Use the number in one cell to define another cell - numbers

I have a cell whose entry is a variable integer.
I'd like to use this number to define another cell.
For example, if the number is 5, then I want Excel to automatically return the whatever's in cell E5; similarly, if the number is 100, I want Excel to return whatever's in cell E100.
How do I do this?

C2 = 5
INDIRECT returns a value from a cell that is referenced using a string i.e.
"E2", "A1", etc.
The and sign("&") concatenates two strings together.

Assume you have variable number in cell "F3" and values in column "E"..
Write formula like - =INDIRECT("E"&F3)


How to insert a structure within a structure

I have a 1x1 structure called imu_data.txyzrxyz1. It has one field called txyzrxyz1 and the value is 4877x7 double. I just want to "copy and paste" row 62 into row 63 (double up that row) so that the structure now becomes a 4878x7 structure. I've tried the following, with other versions without success:
extra_63 = imu_data.txyzrxyz1(63,:);
imu_data2.txyzrxyz1 = [{imu_data.txyzrxyz1(1:62,:) extra_63 imu_data.txyzrxyz1(63:end,:)}]
You can index the row to duplicate twice while matrix indexing:
row_to_duplicate = 63;
yourdata = rand(100,10); = yourdata; =[1:row_to_duplicate, row_to_duplicate:end],:)
So in case of 63, 1:row_to_duplicate will create a column vector from 1:63, and row_to_duplicate:end will create a column vector from 63:100 in this example. When combining these, 63 will occur twice, hence that row is duplicated.
You were almost there, you only had to get rid of the {}'s and put the data in the right orientation by using ; instead of a space between matrix entries to vertically concatenate instead of horizontally:
extra_63 = imu_data.txyzrxyz1(63,:);
imu_data2.txyzrxyz1 = [imu_data.txyzrxyz1(1:62,:); extra_63; imu_data.txyzrxyz1(63:end,:)]

find value in a string of cell considering some margin

Suppose that I have a string of values corresponding to the height of a group of people
height_str ={'1.76000000000000';
and a single height value.
height_val = 177;
I would like to find the indices of the people that are in the range height_val +- 3cm.
To find the exact match I would do like this
How can I include the matches in the previous range (174-180)?
idx_height should be = [1 5 6 7]
You can convert you strings into an numeric array (as #Divakar mentioned) by
height = str2num(char(height_str))*100; % in cm
Then just
idx_height = find(height>=height_val-3 & height<=height_val+3);
Assuming that the precision of heights stays at 0.01cm, you can use a combination of str2double and ismember for a one-liner -
idx_height = find(ismember(str2double(height_str)*100,[height_val-3:height_val+3]))
The magic with str2double is that it works directly with cell arrays to get us a numeric array without resorting to a combined effort of converting that cell array to a char array and then to a numeric array.
After the use of str2double, we can use ismember as you tried in your problem to get us the matches as a logical array, whose indices are picked up with find. That's the whole story really.
Late addition, but for binning my first choice would be to go with bsxfun and logical operations:
idx_height = find(bsxfun(#le,str2double(height_str)*100,height_val+3) & ...

MatLab: Find numeric values in cell array

In my cell array test = cell(1,2,20,14); I want to find numeric values in the subset test(:,1,1,1).
For example test(:,:,1,1) looks like this:
>> test(:,:,1,1)
ans =
[ 0] [0.1000] [57]
[0.9000] [0.9500] [73]
I want to find the index of the cell containing 0.9 in the first column, so I can access the third column (in this case value 73). I tried:
find(test{:,:,1,1} == 0.9) which gives:
Error using == Too many input arguments..
How can I find the respective index?
Try this to access that third column value directly -
Edit 1: If you would like to test out for match w.r.t. the first two columns of test's subset, use this -
v1 = reshape(vertcat(test{:,[1 2],1,1}),[],2)
cell2mat(test(ismember(v1,[0.9 0.95],'rows'),3,1,1))
Just add brackets [] around test{:,:,1,1}. This wraps the different cell values together to one vector/matrix.
Like this:
[index1, index2] = find([test{:,:,1,1}] == 0.9)

Extract every fifth value from matrix

So I have 2d matrix and I want to extract every fifth value from the second column.
I know how to get all the values from the second column -
var = myMatrix(:,2);
But how can I only select every fifth value instead of all the values
Depending on exactly what "every fifth value" means, I think that what you want is:
var = myMatrix(5:5:end, 2);
which returns
var = [myMatrix(5,2); myMatrix(10,2); ...]
Leaving aside the mistake that sans481 has already pointed out to you, you would use array subscript triples. For example, if your array A was 8x8 then
would pick out row 2, columns 2,3,8, only.

How to load a specially formatted data file into matlab?

I need to load a data file, test.dat, into Matlab. The contents of data file are like
*a682 1233~0.2
*a2345 233~0.8 345~0.2 4567~0.3
*a3457 345~0.9 34557~1.2 34578~0.2 9809~0.1 2345~2.9 23452~0.9 334557~1.2 234578~0.2 19809~0.1 23452~2.9 3452~0.9 4557~1.2 3578~0.2 92809~0.1 12345~2.9 232452~0.9 33557~1.6 23478~0.6 198099~2.1 234532~2.9 …
How to read this type of file into matlab, and use the terms, such as *2345 to identify a row, which links to corresponding terms, including 233~0.8 345~0.2 4567~0.3
Because each of the rows is a different size, you either have to make a cell array, a structure, or deal with adding NaN or zero to a matrix. I chose to use a cell array, hope it is ok! If someone is better with regexp than me please comment, the output cells are now not perfect (i.e. show 345~ instead of 345~0.9) but I am sure it is a minor fix. Here is the code:
datfile = 'test.dat';
text = fileread(datfile);
row1 = regexp(text,'*[a-z]?\d+','match');
data(:,1) = row1';
row2 = regexp(text,'*[a-z]?\d+','split');
row2 = [row2(:,2:end)'];
for i = 1:size(row2,1)
data{i,2} = regexp(row2{i},'\d+\S\d+\s','split');
What this creates is a cell array called data where the first column of every row is your *a682 id and the second column of each row is a cell with your data values. To get them you could use:
to show the id
to show the cell contents
to show the specific data point
This should work and is relatively simple!