How to read data from txt between 2 lines with the same symbol? - matlab

I have a lot of .txt files (<1000 lines each). The data format is the following (the picture): there are some lines in the beginning that I don't need, then the line with '', then the lines with data that I need to extract from the file, then again a line with '' and some comments that I don't need.
Is there any way to do that? I have a lot of such files. The matter is that in every file the number of lines before the first '' is different. So, is there any way to read the data in between of two ''? I tried all the functions but I am a beginner and just cannot come up with the right idea...

This is quite simple with regular expressions:
usefulData = regexp(fileread('abg06.txt'), '(?<=\*).*?(?=\*)', 'match','once');


Keeping whitespace in csv headers (Matlab)

So I'm reading in a .csv file, and it all works as I want bar one thing. The headers of the data have spaces, which I want later for displaying data to the user. However, these spaces get stripped when the csv file is read in via readtable (as they get used as the variable names). Again, no problem with this per se, but I still need the unmodified strings as well.
Two additional notes:
I'm happy for the strings to be stored separately from the main table if that makes things easier.
The actual .csv file I'm reading in is reasonably large (about 2 million data points) so from a computational cost side of things, the less reading of the file the better
Example read in code:
File = 'example.csv';
Import_Options = detectImportOptions( File, 'NumHeaderLines', 0 );
Data = readtable( File )
Example csv file (example.csv):
"this","is","an","example test"
You can simply read the first line with fgetl, thus grabbing the headers, before reading the entire file with readtable.

Extracting data from complex output text file using perl and placing into new text file

The complete output text file is hundreds of lines long, with relevant nuclear cross sections and a plethora of other data that I do not need for this particular problem. I am trying to extract the columns of data under "BURNUP" and the first "K-INF" from the file I attached. I am trying to extract this data and place it into a separate file. I am a newbie, and have a similar perl script from a professor. I have tried to adapt it to the information I am looking for but the only result I am receiving are the 2 print statements. Any suggestions?

Load txt-file with two different delimiters into struct

I'm having trouble with loading .txt file in Matlab. The main problem is having not equal rows. I'll attach the file so you can more clearly see what I'm truing to say. First, the file has information about each node in graph. One row has information like this:
it means:
id|type|name|connected_to, weight|connected_to, weight| and so on..
I was trying to use fscanf function, but it only reads whole line as one string. How I suppose to divide it into struct with information that I need?
Best regards,
Here, you can see file that I'm trying to load
An alternative to Stewie answer is to use:
fgetl to read each line
Then use
strread (or textscan) to split the string
Firstly using the | delimiter - then on the sub section(s) containing , do it a second time.

Reading large csv files with strings containing commas as one field

I have a large .csv file (~26000 rows). I want to be able to read it into matlab. Another problem is that it contains a collection of strings delimited by commas in one of the fields.
I'm having trouble reading it. I tried stuff like tdfread, which won't work here. Any tricks with textscan i should be aware about?
Is there any other way?
I'm not sure what is generating your CSV file but that is your problem.
The point of a CSV file, is that the file itself designates separation of fields. If the text of the CSV contains commas, then nothing you can do will help you. How would ANY program know when the text in a single field contains commas, or when that comma is a field delimiter?
Proper CSV would have a text qualifier. Some generators/readers gives you the option to use one. The standard text qualifier is a " (quote). Its changeable, though, because your text may contain those, too.
Again, its all about generating proper CSV content.
There's a chance that xlsread won't give you the answer you expect -- do the strings always appear in the same columns, for example? I think (as everyone else seems to :-) that it would be more robust to just use
fid = fopen('yourfile.csv');
and then either textscan
t = textscan(fid, '%s', delimiter', sprintf('\n'));
t = t{1};
or just fgetl (the example in the help is perfect).
After that you can do some line-by-line processing -- using textscan again on the text content of each line, for example, is a nice, quick way to get a cell-array that will allow fast analysis of each line.
You have a problem because you're reading it in as a .csv, and you have commas within your data. You can get it in Excel and manipulate the date, possibly extract the unwanted commas with Excel formulas. I work with .csv files for DB imports quite a bit. I imagine matLab has similar rules, which is - no commas in your data.
Can you tell us more about your data? Are there commas throughout, our just one column? Maybe you can read it in as tab delimited?
Are you using a Unix system? The reason I am asking is that you could use a command-line function such as sed and regular expressions to clean those data files before you pass them into Matlab. Here is a link that explains how to do exactly what you are looking for.
Since, as others have observed, your file is CSV with commas inside what you think of as a single field, it's going to be hard to persuade Matlab that that really is only one field. I think your best strategy is going to be to read one line at a time, into a string acting as a buffer, and to translate it, field-by-field, into the variables or other data structures that you want. Since Matlab has in-built regular expression capabilities this shouldn't be too hard.
And, as others have already suggested, posting a sample of your data would help us to help you.
One easy solution is:
data = 'data.csv';
data = dataset('xlsfile',sprintf('%s\%s', path,data));
Of course you could also do the following:
[data,path] = uigetfile('C:\folder1\folder2\*.csv');
data = dataset('xlsfile',sprintf('%s\%s', path,data));
now you will have loaded the data as dataset. An easy way to get a column 1 for example is

In Matlab, how do I create a CSV file from a subset of the lines in a text file?

I need to open a text file and convert it into a CSV file in Matlab. The first 3 lines of the text file are sentences that need to be omitted. The next 28 lines are numbers that need to make up the first column of the CSV, and then the next 28 lines need to make up the second column.
The text file is called datanal.txt and the output file can be named anything. Any help would be appreciated.
Don't have Matlab now to test, but try this. Your input file should be in Matlab's current directory, or put the full path to the file name.
A = csvread('datanal.txt',3,0);
A = reshape(A,28,2);
well you can add #'s in front of the first 3 lines then use load and a reshape. Did you need a fully automated script or is there only one file? If you're familiar with matlab at all there are a bunch of ways to turn that large column vector into a matrix.