Can docpad-plugin-ghpages be hosted on GitHub Pages? - plugins

I am Thinking of moving my Jekyll site to Docpad and was reading through documentation but was unclear on whether I could use docpad-plugin-ghpages with project pages for organistions where GitHub pages hosts at
For example my current website (on GitHub at is hosted at (then CNAMEd to my domain)
Any help would be appreciated thanks

Yes! You can use docpad-plugin-ghpages to generate a site for GitHub Organization pages as well. There is nothing specific to personal pages, just substitute for


Problems publishing a website in GitHub. GitHub Pages is different on my end. Can't follow along tutorials

I have a problem with publishing a website via GitHub. When I try to follow along a website like this:, in the step 5 (Publishing your webpage), I don't manage to see what the author of the tutorial sees in GitHub Pages (this: GitHub Pages) but rather i see this: Pages in my end (and when clicking on "add a domain" I see this pages/add a verified domain). What should I do after uploading my repository in GitHub, to publish a website via GitHub if I see what I see instead of what the tutorial says I should see (when going to Pages in GitHub)?
Could you please help me with this? Thanks.
From what I understand, you are going to the wrong place. It looks like you are going to the "Pages" tab of your profile, not your repository. Make sure you go to your repository first, then go to "Settings", then you will find the "Pages" tab on the right, like this:

Github Pages not showing up
I'm following Github's tutorial to host a Github Page. I creating the repo and set the Github Page to track my main branch and published the Page.
Github says my site should be published at but the site doesn't load. As a side note: Why would Github choose that weird domain name(test-blog-on-qa)?
I've chosen a theme(Jekyll), pushed an empty commit to rebuild but nothing works. This should be very simple so I'm confused as to what could be wrong?
You are using the Github Custom Domain for your site
Have a look at:
That's why is used as the domain name automatically.

Getting "Page not found" error in publishing website via Github

I am relatively a new user of R and it is my first post in StackOverflow, so please excuse me if I do not give the relevant information about my question :) My problem is basically about getting a "Page not found" error while publishing a website via Github. For the last couple of days, by using blogdown, I want to publish a personal website. I installed blogdown in my local R environment, designed a website, and then pushed the documents to the GitHub repository. In the GitHub settings section, it is written that my website is published, however when I try to enter the relevant website, I have always got the same problem - "page not found". I actually do not know the problem but you can find my repository in GitHub at The website address that I am trying to publish is Every kind of help is really appreciated. Thank you in beforehand.
You should separate the source repo from the website repo. Please see the blogdown book page at for more info. In short, the repo should only contain the generated website, i.e., it should only contain files that currently live in the public/ directory. Currently, your repo contains both the source (root directory) and the generated website (the public/ directory).
I think you are making repository inside your username only.
I would recommend building organization with xyz and make a repository with name
Add an index.html inside this repository.
Then it will be good to publish as you wanted.
RARE: 'Sometimes it takes 2-5 minutes to publish.'

Custom domain for GitHub repo page

I have set up custom domain for my repo project page on DOMAIN.COM. But how can set it as DOMAIN.COM/REPO instead?
According to the help page, this should be the default.
Here's the response from Github. I don't think this is well-documented on the help page (or I missed it).
To do that, your DOMAIN.COM should be set in your primary repo, i.e. the one name This would be our main repo. Any other repo in our profile for which we've setup GitHub Pages, would start serving at DOMAIN.COM/repoName
You can read more here: []
A discussion from Stackoverflow about this: [Can I create more than one repository for github pages?

There isn't a GitHub Pages site here

I tried to setup two repository github pages. Just wondering why one works and the other doesn't.
Works -
Doesn't Work -
Second question is, is it possible for my to deploy my html with Javascript in GitHub pages or is it GitHub pages is only deploy html page?
Both links work now. GitHub Pages might take a moment to deploy your most recent changes.
You can host any static content, including client-side JavaScript (GitHub Pages will not run any code for you on its back end).