Emacs completion-at-point-functions - emacs

I'm writing a derived mode, based on comint-mode. The mode is an interface to a command line program (GRASS gis), and the comint mode completion works for the programs. I'm trying to add on support for completing the arguments to the program, via completion-at-point-functions. A toy example is:
(setq my-commands
(defun my-completion-at-point ()
(let ((pt (point)) ;; collect point
start end)
(save-excursion ;; collect the program name
(re-search-forward "\\(\\S +\\)\\s ?"))
(if (and (>= pt (match-beginning 1))
(<= pt (match-end 1)))
() ;; if we're still entering the command, pass completion on to
;; comint-completion-at-point by returning nil
(let ((command (match-string-no-properties 1)))
(when (member* command my-commands :test 'string= :key 'car)
;; If the command is one of my-commands, use the associated completions
(goto-char pt)
(re-search-backward "\\S *")
(setq start (point))
(re-search-forward "\\S *")
(setq end (point))
(list start end (cdr (assoc command my-commands)) :exclusive 'no))))))
(push 'my-completion-at-point completion-at-point-functions)
This almost works. I get normal completion of program names. However, if I have entered ls at the command line, hitting tab inserts my-completion- and doesn't offer the two options. Hitting tab again inserts my-completion- a second time, so that I now have ls my-completion-mycompletion-.
My actual code includes a few lines to check for multi-line commands, but makes no changes to the completion code. With this version of the code, I hitting tab on a line that starts with one of the program names in my-commands I am presented with a list of the possible arguments to complete the command with, but nothing is inserted in the buffer, and the list does not get narrowed by typing the first few letters of an argument.
I've been over the manual, but I can't figure out the correct way to write a completion-at-point function. Any ideas what I'm missing?
I have looked briefly at pcomplete, but the didn't really understand the 'documentation', and didn't make any progress.

The problem seems to be with the way you're finding start and end to return the boundaries of the argument at point. I didn't spend long enough debugging it to be sure of the details, but I think if you call the function interactively you'll see that it returns the same value for start and end, and this means that the completion UI doesn't know to use the argument at point to select from the completion table you've passed it.
Changing the last part of your function to the following seems to be one fix:
(when (member* command my-commands :test 'string= :key 'car)
;; If the command is one of my-commands, use the associated completions
(goto-char pt)
(let ((start
(skip-syntax-backward "^ ")
(list start pt (cdr (assoc command my-commands)) :exclusive 'no)))))))
This gives the expected results when added as an element of completion-at-point-functions.
Here I've used skip-syntax-backward instead of regexp search, which I think is slightly more idiomatic Elisp for this kind of thing. It just says to move point backwards across anything that is not in syntax class "whitespace". The skip-syntax functions return the distance moved rather than the value of point, so we have to add a call to point at the end of the save-excursion.
If you do use regexp searches in a function like this, it's usually a good idea to pass t for the fourth argument, noerror, so that it doesn't pass on errors to the user if it fails to match. This does mean that you have to check for yourself whether the return value is nil, though.
Finally, instead of push to add the completion function you might want to use add-hook as follows:
(add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions 'my-completion-at-point nil t)
This does two useful things: it checks whether your function is already in the hook before adding it, and (by passing t for the fourth argument, local) it only adds the function to the buffer-local value of the completion-at-point hook. This is almost certainly what you want, since you don't want to use these completions in every other Emacs buffer when you press the TAB key.


Is there an apply-command-to-each-line-in-region in emacs?

I have a bunch of links saved in an orgmode file, say...
I can open each one by having the cursor on the link and doing C-c C-o, and it conveniently pops up my default browser and opens that link in a tab.
Now suppose I have like 20 of these links. Is there a convenient way to apply a function like this to each line within a selected region, without recording an explicit macro?
I'd imagine it looking something like...
Select region
M-x foreach-in-region
Keystrokes to apply to each line: C-c C-o
And this is just for functions already defined. I imagine the way without would be something like...
with cursor on first line of link
F3 # to start record macro
C-c C-o
down arrow
Select region (omitting the first line, since that's now already opened in my browser)
C-x C-k r
Does this exist? If not, how would I lisp this?
You should record the macro for one line, then use apply-macro-to-region-lines to execute it for all lines in region. C-x C-k r
Alternatively, you can use multiple-cursors to create a cursor on each line and C-c C-o to open all. multiple-cursors will transform your usage patterns over time for the better if you give it a chance.
(defun do-lines (fun &optional start end)
"Invoke function FUN on the text of each line from START to END."
(let ((fn (intern (completing-read "Function: " obarray 'functionp t))))
(if (use-region-p)
(list fn (region-beginning) (region-end))
(list fn (point-min) (point-max)))))
(goto-char start)
(while (< (point) end)
(funcall fun (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))
(forward-line 1))))
Update after your comment --
Now it sounds like you want to not enter a function name but hit a key, and have the command bound to that key be applied to each line in the region (or buffer).
Something like the following will do that. However, be aware that command often have particular behavior wrt lines. For example, if you were to hit key C-k (kill-lines) then it already moves forward after each line it kills. Because do-lines does not know what kind of function (command) you will invoke, it advances to the next line after each invocation. For a command such as kill-lines this will thus do the wrong thing: it will end up advancing two lines, not one, thus skipping lines. IOW, be aware that the code for do-lines cannot compensate for what a particular function it invokes might do that might not correspond to what you expect. Instead, it does what it says it does.
(defun do-lines (command &optional start end)
"Invoke COMMAND on the text of each line from START to END."
(let* ((key (read-key-sequence-vector "Hit key sequence: "))
(cmd (lookup-key global-map key t)))
(when (numberp cmd) (error "Not a valid key sequence"))
(unless (commandp cmd) (error "Key `%s' is not defined" (key-description key)))
(if (use-region-p)
(list cmd (region-beginning) (region-end))
(list cmd (point-min) (point-max)))))
(setq start (copy-marker start)
end (copy-marker end))
(goto-char start)
(while (< (point) end)
(funcall command (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))
(forward-line 1))))
In some situations, you can use Emacs Repeating using C-x z following by more `z'. I was trying to comment all the lines in region and it worked nicely for my use case.
The command C-x z (repeat) provides another way to repeat an Emacs
command many times
To repeat the command more than once, type additional z’s: each z repeats the command one more time
In the spirit of TIMTOWTDI[1], I'll point out a technique that works well for some situations, including the one in the OP.
If you're looking to run an external command on a line of space-separated strings (like URLs):
Select the region
Invoke M-| (Alt+Shift+\, shell-command-on-region)
Use xargs as a prefix command to the desired command (e.g., xdg-open, or x-www-browser)
For example, the full command entered for step 3 might be:
xargs -n1 xdg-open
The -n1 switch causes xargs to open invoke the given program with one argument at a time; it will run the program once for each input. If the command can handle multiple arguments at once, you can omit -n1. For example, I have a web command that can open multiple URLs as arguments, so just xargs web works.
The major benefit of this approach is, it works on anything POSIX-compliant without doing anything in advance. Disadvantages include, it only works on external commands, and it requires xargs (not included with every OS by default).
[1] There's More Than One Way To Do It, originally from Perl, but useful elsewhere.

How to define key-binding with arguments for defun in Emacs?

I have a defun that conveniently adds / removes parentheses to marked expressions. (see code in the end)
As a neophyte in emacs Lisp, I only know how to make simple key-bindings without argument.
However, I believe the defun would be made more convenient if its key-binding could take two optional arguments to specify whether to add / remove (), [], or {}
My current (simple) key-binding is as below, is there a trivial way to make it argument-taking as described?
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-( )") 'end-of-statement)
Appreciate any advice or direction tips!
(Code: by Istvan Chung)
(defun surround-with-parens ()
(goto-char (region-beginning))
(insert "("))
(goto-char (region-end))
(insert ")"))
(defun delete-surrounded-parens ()
(let ((beginning (region-beginning))
(end (region-end)))
(cond ((not (eq (char-after beginning) ?\())
(error "Character at region-begin is not an open-parenthesis"))
((not (eq (char-before end) ?\)))
(error "Character at region-end is not a close-parenthesis"))
(goto-char beginning)
(not (eq (point) end)))
(error "Those parentheses are not matched"))
(t (save-excursion
(goto-char end)
(delete-backward-char 1)
(goto-char beginning)
(delete-char 1))))))
I assume the question is for surround-with-parens, as delete-surrounded-parens is probably better off just guessing the parentheses used by itself.
I also assume that you are doing this for practice more so than for actually solving the problem. If you enable electric-pair-mode in recent Emacsen, configured pairs will wrap around any active region as your command does. But it's a good mid-level emacs lisp exercise.
As the comments noted, you have multiple options.
Command Argument
A command can take arguments, as you asked for. Commands are no different from other lisp functions, except that they have an interactive spec. The interactive spec tells Emacs how to run the command when it is invoked with a key or via M-x.
Simple (interactive) will pass no arguments to the function. (interactive "r") will pass the beginning and end of the region as two arguments. Etc. You can read about the different options in C-h f interactive. You can even write lisp code to calculate the arguments there.
You could use (interactive "cWrap with: "). This would prompt the user for a key, and pass the key to your function. For example, if the user types (, your function receives 40 as the argument, the character code for the opening parenthesis. ?\( is 40 as well, and (make-string 1 40) returns "(". You'll have to create a map to figure out the closing parenthesis.
The drawback here is that you need to press two keys: The first to invoke the command, and then a key to specify the parenthesis to use.
Multiple keys
You can also bind your command to different keys – for example, C-M-( and C-M-[. You can then use this-single-command-keys to get something that specifies the last key event. Sadly, this can be somewhat tricky to translate back to a key sequence. E.g. C-M-( returns [201326632].
Multiple commands
You could also just define one command per parenthesis type, all of which simply call a common function with arguments, and bind those commands to keys.
Finally, you can use the same method as electric-indent-mode does: Add a function to post-self-insert-hook and decide based on char-before what you want to do.

difference between calling command directly and using keybinding

I'm new to elisp, so please forgive me if the following approach is totally clumsy.
In the team I'm currently working with, there is an usual convention of closing python blocks with a pass statement (if they aren't ended by closing keywords like else or except or such). While unusual, this has the advantage that one can always recover the original indentation of the program if it is unintentionally changed (using emacs indent-region).
To get existing code in line with this convention, I wrote a small elisp function:
(defun python-check-indent ()
"Check if automatic indentation changes current indent, insert pass keyword if it does."
(move-beginning-of-line 1)
(skip-chars-forward " ")
(< 0
(let (original)
(setq original (point))
(- (point) original)
(insert "pass")
(global-set-key (kbd "C-`") 'python-check-indent)
The idea is simply to test whether hitting TAB would change the indentation, and insert a pass statement in that case. To facilitate processing longer blocks of code, it then advances to the next line.
When I run it using M-x python-check-indent, it does what I want (except that it moves around empty lines slightly), also when running it repeatedly to process several lines. However, when I run it repeatedly using the C-` keybinding, it starts messing up the code from the second invocation on.
So here are my questions: What is the difference between invoking a command with M-x ... and using its keybinding? And how could I change the function to be not affected by this difference?
emacs-version: GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin, NS apple-appkit-1038.35) of 2011-03-10 on black.porkrind.org
(edit) current workaround: I'm now wrapping it inside a keyboard-macro, so it's "bound" to C-x e, and behaves properly.
The general rule is that it is best to avoid complex interactive
commands in your functions because they could be affected by all sorts
of options.
(defun python-check-indent ()
"Check if automatic indentation changes current indent, insert pass keyword if it does."
(goto-char (line-beginning-position))
(skip-chars-forward " ")
(when (< 0
(let (original)
(setq original (point))
(- (point) original)))
(insert "pass\n")
However, even this is probably not good because python-indent-line's behavior depends on last-command and python-indent-trigger-commands. I think it would be best if you replaced the first invocation of python-indent-line with the code which computes the target indentation instead of actually indenting, something like (nth python-indent-current-level python-indent-levels).
PS. If you still have problems, I suggest that you use edebug and step through the function.

Replace file at point in emacs

I found the function here for replace filen at point but it doesn't seem to work properly: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/InsertFileName. It correctly finds the file-at-point but the replace appears to take the file you input and not the file detected originally from what I can see. I'm not sure how to fix this.
If I Run the function on /home/testfile
First it says file to replace so for example: /home/secondfile
Then it says replace '/home/secondfile' with: /home/secondfile
and then it says: No file at point
Any ideas??
Here is the function:
(autoload 'ffap-guesser "ffap")
(autoload 'ffap-read-file-or-url "ffap")
(defun my-replace-file-at-point (currfile newfile)
"Replace CURRFILE at point with NEWFILE.
When interactive, CURRFILE will need to be confirmed by user
and will need to exist on the file system to be recognized,
unless it is a URL.
NEWFILE does not need to exist. However, Emacs's minibuffer
completion can help if it needs to be.
(let ((currfile (ffap-read-file-or-url "Replace filename: "
(list currfile
(ffap-read-file-or-url (format "Replace `%s' with: "
currfile) currfile))))
(if (or (looking-at (regexp-quote currfile))
(let ((filelen (length currfile))
(opoint (point))
(limit (+ (point) (length currfile))))
(goto-char (1- filelen))
(and (search-forward currfile limit
(< (match-beginning 0) opoint))
(>= (match-end 0) opoint))))
(replace-match newfile)
(error "No file at point to replace"))))
There are probably a few things wrong/going on here. The first is, your point position when you are executing this. The second is, if you are using /home/user/something, that there is a strong possibility you will have mismatch between /home/user/something and ~/something (ffap returns the latter while at the point you may have written the former).
The use of looking-at with the regexp quoted filename expects the point to be at the beginning: e.g. |/home/user/something.
Its partner, looking-back expects /home/user/something|. Being somewhere in the middle will throw this error.
One quick fix for this is changing looking-at to thing-at-point-looking-at.
If you have written /home/user/something, ffap functions (in my case) shorten this using ~.
There are probably some settings that govern this, but the easiest, quick fix I know of is using expand-file-name. This will take care of the first case, and if it is written as ~/something, the save-excursion body will replace it in the alternate case.
The only negative result I see is that, you might sometimes replace:
/home/user/something with ~/somethingelse
But, anyways, these two quick fixes just result in this complete change:
(thing-at-point-looking-at (regexp-quote (expand-file-name currfile)))
can't see where "ffap-guesser" is defined. Looks like a bug.
Maybe try instead

Copy Character Down in Emacs

I wrote an interactive function which inserts the "character above the point" in to the current line. For instance, given a line containing "12345" followed by a line "abcdef" and the point sitting at the letter "c", copy-down would make the second line become "ab3cdef". copy-down again would make the second line become "ab34cdef".
My function fails (using GNU Emacs 23.3.1 under windows 7) the second time I invoke it by inserting the text from the first invocation and not advancing properly. If I put any emacs "manipulations" in-between invocations, it works fine. (For instance if I do a copy-down, "left arrow", "right arrow", copy-down it works fine for both invocations.)
Here's my function:
(defun copy-down ()
"Grab the character in the line above and insert at the current location."
(let ((beg (progn (previous-line 1) (point)))
(end (progn (forward-char) (point))))
(next-line 1)
(insert-buffer-substring (current-buffer) beg end)))
If it matters, I usually tie my function to a key: (global-set-key [f5] 'copy-down)
PS. I got used to using this capability in the editor I used before switching to emacs many years ago and I miss it in GNU Emacs. :-(
What you have works just fine for me. That said, previous-line has interaction with other settings (specifically goal-column) and generally shouldn't be used when writing elisp. Instead you should use (forward-line -1). But, of course, your code relies on the goal-column... You can test this by running Emacs without your other configurations, ala emacs -q.
Here's a slightly different version of your code that doesn't rely on goal-column:
(defun copy-down ()
"Grab the character in the line above and insert at the current location."
(let* ((col (current-column))
(to-insert (save-excursion
(forward-line -1)
(move-to-column col)
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (1+ (point))))))
(insert to-insert)))
If the problem isn't with using previous-line, then I don't imagine my code would make much of a difference.
Another option you have is to try running it in the debugger to see where your code breaks down. Move the point inside the defun for copy-down and type M-x edebug-defun, and the next time you run it you'll be able to step through the code. Docs for edebug can be found here.
You need to use let* instead of let. The former allows you to use earlier values in later forms in the same statement.
BTW, that's an unconventional way to write elisp, you might want to look at some other code samples.
Hey, someone completely rearranged your function! It might work now.
(defun copy-down (arg)
(interactive "p")
(let ((p (+ (current-column) (point-at-bol 0))))
(insert-buffer-substring (current-buffer) p (+ p arg))))
which has the additional functionality of taking a prefix argument to copy n (default to 1) characters down.