Download secure file with Rest API - azure-devops

The question is similar to Download secure file with PowerShell, except I need to download secure file using Rest API only. The one thing I cannot figure out is what is secure file ticket and how to get it.


Integration and data upload - MuleSoft CloudHub to Tableau Server

I am using MuleSoft CloudHub with Runtime v4.4 to upload CSV data to Tableau Server. The documentation page confirms that its not possible to use Hyper Configuration and its operations in CloudHub because CloudHub does not allow executing external code due to security reasons. That is why I am trying to use REST configurations and it's available operations.
With all my attempts, I am able to connect to Tableau server and successfully perform simple operations like Initial file upload, Query project, Append to file upload, etc. But, these operations does not help to publish my CSV content to Tableau. Publish workbook operation also requires file content in *.twbx format, and I am not sure how to convert CSV/JSON/XML to TWBX content type.
I have referred some websites and MuleSoft technical videos where HTTPS connection can be used to upload data to Tableau but those examples are using *.hyper file from classpath.
So, basically I am stuck at 2 different paths:
How can I transform CSV content to hyper file content in Mule flow. If this transform is possible then I can use HTTPS connection to Tableau and upload my data.
Using MuleSoft Tableau connector v1.1 and with REST configurations, is it possible to upload data to Tableau?
If there is any other solution, then I am happy to change my implementation strategy. Please can somebody guide me to correct direction?

How to upload files to Wasabi from Flutter

I am currently working on an application where I would like to upload videos and images to a Wasabi s3 bucket in Flutter. I first attempted to use amplify_flutter, but this did not work because as detailed in their setup guide I am required to log into Amazon Web Services in order to configure the package.
I did find another stack overflow answer describing how to upload to AWS with an https request. copying this code did give me the ability to connect with https://s3.wasabisys.comm, but when using a POST request to upload the files, the url returns this error message:
<Error><Code>MethodNotAllowed</Code><Message>The specified method is not allowed against this
I did find a post on the AWS forums describing the same issue, and they stated that a "CloudFront Origin Access Identity" needs to be enabled, but since I am not using CloudFront either, enabling this option is not possible for me.
In Wasabi, is there an option similar to "CloudFront Origin Access Identity" that I can enable in order to allow POST requests to a bucket, or is there a better option in Flutter to upload to Wasabi s3 buckets?
Update: I was able to solve this by using the Minio flutter package. We have been using this package for a couple weeks now without any issue to connect to Wasabi.

Is there a way to import a Bamboo Spec file via the REST API?

I currently try to automate the process of creating a new Bamboo linked repository and start the scan. I've already looked over the documentation of the REST API, tried to generate a new plan and enabling a scan, but that didn't work.
I also tried the Java Maven Package from Atlassian, but that needs user credentials as an authentication method, whilst I need to authenticate via a Security token. There is a link to an API in that Maven Package, which I tried to send a request to with the yaml code, but it always responds with the status code 500 and a Java Stacktrace. It's probably due to a wrong request body, but I can't figure out, how to include the yaml content the same way, as the maven package.
Is there a way to create a linked repository via the REST API?
Thanks in advance!
Is there a way to create a linked repository via the REST API?
No and there won't ever be one because they're deprecating the Bamboo server in favour of their cloud-based alternative (which is based on a totally different API). See
Java Maven Package from Atlassian
What package is that? Based on what I said earlier the only way for you to programmatically create a linked repo is to mimic the browser POST request to updateLinkedRepository.action. That means that you'll need to login first to get a JSESSIONID cookie (xsrf token can be disabled, see Ping me if you need help, I still have ansible code for the login part.

How to download via rest api from hp alm

I need to download RawResults.ip via rest from HP ALM. I read more info about this question, but i didn`t see any worked solutions... I tried to download zip archive from browser via rest and used links like this:
but always i had error message: Access to this resource has been denied. Can someone tell me way to download this file via rest? HP ALM version is 12.20

Sending a SAML Assertion to the Intuit OAuth Server

Recently I researched a PHP Sample (PHP Sample App and Authentication Example) but I still can't make it work. aggcat php sample is not working
Did anybody test this sample? Should I use the .crt file for 'SAML_X509_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH' or .p12 file? In case of using .p12 file where I could pass the password?
What other samples (open-source) would you recommend (that can be used to implement my own procedures for retrieving OAuth access token and OAuth access token secret)? Thanks in advance.
You can download the sample app from:
I've used the dotnet sample and pass the values for .p12 file private key path and password in the config. You should have something similar in PHP.
I got this working using the standard options defined in the config.php file. I did have to modify a few things to get it up and working though. See my answer to your other question for details.