can't find any package that provides Email-Sender - perl

While installing Perl Packages for bugzilla it is giving error as..
Command:ppm install Email-Sender
Error:ppm install failed:can't find any package that provides Email-Sender

Maybe you should try to do it from within CPAN?
cpan > install Mail::Sender


ppm.bat install failed: Can't find any package that provides GD-Graph3d

Getting an exception while installing Perl package through below command. Running Perl 5.26 on Windows 10.
ppm install GD-Graph3d
ppm.bat install failed: Can't find any package that provides GD-Graph3d
The ActiveState build for GD::Graph3d fails since Perl 5.24. See also the patch that ActiveState try to apply. Maybe you can install the module by using the cpan tool instead?
cpan GD::Graph3d

Can't install PP/PAR module in perl

I tried all the following ways to install PP via PPM on Windows. But unable to install it.
ppm install pp
Error: Installing package 'pp'...
Error: installing package 'pp': Could not locate a PPD file for package pp
Kindly someone help to install, I have to create exe file from .pl file.
ActiveState doesn't come with a sensible build environment, you have to install it:
ppm install MinGW
Once completed install pp:
cpanm pp
Or to save your time/sanity use Strawberry Perl over ActiveState, since it comes with a sensible build environment out of the box.

Unable to install Params::Validate

I am trying to install Params::Validate on perl 5.10.0.
Executing cpan install Params::Validate will give me the error:
can't locate object method "object_file" via package "ExtUtils::CBuilder" at /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0/lib/5.10.0/Module/Build/ line 3935.
What is this error and how can I install Params::Validate?
I was able to install the module. It seems like the perl version 5.10.0 didnt have a Module::Build up to date.
Installing the latest version of the module fixed my issue. Hope this helps somebody that meets the same issue.

ppm install failed: The PPD does not provide code to install for this platform

I need to install Win32-GuiTest. I downloaded the package from, but when I try to run
PPM> install C:\temp\win32-guitest.ppd
it is saying
ppm install failed: The PPD does not provide code to install for this platform
Can anybody tell how to install a module or package in Perl in Windows?
As of now, ActiveState isn't able to build Win32-GuiTest for stable releases of Perl. Add the Bribes repository instead, instructions are there.

How to rebuild/reinstall dependencies of an up to date CPAN module?

I need to reinstall the dependencies of a CPAN module. Some dependencies which are usually installed are missing but the package itself is up to date to cpan.
So how can i still install the dependencies?
Be forceful.
From cpan command-line application:
$ cpan -f -i Module::With::Dependencies
From CPAN shell:
cpan[1]> force install Module::With::Dependencies
You might try installing App::cpanminus, then use its cpanm command-line tool to install the module and its dependencies (try cpanm --help to get a list of the options).
(I also just discovered App::pmuninstall, which helped with a nasty case of refusal to update all of the files for a module by letting me uninstall the module first before installing the up-to-date version.)