Testing form input text value - wicket

I am testing the following form in my html :
<form wicket:id="form">
<input type="text" wicket:id="input"/>
<input type="submit"/>
The default value is null and in my test I tried to change it to something and check if I have really changed the field as following:
formTester.setValue(formTester.getForm().get("input"), "randomText");
Assert.assertEquals("randomText", formTester.getTextComponentValue("input"));
However the test is not successful because the field expected <[randomText]> but was: [].Any ideas why the setting doesn't work?

You need to call FormTester#submit() after setting the values of the FormComponents.


Vuejs - setting the value of a textbox. (in laravel)

I am trying to set the value of a textbox with vuejs
#{{ message }} works in the body or in a tag.
this does not
<input type="text" name="column_name" v-model="reverseMessage" value="{{message}}">
Neither does.
<input type="text" name="column_name" v-model="reverseMessage" value="#{{message}}">
The problem is that you are trying to bind input value multiple variables. Both to reverseMessage (using v-model) and to value (using interpolation).
Please remove value="{{message}}" and just set reverseMessage variable - this should update the input view.
<input type="text" name="column_name" v-model="reverseMessage"/>
and then
this.reverseMessage = "my new input value"
You cannot bind input to many variables in the template itself. Use watchers or computed properties if you really need this.

Angular2 ng-dirty class is not set when ngModel value changes

I have the following form with html
<h1>ng-dirty Test</h1>
<form [formGroup]="myForm">
<input required [(ngModel)]='myVar' formControlName="myVar" />
myForm.controls.myVar.dirty: {{myForm.controls.myVar.dirty}}
my value 1
my value 2
my value 3
When I enter a value manually into the input field, I see ng-dirty is set as a class.
However, when I click the links to set the value, I do not see ng-dirty is changing.
Does anyone know what the reason is?

How to parse html forms in the Go Iris framework?

Sorry if this question is a bit basic, but how can you parse form inputs in the Go Iris framework?
Here is the form I am using
<form action="/" method="post">
Username:<input type="text" name="username">
Password:<input type="password" name="password">
<input type="submit" value="Login">
here is the route and the controller respectively
iris.Post("/", TestController)
func TestController(c *iris.Context){
username := c.Form.Get("username")//Doesn't work
password := c.Form.Get("password")//Doesn't work
how do I retrieve the values in the Post request after the form has been submitted, Thanks
Based off an example on the iris github page you could try c.PostValue("Username"). The code you have may also work but I think you need to capitalize the variable names. In the html template you can see the name value is lowercased, however your context is more likely going off those the variable names to the left of the actual html like Username.

Codeigniter: set_value not re-populating correctly array form field

I have a form with CI validation that uses arrays as input names. The view initially has this code:
<input type="text" name="feed_urls[]"
value="<?php echo set_value('feed_urls[]', ''); ?>" >
which when loaded into the browser translates correctly to this:
<input type="text" name="feed_urls[]" value="">
Then through Jquery the user may add more identical <input>'s to the DOM before submitting, so in the end what is POSTed could be e.g.
<input type="text" name="feed_urls[]" value="">
<input type="text" name="feed_urls[]" value="">
<input type="text" name="feed_urls[]" value="">
Now, if the submitted data passes validation, all is fine and gets stored in DB. But if validation fails, the controller sends back to the view but I don't see the N <input>'s of the POSTed form. I only see one and it's empty, which is understandable because I don't supply a 2nd argument to set_values(), but then again what was expected was to see the inputs be re-populated through the $this->input->post(feed_urls) array with the POSTed data that was invalid.
I do verify at the controller that $this->input->post('feed_urls') has the POSTed content (invalid or not) just fine.
I've read the CI user guide docs on using validation with arrays as field names
Any ideas on what's the correct use of set_value()? By correct I mean that on validation failure, I get the N inputs that were POSTed, correctly re-populated one by one.
You can use:
<input type="text" name="feed_urls[]" value="<?php echo set_value('feed_urls[0]'); ?>">
I've tested it on CI 2.0 but it should work also in previous versions.
As you supply only a small bit of your code, I can only give you a hint on what I think is your main problem.
The n element of input array can be populated by using jQuery as follows:
and so on.

if isset doesn't work in php

I'm having a form with only one submit button. I don't know why, but when I use this code and I click on the submit button, nothing is happening. If I use a ! before the isset you'll see the echo in the page. I don't know what's wrong with it.
<input type="submit" value="Toevoegen" name="addImg" />
if (isset($_POST['addImg'])) {echo "haaallloooo";}
Maybe, form by default is sending variables by get, try using method="POST" attribute in form tag
You have to set the method to POST.
Otherwise you can use:
The variable $_REQUEST can access both GET and POST parameters.
Form needs an action and a method.
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="submit" value="Toevoegen" name="addImg" />
if (isset($_POST['addImg'])) {echo "haaallloooo";}
Regarding "isset", if $_POST['addImg'] is not set, it doesn't echo "haaallloooo".
isset — Determine if a variable is set and is not NULL
Check http://hk.php.net/manual/en/function.isset.php