity3D.
here is my source, very simple
public void persp_ortho_Btn_Clicked()
if (!Camera_Controller.shared_instance.isOrthoCamera)
Camera_Controller.shared_instance.isOrthoCamera = true;
Camera.main.orthographic = true;
ui_camera.orthographic = true;
Camera_Controller.shared_instance.isOrthoCamera = false;
Camera.main.orthographic = false;
ui_camera.orthographic = false;
When i run with this code in Editor (Game simulate window)
this works well like below :
But, after build and run .exe,
main camera doesn't change to ortho camera, also like below :
it seems the "orthographic" property of main camera is change true to false, false to true in built runtime as well either. But maybe the view matrix is not changed.
Why this happen and how can i fix this ??
Your code should work unless something is forcing the camera to stay in the same perspective. I am not able to say what might be the cause with the details provided.
Just test out if the camera will switch without the if statement. Like this
public void persp_ortho_Btn_Clicked()
Camera.main.orthographic = !Camera.main.orthographic;
If so, then there is some issue with the condition check.
Alternatively, you can try using Unity cinemachine to get a smooth transition.

how to fully shutdown audio input stream

I have created an audio worklet that performs pitch detection , all works fine but I want to free the microphone once I am done
I get the stream and wire everything up like this
const AudioContextConstructor =
window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
this.audioContext = new AudioContextConstructor();
await this.audioContext.audioWorklet.addModule('js/worklet_pitcher.js');
this.stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true });
var mediaStreamSource = this.audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(this.stream);
this.pitchWorklet = new AudioWorkletNode(this.audioContext, 'pitch-processor');
When I am done I simply do this
stop = (): void => {
if (this.running) {
this.running = false;
this stops the worklet pipeline but the red dot still shows in the browser tab meaning that I still own the mic.
I looked for a stream.close so I could explicitly close the MediaStream returned by getUserMediabut there isnt one
You also need to call stop() on each MediaStreamTrack of the MediaStream obtained from the mic.
this.stream.getTracks().forEach((track) => track.stop());

I want to turn on and turn off camera on the same screen in flutter app during particular time intervals

Thanks in Advance
Currently my app uses camera to take video input and process each frames . The app also works in background for hours. So to avoid heating issues I need to turn the camera off and on it later.
The camera is turned off when I use
but its not turned on after disposing when I use
CameraDescription description = await getCamera(_direction);
ImageRotation rotation = rotationIntToImageRotation(
_camera =CameraController(description, ResolutionPreset.low, enableAudio: false);
await _camera.initialize();
_camera.startImageStream((CameraImage image) {
if (_baseStopwatch.elapsed.inSeconds > 5) {
_camera.stopImageStream(); }
if (_baseStopwatch.elapsed.inSeconds > 10){
// need to restart the camera streaming!!

Flutter Audioplayers delay

I'm coding a small game with the Flutter Framework.
I'm using audioplayers for the Sounds.
It works fine like this, when calling it for example 2 times a second.
But whenn I call it more than 5 times and again in the next second at some point the sound has like a delay and then after a second or so all the sounds play at once :) That sounds weired.
I also tested the audioplayers example from github on my iphone. Repeating the sounds in low frequency is ok, but when I repeat clicking the button as fast as possible at some point it gets some delay and the same thing is happening.
Is there some way to stop the previous Sound before and then playing the next one or isnt this possible?
Or is there some other Idea how to deal with the sounds?
This is how I use it:
AudioCache upgradeSound = new AudioCache();
void playUpgradeSound() {
void _playUpgradeSound(AudioCache ac) async{
await ac.play('audio/upgr.mp3');
Thank you very much in advance
I solve similar problem by having singleton class, and after first play I can get the state, and I can stop previous play.
class Audio {
static final playerCache = AudioCache();
static AudioPlayer audioPlayer;
static void play(String audioName) async {
audioPlayer = await playerCache.play('$audioName.mp3');
static void stop() {
child: IconButton(
onPressed: () {
try {
if (Audio.audioPlayer.state ==
AudioPlayerState.PLAYING) {
} else {
} catch (e) {
There is a line of code in its own documentation.
To use the low latency API, better for gaming sounds, use:
AudioPlayer audioPlayer = AudioPlayer(mode: PlayerMode.LOW_LATENCY);
In this mode the backend won't fire any duration or position updates. Also, it is not possible to use the seek method to set the audio a specific position. This mode is also not available on web.
I hope it is useful.

Can't stop audio playback on iOS with Codename One

My Codename One app features audio playback in the background when the user taps the screen. The audio I use is an mp3. Here is how I use the Media playback :
public static void playSound(boolean stop) {
sound.reset(); // The input stream needs to go back to the beginning
Media myClip = MediaManager.createMedia(sound, "audio/mp3", () -> {
// If there is no order to stop playback, we keep playing when it has completed (looping)
if (!stop) {
} else {
So hen the user taps the screen components change and I pass true to playSound method. On Android the current playback stops not on iOS with an iPhone 4.
Please note that when the app gets minimized (center button pressed) the playback stops (even if I don't call cleanup() on the Media which I do on Android to stop the playback when the app is minimized).
How can I stop the playback on iPhone ?
Any help appreciated,
#Shai pointed me to the right direction so here is the code finally used :
Media myClip = null;
public static void playSound(boolean stop) {
sound.reset(); // The input stream needs to go back to the beginning
* If the media is playing we don't create it
* otherwise we would have several media in the wild
* that could not be stopped
if (myClip == null || !myClip.isPlaying()) {
myClip = MediaManager.createMedia(sound, "audio/mp3", () -> {
// If there is no order to stop playback, we keep playing when it has completed (looping)
if (!stop) {
} else {