With openpsoe,how to output image without keypoints and linking lines in it? - openpose

I have tried all kinds of command line options compositions,but none of them worked as expected,so is that possible?How to do?

Simply use the flag -render_pose 0
(Directly from the instructions:


ghostscript not creating exact images

I am running below script to create images from postscript file, the images are coming but on first page watermark is not there.
gs -dUseCIEColor -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg -dFirstPage="1" -dLastPage=2 -sOutputFile=outputImage_%0d_A.gif -dJPEGQ=100 -r300 -q inputFile.ps -c quit;'
I am giving the link of ps file which i am using.
Can anybody please help!!!!
Thanks in advance...
OK you haven't stated what version of Ghostscript you are using, nor have you been very clear about what is missing. By 'watermak' do you mean the dark grey text 'PAULDAVIS' written diagonally across the very dark grey rectangle ?
If so then I can see that using the current version of Ghostscript and your command line, its not missing
A few observations on your command line:
-dUseCIEColor - Don't use this unless you know exactly what you are doing and why you want this, I'm guessing you don't (because you have not set any Color Rendering Dictionary). With this you get very dark grey text which is nearly invisible against the very dark grey rectangle. Not surprising since this relates to colour management.
You've set the device to jpeg, but you've set the output file to have a .gif extension.
You are using -dFirstPage and -dLastPage which have no effect when the input is not PDF (though this is added as a new feature in unreleased code).
You've set FirstPage=1 and LastPage=2 on a 2 page file.....
You have set -dFirstPage="1", which isn't going to work for any code which parses and uses it. The quotes won't work.
I'd recommend you do not set -q or -dQUIET when trying to diagnose problems, telling Ghostscript to be quiet will potentially mean you miss useful information.
-c quit; -c means 'process the next part of the command line as PostScript'. But quit; isn't valid PostScript (the semicolon should not be present) and will throw a PostScript error. If you want GS to exit after processing, consider simply using -dBATCH.

Is it possible to combine Doxygen commands?

\todo \image html clone.png
The intent here is to place an image inside the todo but it appears that when you put one tag after another, the tag is ignored. Is there a way to do this? I've tried it with more than just \image, it appears to be the case with any two tags you use in succession.
There are many ways to get images into your documentation. Maybe try with html and it might not break your \todo command.
\todo <IMG SRC=clone.png>
You can also create an alias in your setup file that makes it easy and clean to include your image.
I too have found that some commands seem to end other commands. Note that not ALL commands will end your "\todo" command. Font commands such as \c like in the example for \arg does not end the command.

Gnuplot incremental filename using macro

I need to plot points out of my c++ application.
So I simply save my points to a points.txt
and then run system("gnuplot 'plotmakro'");
which contains:
set output 'plot.png' set terminal png
set grid set multiplot
plot pointsa.txt' ', 'pointb.txt'
Is there a solution so that I get plot2.png, plot3.png when running the makro again?
As far as I understand your problem two possible solutions come to my mind:
sed the output of your gnuplot script to another location before running gnuplot with the newly created script or
output the png to some arbitrary file like tmp_plot.png and change the file name after gnuplot is done to your liking.
However, with both suggestions I somehow feel that there is a nicer and cleaner solution to your problem. Maybe you want to think about your interface between your application an gnuplot...

Inkscape command line programming

I'd like to be able to derive new images from a pre-existing image from the command line. To do that, I'd turn on/off specific layers that have portions of the image and then save the resulting image to a file. However, while I can see a number of commands listed in the help to manipulate layers, I don't see any that would allow one to select a specific one and turn it on/off.
If what you want to do can be achieved by deleting a few unwanted elements by their id (say, layer17 and layer4711), you can do it this way:
inkscape image.svg \
--select=layer17 --verb=EditDelete \
--select=layer4711 --verb=EditDelete \
--verb=FileSave --verb=FileClose
Note that this will overwrite image.svg with the result, so if you're scripting this, be sure to work on a copy rather than your originals.
inkscape image.svg --export-id-only --export-id=layer17 --export-png=image.png --export-width=100 --export-height=100
On a Mac you might have to do:
/Applications/Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources/bin/inkscape --without-gui --file=image.svg --export-id-only --export-id=layer17 --export-png=image.png --export-width=100 --export-height=100
I've written an Inkscape extension for work like this. It outputs one file for each option layer found. It will also show various layer combinations as needed. Scriptable as well. I call it the SLiCk Layer Combinator:

removing line numbers for copied code in eclipse

I am wondering if I have some code with line numbers embedded,
1 int a;
2 MyC b;
3 YourC c;
etc., and then I copy them and try to paste them in Eclipse, how to get rid of these line numbers to make the source code valid? Is there any convenient way, or a short-cut key?
Thank you.
Simply use the Alt+Shift+A (Eclipse 3.5 M5 and above) shortcut to toggle block selection mode. Then select the column with line numbers and delete it!
To make it easier you could setup a macro, but for that you need additional plug-in. I'm not aware of how to do it even easier.
Try this link. This is a dynamic online tool, where it is very easy to just copy paste code and get code without line numbers:
You could use some script to do the work. For instance, using sed
I removed line numbers by find and replace with regular expression option.
Replacing regular expression \d+\s\s with empty string where \d+ means any combination of numbers and \s is actually a space (This is to avoid any numbers present in the code).
Best way is use SED command. Here you can specify as many as digit you want to replace.
in below example open copied code in VI editor and assuming its containing upto 1000 lines.
if you want to use more lines then put one more or condition.