WAGTAIL forms to external DB - postgresql

I have a small research project, but so far I haven't found anything. I want to know if there's a way to use forms in Wagtail to be able to populate an external DB (postgres located somewhere else).
The idea is to create a back-office that is self-managed in wagtail and where the users can fill the forms with the data required and this data is to be stored on an azure postgresql cluster.

Use Django's forms framework. This is one scenario where using the Wagtail form builder is counter-productive: the Wagtail form builder is all about letting the content editor define the list of form fields within the Wagtail admin, but in your case the form fields are pre-determined by your external database structure, so specifying them within the Wagtail admin would be needless duplication of work.
See https://github.com/gasman/wagtail-form-example/commits/master for an example of integrating Django forms into a Wagtail page.


TYPO3 Record List filled with data from REST API

I have two server, one is hosting TYPO3, the other is hosting some data and offers a good REST Api.
The data from the REST Service should be editable in TYPO3 Backend.
Can I have the data listed in list module like TYPO3 records? The user/editor should not feel/see any difference to records which are from local extbase Extensions. The records should be editable such as normal TYPO3 records. Also the creation of records should be possible.
I can do that by implementing own model, TCA, sql and so on and holding the data also in TYPO3. (TCA hooks for updating etc.)
But is that possible without holding a full copy of the data in TYPO3?
What would be a good practice for this?
If your not in haste with this, you can wait for future releases of TYPO3.
In the future the form engine can handle endpoints outside of TYPO3.
So you can use the REST API of magento as an example, to manage product data.
The informations comes right from this video (minute 32)
Assuming you are using TYPO3 8 or greater, you can configure a second database connection to the database of your rest api. See: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/CoreApiReference/ApiOverview/Database/Configuration/Index.html
In TYPO3 you need to register TCA for this table. The table name must not be the same. You can map this in DB connection. But the cols must be existing and (just a guess) probably the remote table requires an uid column.

How to add custom form and insert data into database in alfresco 5.2

In my alfresco project have requirement for add custom form and data will be store in database.
I would like to submit one form having user name & password fields in it. After click on submit button how can I handle request in backend so it will use Alfresco to process request and store details in database.
I am ready to do this in spring, maven or any java technology but please suggest me how i customize alfresco with custom web form.
I have reefer these links but i have not getting proper answer.
If you want to customize the existing Alfresco Share client by configuring forms that allow you to edit properties on folders and documents where those properties are defined using custom types and aspects, then follow this tutorial.
If you do not want to be constrained by the Alfresco Share client then you must write a custom application.
The Alfresco NG2 components were suggested to you, but you would prefer to use Java. So use whatever Java framework you do know and then communicate with Alfresco remotely using CMIS via the OpenCMIS Client for Java.
If you are just building a custom form that captures arbitrary data and stores it in a back-end (relational or otherwise), and your requirements have nothing to do with documents, then you should not be using Alfresco at all.

Can end user write data back to database?

Is it possible to allow a JasperReports/JasperReports Server end user to write data back to the source database? For example, if a user is viewing a report that lists customer information, could the report be designed to allow the user to edit or write to a database field, such as a "Notes" field?
In general the answer to this is no - it's a reporting tool. If you have Jasperserver embedded into your web app you could have an html form which allows writing to the db and you may be able to link this to a report manually. If you really wanted to hack something together you could probably use a hyperlink to the backend and pass the note in as a parameter but this isn't what the tool is designed to do.

Form creation interface and simple back-end, should I go for CMS or is there a better option?

I often need to create similar, but very long HTML forms for a client. The forms contain some inter-dependent fields and lot of validations. Some images also need to be uploaded.
Then the client needs to check the database in the CPanel and export it from there.
I want to create something with easy interface which can create complicated forms. Also, client is asking for easy-to-operate back end. The CMS option looks like an overkill. I want to keep the site as lightweight as possible because of performance requirement.
Please suggest me the best path I should take. Should I try to develop everything from scratch? Should I use a CMS? Is there any particular CMS more suitable for the task?
We use ChronoForms along with Joomla 3.1 to create such forms. It has two modes, an easier one that limits the functionality but creation of forms is much easier. The other one offers the full capabilities of the engine but requires manual steps to do even simple things.
Having said that, ChronoForms is the most powerful web based forms designer I have come across. It seems they also support Wordpress now.
They have a drag-drop mechanism to design the forms. Validations are easy to do via check boxes for the standard ones. You can save the results into database tables, send emails, redirect users to specific pages, add captchas.
The backend allows you to view the records and create new tables based on the fields of the form. You can also export the result as CSV.

Lotus Notes how to get a calculated value from another form using formula language

I have Lotus Notes application, deployed only as modifications (new forms, views, and adding a button to one of the "standard" views) in the main mail template (R7).
All these "new" forms and views are inherited in turn from my main application template.
Now, for one of these forms to function properly, it have to have a field, which is different from customer (not end user, but organization) to customer.
I do not want to break the inheritance from our template, so we can update the application easily by just sending a new template. So, I can't ask the client admin just to break the inheritance for this particular form, as it will stop all updates (or they have to be done manually).
So, let's say I have MainAppForm, which has a calculated field ClientCustomData. I'd like to have another form, which only has only one "default" field ClientCustomData. I can break the inheritance for this second form, as it has no really design elements which may change, and then the client can modify this default value to whatever they need w/o fearing that it'll be overwritten.
The question is - how from MainAppForm I can read the value from the other form?
Or - is there a way to store 2 data elements only in a mail template (I dunno, shared file, or something), so it becomes available to each user, and MainAppForm can get them, w/o a need to remove the inheritance dependency of MainAppForm from our template.
I can envision even a class library with just to functions to return this (I don't know why this approach smells to me).
Any best practices or advices?
I'm not sure if I have understood your querstion correctly, but it sounds like you want to have a small part of a larger form configurable per client. If this is the case, I think computed subforms could do the trick.
Consider the following scenario: Your application ships with the subform ClientCustomData that contains just sensible defaults for the client settings. The form MainAppForm includes this as a computed subform. It is then possible for the local admin to disable inheritance on the subform and changing the custom data without affecting inheritance on MainAppForm.
The obvious drawback is that you cannot update the ClientCustomData subform automatically once inheritance is disabled; Keep this subform as small as possible. If you find that you need more client-custom values, you can always add another subform in the same manner.
First a clarification: In Lotus Notes, you don't have forms reading from other forms. Forms are just UI objects. However, you do have back-end and front-end documents that get created with the help of Forms.
When you create a new document based on a form (for instance, a new email), you are creating a front-end document that hasn't been saved yet. That document can access other parts of itself or it can access any back-end document that has been saved.
If I'm following you correctly, you need some bit of data that is different per client/customer to be brought into documents based on MainAppForm. There are a few ways to do that. My suggestion is to use Database Profiles, which are special documents that can easily be accessed from anywhere in your database via Notes Formula language or LotusScript. Granted, you can't push data within those documents out via a template, but if you use a database profile to store your database settings your client admin can set options once and they won't get altered when the template changes.
Have a look at the #SetProfileField and #GetProfileField functions.
To answer my own question (still I do not know if I'm right in terms of Notes way of thinking, but looks promising):
I found the "Shared fields". So, I create 2 such a fields with a computed values (the ones I want to pass on), and make my MainAppForm use them. Upon installation, the admin will change the values and mark them to not refresh with the template.
I'd respect any pros and cons, provided from a Notes expert.