Swift - unwrapping a Double value with a Guard let statement - swift

to unwrap a Double from my default values, I seem to have to do it with two guard let statements to unwrap the value safely such as in what follows:
guard let distanceAwayPreference = self.defaults.string(forKey: "distancePreference") else {
guard let doubleDAP = Double(distanceAwayPreference) else {
– because if I do it like this:
guard let DistanceAwayPreference = self.defaults.double(forKey: "distancePreference") else {
– I get the error:
Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'Double'
Is there a better way so i can do it once, or have less code throughout my app?

The method double(forKey:) is not returning an optional at all. According to the documentation it returns:
The double value associated with the specified key. If the key doesn‘t exist, this method returns 0.
So you can't optional bind it to a variable. This is why you've got that error:
Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'Double'
For less and cleaner code (when using it), you can use a simple property wrapper like:
struct UserDefault<T> {
let key: String
let defaultValue: T
init(_ key: String, defaultValue: T) {
self.key = key
self.defaultValue = defaultValue
var wrappedValue: T {
get { UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: key) as? T ?? defaultValue }
set { UserDefaults.standard.set(newValue, forKey: key) }
Then you can have a custom helper struct like this:
struct UserDefaultsConfig {
#UserDefault("distancePreference", defaultValue: 0)
static var distancePreference: Double
And use it late like:
UserDefaultsConfig.distancePreference = 12

I think it's better to return Any from defaults instead of String. So, this way you can use optional casting.
guard let doubleDAP = self.defaults.object(forKey: "distancePreference") as? Double else {


Shorter Alternative to ternary to generate empty string if nil?

I have a parameter of Type Double?.
When this parameter is nil, I want to have an empty string.
I can use if (variable == nil) ? "" : String(variable!) but is there a shorter alternative?
Using Optional.map and the nil-coalescing operator ?? you can do
var variable: Double? = 1.0
let string = variable.map { String($0) } ?? ""
The closure is called (and the string returned) if the variable is not nil, otherwise map returns nil and the expression evaluates to the empty string.
I don't see a simple way to simplify your code. An idea is to create a Double extension like this:
extension Optional where Wrapped == Double {
var asString: String {
self == nil ? "" : String(self!)
And then instead of that if condition you just use:
If you want to use the resulting string in another string, like this:
let string = "The value is: \(variable)"
and possibly specify what to print when variable is nil :
let string = "The value is: \(variable, nil: "value is nil")"
you can write a handy generic extension for String.StringInterpolation which takes any type of value and prints this and if it's an optional and also nil it prints the specified "default" string:
extension String.StringInterpolation {
mutating func appendInterpolation<T>(_ value: T?, `nil` defaultValue: #autoclosure () -> String) {
if let value = value {
} else {
var d: Double? = nil
print("Double: \(d, nil: "value is nil")")
d = 1
print("Double: \(d, nil: "value is nil")")
let i = 1
print("Integer: \(i, nil: "value is nil")")
Output on the console:
Double: value is nil
Double: 1.0
Integer: 1
Just for fun a generic approach to cover all types that conforms to LosslessStringConvertible:
extension LosslessStringConvertible {
var string: String { .init(self) }
extension Optional where Wrapped: LosslessStringConvertible {
var string: String { self?.string ?? "" }
var double = Double("2.7")
print(double.string) // "2.7\n"
Property wrappers should help you give the desired result - property wrappers have a special variables wrappedValue and projectedValue that can add a layer of separation and allow you to wrap your custom logic.
wrappedValue - manipulate this variable with getters and setters. It has very less use in our case as it is of Double? type
projectedValue - this is going to be our focus as we can use this variable to project the Double as a String in our case.
The implementation is as below
struct DoubleToString {
private var number: Double = 0.0
var projectedValue: String = ""
var wrappedValue: Double?{
get {
return number // Not really required
set {
if let value = newValue { // Check for nil
projectedValue = value.description // Convert to string
number = value
Now we create a struct which uses this wrapper.
struct NumbersTest {
#DoubleToString var number1: Double?
#DoubleToString var number2: Double?
On running the below code, we get the desired result. $number1 gives us the projectedValue and if we ignore the $ symbol we get the wrappedvalue
var numbersTest = NumbersTest()
numbersTest.number1 = 25.0
numbersTest.number2 = nil
print(numbersTest.$number1) //"25.0"
print(numbersTest.$number2) //""
By using property wrappers you can keep the variable interoperable to get both Double and String values easily.

How to seamlessly wrap #Published variables with a UserDefaults propertyWrapper

I've been looking for the perfect UserDefaults wrapper that
seamlessly encodes and decodes Data objects from storage
works with #Published
My starting point was this StackOverflow answer, but it uses object:forKey which doesn't work with custom objects (encoding URLs is always non-trivial for me).
My idea is to be able to use it like so:
struct Server: Identifiable, Codable, Equatable, Hashable { /* vars */ }
class ServerPickerViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published(wrappedValue: Server.defaultServers.first!,
type: Server.self,
key: "currentServer")
var currentServer: Server?
To achieve this, I modified the code from #VictorKushnerov's answer:
import Combine
private var cancellables = [String: AnyCancellable]()
extension Published {
init<T: Encodable & Decodable>(wrappedValue defaultValue: T, type: T.Type, key: String) {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
var value: T
let data = UserDefaults.standard.data(forKey: key),
let decodedVal = try? decoder.decode(T.self, from: data) {
value = decodedVal
} else {
value = defaultValue
self.init(initialValue: value) // <-- Error
cancellables[key] = projectedValue.sink { val in
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
let encodedVal = encoder.encode(val) // <-- Error
UserDefaults.standard.set(encodedVal, forKey: key)
There are currently two errors I can't get through, which are the following:
Cannot convert value of type 'T' to expected argument type 'Value' it still relying on the underlying #Published's Value generic type, I wish I could override that with my type T.
Instance method 'encode' requires that 'Published<Value>.Publisher.Output' (aka 'Value') conform to 'Encodable'
You can fix your compilation errors by using where Value : Codable to restrict your extension. Then, you can get rid of your T generic altogether (& you don't have to use the type argument either):
extension Published where Value : Codable {
init(wrappedValue defaultValue: Value, key: String) {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
var value: Value
let data = UserDefaults.standard.data(forKey: key),
let decodedVal = try? decoder.decode(Value.self, from: data) {
value = decodedVal
} else {
value = defaultValue
self.init(initialValue: value)
cancellables[key] = projectedValue.sink { val in
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
do {
let encodedVal = try encoder.encode(val)
UserDefaults.standard.set(encodedVal, forKey: key)
} catch {
This being said, I'd probably take the path instead of creating a custom property wrapper instead that wraps #AppStorage instead of extending #Published

Swift properyWrapper cannot convert value of declared type to value of specified type

Here is my property wrapper:
#propertyWrapper struct UserDefaultsBacked<Value> {
let key: String
let storage: UserDefaults = .standard
var defaultValue: Value
var wrappedValue: Value? {
get {
let value = storage.value(forKey: key) as? Value
return value ?? defaultValue
set { storage.setValue(newValue, forKey: key) }
And this variable, snapStatus, is supposed to have a boolean value, right?
#UserDefaultsBacked(key: "snap-is-enabled", defaultValue: false)
var snapStatus: Bool
But compiler throws an error:
Cannot convert value of type 'UserDefaultsBacked' to specified
type 'Bool'
Am I doing it the wrong way?
You’ve declared wrappedValue as an optional, e.g. Value?. Change it to not be an optional and the error will go away:
#propertyWrapper struct UserDefaultsBacked<Value> {
let key: String
let storage: UserDefaults = .standard
var defaultValue: Value
var wrappedValue: Value { // not `Value?`
get {
let value = storage.value(forKey: key) as? Value
return value ?? defaultValue
set { storage.setValue(newValue, forKey: key) }
Alternatively, you could keep wrappedValue as is, but then you’d have to declare snapStatus as an optional:
var snapStatus: Bool?
I think the elimination of the optionals is the way to go, but I include this for the sake of completeness.

Getter Setter With Type of Any Swift

Is it possible to do a getter and setter for an attribute that has a type of 'Any'
Here is my thought:
private var _valueObject: Any?
public var valueObject: Any? {
set {
if newValue is String {
self._valueObject = newValue as? String
} else if newValue is BFSignature {
self._valueObject = newValue as? BFSignature
get {
if self._valueObject is String {
return self._valueObject as? String
} else if self._valueObject is BFSignature {
return self._valueObject as? BFSignature
} else {
return self._valueObject
When I try to use it through out my code though I get errors stating:
Cannot compare String to type Any
Is there a way to use something like this without casting the 'valueObject' to a string whenever I need it. A way to use it and it already knows its a 'String' or 'BFSignature' instead of 'Any'.
Here is an example of the error:
I would rather it just know that cellValue is a 'String.' Instead of casting it each time I use it.
You shouldn't use Any
In my opinion, you should make a common representation of the API call result instead of using Any. You know exactly what the API is going to return, don't you? It's either a String or something that you turn into your custom object BFSignature.
Therefore, you can make an enum to represent your API call result:
enum APIResult {
case signature(BFASignature)
case justString(String)
and use it like
private var _valueObject: APIResult?
if let stringValue = newValue as? String {
self._valueObject = .justString(stringValue)
if let signatureValue = newValue as? BFSignature {
self._valueObject = .signature(signatureValue)
If there are a fixed number of types that you need to use here, you can use an enum:
struct BFSignature {
var a: Int
enum Either {
case bfSig(BFSignature)
case string(String)
var a: Either
var b: Either
a = .bfSig(BFSignature(a: 7))
b = .string("Stack Overflow")
a = b
switch (b) {
case Either.bfSig(let signature):
print(signature.a) // Output integeral value
case Either.string(let str):
print(str) //Output string value

Using reflection to set object properties without using setValue forKey

In Swift it's not possible use .setValue(..., forKey: ...)
nullable type fields like Int?
properties that have an enum as it's type
an Array of nullable objects like [MyObject?]
There is one workaround for this and that is by overriding the setValue forUndefinedKey method in the object itself.
Since I'm writing a general object mapper based on reflection. See EVReflection I would like to minimize this kind of manual mapping as much as possible.
Is there an other way to set those properties automatically?
The workaround can be found in a unit test in my library here
This is the code:
class WorkaroundsTests: XCTestCase {
func testWorkarounds() {
let json:String = "{\"nullableType\": 1,\"status\": 0, \"list\": [ {\"nullableType\": 2}, {\"nullableType\": 3}] }"
let status = Testobject(json: json)
XCTAssertTrue(status.nullableType == 1, "the nullableType should be 1")
XCTAssertTrue(status.status == .NotOK, "the status should be NotOK")
XCTAssertTrue(status.list.count == 2, "the list should have 2 items")
if status.list.count == 2 {
XCTAssertTrue(status.list[0]?.nullableType == 2, "the first item in the list should have nullableType 2")
XCTAssertTrue(status.list[1]?.nullableType == 3, "the second item in the list should have nullableType 3")
class Testobject: EVObject {
enum StatusType: Int {
case NotOK = 0
case OK
var nullableType: Int?
var status: StatusType = .OK
var list: [Testobject?] = []
override func setValue(value: AnyObject!, forUndefinedKey key: String) {
switch key {
case "nullableType":
nullableType = value as? Int
case "status":
if let rawValue = value as? Int {
status = StatusType(rawValue: rawValue)!
case "list":
if let list = value as? NSArray {
self.list = []
for item in list {
self.list.append(item as? Testobject)
NSLog("---> setValue for key '\(key)' should be handled.")
I found a way around this when I was looking to solve a similar problem - that KVO can't set the value of a pure Swift protocol field. The protocol has to be marked #objc, which caused too much pain in my code base.
The workaround is to look up the Ivar using the objective C runtime, get the field offset, and set the value using a pointer.
This code works in a playground in Swift 2.2:
import Foundation
class MyClass
var myInt: Int?
let instance = MyClass()
// Look up the ivar, and it's offset
let ivar: Ivar = class_getInstanceVariable(instance.dynamicType, "myInt")
let fieldOffset = ivar_getOffset(ivar)
// Pointer arithmetic to get a pointer to the field
let pointerToInstance = unsafeAddressOf(instance)
let pointerToField = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int?>(pointerToInstance + fieldOffset)
// Set the value using the pointer
pointerToField.memory = 42
assert(instance.myInt == 42)
This is probably pretty fragile, you really shouldn't use this.
But maybe it could live in a thoroughly tested and updated reflection library until Swift gets a proper reflection API.
It's not that far away from what Mirror does internally, see the code in Reflection.mm, around here: https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/swift-2.2-branch/stdlib/public/runtime/Reflection.mm#L719
The same technique applies to the other types that KVO rejects, but you need to be careful to use the right UnsafeMutablePointer type. Particularly with protocol vars, which are 40 or 16 bytes, unlike a simple class optional which is 8 bytes (64 bit). See Mike Ash on the topic of Swift memory layout: https://mikeash.com/pyblog/friday-qa-2014-08-01-exploring-swift-memory-layout-part-ii.html
Edit: There is now a framework called Runtime at https://github.com/wickwirew/Runtime which provides a pure Swift model of the Swift 4+ memory layout, allowing it to safely calculate the equivalent of ivar_getOffset without invoking the Obj C runtime. This allows setting properties like this:
let info = try typeInfo(of: User.self)
let property = try info.property(named: "username")
try property.set(value: "newUsername", on: &user)
This is probably a good way forward until the equivalent capability becomes part of Swift itself.
Swift 5
To set and get properties values with pure swift types you can use internal ReflectionMirror.swift approach with shared functions:
The idea is to gain info about an each property of an object and then set a value to a needed one by its pointer offset.
There is example code with KeyValueCoding protocol for Swift that implements setValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) method:
typealias NameFreeFunc = #convention(c) (UnsafePointer<CChar>?) -> Void
struct FieldReflectionMetadata {
let name: UnsafePointer<CChar>? = nil
let freeFunc: NameFreeFunc? = nil
let isStrong: Bool = false
let isVar: Bool = false
fileprivate func swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveCount(_: Any.Type) -> Int
fileprivate func swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveChildMetadata(
_: Any.Type
, index: Int
, fieldMetadata: UnsafeMutablePointer<FieldReflectionMetadata>
) -> Any.Type
fileprivate func swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveChildOffset(_: Any.Type, index: Int) -> Int
protocol Accessors {}
extension Accessors {
static func set(value: Any?, pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
if let value = value as? Self {
pointer.assumingMemoryBound(to: self).pointee = value
struct ProtocolTypeContainer {
let type: Any.Type
let witnessTable = 0
var accessors: Accessors.Type {
unsafeBitCast(self, to: Accessors.Type.self)
protocol KeyValueCoding {
extension KeyValueCoding {
private mutating func withPointer<Result>(displayStyle: Mirror.DisplayStyle, _ body: (UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> Result) throws -> Result {
switch displayStyle {
case .struct:
return try withUnsafePointer(to: &self) {
let pointer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: $0)
return try body(pointer)
case .class:
return try withUnsafePointer(to: &self) {
try $0.withMemoryRebound(to: UnsafeMutableRawPointer.self, capacity: 1) {
try body($0.pointee)
fatalError("Unsupported type")
public mutating func setValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
guard let displayStyle = mirror.displayStyle
, displayStyle == .class || displayStyle == .struct
else {
let type = type(of: self)
let count = swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveCount(type)
for i in 0..<count {
var field = FieldReflectionMetadata()
let childType = swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveChildMetadata(type, index: i, fieldMetadata: &field)
defer { field.freeFunc?(field.name) }
guard let name = field.name.flatMap({ String(validatingUTF8: $0) }),
name == key
else {
let clildOffset = swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveChildOffset(type, index: i)
try? withPointer(displayStyle: displayStyle) { pointer in
let valuePointer = pointer.advanced(by: clildOffset)
let container = ProtocolTypeContainer(type: childType)
container.accessors.set(value: value, pointer: valuePointer)
This approach works with both class and struct and supports optional, enum and inherited(for classes) properties:
// Class
enum UserType {
case admin
case guest
case none
class User: KeyValueCoding {
let id = 0
let name = "John"
let birthday: Date? = nil
let type: UserType = .none
var user = User()
user.setValue(12345, forKey: "id")
user.setValue("Bob", forKey: "name")
user.setValue(Date(), forKey: "birthday")
user.setValue(UserType.admin, forKey: "type")
print(user.id, user.name, user.birthday!, user.type)
// Outputs: 12345 Bob 2022-04-22 10:41:10 +0000 admin
// Struct
struct Book: KeyValueCoding {
let id = 0
let title = "Swift"
let info: String? = nil
var book = Book()
book.setValue(56789, forKey: "id")
book.setValue("ObjC", forKey: "title")
book.setValue("Development", forKey: "info")
print(book.id, book.title, book.info!)
// Outputs: 56789 ObjC Development
if you are afraid to use #_silgen_name for shared functions you can access to it dynamically with dlsym e.g.: dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveCount") etc.
There is a swift package (https://github.com/ikhvorost/KeyValueCoding) with full implementation of KeyValueCoding protocol for pure Swift and it supports: get/set values to any property by a key, subscript, get a metadata type, list of properties and more.
Unfortunately, this is impossible to do in Swift.
KVC is an Objective-C thing. Pure Swift optionals (combination of Int and Optional) do not work with KVC. The best thing to do with Int? would be to replace with NSNumber? and KVC will work. This is because NSNumber is still an Objective-C class. This is a sad limitation of the type system.
For your enums though, there is still hope. This will not, however, reduce the amount of coding that you would have to do, but it is much cleaner and at its best, mimics the KVC.
Create a protocol called Settable
protocol Settable {
mutating func setValue(value:String)
Have your enum confirm to the protocol
enum Types : Settable {
case FirstType, SecondType, ThirdType
mutating func setValue(value: String) {
if value == ".FirstType" {
self = .FirstType
} else if value == ".SecondType" {
self = .SecondType
} else if value == ".ThirdType" {
self = .ThirdType
} else {
fatalError("The value \(value) is not settable to this enum")
Create a method: setEnumValue(value:value, forKey key:Any)
setEnumValue(value:String forKey key:Any) {
if key == "types" {
} else {
fatalError("No variable found with name \(key)")
You can now call self.setEnumValue(".FirstType",forKey:"types")