Context of my query:
Need to test REST API Put method for uploading a file
tool to be used is JMeter.
I can successfully perform the above operation using POSTMAN tool but its not working in JMeter.
Here are the JMeter Request Details;
method: PUT
Content-Type= multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary${random}
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fileUpload"; filename="C:\temp\"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
{"success":false,"errorMessages":"Request did not include an attachment"}
Response code = 400
Appreciate if anyone can help or provide a better way to upload a file using PUT method.
Use MIME Type: application/zip
Your File Upload settings should look like this in JMeter:
My expectation is that you simply don't pass the file you are trying to upload along with the request. If you are building the request manually you will need to add the body of the file to your request using i.e. __FileToString() function. Check out Testing REST API File Uploads in JMeter article for more details.
Also given your request works in Postman you should be able to capture it using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Copy the file you will be uploading using Postman to the "bin" folder of your JMeter installation
Start JMeter's Proxy server. Refer JMeter Proxy Step by Step guide to learn how to do it.
Start Postman using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder as a proxy by passing --proxy-server option to it like:
C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Local\Postman\app-x.x.x\Postman.exe --proxy-server=localhost:8888
Execute your request in Postman
JMeter will store the captured request under Test Plan -> Thread Group -> Recording Controller
trying to upload file using trest client component with post method.
Able to upload file using postman post call.
Same thing is not working in Talend.
Getting 415 error.
trying to upload file using trest client component with post method.
Able to upload file using postman post call.
Same thing is not working in Talend.
Getting 415 error.
In tRestClient, Query parameters are string parameters, so even if you pass your file path in the "file" parameter, only the file path is passed as a string to your api and the actual file will not be uploaded.
You can upload a file using tFileFetch component, by checking "Upload file" in the advanced settings.
Hello can someone help me import .xlsx on Jmeter, I tried to use this configuration unfortunately it doesn't work. Your response is highly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance.
File Location
1st Payload/Request
2nd Payload Request:
If you're using "Files upload" tab and your server expects multipart/form-data content type you should tick the corresponding box in JMeter's HTTP Request sampler:
Going forward be informed that it's possible to record the file upload request from your browser (or other application) using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script recorder, just make sure to copy the file(s) you will be uploading to JMeter's "bin" folder so JMeter could properly generate the relevant HTTP Request sampler and the HTTP Header Manager.
More information: Recording File Uploads with JMeter
I am building a microservice for the Camunda rest API using python flask and flask_restplus, python 3.7.0. Camunda is running in a docker container, available via localhost, port 8080. All GET requests to my microservice are being forwarded to the Camunda API via redirect, which is working perfectly fine.
POST requests (tested via postman, as suggested in the official tutorial) are not being forwarded properly using
The POST request via postman is done using
Header: Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Body: upload File Object (somefile.bpmn)
When I do the POST to the Camunda REST-API directly, everything works just fine, but when I try to redirect my post via my microservice, I get status code 200, but the file isn't being uploaded.
Debugging at my endpoint I can see that the file is being received:
<FileStorage: 'somefile.bpmn' ('application/octet-stream')>
Thus the file is being transmitted successfully, but the redirect doesn't work.
My endpoint method looks like this:
def post(self):
test = + 'deployment/create', files=request.files)
Modifying the via
or omiting data completely
always results in the file not being uploaded.
Trying redirect via
redirect(host_prefix + 'deployment/create', code=307)
also results in the file not being uploaded.
How can I redirect this post request properly to the Camunda API ?
This is not a question about the Camunda API rather than how to redirect a POST request to a foreign endpoint properly.
P.S.: I created my api and endpoints like this:
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app, version='0.1', title='BPMN-API', description='A BPMN-API for Camunda, implemented in python')
api.add_resource(CreateDeployment, api_prefix + 'deployment/create', methods=['POST'])
OK, I solved this problem by using:, files={file_name:request.files['upload'].read()})
where camunda_api_url is the endpoint at the Camunda REST engine, file_name is the name of the file being uploaded, AND by adding a
get-method,using simply:
def get(self):
camunda_api_url = "http://localhost:8080/engine-rest/deployment/create"
return redirect(camunda_api_url)
Without the get method the post doesn't work.
-> setting topic to solved. :)
By using requests library it is very easy. The example shows multiple file uploads with same key and with other form data as well. The images are coming from a form with the key named 'images'
The example gets file list from a form with the key 'images' and forward that files to another URL or API.
images = request.files.getlist('images')
files = []
for image in images:
files.append(("images", (image.filename,, image.content_type)))
r =, data={"apikey": apikey, "faceid": faceid},
I try to execute SOAP requests in JMeter, but I can't find possibility to import WSDL files. I found, that it was present as SOAP/XML-RPC Request in JMeter 2.X with an URL field, but it is deprecated in JMeter 3.X. There is no such field in current HTTP Request Sampler.
SOAP/XML-RPC Request was removed for performance reasons.
There is now a Template called Building a SOAP Webservice Test Plan that shows how to test SOAP WS:
When you need to create a test from a WSDL, you should use SOAP UI and then convert your SOAP WS Test to JMeter through the following procedure:
Start JMeter , select Template Recording , go to HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder and start it
Start SOAP UI and configure JMeter as a proxy in Soap UI
Run your Soap UI Webservice
It will appear in JMeter, you can then variabilize what you want in JMeter and run your test
I am trying to test web service for my project. The Web service accepts a SOAP request and gives appropriate response.
In JMeter I have chosen SOAP/ XML-RPC request. It works completely fine for me and gives me correct response. However, I have more than 100s of web services in my scope of testing and I have to test them in different environments. It is very cumbersome work to change the URL value from the SOAP/ XML-RPC sample to point it to different env. Do we have something like HTTP Request Default for SOAP/XML-RPC requests?
I have also tried a bean shell sampler where I am setting the value of a variable and then retrieve it in the SOAP sampler URL parameter. However it did not work for me. Below is the code.
Bean Shell sampler code:
SOAP/ XML-RPS Sampler URL value:
Any suggestions? I read in JMeter docs that this can be done via http sampler, however, I want to avoid using the same if possible.
You should avoid using SOAP/XML-RPC in favor of pure Http Sampler.
Use the "Templates..." (menu) > Building a SOAP Webservice Test Plan:
This way you can use HTTP Request Default if you want.
But note from what you describe, using a CSV Data Set Config would allow you to variabilize the URL.
Use JMeter Properties to set base url like:
in file (under /bin folder of your JMeter installation) add one line per property:
alternatively you can pass the property via -J command line key as:
jmeter -JbaseURL=http://localhost:9191/ws/soap -n -t /path/to/your/testplan.jmx -l /path/to/results.jtl
Refer the defined property in your test plan using __P() function
You can even provide the default value, i.e. if the property is not set via file or command-line argument - default value will be used:
See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for more information on JMeter properties and ways of setting, overriding and using them.