How to prevent Time Input Keyboard being cropped down? - android-softkeyboard

I am new at android developing. I am facing very strange problem. I have a EditText which input type is Time. But as you see in the 1st picture, some bottom part is missing when the keyboard pops up. As a result, I cant input 0. I tried to solve by using SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST methode, but none worked for me. I dont know is this the problem with my phone keyboard ? Emulator is fine while running.


Flutter keyboard animation background

I have a popup box and once you click it so you can type in it. The background of the keyboard in animation turns gray and it doesn't look nice on the way up.
This is how it looks before:
And this is how it looks on the way up.
Do you have any ideas why it would do this? (The popup box is just a showDialog)
Have you tried to run your app on a real device to see what happens ? Sometimes that could be just an emulator miss display

Issues with Ionic 5 keyboard

I am currently working on an Ionic 5 and I am facing 2 issues with the keyboard.
When I click on the ion-input and the keyboard appears:
The ion-content is pushed up so it is right above the keyboard, which cause everything to be crammed. I tried a bunch of solutions, but none of them properly worked, and most of them involve android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustNothing", which leaves the ion-content as it is, hence the ion-input is not visible and so the user can't see what they're typing and they also can't see the next button, so they must first close the keyboard in order to see what they wrote and be able to move on to the next step.
When the keyboard is about to dismiss, it leaves a white space in the space it was taking up. It's only for a split second but it is visible and makes the app feel like it's slow or lagging.
These 2 issues seem to be very common as I found questions about them since 2014, and I tried most solutions mentioned in the answers but nothing seems to work.
I seem to be having this issue in this app only, but I know that it is not an ionic 5 issue as people faced the same issue in older versions.
What the structure of the page looks like, I had to close all code blocks so that I could take one screenshot:
android:windowSoftInputMode is ised for native fields (EditText,etc..) so when you click on native xml it will take effect. All what you need to do is in your androidManefist.xml on line applicarion or activity, there is keyboardresize="adjustResize" which is the default, change it to adjustPan and content will not be pushed up , instead keyboard will go up as actionsheet from bottom without effecting the content.

Scrolling issue on Windows Phone IE 10 (typing to inputs)

We've got two almost same forms. When it's in div with overflow: auto there is an issue with both selects and inputs, when it's just put normally then works properly.
Two of them on top are working correctly, select on top sometimes also works correctly.
Problem is random:
When you click on field - browser firstly scrolls to top, then a little below field, then a little above, and finally it goes to correct position
Sometimes you can't click on field
Sometimes there is no cursor shown
Or when you are typing anything on keyboard div is scrolling down, even when there is nothing (so after typing a lot of times, you are below content and see just blank screen)
Probably it occurs also on mobile IE 11, but I can't check it.
Anyone had similar issues with mobile IE?

android Soft keyboard cover the input box in the webview

I use Webview to load some url ,there is a input box in the webview .when I click the input box ,the soft keyboard conver the input box ,how can i do to solve
If you are saying that you are making an application for android and that the soft keyboard is covering an input box when you are testing your application and you would like to fix this issue, you should try the following:
to the the tag in the manifest and to all your webviews/views. This should fix it and adjust the screen so that the input box isn't covered.
I had a similar issue and I remember looking up on SO and somebody was suggesting this fix and it worked for me. I don't remember the link to that fix :(

apprequest box appears in the middle of app (only in IE)

I have an issue with IE. When I call the apprequest the box appears at the middle of the app. and since the app is pretty big (2000px) the user cant say if the box has appears or not (the only way to check it is to scroll down, but if its the first time of the user he will not understand)
Im not sure if you had already this problem. I have not a clue where the problem could be. And the worst thing is that in chrome and ff is working perfectly. This thing is making me crazy.
The only bug I get is some bug from jquery-ui but I deactivated it and the problem with the apprequest box stills there. Maybe is there a way to determine the position of the apprequest-box?
Thanks for the help!