Signin with LinkedIn - How to validate token on server side - linkedin-api

I would like to allow users to login my web application using "Sign in with LinkedIn" Javascript SDK.
Once user logging in using LinkedIn i need to transfer (post) the Member ID to my application server and look for a user with that linkedIn memberid in my application database.
The problem is that i couldn't find an option to validate the member id i am getting from the javascript SDK in the server side in order to make sure the end user didn't manipulate it using Chrome Dev tools for example.
Without an option to validate the value on a server side, i assume that users will be able to change the member id value before it post to the server. Am i right?
i found few old threads but the solutions do not work

If you want server side validation you should use the Oauth 2.0 approach.
Start by providing the initial link:
Li Auth
And continue from there:


How to read an external form redirect?

I'm currently working on a VueJS project on which I've just implemented a SSO system designed by the Portuguese government using our national identity cards, but I'm having some issues parsing the response from the external authentication server.
Here's a small GIF of my problem:
The workflow is as follows:
User clicks on Authenticate.
User chooses "Login via ID Card"
User gets redirected to the external Authentication Provider
User logins with his ID Card.
External Authentication provider then sends back a POST method to the callback URL that is provided.
I read/parse the callback
The issue lies in step 6... The external authentication provider uses the callback URL I provided but I get this error
Cannot POST /users/callback
If this was a typical NodeJS I could just use'/callback' ....)
Is there a way I can read that callback in VueJS?
I've found this similar issue but no one managed to offer him a solution.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Before you ask, yes, that '/users/callback' is defined on router.ts and if I go to that route it does show a page. It's just not designed for POST methods afaik
Vue is a front-end framework, which means it doesn't have direct access to POST requests by default.
For production, are you running an npm script like "npm run build" and then serving the files that appear in the "dist" folder on a webserver, say Apache? Then you would have to respond to the POST request in Apache.
You could then store their authentication result "farther toward the backend" than Vue and have Vue grab it with vuex.

Authentication needed when chat bot conversing with user

This got stuck in my head from many days, can anyone help or say at-least this is not at all possible?
I'm working on developing a chat bot using dialogflow which integrates multiple applications along with google home assistant, dialogflow, actions on google and an application which i want to manage using chat or voice commands. Until now its good and got amazed of features providing by google.
But i'm expecting one more feature. Don't know whether any alternatives available for this or not, but i tried exploring and reached to desert. Below are my requirements, if others think this is really unique and useful to them as well then i can say they are improvements or add-ons i'm expecting from DialogFlow.
Let's take an example of a chat bot which is serving users through google assistant and as a web bot as well. Now while conversing, intents may trigger web-hook in fulfillments which may require an authentication like OTP(Nope if anyone thought it for payments) which means registered users or limited users only can perform actions. This is same as we use roles and groups in all the applications.
The way google is sending google prompt to the user for logging into gmail, is there any way that we can collect PIN or OTP or PASSWORD through some notification sent to the users phone as some card's or input box like and html while conversing with chatbot through web or home assistant etc..., so that it helps in adding more security.
I recently worked in a chatbot project where I had to authenticate my users. I'm writing an article about it, but I'll tell you what I did:
First of all, I'm using OAuth 2.0 protocol to authenticate my users, but if you doesn't use OAuth, there's no problem, you could do something equivalent.
I'm using Authorization Code Grand flow.
Let's see the steps:
Step 1 - Authorization Url:
My bot generates an authorization url which contains all needed data to identify the conversation in callback moment. Like this one:
&state={conversation_id: 123456789}
Notice that the state parameter contains the conversation_id which identifies your conversation, this state parameter will be back when users return to your handler.
Step 2 - User Authentication
When users click in this link, they'll be redirected to your login page at your authorization server.
Step 3 - Callback
After users get authenticated, they'll be redirect back to your handler (an endpoint which will receive the authorization code from authentication server and the state parameter).
When it received this authorization code, it'll be exchanged by an access token in authorization server.
Step 4 - Store token
In the final step, you already has an access token and the conversation_id parameter, you can store it in a database, in a cache or be stateless. Your rules!
In my case, I'm using Watson Assistant with Cloudant database, and I store those access tokens in my database. So, when users request something to my bot, it could get this token from database and pass to my back-end servers.
This kind of approach, I call "magic link". And you could improve it by shortening the url as does.
I hope it could help you, feel free to ask me if you need.
You probably don't want to implement the OTP scheme yourself. While you could do this, there are other systems already in place that will do this for you.
The best is the one that you reference - Google Sign In.
Fortunately, you can leverage Google Sign In for both your website (where you would get the user to sign in and then pass this information along as you do the Dialogflow calls) and for the Assistant (where Google will pass along an ID token, indicating it has authenticated the user).

FIDO U2F Key: Sign authentication challenge in Chrome returns error code 4 (works in FF)

We are trying to add authentication via Yubico FIDO U2F Security Key to our admin website.
This works in FireFox with the U2F add-on installed but signing a challenge (using javascript) to log in keeps returning {errorCode: 4}.
Does anyone know why that might be happening or how I can debug what is going wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Our website is made in Java with the ZK Framework. On server side we use the java-u2flib-server library. We sign the requests on client side using javascript in the zul files using the high level api functions u2f.register and u2f.sign.
To register a key the user first enters name and password and submits. The server creates the RegistrationData and goes to a second page. There, we use javascript function u2f.register. In the callback we send the response with the DeviceRegistration to the server.
This works both in FireFox and Chrome.
The login is done similarly. When submitting the first page the server gives the DeviceRegistration json and a challenge to a second page. The page uses u2f.sign and sends the DeviceResponse to the server in the callback.
This works in Firefox but in Chrome, u2f.sign keeps returning {errorCode: 4}.
According to the documentation this means the device does not know the received DeviceRegistration but that seems unlikely since the same code works in firefox and I checked that they receive the same json from the server.
Error code 4 - DEVICE_INELIGIBLE -
The presented device is not eligible for this request. For a registration request this may mean that the token is already registered, and for a sign request it may mean that the token does not know the presented key handle.

Architecture for User-Registration (here: With using Facebook)

Im writing a user registration mechanism by hand so I dont want to use existing plugins or something.
Im wondering what the best way would be. I planning to do the following abstract steps:
Writing an component which is in charge to output a button which calls the facebook-api --> login in via facebook (Im getting token and user name/id)
In my route im using that Data to call the REST-Server-Backend of my app. I will pass the token as well as the username/id to the Server. (POST
The Server recieves the request and will validate via Facebook-API
the user data and token on its own --> if valid: Add new user to
If the user wants to login now (after registration) he will do again
step no.1 and than will ask the server if the user is existing. But
how: Since ember suggest that the REST-Server is somekind of a
CRUD-Server and using the store is for working for model data only, there
is no possiblity to do a "logic"-call to the server like "ask
him if user with id is existing". Should I call "GET ../users/" and than check in my route if the sum of the returned records are smaller than 1?
So is that a common pattern?
Sounds like a fairly simple OAuth workflow but obviously refer to the facebook docs. As far as point 4 is concerned, I would suggest that yes, on login you make a request for the login route on your server (which should abstract the facebook OAuth call), and if the user is authenticated, then send down the user resource, otherwise redirect them to the login and send down some sort of 401 HTTP error.
As all your API calls should be authenticated too your user won't be able to access any protected API resources.
I would also suggest you look into an ember plugin like ember-simple-auth which also supports OAuth.
You can find more information about OAuth2 workflows here.

How to pass Facebook Id from client to server securely

I have a Facebook canvas app. I am using the JS SDK to authenticate the user on the browser-side and request various information via FB.api (e.g. name, friends, etc.).
I also want to persist some additional user information (not held on Facebook) to the database on my server by making an ajax call:
{ userFavouriteColour: "Red" }
To save this on the server and associate with the correct user, I need to know the Facebook uid and this presents a problem. How do I pass the uid from the client to the server.
Option 1: Add uid to the ajax request:
{ uid: "1234567890",
userFavouriteColour: "Red" }
This is obviously no good. It would be trivial for anyone to make an ajax request to my web service using someone else's Facebook Id and change their favourite colour.
Option 2: On the server, extract the uid from a cookie:
Is this even possible? I have read that Facebook sets a cookie containing the uid and access token but do I have access to this cookie on my domain? More importantly, can I securely extract the uid form the cookie or is this open to spoofing just like option 1.
Option 3: User server-side authentication on the server:
I could use the server-side authentication to validate the user identity on my server. But will this work if I am already using client-side authentication on the browser? Will I end up with two different access tokens? I would like to make FB.api requests from the browser so I need the access token on the client (not just on the server).
This must be a very common scenario so I think I'm missing something fundamental. I have read a lot of the Facebook documentation (various authentication flows, access tokens, signed_request, etc.) and many posts on SO, but I still don't understand how client-side authentication and server-side authentication play nicely together.
In short, I want to know the user's identity on the server but still make requests to the Facebook api from the client browser?
(I am using ASP.NET and the Facebook C# SDK on the server)
EDIT: Added bounty. I was hoping to get a more deifnitive, official recommendation on how to handle this situation, or even an example. As said, I have already read a lot of the official FB docs on authentication flows but I still can't find anything definitive on how client-side and server-side authentication work together.
Option 1:
The easiest way I can think of is to include the accessToken in JS and pass it with the ajax call.
Option 2:
Using the same as option 1, but instead of sending just the accessToken, send the signedRequest.
On the server side you can decode it using (TryParseSignedRequest method) which will give you the UserID :-)
Note: signedRequest is encrypted with the application Secret. you are the only one who should know it, so you are safe on that end.
I have no coding experience in C#, but a little search in google gave me this:
Facebook C# SDK for ASP.NET
Making AJAX Requests with the Facebook C# SDK
It's very simple actually.
When the user loads you app use the server side authentication, get the access token and load the user data by issuing an api request from the server.
On the server side you'll have everything you need and it's sandboxed.
When the page renders for the user, using the js sdk get the user authentication data, you should be able to use FB.getLoginStatus since the user already went through the server side authentication.
Now on the client side you also have an access token which you can use to get the user data from the graph api.
The two tokens will be different, and will also have different expiration, but that should not be a problem, both token should work properly as you'd expect them to.
Since both sides have their own token and a way to make requests to the api, there's no need to send any fb data between them.
So the 3rd option you mentioned, to me, sounds the best, and it's really simple to implement that too.
All facebook SDKs are just wrappers for http request since the entire fb api is made on http requests.
The SDKs just give you easy and shorter access to the data with out the need to build the url yourself (with all the different possible parameters), make the request and parse the response.
To be completely honest, I think that stop providing a way for the C# SDK to support server side authentication is a very bad decision.
What's the point in providing a SDK which does not implement the entire api?
The best answer to your question, from my experience, is to use both server and client side authentication, and since the C# SDK does not support it, my advice to you is to create your own SDK.
It's not complicated at all, I already implemented it for python and java (twice), and since you'll be developing it for your own needs it can be tailored for your exact needs, unlike a public SDK which should support all possible options.
2nd Edit
There's no need to create a completely new SDK, you can just "extend" the ones you're using and add the missing parts that you need, like sever side authentication support.
I don't know if it's language specific but using both server-side and client-side authentication does no harm.
You can work on option 2 but yes, that will be also vulnerable to spoofing.
Doing option 3, you will be having a single access token for that user session, so that would be the best choice according to me since you always have chance of spoofing when passing user information from client side.
I had exactly the same question recently. It's option 2. Check this post from the Facebook blog.
To be honest I am not enough of a hacker to know if you could spoof the UID in the cookie, but this seems to be the 'official' way to do it.
EDIT: to the other question under option 2, yes, I believe you have to access this cookie on your domain.