Scala future not assigned, what’s this doing? - scala

I’m new to scala and I’m trying to make sense of what this code is doing in a codebase I want to make updates to.
Removing some of the specifics, the chunk I don’t understand is this:
I’ve seen some scala code that does things like:
val someA = something.createSomeA(....)
Future {
// then log some things unrelated to the future
// end of func
I don’t really understand what the future is doing in this case as it’s not assigned to anything. Could someone explain what the Future is doing here?
I know the details depend on what the doSomethings are actually doing, but could someone explain generally what this would be for? I’m only familiar with the use of Futures when they’re assigned to a variable and then checked for completion in some way at a later point.
Help would be appreciated!! (Sorry for poor formatting, I’m doing this from my phone)

Three words for you: "fire and forget".
If you understand the case, when the future is assigned to a variable, and then checked/transformed later, then you already know what's happening here: the insides of the Future are being executed asynchronously.
The only difference is that in this case it is never accessed again. Why? Probably, because nobody cares. Some operations return a result when they complete, that can be used later, others do not.
For example, if I wanted to print out a log message asynchronously, I'd write something like Future { } without assigning it to anything. Why? Well, I don't really care when (or even if) it completes. There is no return value I could use, and, if it fails ... well, I don't have any meaningful way to handle that, other than ignoring the error.
For an operation like this, I don't need to wait for it to complete, since it doesn't return anything useful back to me anyway. So, I can just start it, and forget. No need to assign it to anything.


Dart: What's the actual use of Future.sync()? Rather just run the closure without it?

From what I can tell reading up about Future.sync(), it simply runs the closure supplied to it. I can't imagine a scenario where this might be useful.
So essentially the following two lines of code does the same thing and would be executed at the same time were the one replaced by the other:
Future.sync(() => Print('immediately'));
Print('also immediately');
Has anyone ever used a Future.sync() for anything useful? Could you describe the scenario?

Why is ".map" slower then "while/for loop" in Dart(Flutter)

I saw this article:
It says that ".map" is slow with benchmark result
But I don't understand why slower than while/for loop
How does it work in low level?
I think it's because .map is called an unnamed method like this (_){ }
Can you explain that in detail?
Its because mapping an array will create a copy of each value than modify the original array.
Since a while/for loop does not copy the values but rather just accesses them using their index, it is a lot faster.
Can you explain that in detail?
It's like saying "I don't understand why hitchhiking on the back of a construction truck is so much slower than taking the high speed train to my destination".
The only detail that is important is that map is not a loop. map() internally probably uses a loop of some kind.
This person is misusing a method call that is meant for something else, just because a side-effect of that call when combining it with a call materializing the iterable, like toList(), is that it loops through the iterable given. It doesn't even have the side effect on it's own.
Stop reading "tutorials" or "tips" of people misusing language features. map() is not a loop. If you need a loop, use a loop. The same goes for the ternary operator. It's not an if, if you need an if, use it.
Use language features for what they are meant, stop misusing language features because their side-effect does what you want and then wondering why they don't work as well as the feature actually meant for it.
Sorry if this seems a bit ranty, but I have seen countless examples by now. I don't know where it comes from. My personal guess is "internet tutorials". Because everybody can write one. Please don't read them. Read a good book. It was written by professionals, proofread, edited, and checked. Internet tutorials are free, written by random people and about worth as much as they cost.

Should a function returning a boolean be used in an if statement?

If I have a function call that returns true or false as the condition of an if statement, do I have to worry about Swift forking my code for efficiency?
For example,
if (resourceIsAvailable()) { //execute code }
If checking for the resource is computationally expensive, will Xcode wait or attempt to continue on with the code?
Is this worth using a completion handler?
What if the resource check must make a database call?
Good question.
First off... can a function be used? Absolutely.
Second... should it be used?
A lot of that depends on the implementation of the function. If the function is known (to the person who wrote it) to take a long time to complete then I would expect that person to deal with that accordingly.
Thankfully with a lot of iOS things like that are taken out of the hands of the developer (mostly). CoreData and Network requests normally come with a completion handler. So any function that uses them would also need to be async and have a completion handler.
There is no fixed rule for this. My best advice would be...
If you can see the implementation of the function then try to work out what it’s doing.
If you can’t then give it a go. You could even use the time profiler in Xcode profiler to determine how long it is taking to complete.
The worst that could happen is you find it is slow and then change it for something else.

An alternative to "while" for making repeated requests to a server

I have a function which should return a result either from the db or a server. But the server might fail and return nothing and in that case I need to repeat the server request until it returns the result:
def getToken() =
getTokenFromDb orElse getTokenFromServer() map { t =>
What is a sensible solution for repetitive requests to getTokenFromServer() until I get a good response from it except using while loop? Of maybe using while is a good solution?
This may sound insane, but you could create a stream of infinite server-requests, and then use "takeWhile + isDefined" :) I think that may actually be quite easy to implement. If I get to my code-machine, I'll whip something up :)
Well, as far as you have no specific requirements on how many attempts you want it to try the server, just use recursion. This is in fact almost the same as while loop :) but in more functional style.
So make the getTokenFromServer() recursive.
But do not forget about the tail-recursion, i.e. the recursive call to the getTokenFromServer() from within itself must be a last code statement in it's code. That way you will not get any troubles with stack overflowing.

What's the best practice in case something goes wrong in Perl code? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicates:
How can I cleanly handle error checking in Perl?
What’s broken about exceptions in Perl?
I saw code which works like this:
do_something($param) || warn "something went wrong\n";
and I also saw code like this:
eval {
if($#) {
warn "something went wrong\n";
Should I use eval/die in all my subroutines? Should I write all my code based on stuff returned from subroutines? Isn't eval'ing the code ( over and over ) gonna slow me down?
Block eval isn't string eval, so no, it's not slow. Using it is definitely recommended.
There are a few annoying subtleties to the way it works though (mostly annoying side-effects of the fact that $# is a global variable), so consider using Try::Tiny instead of memorizing all of the little tricks that you need to use eval defensively.
do_something($param) || warn "something went wrong\n";
In this case, do_something is expected to return an error code if something goes wrong. Either it can't die or if it does, it is a really unusual situation.
eval {
if($#) {
warn "something went wrong\n";
Here, the assumption is that the only mechanism by which do_something_else communicates something going wrong is by throwing exceptions.
If do_something_else throws exceptions in truly exceptional situations and returns an error value in some others, you should also check its return value.
Using the block form of eval does not cause extra compilation at run time so there are no serious performance drawbacks:
In the second form, the code within the BLOCK is parsed only once--at the same time the code surrounding the eval itself was parsed--and executed within the context of the current Perl program. This form is typically used to trap exceptions more efficiently than the first (see below), while also providing the benefit of checking the code within BLOCK at compile time.
Modules that warn are very annoying. Either succeed or fail. Don't print something to the terminal and then keep running; my program can't take action based on some message you print. If the program can keep running, only print a message if you have been explicitly told that it's ok. If the program can't keep running, die. That's what it's for.
Always throw an exception when something is wrong. If you can fix the problem, fix it. If you can't fix the problem, don't try; just throw the exception and let the caller deal with it. (And if you can't handle an exception from something you call, don't.)
Basically, the reason many programs are buggy is because they try to fix errors that they can't. A program that dies cleanly at the first sign of a problem is easy to debug and fix. A program that keeps running when it's confused just corrupts data and annoys everyone. So don't do that. Die as soon as possible.
Your two examples do entirely different things. The first checks for a false return value, and takes some action in response. The second checks for an actual death of the called code.
You'll have to decide for yourself which action is appropriate in each case. I would suggest simply returning false in most circumstances. You should only be explicitly dieing if you have encountered errors so severe that you cannot continue (or there is no point in continuing, but even then you could still return false).
Wrapping a block in eval {} is not the same thing as wrapping arbitrary code in eval "". In the former case, the code is still parsed at compile-time, and you do not incur any extra overhead. You will simply catch any death of that code (but you won't have any indication as to what went wrong or how far you got in your code, except for the value that is left for you in $#). In the latter case, the code is treated as a simple string by the Perl interpreter until it is actually evaluated, so there is a definite cost here as the interpreter is invoked (and you lose all compile-time checking of your code).
Incidentally, the way you called eval and checked for the value of $# is not a recommended form; for an extensive discussion of exception gotchas and techniques in Perl, see this discussion.
The first version is very "perlish" and pretty straightforward to understand. The only drawback of this idiom is that it is readable only for short cases. If error handling needs more logic, use the second version.
Nobody's really addressed the "best practice" part of this yet, so I'll jump in.
Yes, you should definitely throw an exception in your code when something goes wrong, and you should do it as early as possible (so you limit the code that needs to be debugged to work out what's causing it).
Code that does stuff like return undef to signify failure isn't particularly reliable, simply because people will tend to use it without checking for the undef returnvalue - meaning that a variable they assume has something meaningful in it actually may not. This leads to complicated, hard to debug problems, and even unexpected problems cropping up later in previously-working code.
A more solid approach is to write your code so that it dies if something goes wrong, and then only if you need to recover from that failure, wrap the any calls to it in eval{ .. } (or, better, try { .. } catch { .. } from Try::Tiny, as has been mentioned). In most cases, there won't be anything meaningful that the calling code can do to recover, so calling code remains simple in the common case, and you can just assume you'll get a useful value back. If something does go wrong, then you'll get an error message from the actual part of the code that failed, rather than silently getting an undef. If your calling code can do something to recover failures, then it can arrange to catch exceptions and do whatever it needs to.
Something that's worth reading about is Exception classes, which are a structured way to send extra information to calling code, as well as allow it to pick which exceptions it wants to catch and which it can't handle. You probably won't want to use them everywhere in your code, but they're a useful technique when you have something complicated that can fail in equally complicated ways, and you want to arrange for failures to be recoverable.