How to create a repeat group of fields with Gravity Forms - gravity-forms-plugin

I know gravity forms has list field but it's not like what's on this page How to create something like this? Has a ADD and REMOVE button to add and remove a group of fields?

Not identical but a comparable solution that might be a better fit for this many fields anyways:


Is there a way to translate column names in datagrid filters?

🖖, I have been looking for a way of adding localization to the column field names in filters in Datagrid and I couldn't find the way, can you give me a hand with this, cheers.
Filters modal

Vega add static field to data

I'm aiming to create a data table with specific color for each line in vega.
Actually i manage to do it like that
My problem is : when I click on a rectangle, it change the color of all the rectangle not only the one I clicked on.
I did not found a way to make my signals values dependent on each of my row so i decided to add a data to each row. At first i tried to use an aggregation but none of the aggregation i found allow me to set a static value in a field.
Then i thought a calculate could do it but it results in a Property calculate is not allowed
Right now I'm stuck and I don't know at all how i could do so.
If anyone has an idea on how I could do it, I would really appreciate. Thanks by advance

TYPO3 - store custom content element data in own database table

I want to create custom content elements. I know how this works basically. But I asking myself, if there is a way to store the configuration data of this elements in a decent database table?
I only know the way to extend the tt_content table and store my data there. But with a bigger amount of elements and fields the tt_content would be become bigger and bigger too. I would like to prevent this.
And just before you ask: I don't want to use FluidTYPO3. ;) I just would like to do it with basic TYPO3 functionality.
Don‘t know if there is a nicer way, but maybe you can create your elements with no field definition but with IRRE and min:1 and max:1 - but this is not really a nice way.
The better way is to reuse the fields given in tt_content as often as possible and only add more fields if really needed.
Maybe you should have a look on EXT:mask and EXT:mask_export - those two are very powerful tools to create custom content elements (EXT:mask) and export them as an own extension (EXT:mask_export) so there is no need for these two extensions in production but only in development.
As you create a content element you will always need to use the database table tt_content. Of course it makes sense to use relations to custom records, e.g. if you create elements like tabs, accordions, ...
What you can do is to reuse existing columns as there are - as you said - a lot of those. So reuse fields like header, bodytext, image, ... Take a look at /sysext/frontend/Configuration/TCA/tt_content.php. The benefits are
a bit smaller table which is most of the time not really relevant to performance
well designed fields including a label whith translations into all languages
You can also reuse a field and its configuration and override it with overrideChildTca. See in the docs.
I recommend you to have a look at the typo3 extension mask. You can create custom contents and map existing tt_content fields to your new elements. It makes sense to reuse the header, bodytext, media, image fields because the backend preview will adopt automatically.
I used it recently and it works really nice! Here is some resource to jump in (only german)
If you do not need to have indexes on your new fields it is not a big problem to blow up tt_content with new fields. It does not impact the performance so much.
If you need to have new 1:N relations from your content to some child-record (accordion, team-listing, etc), simply add them as inline elements (IRRE) and add the field to your types-string.
If you need to have a new kind of data, that should be filterable, sortable and so on, you should create a new type of record with its own table structure and use extbase plugins to display that data.
As long as you simply need custom contents, you are fine with extending/remapping tt_content.
You can use hooks for this.
In your ext_localconf.php:
$GLOBALS ['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tcemain.php']['processDatamapClass'][] = \Namespace\Hooks\Classname::class;
And in Classes/Hooks/Classname:
namespace Namespace\Hooks;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\SingletonInterface;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\DataHandler;
class Classname implements SingletonInterface {
public function processDatamap_beforeStart(&$dataHandler) {
$datamap = &$dataHandler->datamap;
Here you have to modify the $datamap to your needs.
Documentation is here:
Kind regards
It is explained here, however I prefer extending and reusing tt_content fields.

Chained combos in register form Joomla 2.5

Good morning.
I'm using joomla 2.5, I need add extra fields to my user form registration, I use user-profile plugin and I add 2 extra fields SQL type, at this point all is ok, but I need, that this fields work like chained combo i.e: when I select a Departamento (Department) I need the field Municipio (Municipalitie) just display the Municipalities that belonging to that department.
Since you didn't specify in which language you wanted this done in. There's a jquery plugin you could use by Mike Tuupola which does just this. You might want to check it out.

Multiple values for one field

In GXT I want to create a form where a single field can have multiple values. so once one value is provided user should have option enter another value for the same field, similar to how we attach files in an e-mail.. what is the best way to do this?
One way to provide a button with plus symbol in the form. Clicking that button should add a field to the form dynamically. User can use that field to provide another value.
If you are talking about a single control, which can capture multiple values, can you try Multi-Select field like the one explained in this thread?