Typoscript: Display register value as text - typo3

I'm using the extension seo_dynamic_tag, which is a fantastic plugin for TYPO3 SEO purposes.
It uses registers to store the generated meta description and keywords. Later on in the script, the page metadata is filled in from these registers:
page {
meta {
description {
field >
data = register:description
keywords {
field >
data = register:keywordss
1000 < temp.seo
So far it works like charm.
But in addition I'd like to display a TEXT object on the page with the meta description on the bottom. The text should read the meta description and some other stuff. That's where I need your help.
I tried to do the "magic" like this:
temp.description = COA
temp.description {
10 = TEXT
10.value = Meta description: {register:description}
stdWrap.insertData = 1
lib.footer < temp.description
This simply does not work. If I want to display something else, for example {page:title} or {date:y-m-d}, data insertion works. For register:xxx it doesn't.
I already spent lots of hours to google out my desired solution, but no success :(
Do you have any idea what I'm missing here?
I'm using TYPO3 4.5.3 (I know I should update ;)).
Many thanks in advance for your help! :)

Your stdWrap.insertData = 1 is applied to your COA-object, and not to your TEXT-object. You can instead set 10.insertData = 1 or just write the following:
10 = TEXT
10.data = register:description


linkhandler data attribute TYPO3 8

I would like to add a data attribute to the link handler on my website.
I have the following in my setup.ts:
config.recordLinks.test {
forceLink = 0
typolink {
parameter = #test
ATagParams = data-toggle="hover"
However, the data attribute does not arrive in the source code.
I have no more ideas why this could be. Everything else that is interpreted from https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-coreapi/8.7/en-us/ApiOverview/LinkBrowser/Linkhandler/Index.html
Anyone have an idea?

Typo3 Powermail form - Send Page UID to receiver

I've created a small application form for my website. Everything works fine.
In the plugin settings there is a field called "Bodytext for Email to Receiver". This is the the mail I get, everytime somebody fills out an application form. It looks like this right now:
New application arrived!
Is it possible to get the Page UID from the application form into a variable to put it in there?
The only solutions I've found need TypoScript. Is there any other way?
The solution with typoscript should be (according to manual):
use in template:
define the typoscript:
lib.pageuid = TEXT
lib.pageuid.data = page:uid
I'm not sure about an additional variable for {powermail_all} as I'm not familiar with the extension.
If I understand the manual correctly this might be possible with :
plugin.tx_powermail {
settings {
setup {
manipulateVariablesInPowermailAllMarker {
// possible sections (define for each, where you need it):
// confirmationPage, submitPage, receiverMail, senderMail, optinMail
submitPage {
pageUid = TEXT
pageUid.data = page:uid
senderMail {
pageUid = TEXT
pageUid.data = page:uid

Generating random string by TypoScript

Is it possible to auto generate a mixed string of digits and letters by TypoScript, e.g. 12A54 or something similar?
I'd prefer a userFunc to a php include script. For example, you can pass parameters to a user function.
includeLibs.generateInvoiceNo= fileadmin/scripts/generateInvoiceNo.php
temp.invoiceNo = USER
temp.invoiceNo {
userFunc =user_generateInvoiceNo->main
class user_generateInvoiceNo {
var $cObj;// The backReference to the mother cObj object set at call time
* Call it from a USER cObject with 'userFunc = user_generateInvoiceNo->main'
function main($content,$conf){
$length = 6;
return $number;
This php script
TYPO3 Wizard on userFunc
As already mentioned, there is no such functionality in Typoscript and so the preferred method is to use some simle PHP function as suggested in other answers.
However, there is a cheat and that would be to use MySQL. Mind you, that it's a solution only if you absolutely cannot (for a reason that I really cannot think of) write a piece of custom PHP. Take it rather as an academic answer than a practical one.
temp.random = CONTENT
temp.random {
table = tt_content
select {
pidInList = 1
recursive = 99
max = 1
selectFields = SUBSTRING(MD5(RAND()) FROM 1 FOR 6) AS random_string
renderObj = TEXT
renderObj {
field = random_string
case = upper
pidInList must point to an existing page.
The MySQL command is really just an example as the string would never contain letters G-Z. I'm sure it's possible to come up with a better string generated by MySQL.
Patching TYPO3 sources for such easy tasks is wrong idea. After the next source upgrade you'll lose your changes.
Instead it's better to include an easy PHP script where you can render what you need check TSREF

Typo3 - Custom email newsletters with direct_mail

Im building a newsletter and the start is like this:
DEAR ###USER_gender### ###USER_first_name### ###USER_last_name###
which outpouts
DEAR ###USER_gender### JOHN DOE
and I was hoping it would replace the gender mark with "Miss" and "Sir", depending on the value. How could I do this?
Extra fields have to be added to the field list (see docu). But I'm not sure whether this automatically works with non-string fields. Maybe using a hook is your solution or using another extension which adds a new field to tt_address.
Another solution is to nest marker:
and then warp you content in a new template object:
10 {
template < yourAlreadyProcessedContent
marks {
GENDER_m.value = Sir
It's a bit unusual, but sometimes it's very useful.
(Personally I use it to replace version numbers in tt_content records.)
Example for Dbugger:
Download the Introduction Package and install it. After that add to the Welcome page a new template record with the following steup:
temp.mainTemplate = TEMPLATE
temp.mainTemplate {
template = TEXT
template.value = (
subparts {
CONTENT < styles.content.get
page = PAGE
page {
typeNum = 0
10 {
template < temp.mainTemplate
marks {
TEST.value = ok
Now include CSS Styled Contnet and enable the following options:
clear constants, clear setup, rootlevel
The output should look like that:
Congratulations ...
If you add ###TEST### to the the tt_content record on the welcome page it will be replaced with ok.
This should work with direct mail, too.
I'm sorry, this only works which normal extension which are use in the rendering process.
a little bit late, but here's the best solution for the salutation in direct_mail & tt_address .. works perfect for me. The personalized marker is just ###USER_salutation###,

Illustrate content from FCE in another way

I have some FCEs which are working fine. Now I want to display the data for another render type and I have to change from div to ul. Is there a way to extract the data fields with Typoscript? Currently the FCEs are included as Page-Content Elements in another template. The data processing contains the following TS Code
10.tables = tt_content
10.wrap = <!--TYPO3SEARCH_begin--> | <!--TYPO3SEARCH_end-->
I tried this:
10 = COA
10 {
10 = TEXT
10 {
current = 1
typolink.parameter.field = field_link_text
required = 1
wrap = <h3>|</h3>
But I only get <h3>39,40,57</h3>. That are the IDs from the FCEs. How do I get the field value?
ofcourse... this is an example how to render a FCE... u can also use a Typoscript select in there from tt_content. there are many snippets outside. for example just replace your snippet with this one just to see if it works. dont forget to edit the "field_yourfieldname" to your field_xxxx
10 = COA
10 {
10 = TEXT
10 {
current = 1
typolink.parameter.field = field_yourfieldname
required = 1
wrap = <h3>|</h3>
typolink is not the only where you can use .field as typolinks uses the ID to link to a page (&id=123) you will get it. you can also use value.field or stdWrap.field.
heres another example which should work:
10 = HTML
10.value.field = field_yourfieldname
take a look aroun in google.. its not easy to find some snippets but also not that hard. as i use this not often i also need to take a look around everytime