Extracting data from complex output text file using perl and placing into new text file - perl

The complete output text file is hundreds of lines long, with relevant nuclear cross sections and a plethora of other data that I do not need for this particular problem. I am trying to extract the columns of data under "BURNUP" and the first "K-INF" from the file I attached. I am trying to extract this data and place it into a separate file. I am a newbie, and have a similar perl script from a professor. I have tried to adapt it to the information I am looking for but the only result I am receiving are the 2 print statements. Any suggestions?


Reading and Writing Data to File

I am a rather new user and I am running a simulation experiment. I would like to learn how to write output data to file. I am considering buying the the Big Book of Simulation Modeling which is based on AnyLogic 6. Are there major differences between AnyLogic 6 and 8 in reading/writing data to file? Unfortunately, they haven't released that chapter for the current version of the book that is online. Are there other resources about writing output data to files? Thanks!
Assuming your question is about writing a csv file and not to excel as per your comments, if you want to make use of the standard AnyLogic objects you can easily follow the instructions from the help here
If you prefer to be in full control of the writing to the CSV file you can also easily use some standard Java functionalities and create a function like this.
The String input can then be any piece of string, with what ever separators you want, comma ,, pipe |, tab "\t" etc, and you simply need to add in line breaks "\n" in your string to write new lines in your output.

Keeping whitespace in csv headers (Matlab)

So I'm reading in a .csv file, and it all works as I want bar one thing. The headers of the data have spaces, which I want later for displaying data to the user. However, these spaces get stripped when the csv file is read in via readtable (as they get used as the variable names). Again, no problem with this per se, but I still need the unmodified strings as well.
Two additional notes:
I'm happy for the strings to be stored separately from the main table if that makes things easier.
The actual .csv file I'm reading in is reasonably large (about 2 million data points) so from a computational cost side of things, the less reading of the file the better
Example read in code:
File = 'example.csv';
Import_Options = detectImportOptions( File, 'NumHeaderLines', 0 );
Data = readtable( File )
Example csv file (example.csv):
"this","is","an","example test"
You can simply read the first line with fgetl, thus grabbing the headers, before reading the entire file with readtable.

matlab lose response when use xlsread reading a large spreadsheet

I am trying to use xlsread functioin to read spreadsheets of 6000x2700 (xlsx file).
I have two questions:
First, when I use something like
Matlab keeps showing 'busy' and lose response (while I can open it in excel within 30 seconds).
Is there any solution If I don't want to loop through ranges of the xlsx file? In other word, can I just dump spreadsheet of this size into matlab using xlsread?
Alternatively, Maybe I can use loops to read these files range by range, but I cannot identify the last column of each of the spreadsheets unless I read the whole file first. Therefore, If I cannot identify the last column, it is hard to make loops and do my interpretation on the file.
So My second questions is: Is there a way to identify the last column of the spreadsheet without reading the whole spreadsheet?
EDIT:However, if I run a similar code which only reads first 400 columns ('A1:RY6596') of the spreadsheet, such problem doesn't happen.
which version of matlab you are using?
matlab has a problem to load bix excell file.
convert the excell in csv and use M = csvread(filename).
You can try to convert .xlsx into .xls also.
You can Try the tool in
File Exchange

Writing to complex PDF's in MATLAB

I'm trying to write a MATLAB function that processes a file and writes a report on that file. The report will contain numbers, strings, tables, and images.
After looking at MATLAB's documentation, I can only find functions that save individual items to a file. For example, print saves a plot, write saves a table, etc. How do I create a single file that contains many of these items (e.g. a PDF with images, tables, and text)?
You can use print with the -append option to write multiple pages to a PostScript file in sequence, and then convert the ps to pdf. Using Matlab's handle graphics system, it is possible (if tedious) to design each print page in detail, arrange elements, etc.
However, if your document is going to be really complex, I think it would be better to generate the pdf in another way. One approach would be to write LaTeX code using lots of fprintfs and compile the file using pdflatex.
Btw., I'm not aware of a Matlab function write that generates a pdf.

Create PDF from CSV on iPhone

An iPhone app which I am creating generates reports from a Core Data database as a CSV file, which can then be emailed so that the user may use that data elsewhere outside of the app. I would also like to offer the ability to generate the same reports as a PDF file (of course, with nicer formatting) allowing the user to immediately print the report rather than having to jump through several hoops as with the CSV file - i.e. open in another application (e.g. Excel, Numbers) then reformat the columns (so they are wide enough for printing), bold the headings, etc.
Essentially, I want to provide the PDF file so that the user is immediately given a nicely formatted report, and they only need to export the CSV file if they wish to do data manipulation and need a format which is editable.
I was thinking that the easiest method would be taking the CSV file and the converting this into a PDF file, which would be the same as the CSV except would incorporate nicer formatting (such as a tabular layout) rather than the simple comma-separated format of the CSV file. I have been unable to find any ready-made classes for this purpose (to avoid reinventing the wheel) and I am unsure how to approach this since I have limited experience with this aspect of the SDK. Any suggestions or pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.
You have two different problems:
Read CSV data into some structure in memory
Turn some structure in memory into a PDF
Aaron Saunders has posted some links for step 2, so here's a link for step 1:
That's a CSV parser I wrote that will turn your CSV file into an NSArray of NSArrays of NSStrings.