End function on successful function call, or evaluate for function - emacs

I apologize for the title.
I have a control flow issue. I would like to call just one of two functions. I put calls to both inside another function. If I could evaluate for either's value, then I could call or not call the next based on that value; if there were a return value associated with each call based on whether or not they actually did something it could be used in a conditional branch. Alternatively, if I knew a value for the character preceding the carat, that could act as an argument for the function.
I don't know how to do find these values.
My actual code is nearly simplest case. It is as follows:
(defun rad-delete-backward-char-indent ()
"Delete one character or up to indent's worth of white space"
(delete-horizontal-space 4)
(global-set-key "\d" 'rad-delete-backward-char-indent)
I would like to delete either one character, or all preceding white-space up to four spaces worth. Currently, I am deleting up to four white-spaces and a character. i.e.
"foo___^" << "fo^"
As opposed to:
"foo___" << "foo^"
Drew answered the essential question. The solution I used was to evaluate for the preceding character to the pointer using preceding-char generic function.
(defun rad-delete-backward-char-indent ()
"Delete one character or up to one tab worth of white space"
(setq first_char (string (preceding-char)))
(setq i 0)
(while (not (= i 4))
(if (string= " " (string (preceding-char)))
(delete-backward-char 1))
(setq i (1+ i)))
(unless (string= " " first_char)
(delete-backward-char 1)))
(global-set-key "\d" 'rad-delete-backward-char-indent)

(defun rad-delete-backward-char-indent ()
"Delete one character or up to indent's worth of white space"
(delete-horizontal-space 4)
But it's not clear what the <SOMETHING> is that you want to test.
You say "If I could evaluate for either's value, then I could call or not call the next based on that value." I don't understand that sentence. Could you say it another way? Just what do you want to test, to know which code to evaluate?
What do you mean by evaluate for either's value?

While I think Drew's answer is your better choice, another solution, maybe closer to what you thought you wanted, is to check whether the first function changed something:
(defun rad-delete-backward-char-indent ()
"Delete one character or up to indent's worth of white space"
(let ((start (buffer-chars-modified-tick)))
(delete-horizontal-space 4)
(when (eq (buffer-chars-modified-tick) start)
By the way, I don't think the 4 above does what you want. It does the same as any other non-nil value: it tells delete-horizontal-space to only delete backwards, but it doesn't bound the number of spaces it will remove.


Color variables inside parenthesis

I recently transitioned from vim to emacs and miss one key feature of shell scripting: variables being highlighted inside double quotes. How do I put this feature back in?
I read in another thread that you can use syntax-ppss to detect interior of quotes, but how do I actually change the color?
Note that the colors should be turned on for: name="$first $last" but NOT for name='$first $last'
Interestingly, this exact question was asked and answered in emacs.stackexchange.com just a couple of days ago:
The code below use a font-lock rule with a function instead of a regexp, the function search for occurrences of $VAR but only when they are inside a double-quoted string. The function (syntax-ppss) is used to determine this.
The font-lock rule use the prepend flag to add itself on top of the existing string highlighting. (Note that many packages use t for this. Unfortunately, this overwrites all aspects of the existing highlighting. For example, using prepend will retain a string background color (if there is one) while replacing the foreground color.)
(defun sh-script-extra-font-lock-is-in-double-quoted-string ()
"Non-nil if point in inside a double-quoted string."
(let ((state (syntax-ppss)))
(eq (nth 3 state) ?\")))
(defun sh-script-extra-font-lock-match-var-in-double-quoted-string (limit)
"Search for variables in double-quoted strings."
(let (res)
(and (setq res
limit t))
(not (sh-script-extra-font-lock-is-in-double-quoted-string))))
(defvar sh-script-extra-font-lock-keywords
(2 font-lock-variable-name-face prepend))))
(defun sh-script-extra-font-lock-activate ()
(font-lock-add-keywords nil sh-script-extra-font-lock-keywords)
(if (fboundp 'font-lock-flush)
(when font-lock-mode
You can call use this by adding the last function to a suitable hook, for example:
(add-hook 'sh-mode-hook 'sh-script-extra-font-lock-activate)

Emacs: Assign a function to a keybinding, and with repeated presses, undo the last press and redo at a wider setting

Here's the bigger picture of what I'm trying to do:
With a keypress, it will insert an opening and closing parenthesis right after/before the innermost closing/opening delimiter (bracket, brace, parenthesis, whatever).
But if it is pressed immediately after, it will undo the last insertions, seek out the next closing delimiter, and put it after that, and so on.
I have a working version of the first part, but am looking for "best practices" for the second part (where it undoes and moves outwards)
As a motivator and concrete example, this is a typical scenario when coding in Python. I work with list comprehensions a lot, and often I construct the list, and then decide I want to sum all elements, etc. So I would first type:
[x*x for x in some_lst if is_prime(x)]
and then I'll want to encapsulate this list with a "sum" command:
sum([x*x for x in some_lst if is_prime(x)])
I don't want to have to keep moving the cursor to both the beginning and the end just to insert the parentheses. I'd rather have the point in the list, press a keystroke, have it figure out the delimiters, and place the mark just before the opening inserted parenthesis so that I can type "sum". My function below seems to work (piggybacking on the "expand-region" package):
(defun add-paren ()
(insert-string ")")
(insert-string "(")
(left-char 1)
What's the best practice for the 2nd step?
(Any suggestions/improvements to the above would also be appreciated. This is my first "real" function in Elisp.)
Update: Thanks everyone for the tips. I'll probably use some of them in my final solution. My original question still stands: Is there a standard pattern of "undoing and redoing at a larger scale", or will each problem have its own custom solution? Suppose I use smartparens as suggested to do it all in one keystroke, but I want it to occur on the 3rd level out. What I want is to press the keystroke 3 times and have it place the parentheses there.
So after the first keystroke, it places the parentheses at the innermost level. Pressing it again should remove the inserted parentheses, and place them in the next level up, and so on...
(BTW, not trying to reinvent the wheel. I suspect some of the packages listed may have exactly what I need - I just want practice coding in Elisp).
Update 2:
I guess there is no best practice for this? Anyway, I solved the problem using both expand-region and smartparens:
(defun add-paren ()
(if (eq last-command 'add-paren)
;; (message "AAAA")
(setq currpoint (point))
(if (eq currpoint (point))
(sp-wrap-with-pair "(")
(left-char 1)
(global-set-key (kbd "<f5>") 'add-paren)
(defun delete-paren ()
(setq currloc (point))
(goto-char currloc)
(left-char 1)
You're already using expand-region. Why not combine that with one of the many "surround region with..." modes?
I personally like smartparens (available via Marmalade or MELPA), but there are many other similar tools.
Use er/expand-region until you've got an appropriate selection, then
( to wrap in parentheses.
When programming, there are several hundred slightly different edit-tasks of this kind. Therefor created a toolkit for it.
In example given, the form might be described as delimited, more precisely bracketed.
ar-bracketed-atpt would mark it.
It's set here like this:
(global-set-key [(super \])] 'ar-bracketed-atpt)
Then comes in another class of commands which do several things on active region. In this case:
M-x ar-parentize-or-copy-atpt RET
It is bound to C-c )
A tarball for all this stuff is available here:
FWIW, I'd do it as follows:
go before the open bracket.
type sum C-M-SPC (
The C-M-SPC selects the parenthesized (well, "bracketized") expression, and the subsequent ( wraps it in parens (because of electric-pair-mode).
I guess there is no best practice for this? Anyway, I solved the problem using both expand-region and smartparens:
(defun add-paren ()
(if (eq last-command 'add-paren)
;; (message "AAAA")
(setq currpoint (point))
(if (eq currpoint (point))
(sp-wrap-with-pair "(")
(left-char 1)
(global-set-key (kbd "<f5>") 'add-paren)
(defun delete-paren ()
(setq currloc (point))
(goto-char currloc)
(left-char 1)

How to make the tilde overwrite a space in Emacs?

I'd like (in TeX-related modes) the tilde key to insert itself as usual if point is on anything (in particular a line end), but if a point is on space, I'd like the tilde to overwrite it. (This would be a quite useful feature after pasting something into TeX source file.) I hacked something like this:
(defun electric-tie ()
"Inserts a tilde at point unless the point is at a space
character, in which case it deletes the space first."
(while (equal (char-after) 32) (delete-char 1))
(while (equal (char-before) 32) (delete-char -1))
(insert "~"))
(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook (lambda () (local-set-key "~" 'electric-tie)))
My questions are simple: is it correct (it seems to work) and can it be done better? (I assume that if the answer to the first question is in the affirmative, the latter is a question of style.)
As mentioned, it's better to use a "character" literal than a number literal. You have the choice between ? , ?\ , and ?\s where the last one is only supported since Emacs-22 but is otherwise the recommended way, since it's (as you say) "more easily visible" and also there' no risk that the space char will be turned into something else (or removed) by things like fill-paragraph or whitespace trimming.
You can indeed use eq instead of equal, but the difference is not important.
Finally, I'd call (call-interactively 'self-insert-command) rather than insert by hand, but the difference is not that important (e.g. it'll let you insert 3 tildes with C-u ~).
Some points:
Instead of 32 use ?  (question-mark space) to express character literal.
Instead of defining keys in the major-mode hooks, do it in an eval-after-load block. The difference is that major-mode hook runs every time you use the major-mode, but there is only one keymap per major-mode. So there is no point in repeatedly redefining a key in it.
see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8139587/903943
It looks like this command should not take a numeric argument, but it's worth understanding interactive specs to know how other commands you write can be made to be more flexible by taking numeric arguments into consideration.
One more note about your new modifications:
Your way to clear spaces around point is not wrong, but I'd do this:
(defun foo ()
(skip-chars-forward " ")
(delete-region (point) (+ (point) (skip-chars-backward " "))))

Emacs completion-at-point-functions

I'm writing a derived mode, based on comint-mode. The mode is an interface to a command line program (GRASS gis), and the comint mode completion works for the programs. I'm trying to add on support for completing the arguments to the program, via completion-at-point-functions. A toy example is:
(setq my-commands
(defun my-completion-at-point ()
(let ((pt (point)) ;; collect point
start end)
(save-excursion ;; collect the program name
(re-search-forward "\\(\\S +\\)\\s ?"))
(if (and (>= pt (match-beginning 1))
(<= pt (match-end 1)))
() ;; if we're still entering the command, pass completion on to
;; comint-completion-at-point by returning nil
(let ((command (match-string-no-properties 1)))
(when (member* command my-commands :test 'string= :key 'car)
;; If the command is one of my-commands, use the associated completions
(goto-char pt)
(re-search-backward "\\S *")
(setq start (point))
(re-search-forward "\\S *")
(setq end (point))
(list start end (cdr (assoc command my-commands)) :exclusive 'no))))))
(push 'my-completion-at-point completion-at-point-functions)
This almost works. I get normal completion of program names. However, if I have entered ls at the command line, hitting tab inserts my-completion- and doesn't offer the two options. Hitting tab again inserts my-completion- a second time, so that I now have ls my-completion-mycompletion-.
My actual code includes a few lines to check for multi-line commands, but makes no changes to the completion code. With this version of the code, I hitting tab on a line that starts with one of the program names in my-commands I am presented with a list of the possible arguments to complete the command with, but nothing is inserted in the buffer, and the list does not get narrowed by typing the first few letters of an argument.
I've been over the manual, but I can't figure out the correct way to write a completion-at-point function. Any ideas what I'm missing?
I have looked briefly at pcomplete, but the didn't really understand the 'documentation', and didn't make any progress.
The problem seems to be with the way you're finding start and end to return the boundaries of the argument at point. I didn't spend long enough debugging it to be sure of the details, but I think if you call the function interactively you'll see that it returns the same value for start and end, and this means that the completion UI doesn't know to use the argument at point to select from the completion table you've passed it.
Changing the last part of your function to the following seems to be one fix:
(when (member* command my-commands :test 'string= :key 'car)
;; If the command is one of my-commands, use the associated completions
(goto-char pt)
(let ((start
(skip-syntax-backward "^ ")
(list start pt (cdr (assoc command my-commands)) :exclusive 'no)))))))
This gives the expected results when added as an element of completion-at-point-functions.
Here I've used skip-syntax-backward instead of regexp search, which I think is slightly more idiomatic Elisp for this kind of thing. It just says to move point backwards across anything that is not in syntax class "whitespace". The skip-syntax functions return the distance moved rather than the value of point, so we have to add a call to point at the end of the save-excursion.
If you do use regexp searches in a function like this, it's usually a good idea to pass t for the fourth argument, noerror, so that it doesn't pass on errors to the user if it fails to match. This does mean that you have to check for yourself whether the return value is nil, though.
Finally, instead of push to add the completion function you might want to use add-hook as follows:
(add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions 'my-completion-at-point nil t)
This does two useful things: it checks whether your function is already in the hook before adding it, and (by passing t for the fourth argument, local) it only adds the function to the buffer-local value of the completion-at-point hook. This is almost certainly what you want, since you don't want to use these completions in every other Emacs buffer when you press the TAB key.

emacs: how do I use edebug on code that is defined in a macro?

I don't even know the proper terminology for this lisp syntax, so I don't know if the words I'm using to ask the question, make sense. But the question makes sense, I'm sure.
So let me just show you. cc-mode (cc-fonts.el) has things called "matchers" which are bits of code that run to decide how to fontify a region of code. That sounds simple enough, but the matcher code is in a form I don't completely understand, with backticks and comma-atsign and just comma and so on, and furthermore it is embedded in a c-lang-defcost, which itself is a macro. I don't know what to call all that, but I want to run edebug on that code.
(c-lang-defconst c-basic-matchers-after
"Font lock matchers for various things that should be fontified after
generic casts and declarations are fontified. Used on level 2 and
t `(;; Fontify the identifiers inside enum lists. (The enum type
;; name is handled by `c-simple-decl-matchers' or
;; `c-complex-decl-matchers' below.
,#(when (c-lang-const c-brace-id-list-kwds)
(c-make-keywords-re nil (c-lang-const c-brace-id-list-kwds))
;; Disallow various common punctuation chars that can't come
;; before the '{' of the enum list, to avoid searching too far.
'((c-font-lock-declarators limit t nil)
(goto-char (match-end 0))
(c-put-char-property (1- (point)) 'c-type
(goto-char (match-end 0)))))))
I am reading up on lisp syntax to figure out what those things are and what to call them, but aside from that, how can I run edebug on the code that follows the comment that reads ;; Fontify the identifiers inside enum lists. ?
I know how to run edebug on a defun - just invoke edebug-defun within the function's definition, and off I go. Is there a corresponding thing I need to do to edebug the cc-mode matcher code forms?
What does def-edebug-spec do, and would I use it here? If so, how?
According to (elisp)Top > Debugging > Edebug > Edebug and Macros you have to tell Edebug how to debug a macro by defining it with debug statements or by using def-edebug-spec. This tells it what parameters should be evaluated and which shouldn't. So it can be done. In fact it looks as if c-lang-defconst already been fitted for edebug. Here is the definition in case you were interested:
(def-edebug-spec c-lang-defconst
(&define name [&optional stringp] [&rest sexp def-form]))
However, if you just want to see what the body evaluates to, then the way to do that is to use something like macro-expand-last-sexp below to see the result. Position your cursor after the sexp you want expanded (as you would for C-x C-e) and run M-x macro-expand-last-sexp RET. This will show you what it gets expanded to. You may run into troubles if you try to expand something like ,(....) so you may have to copy that sexp somewhere else and delete the , or ,#.
(defun macro-expand-last-sexp (p)
"Macro expand the previous sexp. With a prefix argument
insert the result into the current buffer and pretty print it."
(interactive "P")
((sexp (preceding-sexp))
(expanded (macroexpand sexp)))
(cond ((eq sexp expanded)
(message "No changes were found when macro expanding"))
(insert (format "%S" expanded))
(indent-pp-sexp 1)
(message "%S" expanded)))))
I guess it depends on exactly what you are trying to do.
Use macroexpand or macroexpand-all to turn it into macro-free code and debug as usual?
Backticks &co may be best illustrated by an example:
(let ((a 1)
(b (list 2 3)))
`(a ,a ,b ,#b))
-> (a 1 (2 3) 2 3)
A backtick (or backquote`) is similar to a quote(') in that it prevents evaluation, except its effect can be selectively undone with a comma(,); and ,# is like ,, except that its argument, which must be a list, is spliced into the resulting list.