Can't install PP/PAR module in perl - perl

I tried all the following ways to install PP via PPM on Windows. But unable to install it.
ppm install pp
Error: Installing package 'pp'...
Error: installing package 'pp': Could not locate a PPD file for package pp
Kindly someone help to install, I have to create exe file from .pl file.

ActiveState doesn't come with a sensible build environment, you have to install it:
ppm install MinGW
Once completed install pp:
cpanm pp
Or to save your time/sanity use Strawberry Perl over ActiveState, since it comes with a sensible build environment out of the box.


ppm.bat install failed: Can't find any package that provides GD-Graph3d

Getting an exception while installing Perl package through below command. Running Perl 5.26 on Windows 10.
ppm install GD-Graph3d
ppm.bat install failed: Can't find any package that provides GD-Graph3d
The ActiveState build for GD::Graph3d fails since Perl 5.24. See also the patch that ActiveState try to apply. Maybe you can install the module by using the cpan tool instead?
cpan GD::Graph3d

Installing XML::LibXML Perl module for ActiveState Perl Version 5.6.1 build 629

How can I install XML::LibXML Perl module on ActiveState Perl Version 5.6.1 build 629?
Here what I tried:
D:\Users\abc>ppm install XML::LibXML
Installing package 'XML-LibXML'...
Error installing package 'XML-LibXML': Could not locate a PPD file for package XML-LibXML
And other way:
D:\Users\abc\Downloads\XML-LibXML-2.0014\XML-LibXML-2.0014>perl Makefile.PL
Couldn't find your C compiler
Compilation failed in require at Makefile.PL line 83.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 83.
Maybe your ppm package manager is not able to find a correct package to your perl version.
You could try to find and install like one this. Maybe one of them works for you.
ppm install
ppm install
ppm install
ppm install
ppm install
Howto add a new repo too ppm:
I installed the CPAN version of PPM on my machine;
Downloaded the PPM-2.1.8.tar.gz source, extracted the files, made cd into the unpacked directory, and run
perl Makefile.PL
nmake install
But the nmake was not installed on my machine so I installed it.
After this, I able to install XML-LibXML from the uwinnipeg 5.6 repository by issuing the command
ppm install
It also installed the prerequisite ppm packages, as well as the required libxml2.dll library in the environment variable PATH.

ppm install failed: The PPD does not provide code to install for this platform

I need to install Win32-GuiTest. I downloaded the package from, but when I try to run
PPM> install C:\temp\win32-guitest.ppd
it is saying
ppm install failed: The PPD does not provide code to install for this platform
Can anybody tell how to install a module or package in Perl in Windows?
As of now, ActiveState isn't able to build Win32-GuiTest for stable releases of Perl. Add the Bribes repository instead, instructions are there.

How do I install perl's Text::Markdown::Discount on Strawberry Perl?

When ever I try to cpanp install Text::Markdown::Discount on Strawberry Perl I get
cp lib/Text/Markdown/ blib\lib\Text\Markdown\
( cd discount-2.1.2; CC='cc -fPIC' sh; make )
The system cannot find the path specified.
I see a lot of others are having this same problem. Can T:M:D be installed on Strawberry Perl?
You also can not install T:M:D with ppm:
PPM> install Text::Markdown::Discount
Install package 'Text-Markdown-Discount?' (y/N): y
Installing package 'Text-Markdown-Discount'...
Error installing package 'Text-Markdown-Discount': Could not locate a PPD file f
or package Text-Markdown-Discount
I installed Text::Markdown::Discount with these steps:
git clone
cd text-markdown-discount/
perl Makefile.PL
make test
sudo make install

How to set window's icon in Perl to some .ico file on Windows 7?

I was using TK::Icon with Perl 5.8.3 32bit, but it's not supported with Perl 5.10.1 64bit. When I try to install it through ppm, I get:
C:>ppm install
ppm install failed: The PPD does not provide code to install for this
Is there any other way to do it?
As Alexandr suggested, I asked J-L from to build the module for Perl64bit and he did so.
So now the icon can be set with TK::Icon also on Perl 64bit.
The ppm install command is:
ppm install