Is it possible to combine Doxygen commands? - doxygen

\todo \image html clone.png
The intent here is to place an image inside the todo but it appears that when you put one tag after another, the tag is ignored. Is there a way to do this? I've tried it with more than just \image, it appears to be the case with any two tags you use in succession.

There are many ways to get images into your documentation. Maybe try with html and it might not break your \todo command.
\todo <IMG SRC=clone.png>
You can also create an alias in your setup file that makes it easy and clean to include your image.
I too have found that some commands seem to end other commands. Note that not ALL commands will end your "\todo" command. Font commands such as \c like in the example for \arg does not end the command.


Using the mathematical environment inside a code block

I'm trying to force the mathematical rendering of a command in a code block on a GitHub markdown.
in the specific case the rendering of \varepsilon.
I saw that in normal markdown isn't possible, but maybe is possible in GFM (github-flavored-markdown).
I don't know if is it relevant or not but I'm using Obsidian to edit my .md files.
I'd rather use command instead of coping UTF symbol.
I've tried to use the dollar sign $ inside the code block but nothing happened changed
$\varepsilon$ - closure(ecc....)
I've tried to use the math tag after the opener of the code block, like ```math.
The final result result should be:

How do you create a line break in Doxygen markdown?

I'm having a hard time locating the documentation explaining how to add a line break in Doxygen markdown.
I've tried using two spaces at the end of the line, and I've also tried a single or double newline, but none of these are working for me.
I'm using Doxygen version
Put a HTML-break tag <br> where you want to have a linebreak, does the job.
At least for man page output and HTML output.
Add \n followed by a space at the end of your line [1].
Especially recommended when editing with Emacs, which reacts in weird ways to the other suggested solution <br>.
[1] As per #albert's comment. Works for me under Doxygen 1.8.13.

How can one hide some text from being published by the org-publish-* functions?

I would like to put some text into an org file that will not be published when I export the content to one of the target types (HTML in this case). Is there a way I can accomplish this goal?
You likely want to use the :noexport: tag as described in the manual under Selective Export.
The only real limitation here is that you have to have the (sub)heading as the last one at that level.
Alternately you could use inline tasks ( (require 'org-inlinetask) ) and then mark the task and the end-of-task with :noexport: (I tested and with only one it might not properly omit the end of the task).
COMMENT lines dont get exported. They also display purple in the emacs with default config.

Repeating elements/links in org pages to be published as html?

Is there a simple way to add something like the {Back to Worg's index} to every .org page in a directory which I plan to publish with org-publish-project-alist? Is this accomplished with a #+ tag, or some definition in the .css file?
I looked at how they did it on Worg, and it doesn't look like CSS.
There are a few ways you might be able to do so.
Create a generic file that only includes the details you want in each file. For example:
[[./][Back to index]]
Then use #+include: <filename> at the location in your file where you want the line. (See Include Files)
Alternately you could define a macro in a setupfile (See In-Buffer Settings) that is the definition of the link (or multiple link choices)
#+macro: toIndex [[./][Back to index]]
In both cases it is worth noting that the relative paths are based on the exported file. So a [[../]] will always point to the file in the parent directory, no matter where the setupfile is.

Inkscape command line programming

I'd like to be able to derive new images from a pre-existing image from the command line. To do that, I'd turn on/off specific layers that have portions of the image and then save the resulting image to a file. However, while I can see a number of commands listed in the help to manipulate layers, I don't see any that would allow one to select a specific one and turn it on/off.
If what you want to do can be achieved by deleting a few unwanted elements by their id (say, layer17 and layer4711), you can do it this way:
inkscape image.svg \
--select=layer17 --verb=EditDelete \
--select=layer4711 --verb=EditDelete \
--verb=FileSave --verb=FileClose
Note that this will overwrite image.svg with the result, so if you're scripting this, be sure to work on a copy rather than your originals.
inkscape image.svg --export-id-only --export-id=layer17 --export-png=image.png --export-width=100 --export-height=100
On a Mac you might have to do:
/Applications/ --without-gui --file=image.svg --export-id-only --export-id=layer17 --export-png=image.png --export-width=100 --export-height=100
I've written an Inkscape extension for work like this. It outputs one file for each option layer found. It will also show various layer combinations as needed. Scriptable as well. I call it the SLiCk Layer Combinator: