Airflow tasks failing with SIGTERM when worker pod downscaling - kubernetes

I am running an airflow cluster on EKS on AWS. I have setup some scaling config for worker setup. If CPU/Mem > 70% then airflow spins up new worker pod. However I am facing an issue when these worker pods are scaling down. When worker pods start scaling down, two things happen:
If no tasks is running on a worker pod, it terminates within 40sec.
If any task is running on a worker pod, it terminates in about 8min, and after one more minute, I find the task failing on UI.
I have setup below two properties in helm chart for worker pod termiantion.
## if celery worker Pods are gracefully terminated
## - consider defining a `workers.podDisruptionBudget` to prevent there not being
## enough available workers during graceful termination waiting periods
## graceful termination process:
## 1. prevent worker accepting new tasks
## 2. wait AT MOST `workers.celery.gracefullTerminationPeriod` for tasks to finish
## 3. send SIGTERM to worker
## 4. wait AT MOST `workers.terminationPeriod` for kill to finish
## 5. send SIGKILL to worker
gracefullTermination: true
## how many seconds to wait for tasks to finish before SIGTERM of the celery worker
gracefullTerminationPeriod: 180
## how many seconds to wait after SIGTERM before SIGKILL of the celery worker
## - [WARNING] tasks that are still running during SIGKILL will be orphaned, this is important
## to understand with KubernetesPodOperator(), as Pods may continue running
terminationPeriod: 120
I can see that worker pod should shutdown after 5 mins or irrespective task running or not. So I am not sure why I see total of 8 min for worker pod termination. And my main issue is there any way I can setup config so that worker pod only terminates when task running on it finishes execution. Since tasks in my dags can run anywhere between few minutes to few hours so I don't want to put a large value for gracefullTerminationPeriod. I Would appreciate any solution around this.
Some more info: Generally the long running task is a python operator which runs either a presto sql query or Databricks job via Prestohook or DatabricksOperator respectively. And I don't want these to recivie SIGTERM before they complete their execution on worker pod scaling down.

This is not possible due to limitations from K8 end. More details are available here. However by using a large value of "gracefulTerminationPeriod" works, although this is not what I intended to do but it works better than I originally thought. When large value of gracefulTerminationPeriod is set, workers doesn't wait around for gracefulTerminationPeriod time to terminate. If a worker pod is marked for termination it terminates as soon as tasks running on it reaches zero.
Until K8 accept proposed changes and new community helm chart is released, I think this is the best solution without incurring costs of keeping worker up.


Can I "recycle" Pods when using Kubernetes Executor on Airflow, to avoid repeating the Initialization?

Context: Running Airflow v2.2.2 with Kubernetes Executor.
I am running a process that creates a burst of quick tasks.
The tasks are short enough that the Kubernetes Pod initialization takes up the majority of runtime for many of them.
Is there a way to re-utilize pre-initialized pods for multiple tasks?
I've found a comment in an old issue that states that when running the Subdag operator, all subtasks will be run on the same pod, but I cannot find any further information. Is this true?
I have searched the following resources:
Airflow Documentation: Kubernetes
Airflow Documentation: KubernetesExecutor
Airflow Documentation: KubernetesPodOperator
StackOverflow threads: Run two jobs on same pod, Best Run Airflow on Kube
Google Search: airflow kubernetes reuse initialization
But haven't really found anything that directly addresses my problem.
I don't think this is possible in Airlfow even with Subdag operator which runs a separate dag as a part of the current dag with the same way used for the other tasks.
To solve your problem, you can use CeleryKubernetesExecutor which combine CeleryExecutor and KubernetesExecutor. By default the tasks will be queued in Celery queue but for the heavy tasks, you can choose K8S queue in order to run them in isolated pods. In this case you will be able to use the Celery workers which are up all the time.
kubernetes_task= BashOperator(
bash_command='echo "Hello from Kubernetes"',
queue = 'kubernetes'
celery_task = BashOperator(
bash_command='echo "Hello from Celery"',
If you are worry about the scalability/cost of Celery workers, you can use KEDA to scale the Celery workers from 0 workers to a maximum number of workers based on queued tasks count.

Upgrade container for long running jobs in kubernetes

I have long running workers running in kubernetes - more than 5 hours. I want to update the container without interrupting the long running jobs. I want any newly started work off the queue to start with the new version of the release but I don't want to interrupt the currently running work.
BTW I'm not actually using Jobs, I'm using Deployments with workers that get work off a redis queue.
What is the best way to do to do a release without killing the long running work?
Have a huge timeout for SIGTERM
preStop hooks?
Another container in the pod that checks for the latest version and updates once work is done?

Kubernetes Handling a Sudden Request of Processing Power (Such as a Python Script using 5 Processes)

I have a little scenario that I am running in my mind with the following setup:
A Django Web Server running in Kubernetes with the ability to autoscale resources (Google Kubernetes Engine), and I set the resource values to be requesting nodes with 8 Processing Units (8 Cores) and 16 GB Ram.
Because it is a web server, I have my frontend that can call a Python script that executes with 5 Processes, and here's what I am worried about:
I know that If I run this script twice on my webserver (located in the same container as my Django code), I am going to be using (to keep it simple) 10 Processes/CPUs to execute this code.
So what would happen?
Would the first Python script be ran on Pod 1 and the second Python script (since we used 5 out of the 8 processing units) trigger a Pod 2 and another Node, then run on that new replica with full access to 5 new processes?
Or, would the first Python script be ran on Replica 1, and then the second Python script be throttled to 3 processing units because, perhaps, Kubernetes is allocating based on CPU usage in the Replica, not how much processes I called the script with?
If your system has a Django application that launches scripts with subprocess or a similar mechanism, those will always be in the same container as the main server, in the same pod, on the same node. You'll never trigger any of the Kubernetes autoscaling capabilities. If the pod has resource limits set, you could get CPU utilization throttled, and if you exceed the configured memory limit, the pod could get killed off (with Django and all of its subprocesses together).
If you want to take better advantage of Kubernetes scheduling and resource management, you may need to restructure this application. Ideally you could run the Django server and each of the supporting tasks in a separate pod. You would then need a way to trigger the tasks and collect the results.
I'd generally build this by introducing a job queue system such as RabbitMQ or Celery into the mix. The Django application adds items to the queue, but doesn't directly do the work itself. Then you have a worker for each of the processes that reads the queue and does work. This is not directly tied to Kubernetes, and you could run this setup with a RabbitMQ or Redis installation and a local virtual environment.
If you deploy this setup to Kubernetes, then each of the tasks can run in its own deployment, fed by the work queue. Each task could run up to its own configured memory and CPU limits, and they could run on different nodes. With a little extra work you can connect a horizontal pod autoscaler to scale the workers based on the length of the job queue, so if you're running behind processing one of the tasks, the HPA can cause more workers to get launched, which will create more pods, which can potentially allocate more nodes.
The important detail here, though, is that a pod is the key unit of scaling; if all of your work stays within a single pod then you'll never trigger the horizontal pod autoscaler or the cluster autoscaler.

Airflow Workers starving for queued tasks

I am using Airflow (1.10.3) with AWS RDS Postgres as metaStore and celery_backend, SQS as queue service and CeleryExecutor. I have 1 master machine running airflow webserver and scheduler service, and a 1 worker machine.
Airflow worker is always starving for more tasks (queued) with lot of unused resources (CPU and RAM, with usage always below 20%). I've observed worker pick up tasks in batches, for eg: If there are 10 tasks in queue and 2 running tasks, then it will wait for 2 tasks to complete before picking next batch of tasks from the queue.
Parallelism setting in airflow.cfg in Worker instances.
parallelism = 32 .
dag_concurrency = 32.
non_pooled_task_slot_count = 128.
max_active_runs_per_dag = 32.
max_threads = 2 (no issues in scheduler though, as tasks are queued immediately)
One important thing to point out in my implementation - Airflow task is not a single process task, and individual Task further spawns multiple processes (3-5). Though even after considering process counts, my airflow worker never reaches full parallelism.
Any suggestion to -
a). Is there a way to fully utilise parallel execution of tasks on an airflow worker? Or if there's some more info that I am missing while setting up Airflow.
b). Above mentioned parallelism settings are configured at airflow task as atomic-unit, or number of threads/processes that task spawns?

Gracefully update running celery pod in Kubernetes

I have a Kubernetes cluster running Django, Celery, RabbitMq and Celery Beat. I have several periodic tasks spaced out throughout the day (so as to keep server load down). There are only a few hours when no tasks are running, and I want to limit my rolling-updates to those times, without having to track it manually. So I'm looking for a solution that will allow me to fire off a script or task of some sort that will monitor the Celery server, and trigger a rolling update once there's a window in which no tasks are actively running. There are two possible ways I thought of doing this, but I'm not sure which is best, nor how to implement either one.
Run a script (bash or otherwise) that checks up on the Celery server every few minutes, and initiates the rolling-update if the server is inactive
Increment the celery app name before each update (in the Beat run command, the Celery run command, and in the config file), create a new Celery pod, rolling-update the Beat pod, and then delete the old Celery 12 hours later (a reasonable time span for all running tasks to finish)
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.