Converting a rawValue into a string in Swift - swift

Apple has made changes from Swift 3 to 4. When I run the following code:
let metadata = [ PDFDocumentAttribute.titleAttribute,
PDFDocumentAttribute.keywordsAttribute ]
if var attributes = pdfDoc.documentAttributes {
for (index, value) in metadata.enumerated() {
if attributes[value] != nil {
print("\(metadata[index])): \(String(describing: attributes[value]!))")
} else {
print("\(metadata[index]): nil")
I now get: PDFDocumentAttribute(_rawValue: Title) instead of "Title", which I got before as the value of metadata[index].
How do I get rid of the rawValue stuff?

The PDFDocumentAttribute type has a property called rawValue that contains the old string value. So you can say
print("\(metadata[index].rawValue): \(String(describing: attributes[value]!))")
As an aside, instead of force-unwrapping the attribute you can use an if let, as in
if let attr = attributes[value] {
print("\(metadata[index].rawValue): \(attr)")
} else {
print("\(metadata[index].rawValue): nil")

If you add this extension:
extension PDFDocumentAttribute: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
return self.rawValue
Now you can just do:
// Forcing the downcast has little risk here
// but you may want to use `as?` and test for the optional instead
let attributes = pdfDoc.documentAttributes as! [PDFDocumentAttribute:Any]
for meta in metadata {
print("\(meta): \(attributes[meta] ?? "nil")")
Note that you can also do:
for attribute in attributes {
print("\(attribute.key): \(attribute.value)")
Which will just print out the attributes that exist on the document.


Swift - unwrapping a Double value with a Guard let statement

to unwrap a Double from my default values, I seem to have to do it with two guard let statements to unwrap the value safely such as in what follows:
guard let distanceAwayPreference = self.defaults.string(forKey: "distancePreference") else {
guard let doubleDAP = Double(distanceAwayPreference) else {
– because if I do it like this:
guard let DistanceAwayPreference = self.defaults.double(forKey: "distancePreference") else {
– I get the error:
Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'Double'
Is there a better way so i can do it once, or have less code throughout my app?
The method double(forKey:) is not returning an optional at all. According to the documentation it returns:
The double value associated with the specified key. If the key doesn‘t exist, this method returns 0.
So you can't optional bind it to a variable. This is why you've got that error:
Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'Double'
For less and cleaner code (when using it), you can use a simple property wrapper like:
struct UserDefault<T> {
let key: String
let defaultValue: T
init(_ key: String, defaultValue: T) {
self.key = key
self.defaultValue = defaultValue
var wrappedValue: T {
get { UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: key) as? T ?? defaultValue }
set { UserDefaults.standard.set(newValue, forKey: key) }
Then you can have a custom helper struct like this:
struct UserDefaultsConfig {
#UserDefault("distancePreference", defaultValue: 0)
static var distancePreference: Double
And use it late like:
UserDefaultsConfig.distancePreference = 12
I think it's better to return Any from defaults instead of String. So, this way you can use optional casting.
guard let doubleDAP = self.defaults.object(forKey: "distancePreference") as? Double else {

Property Wrapped Value if accessed from other files give non optional type

struct HarkAppPreference {
#UserPreferenceField(key: .userSelectedTags)
static var userSelectedTags: [MLQTag]
#UserPreferenceField(key: .userLastActivePlalist)
static var userLastActivePlaylist: [PlayableEntity]
#UserPreferenceField(key: .userLastActivePlayableEntityMeta)
static var userLastActivePlayableEntityMeta: LastPlayableEntityMeta
#UserPreferenceField(key: .currentUSer)
static var user: User
enum UserPreferenceFieldKey : String {
case userSelectedTags = "MLQUserSelectedTags"
case userLastActivePlalist = "MLQUserLastActivePlalist"
case userLastActivePlayableEntityMeta = "MLQUserLastActivePlayableEntityMeta"
case currentUSer
struct User : Codable {
let name : String
let phone: String
struct UserPreferenceField<T : Codable> {
let key: UserPreferenceFieldKey
var wrappedValue : T? {
get {
guard let decodedData = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: key.rawValue) as? Data else { return nil }
return try? JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: decodedData)
set {
do {
let encodedValue = try JSONEncoder().encode(newValue)
UserDefaults.standard.set(encodedValue, forKey: key.rawValue)
} catch {
print("Error in saving codable value - \(error.localizedDescription)")
init(key:UserPreferenceFieldKey) {
self.key = key
This is my PropertyWrapper which I created to use for saving data to UserDefault, this worked to my expectations to use the value with optional chaining if used from within the file where I have written the PropertyWrapper code.
But this given an error Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'User' when used in another file like below
class ABC {
func sss(){
if let _ = HarkAppPreference.user { // here is gives error
But if the same is used in the same file it works fine with optional chaining.
As per the reply from Apple Developers Team on Dev forum, It's not happening in Xcode 11.3 and worked fine when added optional to declared property.

How to get the parameter name in the enum?

My code is like this:
enum API {
case login(phone:String, password:String, deviceID:String)
extension API:TargetType {
var task: Task {
switch self {
case let .login(phone, password, deviceID):
///How to get the parameter name here?
///For example:"phone", "password", "deviceID"
///Can this be generated automatically?
let parameters =
return .requestParameters(parameters, encoding: JSONEncoding.default);
How to get the parameter name in Switch case?
For example:"phone", "password", "deviceID"
Can this be generated automatically?
How to avoid writing "phone" and the other dictionary keys literally, and make the compiler generate them from the associated value labels.
Maybe after the completion is like this
func parameters(_ api:API) -> [String, Any] {
switch self {
case .login:
return .requestParameters(parameters(self), encoding: JSONEncoding.default);
It seems that it is impossible to complete temporarily.
Who is the hero?
You can assign all associated values of the enum case to a single variable and then access the separate values using their labels.
enum API {
case login(phone:String, password:String, deviceID:String)
extension API:TargetType {
var task: Task {
switch self {
case let .token(params)
let parameters =
return .requestParameters(parameters, encoding: JSONEncoding.default);
Btw shouldn't that .token be .login? There's no .token case in your API enum defined.
If you want to generate the Dictionary keys to match the String representation of the associated value labels, that cannot be done automatically, but as a workaround, you can define another enum with a String raw value and use that for the Dictionary keys.
enum API {
case login(phone:String, password:String, deviceID:String)
enum ParameterNames: String {
case phone, password, deviceID
extension API:TargetType {
var task: Task {
switch self {
case let .token(params)
let parameters =
["\(" :,
"\(" : params.password,
"\(API.ParameterNames.deviceID)" : params.deviceID]
return .requestParameters(parameters, encoding: JSONEncoding.default);
There is code where you could get the label plus all the value(s) of an enum.
public extension Enum {
public var associated: (label: String, value: Any?, values: Dictionary<String,Any>?) {
get {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
if mirror.displayStyle == .enum {
if let associated = mirror.children.first {
let values = Mirror(reflecting: associated.value).children
var dict = Dictionary<String,Any>()
for i in values {
dict[i.label ?? ""] = i.value
return (associated.label!, associated.value, dict)
print("WARNING: Enum option of \(self) does not have an associated value")
return ("\(self)", nil, nil)
print("WARNING: You can only extend an enum with the EnumExtension")
return ("\(self)", nil, nil)
You will then be able to get the .associated.label and .associated.value of your enum. In your case your .value will be a tupple. Then you would need to use the .associated.values. Unfortunately you won't get the field names for these values. Because it's a tupple you will get field names like .0, .1 and .2. As far as I know there is no way to get the actual field names.
So in your case your code will be something like this:
enum API {
case login(phone:String, password:String, deviceID:String)
extension API:TargetType {
var task: Task {
return .requestParameters(self.associated.values, encoding: JSONEncoding.default);
But then you still need some functionality for going from the self.associated.values where the keys are .0, .1 and .2 to the names you like. I think the only option is for you to do this mapping yourself. You could extend your enum with a function for that.
If you want to see some more enum helpers, then have a look at Stuff/Enum
Your switch should look like this:
switch self {
case .login(let phone, let password, let deviceID)
let parameters =
return .requestParameters(parameters, encoding: JSONEncoding.default);
Swift automatically generates the declared variables for you
You can take a look about Reflection in Swift
And you can make it automatic generate parameter like this:
class ParameterAble {
func getParameters() -> [String: Any] {
var param = [String: Any]()
let childen = Mirror(reflecting: self).children
for item in childen {
guard let key = item.label else {
param[key] = item.value
return param
class LoginData: ParameterAble {
var phone: String
var password: String
var deviceID: String
init(phone: String, password: String, deviceID: String) { = phone
self.password = password
self.deviceID = deviceID
enum API {
case login(data: LoginData)
extension API {
var task: [String: Any] {
switch self {
case let .login(data):
return data.getParameters()
let loginData = LoginData(phone: "fooPhone", password: "fooPass", deviceID:
let login = API.login(data: loginData)
This is output: ["phone": "fooPhone", "deviceID": "fooId", "password": "fooPass"]
You can try it in Playground

Getter Setter With Type of Any Swift

Is it possible to do a getter and setter for an attribute that has a type of 'Any'
Here is my thought:
private var _valueObject: Any?
public var valueObject: Any? {
set {
if newValue is String {
self._valueObject = newValue as? String
} else if newValue is BFSignature {
self._valueObject = newValue as? BFSignature
get {
if self._valueObject is String {
return self._valueObject as? String
} else if self._valueObject is BFSignature {
return self._valueObject as? BFSignature
} else {
return self._valueObject
When I try to use it through out my code though I get errors stating:
Cannot compare String to type Any
Is there a way to use something like this without casting the 'valueObject' to a string whenever I need it. A way to use it and it already knows its a 'String' or 'BFSignature' instead of 'Any'.
Here is an example of the error:
I would rather it just know that cellValue is a 'String.' Instead of casting it each time I use it.
You shouldn't use Any
In my opinion, you should make a common representation of the API call result instead of using Any. You know exactly what the API is going to return, don't you? It's either a String or something that you turn into your custom object BFSignature.
Therefore, you can make an enum to represent your API call result:
enum APIResult {
case signature(BFASignature)
case justString(String)
and use it like
private var _valueObject: APIResult?
if let stringValue = newValue as? String {
self._valueObject = .justString(stringValue)
if let signatureValue = newValue as? BFSignature {
self._valueObject = .signature(signatureValue)
If there are a fixed number of types that you need to use here, you can use an enum:
struct BFSignature {
var a: Int
enum Either {
case bfSig(BFSignature)
case string(String)
var a: Either
var b: Either
a = .bfSig(BFSignature(a: 7))
b = .string("Stack Overflow")
a = b
switch (b) {
case Either.bfSig(let signature):
print(signature.a) // Output integeral value
case Either.string(let str):
print(str) //Output string value

In Swift 3, how to convert a dictionary to Object?

[I am new to Swift, I don't know is this possible or not, so please suggest me]
I have a dictionary (which is dynamic) like this:
let simpleHash = ["testA": "A", "testB": "B", "testC": "C"]
I want to convert this to an Object, so that I can access like:
simpleHash.testA // instead of simpleHash["testA"]
I have tried the below one, but it didn't help
let jsonData = try simpleHash, options: .prettyPrinted)
let decoded = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData, options: [])
Can anyone please suggest me on this.
Thanks in advance!
Swift will need an explicitly declared variable for testA so you will not be able to be 100% dynamic. But, since you need to use the variable in code, it will be known at some point. Given this and in the spirit of minimizing the declaration constraints, you could define a class that uses the dictionary as its internal storage and exposes the key values as computed properties.
here's an example:
class DictionaryBased
var content:[String:Any]
init(_ dictionary:[String:Any])
{ content = dictionary }
func get<T>(_ key:String, _ defaultValue:T) -> T
{ return content[key] as? T ?? defaultValue }
func set<T>(_ key:String, _ value:T)
{ content[key] = value }
class SimpleHash:DictionaryBased
With this, you can add computed properties as needed (and where needed) using extensions.
extension SimpleHash
var testA:String { get { return get("testA", "") } set { set("testA",newValue) } }
var testB:String { get { return get("testB", "") } set { set("testB",newValue) } }
// if variables are "read-only", you don't need the set { } part
var testC:String { get { return get("testC", "") } }
You can add variables that are typed or not and support optionals or, (as above) provide default values.
extension SimpleHash
var testD:Any? { get { return get("testD", nil) } set { set("testD",newValue) } }
var testE:String? { get { return get("testE", nil) } set { set("testE",newValue) } }
var testF:Date? { get { return get("testF", nil) } set { set("testE",newValue) } }
To use this "dictionary based" object, you would need to create an instance at some point and give it the dictionary's content:
let simpleHash = SimpleHash(["testA": "A", "testB": "B", "testC": "C"])
simpleHash.testA // "A"
simpleHash.testD // nil
Note that, this isn't going to be as efficient as using native properties and mapping the dictionary to each physical variable. On the other hand, it is a lot less code so. If the variables are not referenced often, the extra overhead may be an acceptable trade off for simplicity and flexibility.
A simple struct to hold your Dictionary values:
struct SimpleStruct {
// properties are Optional since they might not be matched
let testA: String?
let testB: String?
// this one has a default value
let testC: String
// init that takes a Dictionary
init(dictionary: [String:Any]) {
// set the Optional ones
self.testA = dictionary["testA"] as? String
self.testB = dictionary["testB"] as? String
// set the one with a default
self.testC = dictionary["testC"] as? String ?? "C"
let foo = SimpleStruct(dictionary: ["testA": "A", "testB": "B", "testC": "C"])
// force-unwrapping for brevity
// you should actually test before using
print(foo.testA!) // prints A
print(foo.testB!) // prints B
print(foo.testC) // prints C