How to download via rest api from hp alm - rest

I need to download RawResults.ip via rest from HP ALM. I read more info about this question, but i didn`t see any worked solutions... I tried to download zip archive from browser via rest and used links like this:
but always i had error message: Access to this resource has been denied. Can someone tell me way to download this file via rest? HP ALM version is 12.20


Download secure file with Rest API

The question is similar to Download secure file with PowerShell, except I need to download secure file using Rest API only. The one thing I cannot figure out is what is secure file ticket and how to get it.

Is there a way to import a Bamboo Spec file via the REST API?

I currently try to automate the process of creating a new Bamboo linked repository and start the scan. I've already looked over the documentation of the REST API, tried to generate a new plan and enabling a scan, but that didn't work.
I also tried the Java Maven Package from Atlassian, but that needs user credentials as an authentication method, whilst I need to authenticate via a Security token. There is a link to an API in that Maven Package, which I tried to send a request to with the yaml code, but it always responds with the status code 500 and a Java Stacktrace. It's probably due to a wrong request body, but I can't figure out, how to include the yaml content the same way, as the maven package.
Is there a way to create a linked repository via the REST API?
Thanks in advance!
Is there a way to create a linked repository via the REST API?
No and there won't ever be one because they're deprecating the Bamboo server in favour of their cloud-based alternative (which is based on a totally different API). See
Java Maven Package from Atlassian
What package is that? Based on what I said earlier the only way for you to programmatically create a linked repo is to mimic the browser POST request to updateLinkedRepository.action. That means that you'll need to login first to get a JSESSIONID cookie (xsrf token can be disabled, see Ping me if you need help, I still have ansible code for the login part.

I’m using (gulp) HTML,sass,js . How can I upload it to my online seever?

I am using Gulp, and I have build one admin template just for practice purpose. I'm searching on Google and YouTube but I didn’t find any solution.
Am I able to upload this website to my server? If I remove node modules and then upload it to the server, will it work?

Unable to get token from dropbox

I am using ESP8266 ESP-01 module, using FTDI to upload code using arduino IDE platform. I came accross dropbox manager library developed by lucasromeiro.
I am herein providing github link for the library.
I accepted the app in dropbox suggested by developer, and obtained access code.
I didn't receive the token when myDrop.getToken("");
I did try the solution suggest by AAJAYS in the issue section(refer github link). I still don't receive the token. Thus I revereted back to version 2.4.2 in the boards -> ESP8266 -> version in arduino IDE and tried the code to obtain the token.
I did try contacting the dev and didn't hear back, What needs to be done to obtain token?

REST client that does not need installation

We have a locked down customer environment in which we do not have rights to install anything. In this environment, I need to call some REST services in order to troubleshoot them.
In my local development environment, I normally use Postman (Chrome plugin) or Advanced REST client. However, since the customer environment is locked down, I can't install Chrome (they have IE 11) or Adv. REST client.
Is there any REST client that I can just copy and use, without the need for installation?
I am under the same constraints. To test a RESTful API, I installed a portable Chrome version(doesn't require admin permission) in which I installed postman.
You can find a portable chrome edition with a simple google search.
You can also install a portable firefox edition and install a plugin to simulate REST requests like HttpRequester here.
You can also use SOAP UI from here Make sure to choose the open source version for a free edition. Also, when installing making sure to change the installation path to a folder you have permission to write in, for instance a folder in your Desktop. Here's the doc on how to use it: