TYPO3 Record List filled with data from REST API - rest

I have two server, one is hosting TYPO3, the other is hosting some data and offers a good REST Api.
The data from the REST Service should be editable in TYPO3 Backend.
Can I have the data listed in list module like TYPO3 records? The user/editor should not feel/see any difference to records which are from local extbase Extensions. The records should be editable such as normal TYPO3 records. Also the creation of records should be possible.
I can do that by implementing own model, TCA, sql and so on and holding the data also in TYPO3. (TCA hooks for updating etc.)
But is that possible without holding a full copy of the data in TYPO3?
What would be a good practice for this?

If your not in haste with this, you can wait for future releases of TYPO3.
In the future the form engine can handle endpoints outside of TYPO3.
So you can use the REST API of magento as an example, to manage product data.
The informations comes right from this video (minute 32)

Assuming you are using TYPO3 8 or greater, you can configure a second database connection to the database of your rest api. See: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/CoreApiReference/ApiOverview/Database/Configuration/Index.html
In TYPO3 you need to register TCA for this table. The table name must not be the same. You can map this in DB connection. But the cols must be existing and (just a guess) probably the remote table requires an uid column.


Need to Fetch data from external API (without storing at database) and show data on multiple views

I have few custom modules created using Module Builder. I need to fetch data using external REST API (around 200-300k record per API) and without storing data in suite database I need to display data on custom modules (using UI provided by SuiteCRM only. NO CUSTOM UI). and also I have operations to be perform on data which will again call External API.
So, as per requirement, Data should not be saved at database. How to achieve this in SUITECRM (7.11.8 version)?
I have tried using Process record hook. But things aren't working.

TYPO3 Extbase: Access to external data sources (external web service)

the TYPO3 documentation here https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/ExtbaseFluidBook/6-Persistence/4-use-foreign-data-sources.html says, it is possible to use external data sources for extbase objects: "These foreign data sources could be tables from the same TYPO3 database or a web service."
The used data mapper allows at least to map objects to any table within the same MySQL database.
I am interested in this "or a web service" part. How to configure the data/property mapper to fetch and store an extbase model from an external web service (e.g. REST)?
Is it already possible with TYPO3 core? If not, does anyone know an extension which such capabillities?
You are looking at very old documentation there. Although this is still valid to learn Extbase concepts, I would not recommend the ExtbaseFluidBook for hardcore-details any more. I suppose the claim you quote reflects more of a wish or a slight possibility, not a reality. I am not aware of anybody having gone that route yet.
If I wanted to make an external source look "Extbasey", I would implement a repository and models but just use own logic to select and persist.
Side note: Typo3 v8 integrated doctrine, but only working with records, not objects (-dbal, not -orm): https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/CoreApiReference/ApiOverview/Database/Introduction/Index.html - this is used more and more in the core and in extensions. It might be feasible to include doctrine-orm and a doctrine-REST-backend like https://packagist.org/packages/circle/doctrine-rest-driver.

WAGTAIL forms to external DB

I have a small research project, but so far I haven't found anything. I want to know if there's a way to use forms in Wagtail to be able to populate an external DB (postgres located somewhere else).
The idea is to create a back-office that is self-managed in wagtail and where the users can fill the forms with the data required and this data is to be stored on an azure postgresql cluster.
Use Django's forms framework. This is one scenario where using the Wagtail form builder is counter-productive: the Wagtail form builder is all about letting the content editor define the list of form fields within the Wagtail admin, but in your case the form fields are pre-determined by your external database structure, so specifying them within the Wagtail admin would be needless duplication of work.
See https://github.com/gasman/wagtail-form-example/commits/master for an example of integrating Django forms into a Wagtail page.

SugarCrm Synchronization with other applications

I am new to SugarCRM, i have created SugarCRM's web to lead form on my website which is having four fields i.e. frist name, last name, address and phone . On submit this info get updated in SugarCRM in Leadlist. Now the requirement is whenever any update happens on SugarCRM, I have to update other data source, in this case marklogic. I want to keep same data on sugar and marklogic.
Whenever any update triggers the SugarCRM it should send some webservice or other method with updated information to marklogic, so that marklogic data should be in sync.
How can I do that? Any suggestion would be a great help.
Check out the new REST interface in MarkLogic 6, specifically the CRUD APIs. Using these you should be able to pretty easily make webservice updates to the database without writing any xQuery.

Entity Framework, Dynamic Data and Versioning

I'm in the process of looking around at options for a back office tool. On the face of it the tool is simple CRUD so I was immediately attracted to Dynamic Data on top of Entity Framework (we're definitely a Microsoft shop!).
The problem is that future requirement is to support versioning. By this I mean :
User performs a series of updates to a series of entities
When they are happy they submit the changes
Changes persisted to the DB along with enough info to support a rollback
Elsewhere we've got handcrafted app that :
Includes a version id that is incremented as each new row inserted - i.e. we don't update we add a new row
A work item table ties together the changes using the version id along with the entity type (table)
So, the question is, how would I achieve a similar end result using entity framework and dynamic data?
If entity framework, etc isn't appropriate - what would you use (.Net)?
One solution would be to move the logic for the versioning to database triggers. This way you are able to use a standard Dynamic data on top of Entity Framework, and retrofit versioning by running a set of database scripts.
I would like to mention that in the new Dyanmic Data Preview 3 there is a new feature DomainService which supports Roles based security please see David Ebbo's Serssion from MIX09 here Microsoft ASP.NET 4.0 Data Access: Patterns for Success with Web Forms MIX09-T47F