Webex Productivity Tools - Disable Automatic Updates - windows-7-x64

We´re Using the "Webex Productivity Tools" in our Environment.
Our users are working without any Admin rights.
Every week I have to install manual updates since the users are unable to do this themselves but are still receiving popups requesting they install them.
One of the users are wondering if it's possible to disable these automatic updates.

Productivity Tools automatic updates can be disabled at the site configuration level. You'll want to log in as an admin to https://[sitename].webex.com/admin (replace [sitename] with your sitename), then click Common Site Settings -> Productivity Tools. From there, uncheck 'Automatically update Productivity Tools when new versions are available' and you should be good to go.


How to enable pulg and hack feature in OWASP ZAP

I have recently downloaded OWASP ZAP to perform security testing. But there is no option for plug and hack feature so that I can incorporate it with Firefox? Can anyone tell me why is it not there and how can I add it?
ZAP version 2.6.0
Ubuntu 16.04
No plug and hack feature
It may be because mozilla firefox has restricted plug and hack feature in new versions for security concerns.
If you still wish to do so, try using older firefox versions.
The add-on used features that are now no longer available in Firefox, unless you trust unsigned add-ons. It is being reworked, but no eta I'm afraid.
You can still install it from the ZAP Marketplace - just click on the 'Manage Add-ons' button, 'Check for Updates' and search for 'plug' in the 'Marketplace' tab.
You can now also use the new 'browser launch' feature. Just make sure you're running the latest version of ZAP (currently 2.6.0) and that all of your add-ons are up to date. You'll then get the option to lauch any browser from ZAP, automatically configured to proxy through ZAP and ignore certificate issues. More details in this blog post: https://zaproxy.blogspot.com/2017/08/zap-browser-launch.html

eZ Publish Site Package Error

I am installing ez publish(CMS) in my xampp...
however in this section of installation
I can't proceed even though I can click next.. I bet the site package is mandatory... I need your help guys... btw, I am installing 2013.5 version
here's the error
Invalid package
Remote repository URL: http://packages.ez.no/ezpublish/5.0/5.0.0/
I've tried uploading the ezwebin_site.ezpkg in the remote repository still I can't proceed... thanks in advance.
Site Package selection step within the Setup Wizard is more or less required (you must select one package using the ratio buttons) to complete a proper eZ Publish installation first time.
Notice the 'Help' sidebar content, "The type of site will choose some basic settings for toolbars, menus, color and functionality. It is possible to change these settings at a later time.".
This is to remind new users that you first use the setup wizard for your first time installation of eZ Publish and then you can re-configure eZ Publish settings, design, extensions, etc manually as much as you desire / require. You can customize almost any part of eZ Publish, once you have it installed and setup properly.
It is recommended for new users to install the 'Website Interface' (with content) package for your first installation. Again you can change all it all after you have completed the default installation and have a working default installation.
More experienced developers may choose to use the 'Plain site' package (with no content, and significantly less default functionality and helpful tools) but this option often causes extreme confusion to new users / developers (who need the tools provided in the 'Website Interface' package to get started using eZ Publish quickly) as it omits expected content classes, default content use case examples, roles / policies, default settings use case examples, ezwebin design extension and much more. As such any package choice other than 'Website Interface' (with the version of eZ Publish you are using) is very strongly discouraged.
Advanced Developers with an already setup installation can create their own site packages to reuse in the future to simplify configuration of a default installation.
Resolution Edit: During an extensive stackoverflow and irc chat it was determined that the user asking the question lacked the WAMP server (PHP modules) support required by eZ Publish 5.x which is why the user was having installation setup problems. Specifically the user was missing the required php curl module which is used / required by the setup wizard to download site packages. The user was strongly recommended to replace Xampp (on win32) with Bitnami (for eZ) which provides for all the requirements of eZ Publish 5.x by default and has already been heavily tested and customized for use with eZ Publish 5.x. Also the user was using an older version of eZ Publish 5.x (2013.5 community build) which only supports PHP 5.3 and the user's Xampp PHP version was PHP 5.6.8 which requires at the very least eZ Publish 5.x (2014.11 community build).

How create an installer of chrome packaged app?

I need to demonstrate a test version of my app. I DON'T want to load it to the store yet. I want create an installer of my app, so the user can go to my site and install the application by clicking.
First of all, have you read the documentation including developer installation, enterprise installation, publishing on the Web Store only to test accounts, and recent announcements of changes? Assuming you have, then with the exceptions listed in those sources, all apps/extensions must be published in CWS. They don't have to be listed publicly, but they do have to be published there.
Your best bet is to use the test-account feature of CWS for your demonstration.
This is very easy, yo can create the installer vía chrome://extensions > Developer Mode > Package extension.
Then you got the .crx file, you can upload it anywhere and share it. To install it, user must open chrome//extensions and drop the file in the page.
The option to install from webpage by clicking was disabled in Chrome for security reasons.

Eclipse with TFS plugin - looping login

few days ago (without installing anything new as far as I know) my Eclipse environment started looping authentiacation action when loging to Team Foundation Services. Everytime I want to explore, checkin and so on I see dialog "connecting to server" then dialog loading indentity providers appears and after it white blank screen and all repeats again and again.
I tried to find if I can reset stored password but there is no one in Credentials Manager in Windows (related to TFS address).
I tried update Eclipse plugins (ADT, TFS plugin) to latest version - same behavior.
Any suggestions or same experience
Kind Regards Jindrich Polenius Brezina
I'm afraid that the authentication mechanism got broken during a recent upgrade of the service. It was fixed quickly, but due to the fact that you were unlucky enough to attempt to log-in while it broken I'm afraid that you are going to need to close Eclipse, delete all your cookies in internet explorer, close IE, open Eclipse and attempt to log in again. Very sorry about that.

Windows authentication with Eclipse

I use Eclipse daily for software development and those of you that use it know that you download plugins and updates regularly. The company I work for has Bluecoat installed, which blocks all of the updates. However, the update URLs are not blocked in Internet Explorer. With this said, the problem seems to be that Eclipse is not using Windows authentication when it requests updates from the URLs. Is there a way to set Eclipse up so that it acts like IE?
That could be linked to the proxy and not to Bluecoat:
If IE does authorized the access to update URLs, it must do so through an authenticated proxy connection.
If you do have such a setting (proxyname:port , user/password), you should report that setting on your eclipse, in order for p2 within that eclipse to use those same settings.
(Menu Preferences : General / Network Connections)