TYPO3/Typoscript : trim value failed - typo3

This is my typoscript code :
lib.test.renderObj = COA
lib.test.renderObj.10 = TEXT
lib.test.renderObj.10.stdWrap.field = header
lib.test.renderObj.10.stdWrap.case = lower
lib.test.renderObj.10.stdWrap.trim = 1
lib.test.renderObj.10.stdWrap.wrap = <div class="element">|</div>
The header field is well received, letters have been lowercased and the field is well wrapped by a element. The only problem is that i can't make the TRIM properties effective. I also tried to use the search/replace properties -> no success.
Any clue ? :)

You can search and replace since 4.6. The documentation you can find here: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/6.2/Functions/Replacement/
lib.test.renderObj.10.stdWrap.replacement {
10 {
search = # #
replace =
useRegExp = 1
Don't know if the replace is really working, can't test it.


Typo3 Typoscript additionalHeaders header location using variable

I try to redirect a link which is coming, but before part of the link should be replaced.
tmp.getSlug = TEXT
tmp.getSlug.data = getIndpEnv : TYPO3_REQUEST_URL
tmp.getSlug.replacement {
10 {
search = myLinkPart
replace = myNewLinkPart
config.additionalHeaders.10 {
header = Location: {tmp.getSlug}
So from: www.myUrl.de/test/myLinkPart/test2/
To: www.myUrl.de/test/myNewLinkPart/test2/
It must be inside Typoscript because of other conditions.
Does anybody has an idea?
you are mixing different objects in a non functional way.
First you define tmp.getSlug as a typoscript object. Then you try to use it as a data variable.
Additional everything beyond tmp. is not available at rendering time. (it just is available when the typoscript is scanned.)
If you want to use the evaluation of tmp.getSlug you need to assign it to a permanent object and then store it in a register so you can access it afterwards.
Additional you need a flexible object to compose the Location header, which by default just contains a string.
Either a text object where you can use data (which must be evaluated and stored in a register before) or a COA to compose the static and the dynamic string.
This might be a solution:
tmp.getSlug = TEXT
tmp.getSlug.data = getIndpEnv : TYPO3_REQUEST_URL
tmp.getSlug.replacement {
10 {
search = myLinkPart
replace = myNewLinkPart
config.additionalHeaders.10 {
header.cObject = COA
header.cObject {
10 = TEXT
10.value = Location:
20 < tmp.getSlug

Using special characters as CASE keys in typoscript

I'm trying to send a mail via the powermail extension to different receivers, depending on the value a user has selected in a form dropdown. This practice of dynamic receivers is described in the powermail documentation. Basically:
receivers1.email = CASE
receivers1.email {
key.data = GP:tx_powermail_pi1|field|receiver
1 = TEXT
1.value = receivera#domain.org
default = TEXT
default.value = receiverb#domain.org
Now I'm facing the following problem: my values for "receiver" are not numeric (as in the example), but text values from a dropdown. Some of them contain spaces, some of them contain umlauts (öäüß). If I try to add …
Not wörking = TEXT
Not wörking.value = anotheremail#nowhere.org
Typo3 will complain and not update anything. (Bad property!
You must enter a property with characters a-z, A-Z and 0-9, no spaces!Nothing was updated!)
I tried simply 'escaping' the forbidden characters with a backslash, not working. Had an idea of converting the key.data via stdWrap rawUrlEncode, but did not work either. Google came up with this solution, but I don't understand what's going on and could not use it successfully.
How can I get around this? Thanks a lot for any kind of hint!
I pretty like your rawUrlEncode solution. Can you provide us your solution of it here? According to this online converter the result should be something like:
key.data = GP:tx_powermail_pi1|field|receiver
key.stdWrap.rawUrlEncode = 1
Not%20w%C3%B6rking = TEXT
Not%20w%C3%B6rking.value = anotheremail#nowhere.org
Maybe for each CASE some signs like "%" are not allowed. In that case you maybe refer to the "replacement" function. https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/8.7/Functions/Replacement/Index.html#replacement
key.data = GP:tx_powermail_pi1|field|receiver
key.stdWrap.replacement {
10 {
search.char = 32
replace = _
// Add umlauts and other signs!
Not_wörking = TEXT
Not_wörking.value = anotheremail#nowhere.org

TYPO3: Special tt_contenttype. Modify content before output

Can I create a "special" type of tt_content, so text is beeing processed in some custom ways before outputtet?
In my case I would like to add ###MY_MARKER### somewhere in header and/or bodytext and have it replaced by the right words for the given page.
When visiting this page: mypage.com/?marker=test
Header in tt_content: "Welcome to ###MY_MARKER##, enjoy
Output in browser: "Welcome to TEST, enjoy"
I CAN do it by making a custom plugin. Question is more if I can reuse normal tt_contant for the same purpose
Yes, you can easily extend the tt_content by adding your own TCA configuration to the typo3conf/extTables.php file:
$TCA['tt_content']['columns']['CType']['config']['items']['user_my_type'] = array(
0 => 'My custom content',
1 => 'user_my_type',
2 => 'i/tt_content.gif',
$TCA['tt_content']['ctrl']['typeicon_classes']['user_my_type'] = 'mimetypes-x-content-text';
$TCA['tt_content']['ctrl']['typeicons']['user_my_type'] = 'tt_content.gif';
/* In the following either copy, insert and modify configuration from some other
content elemenet (you can find it in the ADMIN TOOLS -> Configuration - $TCA)... */
$TCA['tt_content']['types']['user_my_type']['showitem'] = '';
/* ...or assign it some other configuration so that it's exactly the same
as some other content type and stays the same after some update of TYPO3: */
$TCA['tt_content']['types']['user_my_type']['showitem'] = $TCA['tt_content']['types']['text']['showitem'];
After that, just set in your Typoscript template how the element is supposed to be rendered:
tt_content.user_my_type = COA
tt_content.user_my_type {
10 {
template = TEXT
template.field = header
marks {
20 {
template = TEXT
template {
field = bodytext
required = 1
parseFunc = < lib.parseFunc_RTE
marks < tt_content.user_my_type.10.marks
The Typoscript rendering is just a simplified example. You might want to add other standard configuration like in other elements, e.g. the one that adds edit icons for frontend display.
The marker in my example can be populated by the value of a GET paramater in the URL as you wanted but this would have nasty security implications. You would certainly need very good validation of that input.

Typoscript: Display register value as text

I'm using the extension seo_dynamic_tag, which is a fantastic plugin for TYPO3 SEO purposes.
It uses registers to store the generated meta description and keywords. Later on in the script, the page metadata is filled in from these registers:
page {
meta {
description {
field >
data = register:description
keywords {
field >
data = register:keywordss
1000 < temp.seo
So far it works like charm.
But in addition I'd like to display a TEXT object on the page with the meta description on the bottom. The text should read the meta description and some other stuff. That's where I need your help.
I tried to do the "magic" like this:
temp.description = COA
temp.description {
10 = TEXT
10.value = Meta description: {register:description}
stdWrap.insertData = 1
lib.footer < temp.description
This simply does not work. If I want to display something else, for example {page:title} or {date:y-m-d}, data insertion works. For register:xxx it doesn't.
I already spent lots of hours to google out my desired solution, but no success :(
Do you have any idea what I'm missing here?
I'm using TYPO3 4.5.3 (I know I should update ;)).
Many thanks in advance for your help! :)
Your stdWrap.insertData = 1 is applied to your COA-object, and not to your TEXT-object. You can instead set 10.insertData = 1 or just write the following:
10 = TEXT
10.data = register:description

Illustrate content from FCE in another way

I have some FCEs which are working fine. Now I want to display the data for another render type and I have to change from div to ul. Is there a way to extract the data fields with Typoscript? Currently the FCEs are included as Page-Content Elements in another template. The data processing contains the following TS Code
10.tables = tt_content
10.wrap = <!--TYPO3SEARCH_begin--> | <!--TYPO3SEARCH_end-->
I tried this:
10 = COA
10 {
10 = TEXT
10 {
current = 1
typolink.parameter.field = field_link_text
required = 1
wrap = <h3>|</h3>
But I only get <h3>39,40,57</h3>. That are the IDs from the FCEs. How do I get the field value?
ofcourse... this is an example how to render a FCE... u can also use a Typoscript select in there from tt_content. there are many snippets outside. for example just replace your snippet with this one just to see if it works. dont forget to edit the "field_yourfieldname" to your field_xxxx
10 = COA
10 {
10 = TEXT
10 {
current = 1
typolink.parameter.field = field_yourfieldname
required = 1
wrap = <h3>|</h3>
typolink is not the only where you can use .field as typolinks uses the ID to link to a page (&id=123) you will get it. you can also use value.field or stdWrap.field.
heres another example which should work:
10 = HTML
10.value.field = field_yourfieldname
take a look aroun in google.. its not easy to find some snippets but also not that hard. as i use this not often i also need to take a look around everytime