Running Flink Job when Taskmanager killed / loss - kubernetes

What I want to achieve is Flink cluster that will automatically re-allocate to run the job when there is a resource interruption , eg: Kubernetes pod scale down, loss of existing taskmanager.
I tested with a Flink cluster of :
one Jobmanager, 2 taskmanager (2 task slot each),
Restart Strategies-fixedDelayRestart(2, 2000),
checkpoint and state configured to HDFS.
The job started as 4 parallelism which utilized all the available slots.
This cluster will later be running on top of Kubernetes and manage by autoscaling.
Scenario :
When I kill one of the taskmanager, the Flink cluster will run with 1 JM and 1 TM, the Job will then restart, and failed eventually as it will start with previous state (4 parallelism) and complaint unavailable resource from the Flink cluster.
Is there a way for me to restart the job by dynamically re-allocate available resource instead of using previous state?
Appreciate if someone can shade some light on this.


Airflow fault tolerance

I have 2 questions:
first, what does it mean that the Kubernetes executor is fault tolerance, in other words, what happens if one worker nodes gets down?
Second question, is it possible that the whole Airflow server gets down? if yes, is there a backup that runs automatically to continue the work?
Note: I have started learning airflow recently.
Thanks in advance
This is a theoretical question that faced me while learning apache airflow, I have read the documentation
but it did not mention how fault tolerance is handled
what does it mean that the Kubernetes executor is fault tolerance?
Airflow scheduler use a Kubernetes API watcher to watch the state of the workers (tasks) on each change in order to discover failed pods. When a worker pod gets down, the scheduler detect this failure and change the state of the failed tasks in the Metadata, then these tasks can be rescheduled and executed based on the retry configurations.
is it possible that the whole Airflow server gets down?
yes it is possible for different reasons, and you have some different solutions/tips for each one:
problem in the Metadata: the most important part in Airflow is the Metadata where it's the central point used to communicate between the different schedulers and workers, and it is used to save the state of all the dag runs and tasks, and to share messages between tasks, and to store variables and connections, so when it gets down, everything will fail:
you can use a managed service (AWS RDS or Aurora, GCP Cloud SQL or Cloud Spanner, ...)
you can deploy it on your K8S cluster but in HA mode (doc for postgresql)
problem with the scheduler: the scheduler is running as a pod, and the is a possibility to lose depending on how you deploy it:
Try to request enough resources (especially memory) to avoid OOM problem
Avoid running it on spot/preemptible VMs
Create multiple replicas (minimum 3) for the scheduler to activate HA mode, in this case if a scheduler gets down, there will be other schedulers up
problem with webserver pod: it doesn't affect your workload, but you will not be able to access the UI/API during the downtime:
Try to request enough resources (especially memory) to avoid OOM problem
It's a stateless service, so you can create multiple replicas without any problem, if one gets down, you will access the UI/API using the other replicas

Airflow tasks failing with SIGTERM when worker pod downscaling

I am running an airflow cluster on EKS on AWS. I have setup some scaling config for worker setup. If CPU/Mem > 70% then airflow spins up new worker pod. However I am facing an issue when these worker pods are scaling down. When worker pods start scaling down, two things happen:
If no tasks is running on a worker pod, it terminates within 40sec.
If any task is running on a worker pod, it terminates in about 8min, and after one more minute, I find the task failing on UI.
I have setup below two properties in helm chart for worker pod termiantion.
## if celery worker Pods are gracefully terminated
## - consider defining a `workers.podDisruptionBudget` to prevent there not being
## enough available workers during graceful termination waiting periods
## graceful termination process:
## 1. prevent worker accepting new tasks
## 2. wait AT MOST `workers.celery.gracefullTerminationPeriod` for tasks to finish
## 3. send SIGTERM to worker
## 4. wait AT MOST `workers.terminationPeriod` for kill to finish
## 5. send SIGKILL to worker
gracefullTermination: true
## how many seconds to wait for tasks to finish before SIGTERM of the celery worker
gracefullTerminationPeriod: 180
## how many seconds to wait after SIGTERM before SIGKILL of the celery worker
## - [WARNING] tasks that are still running during SIGKILL will be orphaned, this is important
## to understand with KubernetesPodOperator(), as Pods may continue running
terminationPeriod: 120
I can see that worker pod should shutdown after 5 mins or irrespective task running or not. So I am not sure why I see total of 8 min for worker pod termination. And my main issue is there any way I can setup config so that worker pod only terminates when task running on it finishes execution. Since tasks in my dags can run anywhere between few minutes to few hours so I don't want to put a large value for gracefullTerminationPeriod. I Would appreciate any solution around this.
Some more info: Generally the long running task is a python operator which runs either a presto sql query or Databricks job via Prestohook or DatabricksOperator respectively. And I don't want these to recivie SIGTERM before they complete their execution on worker pod scaling down.
This is not possible due to limitations from K8 end. More details are available here. However by using a large value of "gracefulTerminationPeriod" works, although this is not what I intended to do but it works better than I originally thought. When large value of gracefulTerminationPeriod is set, workers doesn't wait around for gracefulTerminationPeriod time to terminate. If a worker pod is marked for termination it terminates as soon as tasks running on it reaches zero.
Until K8 accept proposed changes and new community helm chart is released, I think this is the best solution without incurring costs of keeping worker up.

Apache Flink job is not scheduled on multiple TaskManagers in Kubernetes (replicas)

I have a simple Flink job that reads from an ActiveMQ source & sink to a database & print. I deploy the job in the Kubernetes with 2 TaskManagers, each having Task Slots of 10 (taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: 10). I configured parallelism more than the total TaskSlots available (ie., 10 in this case).
When I see the Flink Dashboard I see this job runs only in one of the TaskManager, but the other TaskManager has no Jobs. I verified this by checking every operator where it is scheduled, also in Task Manager UI page one of the manager has all slots free. I attach below images for reference.
Did I configure anything wrong? Where is the gap in my understanding? And can someone explain it?
The first task manager has enough slots (10) to fully satisfy the requirements of your job.
The scheduler's default behavior is to fully utilize one task manager's slots before using slots from another task manager. If instead you would prefer that Flink spread out the workload across all available task managers, set cluster.evenly-spread-out-slots: true in flink-conf.yaml. (This option was added in Flink 1.10 to recreate a scheduling behavior similar to what was the default before Flink 1.5.)

dataproc cluster update (resize) command not completing

We have a dataproc cluster we dynamically resize for large jobs. I submitted a cluster resize request to reduce our cluster to its original size (1m,2workers) from 10-workers, 3-preemptive workers but this still hasn't completed an hour later.
Is this normal? is there a way to re-issue the request? at the moment I get cluster update in progress style messages.
If you downscale Dataproc 1.2+ cluster using Graceful Decommissioning this is expected that it could take a long time if there are running jobs on cluster - downscale operation will wait until YARN containers will finish on decommissioned nodes.
Also, if you are intensively using HDFS, nodes decommissioning could take a long time for data to be replicated to prevent data loss.
You can not issue another resize operation until current operation is finished.

Kubernetes: active job is erroneously marked as completed after cluster upgrade

I have a working kubernetes cluster (v1.4.6) with an active job that has a single failing pod (e.g. it is constantly restarted) - this is a test, the job should never reach completion.
If I restart the same cluster (e.g. reboot the node), the job is properly re-scheduled and continues to be restarted
If I upgrade the cluster to v1.5.3, then the job is marked as completed once the cluster is up. The upgrade is basically the same as restart - both use the same etcd cluster.
Is this the expected behavior when going to v1.5.x? If not, what can be done to have the job continue running?
I should provide a little background on my problem - the job is to ultimately become a driver in the update process and it is important to have it running (even in face of cluster restarts) until it achieves a certain goal. Is this possible using a job?
In v1.5.0 extensions/v1beta1.Jobs was deprecated in favor of batch/v1.Job, so simply upgrading the cluster without updating the job definition is expected to cause side effects.
See the Kubernetes CHANGELOG for a complete list of changes and deprecations in v1.5.0.