Why I got a big MSE when I try to verify convolution theorem in matlab? - matlab

I want to verify the convolution theorem in matlab.
Firstly, I do a 2D discrete convolution of a 2D Gaussian with
an image graymap(x, y).
Secondly, I compute the Fourier Transform of
the same 2D Gaussian and of the original image. Then perform a scalar multiplication
of these two Fourier Transforms, followed by an inverse Fourier Transform of the result.
Finally, I will calculate the MSE between the two results. However, I found the err is 800+.
This is my code:
[row, col] = size(graymap);
[row_2, col_2] = size(z);
result = zeros(row, col);
for i = 1: col
for j = 1:row
accumulation_value = 0;
for k = -4:4
for h = -4:4
if ((i+k > 0 && i+k < col + 1) && (j+h > 0 && j+h < row + 1))
value_image = double(graymap(i+k, j+h));
value_image = 0;
accumulation_value = accumulation_value + value_image * double(z(5 + k, 5 + h));
weighted_sum = weighted_sum + z(5 + k, 5 + h);
result(i,j) = (accumulation_value);
result_blur_1 = uint8(255*mat2gray(result));
M = size(graymap,1);
N = size(graymap,2);
resIFFT = ifft2(fft2(double(graymap), M, N) .* fft2(double(z), M, N));
result_blur_2 = uint8(255*mat2gray(resIFFT));
err = immse(result_blur_1, result_blur_2);
z is the 9*9 gaussian kernel. I don't flip it because it is symmetric.
I think my implementation of convolution is correct because the result is same as conv2(graymap, z, 'same').
Therefore, I believe there are something wrong with the second part. In fact, I am confused on how padding works. May it is the cause of the big MSE.

There are indeed problems with your implementation of the second part. The most important rule to remember when implementing convolution via fft is that you are actually calculating a circular convolution, not a linear convolution. Fortunately, there is a condition under which the two become equivalent. This condition is that the two arrays should be zero-padded to have a size equal to the sum of the sizes of each minus 1 (in all dimensions). So if you are working with an image X of size MxN, and a mask Z of size PxQ, then you should pad the two arrays with zeros to so they have at least dimensions M+P-1xN+Q-1. Any additional zeros won't hurt, so it's convenient to match a 'fft-friendly' size if possible (using nextpow2 for example). You just have to take the first M+P-1xN+Q-1 values.
Now, that would work straight forward if you just wanted the full result of the convolution. But because you want the central part of the convolution (the option 'same'), you need to select the correct indexes. The first index will be ceil(([P Q] - 1)/2) + 1, and then you take as many consecutive indexes as the image size.
Here is an example putting all together:
M = randperm(1024,1);
N = randperm(1024,1);
X = rand(M,N);
P = randperm(64,1);
Q = randperm(64,1);
Z = rand(P,Q);
% 'standard' convolution with option 'same'
C1 = conv2(X,Z,'same');
R = 2^nextpow2(M+P-1);
S = 2^nextpow2(N+Q-1);
% convolution with fft. Notice the zero-padding to R,S
C2 = real(ifft2(fft2(X,R,S) .* fft2(Z,R,S)));
n = ceil(([P Q] - 1)/2);
ind{1} = n(1) + (1:M);
ind{2} = n(2) + (1:N);
C2 = C2(ind{:});
err = immse(C1,C2)
I get errors of the order of 1e-26


Laguerre's method to obtain poly roots (Matlab)

I must write using Laguerre's method a piece of code to find the real and complex roots of poly:
I have little doubt. I did the algorithm in the matlab, but 3 out of 5 roots are the same and I don't think that is correct.
syms X %Declearing x as a variabl
P=X^5-5*X^4-6*X^3+6*X^2-3*X+1; %Equation we interest to solve
n=5; % The eq. order
Pd1 = diff(P,X,1); % first differitial of f
Pd2 = diff(P,X,2); %second differitial of f
err=0.00001; %Answear tollerance
N=100; %Max. # of Iterations
x(1)=1e-3; % Initial Value
for k=1:N
H=G^2 - double(subs(Pd2,X,x(k))) /subs(P,X,x(k));
D1= (G+sqrt((n-1)*(n*H-G^2)));
D2= (G-sqrt((n-1)*(n*H-G^2)));
D = max(D1,D2);
Err(k) = abs(x(k+1)-x(k));
if Err(k) <=err
output (roots of polynomial):
x =
0.0010 + 0.0000i 0.1434 + 0.4661i 0.1474 + 0.4345i 0.1474 + 0.4345i 0.1474 + 0.4345i
What you actually see are all the values x(k) which arose in the loop. The last one, 0.1474 + 0.4345i is the end result of this loop - the approximation of the root which is in your given tolerance threshold. The code
syms X %Declaring x as a variable
P = X^5 - 5 * X^4 - 6 * X^3 + 6 * X^2 - 3 * X + 1; %Polynomial
n=5; %Degree of the polynomial
Pd1 = diff(P,X,1); %First derivative of P
Pd2 = diff(P,X,2); %Second derivative of P
err = 0.00001; %Answer tolerance
N = 100; %Maximal number of iterations
x(1) = 0; %Initial value
for k = 1:N
G = double(vpa(subs(Pd1,X,x(k)) / subs(P,X,x(k))));
H = G^2 - double(subs(Pd2,X,x(k))) / subs(P,X,x(k));
D1 = (G + sqrt((n-1) * (n * H-G^2)));
D2 = (G - sqrt((n-1) * (n * H-G^2)));
D = max(D1,D2);
a = n/D;
x(k+1) = x(k) - a;
Err(k) = abs(x(k+1)-x(k));
if Err(k) <=err
fprintf('Initial value %f, result %f%+fi', x(1), real(x(k)), imag(x(k)))
results in
Initial value -2.000000, result -1.649100+0.000000i
If you want to get other roots, you have to use other initial values. For example one can obtain
Initial value 10.000000, result 5.862900+0.000000i
Initial value -2.000000, result -1.649100+0.000000i
Initial value 3.000000, result 0.491300+0.000000i
Initial value 0.000000, result 0.147400+0.434500i
Initial value 1.000000, result 0.147400-0.434500i
These are all zeros of the polynomial.
A method for calculating the next root when you have found another one would be that you divide through the corresponding linear factor and use your loop for the resulting new polynomial. Note that this is in general not very easy to handle since rounding errors can have a big influence on the result.
Problems with the existing code
You do not implement the Laguerre method properly as a method in complex numbers. The denominator candidates D1,D2 are in general complex numbers, it is inadvisable to use the simple max which only has sensible results for real inputs. The aim is to have a=n/D be the smaller of both variants, so that one has to look for the D in [D1,D2] with the larger absolute value. If there were a conditional assignment as in C, this would look like
D = (abs(D_1)>abs(D2)) ? D1 : D2;
As that does not exist, one has to use commands with a similar result
D = D1; if (abs(D_1)<abs(D2)) D=D2; end
The resulting sequence of approximation points is
x(0) = 0.0010000
x(1) = 0.143349512707684+0.466072958423667i
x(2) = 0.164462212064089+0.461399841949893i
x(3) = 0.164466373475316+0.461405404094130i
There is a point where one can not expect the (residual) polynomial value at the root approximation to substantially decrease. The value close to zero is obtained by adding and subtracting rather large terms in the sum expression of the polynomial. The accuracy lost in these catastrophic cancellation events can not be recovered.
The threshold for polynomial values that are effectively zero can be estimated as the machine constant of the double type times the polynomial value where all coefficients and the evaluation point are replaced by their absolute values. This test serves in the code primarily to avoid divisions by zero or near-zero.
Finding all roots
One approach is to apply the method to a sufficiently large number of initial points along some circle containing all the roots, with some strict rules for early termination at too slow convergence. One would have to make the list of the roots found unique, but keep the multiplicity,...
The other standard method is to apply deflation, that is, divide out the linear factor of the root found. This works well in low degrees.
There is no need for the slower symbolic operations as there are functions that work directly on the coefficient array, such as polyval and polyder. Deflation by division with remainder can be achieved using the deconv function.
For real polynomials, we know that the complex conjugate of a root is also a root. Thus initialize the next iteration with the deflated polynomial with it.
Other points:
There is no point in the double conversions as at no point there is a conversion into the single type.
If you don't do anything with it, it makes no sense to create an array, especially not for Err.
Roots of the example
Implementing all this I get a log of
x(0) = 0.001000000000000+0.000000000000000i, |Pn(x(0))| = 0.99701
x(1) = 0.143349512707684+0.466072958423667i, |dx|= 0.48733
x(2) = 0.164462212064089+0.461399841949893i, |dx|=0.021624
x(3) = 0.164466373475316+0.461405404094130i, |dx|=6.9466e-06
root found x=0.164466373475316+0.461405404094130i with value P0(x)=-2.22045e-16+9.4369e-16i
x(0) = 0.164466373475316-0.461405404094130i, |Pn(x(0))| = 2.1211e-15
root found x=0.164466373475316-0.461405404094130i with value P0(x)=-2.22045e-16-9.4369e-16i
x(0) = 0.164466373475316+0.461405404094130i, |Pn(x(0))| = 4.7452
x(1) = 0.586360702193454+0.016571894375927i, |dx|= 0.61308
x(2) = 0.562204173408499+0.000003168181059i, |dx|=0.029293
x(3) = 0.562204925474889+0.000000000000000i, |dx|=3.2562e-06
root found x=0.562204925474889+0.000000000000000i with value P0(x)=2.22045e-16-1.33554e-17i
x(0) = 0.562204925474889-0.000000000000000i, |Pn(x(0))| = 7.7204
x(1) = 3.332994579372812-0.000000000000000i, |dx|= 2.7708
root found x=3.332994579372812-0.000000000000000i with value P0(x)=6.39488e-14-3.52284e-15i
x(0) = 3.332994579372812+0.000000000000000i, |Pn(x(0))| = 5.5571
x(1) = -2.224132251798332+0.000000000000000i, |dx|= 5.5571
root found x=-2.224132251798332+0.000000000000000i with value P0(x)=-3.33067e-14+1.6178e-15i
for the modified code
P = [1, -2, -6, 6, -3, 1];
P0 = P;
deg=length(P)-1; % The eq. degree
err=1e-05; %Answer tolerance
N=10; %Max. # of Iterations
x=1e-3; % Initial Value
for n=deg:-1:1
dP = polyder(P); % first derivative of P
d2P = polyder(dP); %second derivative of P
fprintf("x(0) = %.15f%+.15fi, |Pn(x(0))| = %8.5g\n", real(x),imag(x), abs(polyval(P,x)));
for k=1:N
Px = polyval(P,x);
dPx = polyval(dP,x);
d2Px = polyval(d2P,x);
if abs(Px) < 1e-14*polyval(abs(P),abs(x))
break % if value is zero in relative accuracy
G = dPx/Px;
H=G^2 - d2Px / Px;
D1= (G+sqrt((n-1)*(n*H-G^2)));
D2= (G-sqrt((n-1)*(n*H-G^2)));
D = D1;
if abs(D2)>abs(D1) D=D2; end % select the larger denominator
fprintf("x(%d) = %.15f%+.15fi, |dx|=%8.5g\n",k,real(x),imag(x), abs(a));
if abs(a) < err*(err+abs(x))
y = polyval(P0,x); % check polynomial value of the original polynomial
fprintf("root found x=%.15f%+.15fi with value P0(x)=%.6g%+.6gi\n", real(x),imag(x),real(y),imag(y));
[ P,R ] = deconv(P,[1,-x]); % division with remainder
x = conj(x); % shortcut for conjugate pairs and clustered roots

adaptive elliptical structuring element in MATLAB

I'm trying to create an adaptive elliptical structuring element for an image to dilate or erode it. I write this code but unfortunately all of the structuring elements are ones(2*M+1).
I = input('Enter the input image: ');
M = input('Enter the maximum allowed semi-major axes length: ');
% determining ellipse parameteres from eigen value decomposition of LST
row = size(I,1);
col = size(I,2);
SE = cell(row,col);
padI = padarray(I,[M M],'replicate','both');
padrow = size(padI,1);
padcol = size(padI,2);
for m = M+1:padrow-M
for n = M+1:padcol-M
a = (l2(m-M,n-M)+eps/l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
b = (l1(m-M,n-M)+eps/l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
if e1(m-M,n-M,1)==0
phi = pi/2;
phi = atan(e1(m-M,n-M,2)/e1(m-M,n-M,1));
% defining structuring element for each pixel of image
x0 = m;
y0 = n;
se = zeros(2*M+1);
row_se = 0;
for i = x0-M:x0+M
row_se = row_se+1;
col_se = 0;
for j = y0-M:y0+M
col_se = col_se+1;
x = j-y0;
y = x0-i;
if ((x*cos(phi)+y*sin(phi))^2)/a^2+((x*sin(phi)-y*cos(phi))^2)/b^2 <= 1
se(row_se,col_se) = 1;
SE{m-M,n-M} = se;
a, b and phi are semi-major and semi-minor axes length and phi is angle between a and x axis.
I used 2 MATLAB functions to compute the Local Structure Tensor of the image, and then its eigenvalues and eigenvectors for each pixel. These are the matrices l1, l2, e1 and e2.
This is the bit of your code I didn't understand:
a = (l2(m-M,n-M)+eps/l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
b = (l1(m-M,n-M)+eps/l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
I simplified the expression for b to (just removing the indexing):
b = (l1+eps/l1+l2+2*eps)*M;
For l1 and l2 in the normal range we get:
b =(approx)= (l1+0/l1+l2+2*0)*M = (l1+l2)*M;
Thus, b can easily be larger than M, which I don't think is your intention. The eps in this case also doesn't protect against division by zero, which is typically the purpose of adding eps: if l1 is zero, eps/l1 is Inf.
Looking at this expression, it seems to me that you intended this instead:
b = (l1+eps)/(l1+l2+2*eps)*M;
Here, you're adding eps to each of the eigenvalues, making them guaranteed non-zero (the structure tensor is symmetric, positive semi-definite). Then you're dividing l1 by the sum of eigenvalues, and multiplying by M, which leads to a value between 0 and M for each of the axes.
So, this seems to be a case of misplaced parenthesis.
Just for the record, this is what you need in your code:
a = (l2(m-M,n-M)+eps ) / ( l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
b = (l1(m-M,n-M)+eps ) / ( l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
^ ^
added parentheses
Note that you can simplify your code by defining, outside of the loops:
[se_x,se_y] = meshgrid(-M:M,-M:M);
The inner two loops, over i and j, to construct se can then be written simply as:
se = ((se_x.*cos(phi)+se_y.*sin(phi)).^2)./a.^2 + ...
((se_x.*sin(phi)-se_y.*cos(phi)).^2)./b.^2 <= 1;
(Note the .* and .^ operators, these do element-wise multiplication and power.)
A further slight improvement comes from realizing that phi is first computed from e1(m,n,1) and e1(m,n,2), and then used in calls to cos and sin. If we assume that the eigenvector is properly normalized, then
cos(phi) == e1(m,n,1)
sin(phi) == e1(m,n,2)
But you can always make sure they are normalized:
cos_phi = e1(m-M,n-M,1);
sin_phi = e1(m-M,n-M,2);
len = hypot(cos_phi,sin_phi);
cos_phi = cos_phi / len;
sin_phi = sin_phi / len;
se = ((se_x.*cos_phi+se_y.*sin_phi).^2)./a.^2 + ...
((se_x.*sin_phi-se_y.*cos_phi).^2)./b.^2 <= 1;
Considering trigonometric operations are fairly expensive, this should speed up your code a bit.

Matlab : Vectorize technics in 3 dimensions matrix

I actually vectorizing one of my code and I have some issues.
This is my initial code:
CoordVorBd = random(N+1,3)
CoordCP = random(N,3)
v = random(1,3)
for i = 1 : N
for j = 1 : N
ri1j = (-CoordVorBd (i,:) + CoordCP(j,:));
vij(i,j,:) = cross(v,ri1j))/(norm(ri1j)
I have start to vectorize that creating some matrix that contains 3*1 Vectors. My size of matrix is N*N*3.
CoordVorBd1(1:N,:) = CoordVorBd(2:N+1,:);
CoordCP_x= CoordCP(:,1);
CoordCP_y= CoordCP(:,2);
CoordCP_z= CoordCP(:,3);
CoordVorBd_x = CoordVorBd([1:N],1);
CoordVorBd_y = CoordVorBd([1:N],2);
CoordVorBd_z = CoordVorBd([1:N],3);
CoordVorBd1_x = CoordVorBd1(:,1);
CoordVorBd1_y = CoordVorBd1(:,2);
CoordVorBd1_z = CoordVorBd1(:,3);
[X,Y] = meshgrid (1:N);
ri1j_x = (-CoordVorBd_x(X) + CoordCP_x(Y));
ri1j_y = (-CoordVorBd_y(X) + CoordCP_y(Y));
ri1j_z = (-CoordVorBd_z(X) + CoordCP_z(Y));
ri1jmat(:,:,1) = ri1j_x(:,:);
ri1jmat(:,:,2) = ri1j_y(:,:);
ri1jmat(:,:,3) = ri1j_z(:,:);
vmat(:,:,1) = ones(N)*v(1);
vmat(:,:,2) = ones(N)*v(2);
vmat(:,:,3) = ones(N)*v(3);
This code works but is heavy in terms of variable creation. I did'nt achieve to apply the vectorization to all the matrix in one time.
The formule like
ri1jmat(X,Y,1:3) = (-CoordVorBd (X,:) + CoordCP(Y,:));
doesn't work...
If someone have some ideas to have something cleaner.
At this point I have a N*N*3 matrix ri1jmat with all my vectors.
I want to compute the N*N rij1norm matrix that is the norm of the vectors
rij1norm(i,j) = norm(ri1jmat(i,j,1:3))
to be able to vectorize the vij matrix.
vij(:,:,1:3) = (cross(vmat(:,:,1:3),ri1jmat(:,:,1:3))/(ri1jmatnorm(:,:));
The cross product works.
I tried numbers of method without achieve to have this rij1norm matrix without doing a double loop.
If someone have some tricks, thanks by advance.
Here's a vectorized version. Note your original loop didn't include the last column of CoordVorBd, so if that was intentional you need to remove it from the below code as well. I assumed it was a mistake.
CoordVorBd = rand(N+1,3);
CoordCP = rand(N,3);
v = rand(1,3);
repCoordVor=kron(CoordVorBd', ones(1,size(CoordCP,1)))'; %based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16266804/matlab-repeat-every-column-sequentially-n-times
repCoordCP=repmat(CoordCP, size(CoordVorBd,1),1); %repeat matrix
V2=-repCoordVor + repCoordCP; %your ri1j
nrm123=sqrt(sum(V2.^2,2)); %vectorized norm for each row
vij_unformatted=cat(3,(v(:,2).*V2(:,3) - V2(:,2).*v(:,3))./nrm123,(v(:,3).*V2(:,1) - V2(:,3).*v(:,1))./nrm123,(v(:,1).*V2(:,2) - V2(:,1).*v(:,2))./nrm123); % cross product, expanded, and each term divided by norm, could use bsxfun(#rdivide,cr123,nrm123) instead, if cr123 is same without divisions
vij=permute(reshape( vij_unformatted,N,N+1,3),[2,1,3]); %reformat to match your vij
Here is another way to do it using arrayfun
% Define a meshgrid of indices to run over
[I, J] = meshgrid(1:N, 1:(N+1));
% Calculate ril for each index
rilj = arrayfun(#(x, y) -CoordVorBd (y,:) + CoordCP(x,:), I, J, 'UniformOutput', false);
%Calculate vij for each point
temp_vij1 = arrayfun(#(x, y) cross(v, rilj{x, y}) / norm(rilj{x, y}), J, I, 'UniformOutput', false);
%Reshape the matrix into desired format
temp_vij2 = cell2mat(temp_vij1);
vij = cat(3, temp_vij2(:, 1:3:end), temp_vij2(:, 2:3:end), temp_vij2(:, 3:3:end));

Gray Level Co-occurence Matrix

I try to implement the GLCM method with the formula from wikipedia, but I have problems to fill my GLCM due to indices problems with matlab.
I have also used NitdepthQuantisation to reduce the number of Gray Levels, but for now I use the full 8 bit.
function [C] = GLCM(img, level, theta, delta)
% Quantisation of the input Image to desired value
imgQ = ImageQuantisation(img, level);
[m n] = size(imgQ);
% Get the number of gray levels
maxGV = max(img(:));
% Create GLCM initial Matrix
C = zeros(maxGV, maxGV);
% Positions
delta_x = ceil(delta*cos(theta));
delta_y = ceil(delta*sin(theta));
%% Find Occurences
for i = delta_x+1:m-delta_x
for j = delta_y+1:n-delta_y
if(imgQ(i, j) == imgQ(i+delta_x, j+delta_y))
C(, ) = C(, ) + 1;
The answer can be found by ensuring the inner nested double for loops have the correct indices to access the image. They were using the outer most pair of for loops for indices rather than the inner ones. The OP has commented that this has slight differences between what MATLAB gives to calculate the GLCM but it is good enough for the OP to overlook:
for o = 1:maxGV
for p = 1:maxGV
if(imgQ(i, j) == o & imgQ(i+delta_x, j+delta_y) == p)
C(o, p) = C(o, p) + 1;

Suspect out of bounds Octave

I'm trying to make a kind of hsv histogram by converting the rgb values of a picture (80*120).
This is the code:
function Image_histogram = hsvHistogram(path, count_bins)
Image = double(imread(path));
Image_histogram = zeros(3 * count_bins);
[n m] = size(Image);
H_vect = zeros(n, m);
S_vect = zeros(n, m);
V_vect = zeros(n, m);
hue_vect = zeros(1, count_bins);
saturation_vect = zeros(1, count_bins);
value_vect = zeros(1, count_bins);
for line = 1 : n
for row = 1 : m
%[H_vect(line, row), S_vect(line, row), V_vect(line, row)] = rgb2hsv(Image(line, row, 1), Image(line, row, 2), Image(line, row, 3));
number = 100/count_bins;
for count = 0 : count_bins - 1
left = (number * count);
right = (number * count + number);
hue_vect(1, count + 1) = (sum(sum(H_vect(:,:) >= left & H_vect(:,:) < right)));
saturation_vect(1, count + 1) = (sum(sum(S_vect(:,:) >= left & S_vect(:,:) < right)));
value_vect(1, count + 1) = (sum(sum(V_vect(:,:) >= left & V_vect(:,:) < right)));
Image_histogram = horzcat(hue_vect, saturation_vect, value_vect);
When i try to get the HSV matrix i always get the error : hsvHistogram: A(I,J,...): index to dimension 2 out of bounds; value 121 out of bound 120
rgb2hsv is a pixel by pixel converter. It converts R G B to H S V. It is not the built-in rgb2hsv function. The commented line seems to be the one with problems.
The problem is in the size() function.
If such image is RGB, the matrix Image will be a 3D matrix but in your size() function you just gather two outputs, which will lead to incorrect results.
You must gather all three outputs (for all three dimensions) and then eventually discard the third one (which we know it is 3). Try doing:
More into details, if your matrix has size n x m x q but you ask just for two outputs, like
you’ll have a=n and b=m*q.
These results are obviously incorrect because since q>1 then b>m where m is (again) the actual dimension size and you’ll experience the out-of-bounds error. In other words, the loop will run from 1 to b whereas the matrix has only dimension m (which is less than b).
As instead you must gather all three dimensions separately:
and (as above) eventually discard some unnecessary output arguments (thanks to the tilde ~ operator).